Chapter 4


A/N: I'm so so sorry for the late update! Life is difficult and I . Thank you to everyone who has waited patiently for me to finish this story. This is my first attempt at a chaptered fic and I hope that it's been alright. Any constructive criticism and comments are welcome!! 


Hongbin demanded that everyone get out of the car once he pulled up to the house. Jess lingered for half a second longer to look at the house where she was to die. The cheerful, delicate color mocked her fear and she wondered what other horrors such a house might be masking. Hakyeon had mentioned that the Dazamphine demons lived in packs, one could only make an assumption as to how many humans had spent their last hours looking at this same house. 

The sounds of Huuk helping a stumbling Elly out of the car snapped Jess out of her internal monologue. She stepped down onto the paved driveway and crossed her arms; partially to protect her uncovered arms from the chill that permeated the air,but also to give herself some semblance of comfort. Elly was tucked against Hyuk’s side, his arm pulling her in to shield against the cold. Jess stared at Elly’s shivering visage until she met Hyuk’s eyes. He kept his face carefully blank as she mentally appealed to his better nature. She could see his features beginning to soften. 

Hyuk quickly looked away as Hongbin took a step towards them. With his eyes on Jess, Hongbin directed Hyuk, “Get rid of the girl.”

“What are you planni-”

Hongbin’s eyes flashed as her cut Hyuk off, voice dangerously low, “I will handle this one. Go and get rid of the girl.”

Hyuk’s mouth opened and closed mutely, at a loss. He glanced over at Jess one last time, slightly concerned, before guiding Elly up the stairs and into the house.

Without looking at her, Hongbin made his way to the side of the house; slipping into the shadows of a shrouded pathway. Something about the way he was carrying himself urged Jess to follow. She didn’t have much control of anything anymore and the thought of bearing witness to Elly’s last hours made her feel sick to the core.

Jess could see Hongbin’s back, broad and strong, walking with a purpose yards ahead of her. Low hanging branches from the surrounding vegetation clawed at her clothes and exposed skin. Through the haze of her mind she could hardly discern the bites against her flesh from the panic bubbling up . None of the physical pain could overshadow her impending doom and she was so caught up in her mind that she almost ran into Hongbin who had stopped before her.

They were standing in a small clearing, essentially the house’s backyard, and Jess could not help but think it ironic how calm the area seemed. Hongbin looked down at her, jaw clenched and eyes like a storm rolling in. “You have got to be the most insufferable human being that I have ever had the misfortune to meet. You just can’t quit while you’re ahead can you? You have no notion of self preservation at all. You could have saved yourself a lot of problems by just minding your own business. Not only did you interfere, but you instigated. I do not appreciate being consistently mocked and belittled.” His voice had started of dangerously low and had crescendoed until his rant crashed over her like a wave.

His words echoed in her mind over and over again. “Self preservation” Jess started trembling whether from the cold, her anger, or anticipation she  couldn't be sure. She took a step closer to him, looking up into his clouded eyes with her jaw set. Her mind was resolved, but her body betrayed her by reacting to the danger of the situation. Still trembling, she clenched her fists in an effort to gain some control. “Self preservation? Self. Preservation.” She let out a bitter laugh. “You’re mocking me. As if my self preservation is all that matters. Could you live with yourself if Hyuk died on your watch? Could you just force yourself to stand by and watch him lured away from you, knowing full well that he will never see the light of day again?” 

The words slipped out of furiously, tangling together like a heap of poisonous snakes. “Maybe you could. You feel no remorse with your simple, hideous existence. Killing humans for sport, as if our lives aren’t short enough. Don’t you dare talk down to me about self preservation and respect. You have not earned my respect. You have no idea what it’s like waking up every day and living cautiously, wearily because any day could be your last. You have not had to live your life in fear of creatures much stronger than you who hunt you, not out of necessity, but because they simply feel like it. I would never be able to forgive myself if I left someone that I love in the hands of a selfish, unlawful beast; such as yourself.”

Her chest was heaving with anger as Hongbin stared at her, mouth slightly agape. Jess glared up at him and watched as his eyes regarded her curiously, “I-”. He cleared his throat, “I’ve never thought of it that way.”

She blinked at him, unwavering; waiting for him to continue. 

“What you said about human life...I never thought of it that way. I’ve always lived as I was taught to live, I never once questioned the hunt...or my actions.” He ripped his eyes away from her gaze and focused on a point just beyond her shoulder, “You may have a point. I could never leave one of my pack in danger. They are more important to me than family. More important than myself. I supposed I…” Hongbin’s voice trailed off and Jess searched his face, noticing a blush creeping up his neck. Hongbin takes a quick breath and huffs out, “It was hypocritical of me.”

Jess slowly raises an eyebrow in surprise. Instead of lashing out at her, Hongbin had practically apologized. She had expected to be tortured for speaking her mind, not holding a discussion about ethics. Hongbin cleared his throat again awkwardly, “We should uh..we should check on your friend.” 

Cold gripped her heart and she couldn’t believe that she had been so caught up in the situation that she forgot about Elly. Elly, who was constantly in motion, becoming still for the last time. Elly, whose eyes always danced with mischief, slowly losing the light in them. Elly potentially taking her last breaths. 

Panic struck. Jess quickly followed after Hongbin and into the house. He had already begun mounting the stairs when she finally stepped inside, snapped out of her thoughts. She hurried after him, taking the steps two at a time. He approached the end of the hallway, the bright lights contrasting with the dark fear that clouded her mind. Hongbin turned the knob to the last door on his left and Jess flew by him as he began to step inside. 

The room was awash with a warm light, a small lamp sat glowing on a bedside table. Blood thrumming in her ears along with her heart beat, a hand flew to Jess’ chest as she took in the sight infront of her.

Hyuk’s eyes met hers, startled, before darting over to Hongbin who stood in the doorway. He was sitting up in bed with Elly curled up against his side, her head in his lap. His hand stilled where it had previously been her hair, gently running over curls as she slept soundly. “I- I was just-” He fumbled over his words, cutting himself off in the process. He swallowed the nervous lump in his throat before continuing, “I couldn’t do it…”

Jess felt a small smile growing on her face; maybe demons weren’t so bad after all.


A/N: There will be a one chapter epilogue to follow this at some point ^^ Hopefully within the month~ Thank you for reading! 



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I've FINALLY finished, in the upcoming weeks I'll be editing


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starzie #1
Chapter 4: So, wher is the epilogue?
Chapter 4: And the redemption of HyukBin in is done. Nice work. <3
Theora #3
Chapter 3: 0____0

Lee Hongbin, you stop being a douchebag THIS INSTANT. (Good shot from Elly on the overcompensation comment, though.)
Chapter 2: Oh . It's about to go down. This was so good!
UHM. What is this masterpiece I just read? I cannot believe you. This was amazing. And it's fantasy/supernatural. MY FAVE. I was so caught off guard omg. I did not expect this LIKE AT ALL. I can't wait to see what happens next! A+ writing skills too :P