

Days passed, ever since I became a true Doctus est, it was my duty to help a lot of people. Sometime, I really wanted to be free. I was sick of Animayeah, I worked there. Well, not exactly working, I was still a trainee. My head hurted because the smell of the medicines attacked my nose all the time. I asked myself so many times, did I really belong here? Because, I didn't love this at all. The thought about running away always went through my mind. But, I chose to stay.

I decided to wander around somewhere before I came home. When I arrived, I saw my parents were sitting on the couch in front of the television. They turned their head on me as soon as I went in.
"Where have you been, Irene?" my father asked.
"I– umm..." I scratched my nape. I couldn't find any reason. "I apologize." 
"Apologize accepted. Now, clean yourself and take a rest, dear." He said.
I nodded and made steps upstairs to my room. After I cleaned up myself, I jumped on the bed. But, I couldn't sleep yet. I was wide-awake. How many timed did I had think about this? Many times. I enjoyed helping people, but, that was not what I wanted. I wanted to be something else, to be free. But, I wasn't and Eleftherian. I couldn't be like them. So once again, I threw those thoughts away and decided to go downstairs to grab some snacks.
I tip-toed my steps, worried that I would wake my parents up. Well, I was wrong anyway. They were not sleeping, yet. I sat on the stair. They seemed like in a deep conversation.
"Why didn't you tell me at the first place?" 
I heard my mother's voice, followed by my father's groan.
"I had to. I couldn't let our one and only daughter be a part of those trashes!"
I gasped. What was that? No, it couldn't be. I couldn't be...
"The original result of her test is Eleftheria, my dear," father said. I could see him holding my mother's shoulder. "We couldn't let it happen."
I slowly backed off to my room. My brain refused to work normally. It froze. I couldn't belive this. I was not a Doctus est? I was an Eleftherian. Why did they fake my result? Why?
I wiped the tears on my cheeks. Why was I crying anyway? 
Was that because I found the truth that I should had left my parents, or...Was that because I felt they betrayed me? By lying?
The feeling was getting stronger, the feeling when I felt that this was not my home. It was not
I packed a few important things to my bag, should I left a letter?
I wouldn't do that.
I opened the window and jumped. I ran without looking back to that house. How could they do that? They were lying to me. They didn't let me to be myself, and I hated it. I kept walking until I reached the town. It was bright, so many huge buildings. It was pretty. This was the first time I went to the town at night—because Eleftherian owned the night, so people said it was dangerous. But, hey, this wasn't bad at all. It was quite, I only saw a few adults. I didn't get any sign of the Eleftherian's present.
I decided to rest in front of a cake shop. I looked inside then sighed. Great. I was hungry and I got no money with me. 
"The wolves are coming!" a man yelled as he ran in panic. The people started to panic just like that man, I turned my head when I heard a very loud sound
Black jeeps were caught on my sight. I could see some convertible car and a few people stood up while yelling. No. That wasn't yelling. They were...howling. Just like wolves.
I didn't know what was wrong with me, but my legs moved itselves. I ran, following their car. I ran as fast as I could. I didn't care that I would look like a crap after this because of sweat. I kept running; running until finally they stopped the car. A guy jumped from the car and walked to my direction.
Uh oh...
I took a few steps back, ready to make another step to escape. But, that guy was so fast. He held my wrist before I could escape.
I wanted to scream, but, I was too scared. I glanced at him– them, their eyes were so sharp. They looked at me like I was their meal. Wait...was I?
He pulled me to the cars.
"Come." he said in a low tone. 
This voice, I heard that once before. But, I forgot. Where was it? Sounded so...familiar.
Inside the car, I sat beside him. With all my courage, I asked him. "W-Where are we going?"
I stuttered. I shouldn't ask. I should not ask that question. What if they were going to kill me because I followed them? What if-
"You will find out soon."
I glanced at him. He was still looking at the sight fron the window, before he turned his head to me. And...smilling
"I'm Kai, by the way."
He took out his hand and offered a handshake. I just stared at his hand before I replied, "I..." I breathed, I couldn't keep stuttering. 
"I'm Irene."
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norevS #1
Chapter 5: Im still waiting for you to update this story author-nim. I really like it.
baejoohyunswife #2
Chapter 5: Is this the end ?
Chapter 5: I would like to be shot with Wendy please ahahahahaha
CANCERminator #4
Chapter 5: I CANNOT imagine Yeri to be a badass with her toothy smile
Chapter 3: What is Kai doing here senpai explain yourself
Chapter 2: This story is interesting. Continues to
update, please.
CutieCupcakeJeti #7
Chapter 2: Ohhhhh. This is interesting. Keep it upppppp!
Chillbear #8
Yay! Another badass seulrene fanfic!