Lee Jaehwan 2.0

Brotherly Love

Hello everyone! I know I said the story was complete after the Sanghyuk one, but I got a request from one of my lovely subscribers, 4niaLOL.

A lot of people have commented on how the Jaehwan story made them cry, and as an author writing that tyoe of story that makes me feel proud because that's the kind of emotion I wanted to convey. However, I also understand that that chapter can be a trigger for a lot of things so instead of having people read that chapter and be uncomfortable, I decided to rewrite a happier version of Ken's scenario. I hope you all enjoy and thank you for reading my fanfic!

“Jaehwan stop, I can’t breathe!” you yelled through your laughter.

“Stop what? This?” he asked, as he continued to make funny faces at you.

You two kept laughing as you made your way to school. You dreaded having to go to school, especially when you had an exam like today, but having a brother like yours he at least took your mind off of it while you were together.

You were taking deep breaths to calm yourself down before you passed the front entrance and you noticed your brother was making a different kind of funny face. One that said “I’m going to pee my pants. I’m so scared.”

“What’s wrong?” you asked him.

He didn’t answer, instead he pointed and you looked over in that direction. That’s when it all clicked. You saw Jung Taekwoon, your brother’s crush since middle school. Taekwoon was a quiet person and when your brother admitted his crush, you were a bit taken aback.

Jaehwan was the embodiment of brightness and cheer. Taekwoon looked like darkness and dread. If you could describe how you felt towards school, it would probably be Jung Taekwoon. But your brother says that that wasn’t the case at all. Taekwoon was warm and sensitive, you had yet to see it, but your brother said so and why would he lie?

Jaehwan was normally very laid back, but around Taekwoon he would start shivering.

“Why don’t you just talk to him?” you asked for the billionth time.

“Because I’m scared,” he answered for the billionth time.

You sighed and shook your head. There was nothing you could do if Jaehwan didn’t want to do it. You said your farewell to your brother and wished him good luck.

How can I help this doofus?


At lunch time, you normally stayed in the classroom and work on your homework, you weren’t top of the class for nothing. Today, however, you decide to put some sort of plan in action. You called it, “Operation Get Jaehwan to Talk to Taekwoon before He Actually Pees His Pants from Fear.” It was a working title.

You knew that Taekwoon was in your lunch period since most people usually comment on how he sits alone. It’s not like he was a complete loner, his best friends were Cha Hakyeon and Kim Wonshik but they were in another lunch period. You walked into the cafeteria and saw that Taekwoon was, yet again, sitting at his usual table and he was, yet again, alone. You took a deep breath and walked up to him.

Jaehwan better know how much I love him.

“Um, excuse me? Jung Taekwoon?”

The boy looked up at you at the sound of his name. His facial expression remained neutral, making you want to crawl into a hole for the next couple of years. Maybe forever.

It feels like he’s staring into my soul.

You shook off your fear and before you could stop yourself you said, “I noticed you sit by yourself on most days. I usually stay in the classroom to work on homework, but I’m really hungry today and I think this is a great chance for us to get to know each other so I was thinking maybe we can eat lunch together?”

You were out of breath and Taekwoon looked more confused than anything. You were about to apologized and excuse yourself when you saw something rarer than the rarest gem, he smiled.

“Sit down,” he said.

You obeyed, and stared wide-eyed at him.

He sounds so gentle. His voice could soothe a million babies to sleep.

You both sat there staring at each other for what seemed like an eternity.

“You’re not going to confess are you?” he asked with a look that you could only describe as fearful.

His question snapped you out of your daze, “WHAT?! Oh no, I’m not- I mean I don’t- I mean, ugh what am I saying?”

Taekwoon laughed as you facepalmed yourself.

“Good, I thought for a moment you thought I was staring at you whenever I stared at your brother.

Did he just-?

“Come again?”

Taekwoon blushed and looked down at his food, “I stare at your brother. Not in a creepy way! At least, I hope it’s not creepy. Anyways, I like him, a lot, but I’m scared to actually talk to him.”


“What if I told you that you didn’t have to be scared at all and that my brother was really funny and nice and he would LOVE talking to you?”

“I would believe you, but that’s exactly why I’m scared. Everyone knows he’s always really cheerful and I’m scared that if I’m near him I might bring him down. I don’t have the brightest personality you know.”

You gulped away your guilt. All this time, he had been scared to talk to Jaehwan because people like you judged him too harshly. It was time to make things right.

“Well, he doesn’t think that. He always tells me that you’re the kindest person he knows. He even told me about the time that Hakyeon was crying because his girlfriend broke up with him, and left him at a bus stop somewhere downtown, and you ran all the way over there just to comfort him and make sure he got home. He really admires you.”

At your words Taekwoon gave you a shy smile and looked down again. You smiled back and then an idea popped into your head.

“Hey, what are you doing next weekend?”


Your birthdays were always fun from the moment Jaehwan could talk. He was like your personal party planner and you were never even going to consider a replacement. This time around, the party was going to be small because that’s how you wanted it. A lot of your friends wanted to come, but you narrowed it down to only a few close friends considering you wanted this to be special for Jaehwan and Taekwoon.

You only invited your childhood friends Hongbin and Sanghyuk and your classmates from your dance lessons Hakyeon and Wonshik. You let them all in on your plan and told them to come a bit late so Jaehwan and Taekwoon had more time to themselves. You were upstairs getting ready when the doorbell rang.

“Jaehwan! Can you get that?”

“Yes my queen!”

He skipped towards the door and almost slammed it when he saw who was there. None other than his crush, Jung Taekwoon.

“Hi” Taekwoon said.

Jaehwan managed to reply, “Hello. Would you like to come in?”

You were listening from upstairs and almost laughed at your brother’s tone. It was almost robotic. You decided to turn up your music, in case Jaehwan tried calling for you, and texted the others that they could start coming over. You got a text from Hongbin and Sanghyuk that they were pulling up to your house and went downstairs. You smiled as you saw Jaehwan and Taekwoon conversing happily. Taekwoon laughing at your brother’s silly jokes. You opened that door for your friends and saw that the other two had arrived as well. You let them in and the party began.


Your birthday was amazing, it was nice to just hang out with the guys since you weren’t much of a girly girl. You played video games, and crushed everyone at Mario Kart. You ate a bunch of pizza and cake. To your relief, no one pushed your head inside the cake. When everyone was done eating you told your guests to wait in the living room while you helped Jaehwan clean up.

“Thanks,” he said.

“For what?” you tried to act innocent.

“I know what you did for me, Taekwoon told me. Thank you, you’re the best little sister ever.”

“Well you’re the best brother ever so of course I had to try and repay you somehow.”

“Being my little sister is all I need. If anything, I need to repay you.”

“How are you gonna do that?”

“Well, remember when you told me about your crush?”

“Yeah,” you replied blushing. Suddenly, the dish you were drying became very interesting.

“Well, I went ahead and hinted at it. He was actually happy to receive my blessing. And he should be asking you out in 3, 2, 1.”

“Hey, can I talk to the birthday girl for a second?”

Your eyes went wide. You stared at your friend and crush since you were younger, Lee Hongbin. Jaehwan nodded and patted you on the back before walking out of the kitchen.

“So, um, wanna go see a movie sometime?”

You smiled.

Thank you Jaehwan.

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I know I said it was all done but I might just be updating soon...


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fumiko15 #1
Chapter 7: I love your stories, they behave exactly how I would imagine them to be if they were my older brothers xD
Chapter 7: Thank you for doing this awesome one shot. It's great and I read it well.
and ohh the new chapter is great. I like it so much.
Jaehwan is so adorable. ^^

/whisper. you the sweet one here, not me.
anyway hwaiting for the next one shot or story that you gonna write in the future!

and advance Merry Christmas if you celebrate it if not then my bad.
Chapter 6: I just discovered your lovely fanfic! I loved all of the stories that you wrote <3 The Wonshik, Hakyeon, Hongbin, Taekwoon and Hyuk was so CUTEEE Jaehwan's story made cry T-T If my older brother passed away.. I don't think I would function without him..
Chapter 6: That was simply adorable! I thoroughly enjoyed literally every chapter. Not sure which one I'd want the most for a brother...probably Taekwoon since he's so sweet. The Hyuk one reminded me of my brother, who is pretty much exactly like that...
Chapter 4: These cute little one shots makes me so happy ;3; <3
Chapter 4: That is definitely Wonshik. xD
Chapter 3: Arghh authornim! I'm crying.
Why Jaehwan thought?!! Why?!! ;w;

Anyway it's a good story!
I really like this kind of story. Can't wait to read Lee Jaehwan part and the other members too. *^* more fight scene pleasee. Haha
Hwaiting author nim!