Chapter 23

But I Want To Be More Than Friends!
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"Wait, I have something to confess too," I blurted out.

Kyungsoo stopped dead in his words. I took a deep breath. It was now or never. I had owed this to him since forever and no confession he would say could be more important than this.

"You're going to hate me after this, Soo, but I have to tell you this. I'm actually the paper's Aunt Agony."

I didn't realize I had broke out into sobs, but my entire body was shaking. It had taken that much out of me to finally admit the truth.

He stared at me, completely stunned. "You...?"

"That's my only role in the school paper, Soo, that's why I meet up with Suho every week to discuss over it.... But I had to keep it a secret from everyone." I shook my head despondently. "But now I found it way too hard, especially since you're my best friend. I can't lie to you anymore lest you still have a ridiculous crush on an imaginary person who's just plain old me when there's amazing girls out there who like you like Wendy-"

"So you know then." Kyungsoo sharply inhaled.

"Know what?" I burbled.

"That I took vocal lessons for the past few months and I keep my singing a secret?" Kyungsoo snapped at me agonizingly. "I can't believe you, Rae."

I goggled back at him, my poor mind trying to comprehend the events that were unfolding. "Wait, Soo... That was you?!"

Kyungsoo threw his hands up in the air. "Nobody was supposed to know!"

"Why did you keep that a secret from me?" I snapped back. "I thought we were best friends!" Once I said that out loud, I realized how hypocritical I sounded.

And from the way Kyungsoo was staring back at me... He probably felt the same way too.

"My mind is completely messed up by you, Shim Raerin." He shook his head repeatedly. "So you're the one." Kyungsoo said quietly. "The only girl in the entire school who has that sense and mettle to be capable of making a gossip paper into food for thought. The girl who has always been telling me to chase my dreams when I was sure to give up.

"Isn't it ironic? That I didn't tell you, but you still managed to find a way to get to me in the very end."

I inhaled sharply. "And all this while I thought we were drifting apart, because you got so busy on weekends and you didn't have as much time for me as you did before...."

"It was sort of my release." Kyungsoo smiled sadly. "After what happened with you and Kai. It affected me as much as it did to you. And somehow I decided to keep it my dirty little secret. And you know, what with our school's silly prejudice against the arts... It all changed now after yesterday though, didn't it?"

I suddenly thought of Chanyeol in his dashing leather jacket and straight gelled hair. "I'm sure you sing really well, Soo. I'd love to hear you sing." I said glumly. 

"Yah, don't change the subject, now you owe me an explanation as to why you kept the whole Aunt Agony thing from me!" Kyungsoo scowled, his face turning pink. He was clearly still very protective about his singing.

Why did I keep it from him?

To be honest, it was something that could only be answered from the bottom of my heart.

But it is something I do owe to Kyungsoo.

"Kyungsoo, you know how in school I'm always known for being someone who's super average? The girl that's everyone's friend but no one ever admires or is special in any way?"

"What! That's not true!" Kyungsoo argued, but I wave him off.

"It's true. You're really smart and everyone knows you cook and bake super well. Sehun's like the school's heartthrob and he's cool at whatever he does. Baekhyun is a ladies' man and now everyone knows he has a sick voice. Luhan's our basketball captain. Come on, even Wendy and Irene can sing and they get invited for all the parties! Compared to everyone else, I'm nothing. I have no special talent whatsoever. There's nothing special about me. Oh, now I'm known as Kai's ex or D.O's best friend." I snorted at the last part, but I realized my tears were coming hard and fast. From those little drops of tears, it expanded to become a whirlpool of angry hot lacrimal fluid flushing down my cheeks and eventually I found myself bawling out unceremoniously.

I found firm, warm arms encircle me and even though Kyungsoo wasn't much taller than me, at that moment, he was a pillar of strength.

"Don't cry, please, that's my only weakness." He mumbled into my hair.

My tears still kept coming. "I'm not done yet. See, being Aunt Agony made me feel special when I was just a nobody. And because nobody knew, I could be bold and brave about it."

"You're not a nobody." Kyungsoo's angry growl stilled me. "Stop, before I get angry with you."

I stopped, but my chest was still rising rapidly with the silent sobs. Nobody stands in the way of Kyungsoo's wrath.

"You're the most special one out there, Rae, ever since I met you. And that's why no one can put a label to you. That doesn't make you ordinary, it makes you special. You always surprise me. Just when I think I've known it all about humans, you prove me wrong."

"That's because I..."- I hic

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Song running through Kyungsoo's mind: What If


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Justinediamonds #1
Chapter 39: Ahhhhhh I’m rooting for Kyungsoo!!!
We're alive... and waiting.
sheilla_2410 #3
Tho im a patient reader....
I just cant with this story
I neeeeeeddd to knooooowww T.T
Have you forgotten this story authornim?._.
Chapter 27: So far i really liked it!! Looking forward to this story!! :)
Exoweareone129 #5
Chapter 37: did you die again -.- hehe just kidding, but srsly where are you lol
Chapter 37: OMGOMG THIS IS GREAT. MY PREDICTION SAYS THEY'RE GONNA BE IN A BAND TOGETHER! Jk I just like plot twists- I like whatcha doing~ Just update soon! Ty
Boring_Aegyo #7
Chapter 37: This update thoOOOOO what's gonna happen
Chapter 37: I want Raerin with Kyungsoooo but Chanyeol ㅠㅠ how to do with him ...
Chapter 37: YA GURL YOU'RE BACK IN THIS GAME AND I'M *SCREAMS* there's so many misunderstandings going on like ralene BRUH help them out! Anyways, looks like we'll know what Kyungsoo will be in the future sequel *cough cough* FIGHTING! *heart eyes*
Bard17 #10