Cheatsheet || Application

Phantom Paradox || A Fantasy Girl Group Applyfic
The Cheatsheet
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For the Curious
PLOTLINES. Once again, all plotlines are available so go ahead and pick your favorite. You HAVE TO retain their original names but the stage name is up to you. They can hide their real names and use thier stage names as their real name. For example: Athena might hide her name and use "Solar" as her stage name as well as her "real name". Also, a lot of goddesses have animals associated with them. You may have them (unless stated by the condition) or not. Also you don't need to follow the legend down to the last detail. Mix it up a little, take some details away, add some details. Just make sure the basic structure of the legend is there. "Change the topings, keep the cake" kind of thing. For the face claims. Artist and Actresses are off limits. Because we're in idol verse so we can't have two people looking like each other, right?

LOVE INTERESTS. Anyone is available. So diversify your choice.

ANYTHING ELSE? Nothing much. I just want you guys to have fun on this because I want to write this as well. Oh yeah and it's your favorite ice cream flavor, the password I mean. If you any questions or whatever, don't hesitate to ask.

Title your application as: Phantom Paradox || Plotline
Background: Include their desire to regain their believers and popularity so as to regain their power and strenght 
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