
Typical Day
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Warning: This was all basically written really quick cause I was itching to write something fluffy & everyone X Taehyung. So, in order to show my true self, I have not reread or correct any grammatical errors, so there might be a bunch. Maybe even confusing sentences cause it was all free thought.



Taehyung woke up to a dim-lightened room.


This was weird because he was usually around the last to wake up, so the room would already have the blinds opened and the heat he feels on his side would be gone.


He felt Hoseok tighten his arm on his chest. His sunshine-like hyung, without a word, tucked his head in Taehyung’s neck, a leg across his own. The younger was use to this on occasion. Taehyung being too lazy to go to his top bunk above Jimin’s, it’s very usual for the vocalist to find someone with a bottom bed to sleep with. Hoseok, Jungkook, and Jimin were the regular preys. Though he’d never go near Namjoon’s bed for he would cling with a vice-like grip and snore in your ear until you hear a slight buzzing sound in the morning.


Taehyung vaguely remembered what happened yesterday. It was an uneventful day of practice, lunch, practice, dinner, practice, and sleep. So after his shower, Taehyung lounged on the cool ground of the living room until Hoseok came and brought him to their shared room with all the members. Said something about getting a cold and they couldn’t afford sick days.


And that’s how Taehyung woke up. To the extra body warmth from his hyung that made a small sweat breaks out on his forehead. Why was it so hot right now? Usually since Hoseok’s bunk was farthest from the window, the sunlight can’t reach over.


The answer surprised him more than it amused him. He had only felt Hoseok for the time being, but he had no idea another person was under the covers, cocooned between his legs, arms wrapped around his waist like a koala. Raising up the blanket, Taehyung saw a mop of black hair settled on his stomach.


Hoseok seemed to have noticed the other presence because the rapper was in the way of throwing a leg over Taehyung’s waist, so he ended up kneeing the person underneath the covers.


There was a grunt before they looked up in the second youngest eyes.


“Mornin’ Jungkook.” The maknae said nothing and proceeded to nuzzle his puffy face into Taehyung’s stomach, which he now noticed was bare since his shirt was raised for some unknown reason. Finding the action ticklish, Taehyung tried to flip over and away, but Jungkook and Hoseok’s arms tightened.


“Don’t move.” Came Hoseok’s groggy reply that seemed unclear and mumbled.


Too freaking bad, Taehyung thought. He had to pee and it didn’t help that things were pressing too hard into his bladder. In addition to the heat he might fall under.


“Hyung–I have to pee.” He stressed. All Hoseok did was try again to secure his leg around the younger, but Jungkook was in the way again.


“Seriously, who is under there?”


Taehyung felt rather than hear Jungkook’s reply, sending shivers up and down his spine. With a last resort, Taehyung tried again to get out, but ended up yelping because the maknae pinched his sides kind of hard.


“Ow! Jungkook! I swear if you don’t let me go, I’ll pee on both of you.”


It took several minutes of pleading and a little bribing, but overall, the two eased their grip and the vocalist sped from the room as fast as he could. If anyone thought he was going back in there, they were crazy.


After relieving himself with a sigh, Taehyung walked as quickly as he could past the bedroom door towards the kitchen where Namjoon and Jin were preparing something.


“Good morning hyungs.” He said as he walked in and took a seat on top of the counter. Jin had Namjoon sitting on the floor stirring a disgusting looking brown concoction.


“Hey, Taehyung-ah.” The cooking duo chorused.


It was nice in here, away from all the excessive warmth and crushing of limbs. Taehyung also wondered when Jungkook got into Hoseok’s bed. They fell asleep around midnight and Jungkook had already been in his bed asleep before Hoseok took him in the room.


“Tae-ah, can you go wake up the others?” The eldest asked. The boy really wanted to say no. To tell his eldest hyung what went on this morning, how he was held captive. But since Jin always cooked, he felt obliged to do this small task.


Cautiously, he went toward the bedroom, hoping that the maknae and his hyung fell asleep again. But upon entering, Jungkook was gone and Hoseok was standing by his bed stretching his tired muscles.


When the rapper saw him, his smile turned wide. “Ah, TaeTae. Took you awhile to use the restroom.”


Nodding him off, the second youngest walked quickly to the bunk bed by the window. Yoongi was still asleep, laptop lying next to him. Below on the middle bunk was Jimin, half and looking like a total baby while sleeping.


Feeling mischievous, Taehyung climbed into Yoongi’s bed, making sure

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Neno99 #1
Ah vimin so cute my babys
Chapter 1: Ahwwww so cute!!! Omg i want V-hope *v* but 95line so CUTE~ what to do >v< Love this cute story though~ thank you for writing it ;D
blackcatty #3
Chapter 1: Aww man this's hella cute nd beautiful
You should write more :)