Han Sanghyuk

Brotherly Love




Your demon brother composed himself before finally appearing outside of the house. He looked at you with a horror stricken face. His expression said that he was shocked to see you drenched in water after a giant water balloon hit you right at the back of your head. He was shocked that your hair, which you had spent all morning on, was now hanging straight and wet on your head. Your school uniform was for the most part okay. The amount of water that landed on you was only enough to reach your shoulders. Your shirt needed to be changed but your skirt was still fine.

“Dearest sister of mine! Who could have done such a thing?”

He pretended to frantically search for any potential suspects while you stood there with an expressionless face. You knew it was him. Who else could it be but your stupid prankster of an older brother? His friends couldn’t have done it.

Cha Hakyeon? No, even if he liked pranks he was too focused on his studies what with being class president and all.

Jung Taekwoon? He was just as much a victim as you. You still wondered if Sanghyuk had a death wish since you and Taekwoon were his favorite people to torture. You could easily kill him in his sleep and Taekwoon could easily kill him in broad daylight and no one would blame him. Taekwoon was a quiet and patient person so if he snapped, there was a good reason.

Lee Jaehwan? He was a prankster but his ideas of pranks are hiding and making weird noises to trick people into thinking there was a bird inside their house or a pterodactyl or whatever he did.

Kim Wonshik? He’s almost always hidden in his room working on his mixtape so no.

Lee Hongbin? Sometimes you hoped it was him because then it would mean he knew you existed. Sadly, your idiot brother’s cute best friend probably didn’t even know your name.

Eventually, your brother broke out into a laughing fit.

I hope you choke on your spit you crazy bastard.

He eventually ended up on the floor, crying and laughing. You saw the daily newspaper near you and picked it up slowly. You rolled it up and made your way up to your defenseless brother. Just when you were about to-

“WHAT HAPPENED HERE?! HYUKY WHY ARE YOU CRYING?” Hakyeon screamed and ran over to Hyuk’s aide while sending you a death glare. Oh yeah, Hakyeon had “adopted” Sanghyuk and treated him like some precious little angel.

Don’t make me barf.

You dropped the rolled up newspaper and murmured a greeting to your brother’s friends. You were about to head inside to dry yourself up before your dad came out to drive you all to school when a hand suddenly grabbed your arm.

You looked at Taekwoon with wide eyes. He was inspecting the damage for a while then let go and sighed.

“Go dry yourself before we’re all late.”

You nodded.

No Sherlock.

Once inside, you ran to your room before your parents could see the damage. Now was not the time for them to yell at Sanghuk. They can yell at him when you get home later. You braided your hair and put it up in a bun. You also changed your wet uniform for a dry one and went downstairs.

At least I’ll get some nice waves in my hair later.

You stopped halfway down the stairs when you saw none other than Lee Hongbin standing at the bottom of them. He looked up shyly and smiled.

“Your dad sent me to tell you to hurry up. Sanghyuk still hasn’t stopped laughing and crying…. Don’t worry, Wonshik and I will take care of him today during PE.”

This was probably the first time he had spoken to you that wasn’t a greeting or asking you to pass the salt. You gulped and thought of how to respond to hide your fangirling.

“I’ll take care of him after school. It’s nothing new to me, his mental age is 5”

Does that even make sense?

To your relief, Hongbin laughed and extended his hand to you. You blinked but took it anyway. He led you down the stairs and out the door. Maybe they’ll think you still had blush on.


Dinner went like usual. You told your parent about Sanghyuk’s antics. He denied it, your parents warned him about lying, and he confirmed it. The punishment this time around was, since he liked playing with water, to wash the dishes after every meal for the entire month.

You went up to your room and started studying. After about an hour, Sanghyuk walked in and laid down on your bed. You continued to study until you heard your brother sigh loudly, signaling that he wanted you to pay attention to him. You closed your book and swiveled your chair in his direction.


“So I did what you told me to do.”


“She said she wasn’t sure if she could make it this weekend, but she said next weekend was best for her and she would definitely go. Does that mean she’s gonna keep pushing it back?”

“No, . It means you caught her off-guard and she wants more time to prepare. Spend some time with her throughout this week instead of goofing off with the guys between classes. Walk her to classes and maybe sit with her for a bit at lunch.”

“Sounds easy enough. How do you know so much about dating? Are you dating anyone?”

Whoop, there it is.

“For the billionth time Sanghyuk, I’ve never had a boyfriend in my life.”

“So….why did you dress up this morning?”

You sighed, “Because I felt like it punk.”

“Who are you calling a punk? I’m older!”

“Not where it counts,” you said pointing at you head.

He stuck his tongue out at you and pouted. You were going to go back to studying when he suddenly spoke up.

“Taekwoon and Hongbin are at war over you. When Taek grabbed you this morning Hongbin ran after you in the house. Guess that’s why he practically carried you out the door. I don’t understand though, I already told both of them that I would kill them if they even thought about asking you out. I almost punched both their lights out this morning. Stupid punkbutts.”

You smirked. Your brother was a pain in your , but he only did it because that’s how it’s always been and he wants to keep it that way even if it’s immature.

“Does Hongbin even know my name?”

“Of course he does! He won’t stop asking me why you’re so cute. Why  you’re so nice. Why you’re so smart. It’s annoying.”

“I actually have a crush on Hongbin, but I don’t wanna break Taek’s heart. I didn’t even know he like me.”

“Then tell them both! I’m tired of being in the middle of it. You know their reasoning involves who would be the best brother-in-law to me? At least if you tell them you like Bin, they’ll stop with that. Besides, Bin might be my best friend, but that doesn’t meant I want him smooching my little sis.”

“Do you have to say it like that?”


You shook your head and went back to studying. A few minutes later, your alarm went off. It was time to watch your favorite show. Just when you were about to reach for the remote in the living room, Sanghyuk ran up and swooped it from you.

“My show is on,” you growled.

“So is mine.”

“Which one?”



“It is if I go to OnDemand,”

You tackled him and spent the next hour trying to win the remote.


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I know I said it was all done but I might just be updating soon...


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fumiko15 #1
Chapter 7: I love your stories, they behave exactly how I would imagine them to be if they were my older brothers xD
Chapter 7: Thank you for doing this awesome one shot. It's great and I read it well.
and ohh the new chapter is great. I like it so much.
Jaehwan is so adorable. ^^

/whisper. you the sweet one here, not me.
anyway hwaiting for the next one shot or story that you gonna write in the future!

and advance Merry Christmas if you celebrate it if not then my bad.
Chapter 6: I just discovered your lovely fanfic! I loved all of the stories that you wrote <3 The Wonshik, Hakyeon, Hongbin, Taekwoon and Hyuk was so CUTEEE Jaehwan's story made cry T-T If my older brother passed away.. I don't think I would function without him..
Chapter 6: That was simply adorable! I thoroughly enjoyed literally every chapter. Not sure which one I'd want the most for a brother...probably Taekwoon since he's so sweet. The Hyuk one reminded me of my brother, who is pretty much exactly like that...
Chapter 4: These cute little one shots makes me so happy ;3; <3
Chapter 4: That is definitely Wonshik. xD
Chapter 3: Arghh authornim! I'm crying.
Why Jaehwan thought?!! Why?!! ;w;

Anyway it's a good story!
I really like this kind of story. Can't wait to read Lee Jaehwan part and the other members too. *^* more fight scene pleasee. Haha
Hwaiting author nim!