Strings Attached

Road to Solace

Like…each other?

Namjoo turned to look at Sehun, whose face was apparently very blank but with a hint of surprise. Like? As in possessing feelings for each other?

She…and Sehun?

Namjoo wanted to throw her head back to laugh everything out of her system, but was too dumbfounded to manage so. This was insane. She couldn’t believe this.

“All right, to your seats everyone,” the language teacher walked into the classroom with books piled against her arms. Students shuffled toward their desks, murmuring underneath their breaths.

“You two, get to your seats,” the teacher called again.

Namjoo shot Sehun another glance before stepping past him to her seat. Like Sehun? Her? No way. He was the last person she would ever get together with if all mankind vanished. There was not even an ounce of romantic feelings inside this body of hers. But Sehun?

Who the hell started the rumor?


Sitting down Sehun focused his eyes on the teacher as the lesson started, but his mind remained constantly blank. Slightly turning his head he sought to glance behind him, but couldn’t fully see Namjoo in her seat.

His nerves felt wired. In all the time he’d known Namjoo he imagined liking her, had never grown or harbored any kind of feelings for her. To him she had always been an important friend, his first-ever friend. He cared about her, because she was his good friend. His only accompaniment.

Like Namjoo?


His insides remained unsettled, his mind filled with constant emotions of worry. If rumors continued to circulate they would only be a hassle to Namjoo. She would blame him, cut off all her ties with him. She wouldn’t even fight him. Talking to her would be impossible.

Sehun couldn’t let that happen. Even if Namjoo hated him, he couldn’t let her abandon him.

He had to fix this.

The very moment they were excused Sehun immediately grabbed his bag, swiveling as he stood in order to hurry toward Namjoo. Before she left the classroom he had to stop her, talk to her. It was too late. As he turned, Namjoo scurried out of the classroom with heavy footsteps without even shooting him the slightest glance.

She was angry. Would be angry. She would avoid him in order to show everyone she didn’t like him. If he went after her everyone would assume his feelings were true. Students would speculate and further rumors would spread. Then…Namjoo would ignore him forever.

Sehun bit his lower lip. What was he going to do?


Curiosity was overwhelming. If Namjoo and Sehun really hid their feelings under the guise of fighting, that would be insanely interesting. From beside him Namjoo barely budged in her seat. Her eyes remained hard and serious and focused on the window. However she was linked to Sehun, Kai felt intrigued.

Whenever Namjoo fought with him, Sehun was always there, making an appearance in their battle. He never really realized that before…until now. Sehun was always there…why? Namjoo with her quick temper was always first to attack him. Why?

Before class even ended, he watched Namjoo grab her bag to first leave the room. Reaching for his backpack he began stuffing his folder and notebook inside, but slowly stopped when he felt a pair of eyes on him. Glancing up he caught Sehun’s stare – not on him, but following Namjoo as she exited.

They were, Kai thought, an interesting pair.

Lifting his backpack over his shoulder he slid out of his chair and left the classroom. When he returned home that woman was over again. Kai stared at the little tabled filled with freshly cooked dishes, wishing with his all that he could kick her out. She was like glue. Strong and sticky.

Heaving a sigh he stepped into the house, throwing his backpack onto the floor before sitting down. Kai eyed the food with his stomach grumbling, but he didn’t want her dishes. Only he had no other choice, but to eat them because he wasn’t a great cook and there was no other food. He felt imprisoned, all thanks to his useless father.

“You’re here?” the woman stepped out of the rusty kitchen, a pastel green apron wrapped around her body. “Eat. You must be hungry. So how was school today?”

Picking up the chopsticks against his will he began throwing random bits of the food into his mouth. “Nothing new.”

It wasn’t a lie. There wasn’t anything interesting. Everything was the same every day. Life was dull and repetitive.

“Well, you’re still young, what can you say. Things will eventually change. Being your age is the prime of youth. Growing up too fast ruins the moment. It’s better to live slowly and patiently. Oh I wish I was young again. If only I could go back in time to redo everything. Time flies by too fast,” the woman said. “You know, they say if you regret something it takes a thousand years to get over it. It’ll probably take over a hundred thousand years for me.”

Kai glanced up to stare at the fragile woman. He didn’t quite understand what she was talking about, whether she was giving him advice or not, or if she was just musing over how pitiful her life was. Blocking her voice from intruding his moment of peace he continued to eat, stuffing whatever he could hastily into his mouth. His movements eventually slowed and he set down his chopsticks.

“Old woman,” he called out. “Say, a boy and a girl used to go to school together. They were good friends, but now all they do is fight. Does it mean they like each other?”

“Well,” she let the word drone on, “maybe they’re in the process of making up stubbornly. Sometimes people fight, but get too estranged so apologizing becomes a difficult challenge. You know some people get embarrassed over apologizing, and their pride gets in the way. Or maybe the just hate each other. It’ll have to depend on why they fight in the first place. Then on the other hand, if you’ve known each other for a while there’s always strings attached. But why?”

There was a moment of silence as she waited for his answer. She gasped the next second and walked over, leaning toward him with a hand on his shoulder.

“You’re not talking about yourself?” she asked, her eyes were intense and wary. “Do you like someone?”

Removing her hand off his shoulder he glanced up at her annoyed. “No.”

A sigh of relief escaped through her lips. “That’s good. You’re too good for anyone. If any one girl tries to touch you, I’ll have to closely evaluate them first.” Then ruffling his hair, “Our Kai is too cute. No one, but me is good enough to care for you.”

Groaning, he swiped her hand away. “Stop it!” Hissing underneath his breath he stood to his feet, grabbed his backpack, and started toward his bedroom. Before reaching the door he paused and turned around.

“You brought some juice and muffins over the other day,” Kai said.

The woman’s face lit up. “Why?”

Kai glanced toward the ground, wondering what the hell he was doing. Was he sure about this? Even if he didn’t eat lunch at school he still had something to fill his stomach in the morning. On the other hand, he always had to deal with listening to the ensemble of Namjoo’s empty stomach every morning. It was bothersome.

“Do you have some more?”

The grin on her face grew wider. “Of course. Anything for our Kai.” Walking toward him she patted his cheek adoringly, as if he were some five-year-old. “We have to feed you well so you can grow big and tall. You’re going to be so handsome.”

He pushed her hand away and tried not to frown angrily. “Can I have them?”

“Of course!” the woman nodded. “You wait right here. I’ll quickly go on home for them.” Giving him another smile she turned to walk out of the house, leaving him groaning frustrated. Why did he have to put up with her?


Dinner was worth drooling for, but all Sehun did was stare at the delicate dishes sitting in front of him at the long dining table. He was accompanied by no one, but the cooking maid who stood by in case he needed anything. Silence grew in on him as he picked up his spoon and took a bite of the rice, chewing slowly. The soft texture of the food warmed his mouth, but everything else was cold and desolate.

Namjoo’s icy eyes were enough to turn the warm weather frosty. Her foreboding stare filled him with fear. It was still so strong and vivid inside his head. Even now, he could still crazily feel her eyes on him.

Tomorrow, he knew, she would go to all extent to avoid running into him. He needed to deflect her somehow, but he hadn’t yet figured out what to do. What was the best way to counterattack with the hardheaded person she was?

Turning, he glanced at the fifty-year-old cooking maid. Fine lines were starting to build creases into her feminine face. Her soft brown eyes hinted perseverance and patience during her twenty years here. She had served his father before he was even born and if he recalled correctly, had gotten married when he was still a child.

“Say,” he started, “how does a person act around someone he likes?”

“Excuse me?” the woman asked. “What…what was that Young Sir?”

“If I like someone, how am I supposed to act around her?” he repeated.


“I’m going to school,” Namjoo called back as she stood after putting her shoes on. Hoisting her backpack over her shoulders she opened the door to hear the rustling of something plastic. Glancing down she saw a plastic bag hanging off the knob of the door. Surprised she glanced around in search of whoever had left it there, but the morning street was empty.

Lifting the bag off the knob she peered inside to see a bottle of vegetable juice and a muffin. A snort escaped her lips. Rolling her eyes she bit on her bottom lip. Damn Sehun, she scorned, he still thought she needed him to feed her?


The kids were damn noisy. Kai couldn’t sleep. Immediately, he regretted having come early to school for absolutely no reason. What was wrong with him?

Lifting his head up from his arms he stood up and walked out of the room. There was a good amount of time before class started. If he could get in some fifteen minutes of sleep he would be good to go for the rest of the day.

He lounged around for a few minutes before discovering that the library was empty. The back corner of the library was the perfect spot and would keep him from view if anyone walked in. Slumping down beside the tall wooden bookshelf, he leaned against the wall with his feet propped against the shelf.

“This is it,” he mumbled to himself and closed his eyes.


Sehun didn’t have to wait long for Namjoo. A few minutes after arriving Namjoo showed up as expected. He’d been waiting at the top corner of the stairs and as soon as she appeared he grabbed her arm to lead her off.

“What the hell are you doing?” Namjoo asked loudly. “Let go, I’m serious.”

“Me too.”

Her expression contorted with shock and refusal. “Do you want to fight with me?”

“Later,” he said. “First, lets talk.”

Namjoo her weight back in attempt to get her to release him, but he tightened his grip. After all, he was still at an advantage. In both build and height he was stronger and taller than her. He’d figured it out last night. If Namjoo wanted to avoid him, he would deflect her by following the rumor. In any way, Namjoo would still act as if he didn’t exist. Why not follow her tail instead? Namjoo wouldn’t be able to shake him off because the other students would be watching. That was his strategy to keep her from ignoring him.

Their footsteps thudded against the tiled floor and became invisible to the ears as they walked into the carpeted library, void of presence. Letting go of her he closed the door. Now they were alone, surrounded by only tables and countless shelves filled from top to bottom with books and movies.

Namjoo started at him with a tense frown and displeasure in her eyes. Her lips, like always, was in a firm line. Sehun was aware he faced the risk of being beat to a pulp, but he was all right with that too. It would only leave more room for speculation from the students. Something he could use to his advantage and something that would disadvantage Namjoo.

“What the hell do you want?” Namjoo demanded. “You still haven’t had enough? Even if my grandmother and I have difficulty, we don’t need your help. So don’t do it again. Next time I see it, I’m going to throw it out.”

Sehun stared at her, momentarily blanking out. “Throw what out?”

She glared. “The food you left this morning. I’m warning you, don’t do it again. I don’t need your stupid pity.”

Food…he never left her food this morning. Sehun let his mind wonder for a moment, wondering what exactly had happened and just who had given her food. When he glanced at her again Namjoo only glared before turning to leave the library.

“We’re not done yet,” he grabbed her lower arm to twist her around.

Namjoo tugged her arm to make him release her. “Let go.”

“No,” he repeated with more strength in his voice, “I said we’re not done yet.”

Namjoo’s eyes grew hard with steel. “I don’t want to talk to you.” She turned to walk away, but he pulled her back.

“Whether or not you want to, we’re still going to have to go through with this,” Sehun told. “About yesterday…”

“I said let go!” Namjoo raised her voice.

Sehun tugged her closer, intent on getting his way. Grounding her feet into the ground Namjoo slightly skidded forward and he watched her bite her lower lip angrily. He quickly gripped her other arm to prevent her from ing it up and into his face.   

“Are you ing crazy?” Namjoo shook her body. Gripping her hands into fists she growled, “Let go.”

“I…” Sehun started, but they were cut off upon approaching footsteps. A shadow grew over the floor and they turned to see Kai staring back at them through half-lidded eyes.

What the hell was he doing there? Sehun glanced him over, annoyed at the disruption. Only he and Namjoo were supposed to be there.

“You’re noisy,” Kai said.

Silence zipped in among them. Stepping forward again Kai next wrapped his hand around Sehun’s arm.

“She said let go.” Kai stared him in the eyes, his own lubricated with dangerous menace.

Sehun gritted his teeth and squeezed Namjoo’s arms. He wasn’t done yet, but he didn’t want to get into a fight before class started. It would call unwanted attention from the teachers, especially the principal. Getting Namjoo in trouble would only worsen the situation and it wouldn’t work for him.

“Let go of me first,” Sehun stared back coolly. He was annoyed and despised Kai at this moment more than any other.

Upon his release Sehun unwillingly eased his hands away from Namjoo. Glancing at them over once more he walked out of the library, fuming as he walked toward the classroom.


Damn Sehun.

Namjoo watched him go, her insides filled with wrath. The way he treated her as if he was dominant made her want to punch him even more. God, how she hated the likes of him.

Still clenching her hand in a fist she turned to glance at Kai, wondering what the hell he had been doing in the library in the first place. For a moment they glanced at each other before she turned away feeling both distraught and embarrassed.

What now? Was she supposed to thank him? But they weren’t in the kind of relationship to help each other nonetheless owe each other anything. Just what the hell was this?

Namjoo suddenly felt flustered and confused. Yet, she felt like drowning in awkwardness for he’d witnessed the way Sehun so easily handled her like a sheep. She was supposed to be fierce in the eyes of everyone else, but now she somehow transitioned into a strange damsel in distress…saved by the student who was supposed to fight with her on school grounds.    

Damn Sehun for destroying her image! Now Kai would think she was just a weak girl who any guy could step all over. Namjoo wanted to bury her face in her hands. This was the second time he helped her and she ultimately didn’t need it.

Biting her tongue, she turned and forced herself to walk out of the library in a cool manner. Once she was sure she was out of sight immediately picked up her pace to run down the hall. She needed to get away as fast as possible. For sure nothing would be the same again if she ever fought with Kai again. 

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Will update tomorrow!


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theluckyone #1
Chapter 6: Thank you for writing.
theluckyone #2
Is this discontinued? TT
mastarr_jenn #3
Honestly, I think this story deserves way more attention! I love it! Please update whenever you can!
Chapter 6: hunjoo please heheehhe yehet <3
Blehin #5
Chapter 5: Kaijoo kaijoo kaijoo! Hahaha! They seem so cute and fun together~ but hunjoo is fine too. ;D
Chanjoo #6
Chapter 5: Hunjoo!!! They're my favorite but kaijoo is ok too haha
dingdongdeng #7
Chapter 5: I hope you are always in writing mode, authornim..kekeke :p
Aagggh i can't choose between KaiJoo or HunJoo ><
Actually i want KaiJoo but in this story i love HunJoo *Sehun is so sweet here* but if you decided KaiJoo it will be also interesting because naybe he is never thinking namjoo as woman so it will be more funny ♥~♥
But in this last chapter, i want yes for the answer from their clasmate and it will come from Oh Sehun mouth *then i'll be imagining namjoo reaction, she'll be shock and angry as hell, the furious namjoo will be funny*kekeke
Thanks for updating authornim, i'll be waiting for the next update, fighting \(^^)/
Chapter 5: I want KaiJoo because it feels like their r/s will be more fun since Kai thought nobody would date someone like Namjoo. But Hunjoo is fine too, whatever you think is right, author-nim!
Update soon!! <333