Chapter 3

Jess followed Hongbin as he made his way to the parking garage down the street. Her right hand clenched into a fist as she felt the palm of his hand on the small of her back, guiding and possessive. She set her jaw and snarled, "Hands off." He smiled back smugly and made his touch firmer, "You're mine, remember?"
The words settled over her like a sheet of ice, even though her core was white hot and livid. She couldn't stand Hongbin. If she could ever find a way to get them out of this mess she vowed right then and there that she would also find a way to eradicate him. 
Thinking of the predicament she was in Jess looked over her shoulder to make sure that Elly was still okay. It would be ironic to have essentially sold her sold to the devil, only to have Elly die en route to whatever hovel they were being taken to. Luckily she was still there, clinging onto Hyuk's arm. His body was turned in towards her and he was bending closer so that she could speak into his ear. Even with heels he was still half a foot taller than her at least.
Th sight of Elly talking set her mind into motion. Was it possible for the glamoured to still maintain coherent thought? It dawned on her that she really had no clue how glamour even worked. Jess had been so busy avoiding the supernatural her whole life that she hadn't bothered learning more about it it. All knowledge that would probably have proved useful in the current situation. 
The truck they approached was jet black, but that did nothing to aid with blending in to common society. The vehicle was huge and sleek, the insignia in the front grill evoked some distant memory of an overly expensive, top-of-the-line range. She watched Hyuk help Elly into the backseat as Hongbin walked to the driver's side without giving her a second glance. She scoffed and opened the door herself, hoisting herself onto the step and into the seat. 
If the way that Hongbin revved the engine was any indication, there was some real power behind that mammoth vehicle and he planned on putting it to use. Jess crossed her arms and leaned back into the plush leather seat, "You must have a death wish." He raised an eyebrow coyly, "Says the girl who is willingly following demons who plan on killing her." 
She rolled her eyes, totally nonplussed, "It's a shame that your is so small you feel the need to over compensate with every action you make."
Hongbin's gaze hardened into a glare as Hyuk attempted to cover up a chuckle. His snorting failed to disguise Elly's peals of laughter. 
Stepping on the gas to peel out of the parking lot Hongbin called out to the backseat, "Shut her up, Hyuk."
Jess spun in her seat to glare at Hyuk, "Don't you dare touch her."
Hongbin narrowed his eyes as Hyuk froze, "You make as well start on her, I want to dispose of this one as soon as possible. Her mere existence is a major thorn in my side." 
Hyuk looked back and forth between them without making a move.
Jess rolled her eyes, "If you're so sick of me already then why not let us go?"
He scoffed in reply, "You're honestly clueless. I knew that you were stupid when you offered up your life, but surely even you are not this stupid."
Jess could tell that he was trying his best to get under her skin and it was working, "If I'm that much of an idiot then you'd better break it down into simpler terms, Einstein."
Hongbin's knuckles on the steering wheel were turning white as the truck pushed 80mph, "It's personal now. Your friend is more than sport, she's payback for your insolent behavior. That smart mouth of yours is going to cost both of your lives." 
The deathly calm and poised way that he delivered the spiel was chilling. Dread began to set in as her bravado started to dissipate. They were damned no matter what she did. Looking into the rear view mirror she locked eyes with Elly who's head was resting on Hyuk's chest. Elly smiled softy at Jess, completely unaware of how dismal their situation looked. 
The truck began to slow down as Hongbin left the main road and began to navigate a number of back roads. They had already been driving for around half an hour and after getting lost in her thoughts a number of times Jess has no idea where they were. Elly was too busy murmuring into Hyuk's ear to take movie of their surroundings, looking out of the window Jess noticed that they were hedging along an expanse of dense woods.
Hongbin pulled into a driveway that was almost completely hidden from the street by bushes. A large three story house looked over them, it's cheery cornflower collet a direct contrast to Jess' rapidly sinking mood. The car came to an abrupt halt. "Alright", Hongbin dictated, "Everybody out!"
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I've FINALLY finished, in the upcoming weeks I'll be editing


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starzie #1
Chapter 4: So, wher is the epilogue?
Chapter 4: And the redemption of HyukBin in is done. Nice work. <3
Theora #3
Chapter 3: 0____0

Lee Hongbin, you stop being a douchebag THIS INSTANT. (Good shot from Elly on the overcompensation comment, though.)
Chapter 2: Oh . It's about to go down. This was so good!
UHM. What is this masterpiece I just read? I cannot believe you. This was amazing. And it's fantasy/supernatural. MY FAVE. I was so caught off guard omg. I did not expect this LIKE AT ALL. I can't wait to see what happens next! A+ writing skills too :P