Accidental Meeting

If Only, If Only

Dara's POV 

  It was extremly hot September day in Las Vegas and several of us had just attended Gain's and Taewoo's wedding.  In true Vega's fashion, we had not made any plans or reservations for a late dinner, not that it matter since the wedding was so delayed due to traffic that all restaurants were closed.  The only place that was open at the time was a little cafe inside the Venitian.

   As we finish our late dinner and left the cafe, we were walking towards the exit when a casino promoter aproached us and gave us free voucher to enter their nightclub.

New couple: Come on guys!!!  Celebrate with us on this happy day. Plus, it's for free!!!

We all enter the nightclub, music blasting, bodies grinding, alcohol everywhere, and no room to dance.

Gain and Taewoo start to do their thing and aome of us join in.  Amber and Mark starts dancing and jumping like there is no tomorrow, Rain and Hyorin start to grind with each other, and Chaming heads to the bar.  Junho, Suzy, Bom, Jokwon, Jackson, Nana, and myself head to the veranda for some fresh air.

Dara: They look so good together.  I wish I was them.

Jackson: About time he asked!!! I'm just happy she said yes after all this time.

Bom: No kidding!! After the baby scare and they way he acted, I didn't think she was going to take him back.

Everybody agrees.

Dara: Guys, I'll see you at the hotel.  I'm not feeling to good, my head has been hurting since a while ago and with all this noise and heat, it is making it worse.  Take care of my sister (Amber) for me. She has the keys to the car, I'll just take a taxi.

Suzy: I'll go with you, let me just say bye.

Dara: No, that'ts ok.  Just stay and have fun. I don't want to ruin the night for everybody.  I'll be ok by my self. I'ts just a headache.

   As Dara started to walk towards the exit, she started to feel a little dizzy, and the next thing she knows, she is pushed from behind.  Dara being dizzy, with the push, and with a dance floor that is wet from all the spilled drinks, she ends up slipping and hitting her forhead with the bar counter.


At the other end of the club

   A group of friends were celebrating one of their birthdays.

Siwon: Everyone, get a drink and lets celebrate Key's birthday.

Key: Yes, let's celebrate my birthday. Siwon is paying anyways, right Mr. Money Bags????

Siwon: You're taking advantage of me, but sure, I'll pay for this round. But this round only.

Onew: Thaks Siwon. If it wasn't for you, who knows were we would be. I don't mean only right now, but if it wasn't for you, I don't think all of us would be as successful as we are today. Thanks again for everything.

Siwon: You don't have to thank me. We all worked hard and now we can be proud of what we have accomplished. We are all successfull in on our own so no more thanks. What we should be doing is looking after the girls. Min looks like she's already had a few too many and needs some help getting to her room.  

Onew: Sunny, I think you should take Min up to her room.  She doesn't look too good.

   Just as soon as Onew finished talking to Sunny, Min stuble past the bar, bumping into another girl, pushing her towards the bar counter.


   Everything happen in slow motion for everybody.  Min, a girl who had had too much to drink bumped into Dara hard.  BecauseDaraI was alredy dizzy and the hard shoved, she ended up pushed towards the bar.  As Dara fell, she hit my head with the bar counter.  The last thing Dara heard was Amber saying her name and felt a pair of strong arms picking her up.


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