First Meeting

If Only, If Only

What actualy happen

  As Dara is trying to exit the club, Min, who had just gotten herself another drink that she did not need, left the bar and was swaying/stumbling through the dance floor. At one point she tried to do a y move but the only thing she acomplished was to bump into Dara. Dara, already feeling dizzy, did not see Min coming at her at of nowhere, stumble. She would have been able to recover but, because the floor was wet, she slip and ended hitting her forhead with the bar's counter.  Dara felt as if she was falling in slow motion and the music blasting in the background. Amber, who had just been told that her sister was leaving turns around in time to see Dara falling. Siwon and Onew who were keeping and eye on Min see what happened and rush to help the unknown girl Min had just bumped and had fallen.


Siwon POV

  What did Min just do? I rush over to where the girl that Min bump is at and it looks like she fainted but I don't know if it's because she had too much to drink or is it because of th blow to her head.  I see people trying to run to where we are and finaly a younger girl gets to us. "Dara, Dara, are you ok? Wake up? Open your eyes? What's wrong with her? How come she isn't responding? She keeps asking while crying at the same time" I tell her and some of her friends "Lets take her up to my room, I have a suite where she can stay while we call a doctor. Onew, take care of Min and the rest for me" I take Dara in my arms (whose name I find out because of the younger girl) and rush towards the elevators with the young girl and 2 of her friends behind me.  We get to the top floor and I take out the key to the suite rushing towards my room and laying Dara down as carfully as possible.  As soon as I put her in bed, I call the receiption desk and ask them to send the doctor up to the suite ASAP.  Less than 10 minutes later the doctor arrives to the suite and the only one that is allowed in the room is the young girl.  As Dara's friends and I wait for the doctor to tell us how she is doing I introduce myself.  "Sorry to meet this way, but my name is Siwon and my friend is the one that cause the accicent.  Whatever happens, I will take full responsability." "My name is Jackson, and this is Chaming. The 2 girls inside are Dara, the one that is uncosious, and her little sister Amber.  Don't worry Siwon, we don't blame you and you don't have to take resposability, it was an accident and hopefuly the only thing Dara will have to worry about is a headache in the morning." As the guys and I continue making small talk, the doctor comes out of my room. "The young lady has a concusion but she will be ok once she wakes up, except for the major headache from the bump in her head. If you could take her to see a doctor as soon as possible once she wakes up, just as a precaution so she can have a full check-up and make sure that everything is fine, that would be great." "Thank you doctor for coming so quickly"


Amber POV

  Once the doctor leaves the room, I tuck Dara in the bed and go outside to see the guys. I want to meet that y guy that picked up Dara. I open the door and see all the guys there "So you heard what the doctor said right? We have to take her to the doctor when she wakes up.  The only problem is how are we going to take her to our room. My parents are going to start asking questions when they see her like this? It's not like i can say she is drunk since they know that she doesn't drink?" They y guy aproaches me " I'm sorry for what happen to your sister.  My name is Siwon and I'll take care of anything that your sister needs." "Nice to meet you Siwon, I'm Amber. And as you probably know the one in your room is my older sister Sandara, but we call her Dara.  Thanks for lending us your room and calling the doctor.  When I saw her hit her head and fall on the floor, I thought that my heart had stoped"

Siwon: I feel responsible for what happen since I was suposed to keep and eye on my friends.  I actualy have a sugenstion. Why don't you and yor sister stay the night here for tonight and tomorrow I'll take her to the doctor.  I'm the only one in the room, my friends share the other rooms, and just tell your parents that you staid the night with one of your other friends. Just go and pick up something to wear for the 2 of you and then come back. Tomorrow morning just say that all of you are haveing breakfast together and I'll take your siste to the doctor.

  I thought about it and that was the best idea so far.  " Ok, Jackson, take me to the hotel so that can pick up the clothes and Chaming stay with Dara in case she wakes up"

Chaming: But the others are already calling, cheking up on us and asking why we all left in a hurry.  I didn't want to say anything because we didn't know the situation, but they keep calling. What do you want to do Amber?

Siwon: I can stay and look after Dara until Amber comes back and Chaming can go back to your friends and explain if you want.

"Thanks Siwon, I think that it's the best thing to do right now. Chaming go to the guys and just tell them that Dara wasn't feeling well and that I'll explain everything tomorrow. Jackson, you come with me to get the clothes and then I'll give you the keys to the car so that all of you can go back to the hotel" Siwon gives me the key to the suite and we leave him to take care of Dara .

Siwon POV

   Everybody leaves the suite and I decide to check on Dara. I did say I was going to take care of her until Amber returns.  I go into my room, and the only thing on is the lamp on the side table.  I get close enough to take a good look at Dara and I freez.  I have never seen anybody as beautiful as her.  Why didn't I notice her before? She is very petite and light (from what I remember). I just kept looking at her and wondering if it was ok for me to be here with her? It almost felt wrong to be in the same room as such a godess when all of the sudden her eyes open and look strait at me. 

Dara: Where am I?

 I look at her and tell her " You had a little accident and we had to bring you to my room.  My name is Siwon and I'm taking care of you until Amber comes back with a change of clothes.  You should rest for a little while longer until she comes back." Dara just keeps looking at me.

Dara: Since an angel is the one telling me to go to sleep, I'll go to sleep.  Good night.

  I'm surprise what what she said, but can't help but smile at her response.  I hope I can get to know her better.

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