
Road to Solace

“Wha…” the loanshark muttered out of confusion and grimaced when Kai tightened his grip. Using more force he tugged his wrist out and turned to shoot her a glare. Tugging his jacket to adjust it over him he threatened, “You’re lucky your friend saved you today. There won’t be a next time, so you better watch it.”

Namjoo watched him walk off completely flabbergasted by what just happened. A sense of humiliation washed over her as she turned away from Kai. Drawing her hand into a fist with her fingers digging into her clothes she slowly rose to her feet. Still unable to believe what just happened she walked around Kai and steadily made her way back to the bakery, all the while trying not to let her bitterness come through.

The loanshark had ruined her day, but the rescue…the rescue…

Namjoo slammed the door to the bakery shut, locked it, and stood there staring hard at the counter where she earlier hid the money. Dammit! She hadn’t asked for a rescue. She would have rather been beat to a pulp than get the help of that kid!

Namjoo was both angry and flustered, aggravated by everything. With the most of her efforts she tried to shake everything off and get back to work. There were still things she needed to do before heading back home.

For a few hours all she did was slowly clean up the shop, wipe the counters, and make sure the ovens in the back were scrubbed well. Then finally slid down behind the counter to have herself a bite of the leftover bread. Pitiful. That was all she could think. She was pitiful and she didn’t know any other way of surviving.

She hated growing up. Now all the responsibilities the adults should be dealing with had been handed down to her in a way as if she had asked for the baton. The debt her parents incurred and the work her grandmother was unable to do any longer.

For a while more she sat there mulling how she dreaded her life and everything around her. Once the sky began to darken and her grandmother would be setting the table, she grabbed the money, hid it under her sweater, and started out the door. The very moment she unlocked the door and stepped out she heard the rustling of a plastic bag. Turning she looked around to see no one nearby and shifted around to lock the doors. That was when she saw the tiny white bag hanging off the handle of the door. Lifting it off the knob Namjoo peered inside to see an icepack.


“You’re home?” her grandmother greeted from their small kitchen. “I was thinking you lost track of time and was about to come get you.”

“I told you not to go there,” Namjoo mumbled walking in and sat down. Upon hearing the plastic bag on the table her grandmother lifted her head.

“What’s that? Did you buy something?”

“N…no, of course not!” Namjoo suddenly raised her voice and quickly reached for the money she’d hidden. Grasping her grandmother’s hand she shoved the money into her palm, “Here, keep it hidden well. If I can make some more money we can pay those jerks back, so they won’t bother us anymore. And I’m warning you, don’t give that money to them ahead of time! They’re just going to play tricks on us and ask for more. You know I have school. I can’t tend to the shop all day. Lets make a little at a time.”

Her grandmother gently smiled and placed the money on the table, “I know. Now you’re ordering me around. Did we suddenly forget who’s older here?” Setting out the plates of food onto the table she urged, “Eat up and go rest.”

After dinner Namjoo took her daily shower and hopped into bed. From the corner of her eye she spotted the icepack sitting on her desk, all cool and cold after she’d thrown it into the freezer. Namjoo fought to ignore it as she sat there staring at the wall fading into the dark, but she was intrigued. Someone had left it hanging on the door as if they knew she was still inside the shop.


Humiliation and embarrassment swept through her again when she thought back to how she’d readied for the punch that never came. Namjoo huffed a breath and chewed on her lower lips. Then finally jumping out of bed grabbed the icepack, laid down, covered herself with the blanket, and placed the icepack over the swelling bruise on her cheek.

Yes, this was fine too, she thought. It was better than going to school on Monday with a purple face. She might as well try to make it disappear with the damn icepack, because it wasn’t like she wholeheartedly accepted it anyway, since she hadn’t asked for help. Since it was like this, she would use it for her own sake. It definitely, definitely did not mean she accepted his help or the gift.


Maybe he shouldn’t have left it behind, but made sure she had gotten it directly. What if she walked away without even noticing it? Then his money would have gone to waste!

Kai shook his head and shifted again. As he stared into the blaring darkness he wondered if Namjoo would have thrown it away. That was right, that belligerent hardhead. She didn’t like help. He recalled how she’d ripped up the copies of homework Sehun had given her so angrily, as if she hated his existence.

That icepack, his money…all gone to waste.  


The school building stood tall and mighty, unbreakable ahead of him. He dreaded it, yet it was his only escape from his boring home. Tugging his backpack over his shoulder Kai yawned before treading the rest of the wall and up the stairs in.

Half the classroom was already filled with students who regularly talked with one another. The excited pitch in their voices spoke to him of their adventurous weekends of shopping or hiking. Well his…his weekends were always the same, he wondered why any of them even enjoyed telling each other their stories.

Sticking his hands into his pockets he leaned back into his seat and turned to glance at the empty desk beside him. When he turned to glance at the doorway, Namjoo walked in. She halted in her steps and their eyes caught, both of them recalling the Saturday afternoon. Then turning away Kai quickly focused on the front and listened to Namjoo walk over. Plopping down into her seat they neither talked nor looked at each other.

Other students turned to peer at them curiously. Probably wondering why they weren’t getting into a scuffle. That was until he heard one of the girls mentioning Namjooo’s bruised cheek. The icepack, his money. He regretted even stopping by the store and using up that precious allowance.

Pressing his lips together he glanced out of the corner of his eye as rigidly as he could. Namjoo’s hair was down today. He couldn’t see the bruise since it was on the other side of her face anyway. Relaxing, he leaned further back into his chair to await the start of class.

His mind about drifted off when someone paused near his desk. Glancing up he found Sehun looking not at him, but at Namjoo. One look at her told him she was ignoring him, like always.

“What happened to your face?” he inquired to which she didn’t respond. “Did you get in trouble again?”

Silence. Half of the classroom quieted and watched, most likely anticipated another fight.

“Does your grandma know?”


Kai eyed Sehun. Again, he wondered how close the two of them were. Schoolmates? Childhood friends? Had they been involved with each other before meeting up again here?

Kai wanted to laugh at the last possibility. Someone like Namjoo and Sehun? That wouldn’t work. For a boy to like Namjoo, he’d have to be some fool. As captain of the class, Oh Sehun was too smart to lower himself from his pedestal.

Now, he thought, this was kind of interesting. Sehun always interrupted Namjoo’s battles with the boys and him, but he hadn’t fought with her until recently. He never really got into trouble, most likely because he was rich and his family had power. Thinking about it again, Namjoo had about it on several accounts. Was it his weakness?

Slightly raising a brow, Kai continued to sit back and watch. If they were to fight like last time, he’d watch the whole way.

Finally reacting, Namjoo stared up at Sehun through her half-lidded eyes filled with a glare. “Don’t mention that woman. You’re not worthy of talking about my family.”

Sehun bit down on his jaw, but his face remained utmost calm. He was real good at maintaining his emotions, Kai applauded.

“Why not?” Sehun asked, barely smirking as if he knew he would shake Namjoo up. “Your grandma was also like mine.”

Hotblooded Namjoo immediately shoved her chair back as she stood. Her hand instinctively rose up, but stopped quarter of the way up and drilled itself into a tight fist. Sehun glanced down to see it satisfactorily. Kai eyed Namjoo’s fist as well, remembering how it was the same one that had ripped Sehun’s lips just a few days ago. If they brawled here Kai wasn’t going to be a part of it.

He watched the two persons who stood on the opposite end of the spectrum stare each other down. He didn’t know why Namjoo had gotten so upset at the mention of her grandma or why Sehun had started it in the first place. Maybe he knew something about Namjoo no one else did. It made Kai curious to know more, since he fought more with Namjoo than the rich captain of their class.

“Are you going to hit me?” Sehun slightly tilted his head back, inciting her for the worst.

What exactly was he playing at? Did he want to get Namjoo in trouble? Hadn’t he been trying to help Namjoo earlier? Buying her milk, bringing her backpack to her, and even making copies of his homework for her?

They turned when the sound of books slapping the table up front echoed through the room. Their homeroom teacher had just walked in, practically saving the day. Namjoo and Sehun shot each other hard stares before Sehun slapped an icepack he’d just brought from the infirmary onto Namjoo’s desk.

“You remember what I told you before, right?” he asked, staring her right in the eyes. “Take it.”

Turning away Sehun walked toward his desk and sat down while leaving Namjoo to grip her fist even tighter as anger burned her. Sitting down Kai watched her slam her hand down onto the icepack and grip onto it so hard her knuckles turned white. It made him wonder again, if she’d used the icepack he wasted his precious money on or not.


It was lunch break. The classroom was good as empty when Kai returned. Sitting down at his desk he buried his head into his arms. It was better to sleep than to do anything else right now. He barely drifted off into slumber when the footsteps of students filed into the classroom. The sound of chairs scraping the floor as the girls pulled them out from the desks resounded throughout the classroom.

“I heard In Jung and Kang Soo are actually going out!”

“Really? I thought they didn’t even like each other!”

“I saw it! They were at the movies together over the weekend. And they were holding hands!”

The girls erupted into excitement at the news, making incomprehensible noises as they went at it. Kai wanted to snort, but remained silent. Girls…they were always gossiping as if they had nothing better to do.

Then he chirped up when one of them mentioned, “I heard that Sehun and Namjoo used to be close. They even went to the same school.”

“No way! You’ve got to be kidding!”

“I’m serious. I have this friend who knows Sehun from junior high. He’s even in her yearbook and guess who else is in there?”

One of the girls snorted. “You’re making this up, aren’t you?”

“No! I’m serious. I even saw her picture. Namjoo’s, in the yearbook. She said they used to walk home together after school. Isn’t that funny?”

The girls snickered and laughed. “Hey, do you really think they’re still friends? Some kids said he even grabbed her neck last week.”

“Then why does he buy her milk?”

The girls quieted.

“Maybe he likes her?”

“That’s bull. We’re not in a generation where violence expresses love anymore. They completely hate each other.”

“It’s still possible, isn’t it?”

“Hey!” someone poked their head into the classroom. “Il Beomsuk from class three is about to break up with his girlfriend! Hurry!”

The girls quickly scrambled to their feet, exclaiming things out of excitement as they started down the hallway loudly. Enjoying other’s misery was always a fun benefactor of this school. Students who didn’t know anything were still enjoying their time naively.

Finally sitting up, Kai turned to stare out the door. There was still so much more to the story than someone claimed. Namjoo and Sehun? That was an odd mix. What kind of girl was Namjoo to like?


Namjoo stared into the mirror. The purple stain on her face wasn’t going away easily. Worst yet, it hurt like a .

Groaning to herself she snatched the icepack gone warm and walked out of the bathroom. As she headed out two girls stared at her, giggling as they passed by. Frowning, she turned to watch them disappear into the bathroom wondering what the hell was wrong with them. Seconds later after returning the icepack to the infirmary she stopped by the cafeteria to get herself a carton of chocolate milk. She caught the stare of students as she walked out and assumed they were interested in how she got the bruise on her face. If they thought she lost a fight to one of the boys, well…until they ask it didn’t matter.

As she passed by the front doors she stopped at the call of her name. Her hand instinctively balled up when she recognized the voice. Determined to avoid him at all costs she continued onwards. Those footsteps picked up pace noisily, urging her to pick up pace as well. She was forced to a stop when he grabbed her arm and hurried forward to block her way.

“What do you want?” Namjoo demanded, flinging her arm out of his hold. “Don’t you see I don’t want to talk to you?”

“Why?” Sehun asked. “Ah…did I make you angry this morning?”

Namjoo stared back, her brows tense. She wanted to hit him, but she didn’t want to do anything meaningless unless he struck her nerve.

His expression turned victorious at having got her and stuck a small white paper bag into the palm of her hand. She glanced at it quietly before narrowing her eyes up at him.

“You pissed me off first, so I was getting back at you,” Sehun told. “Don’t hold it against me too much. You do worst to me than I to you.”

Namjoo gripped the bag intensely before shoving it against his chest. “I don’t want it, so get lost.”

She bit her tongue when he grasped her hand and shoved it back toward her. “Looks like it hurts. Lets fight again when it disappears.”

Namjoo turned as he watched by and watch him start up the stairs. Gripping harder onto the bag and wrapping fingers around the tube inside she rushed up after him. She didn’t want his sympathy or pity. A bruise was just a bruise and would go away in no time. She most didn’t need him to act like a caring friend, worried about her sake.

As she reached the top of the stairs she spotted Sehun starting toward the classroom. God, she was going to kill him. End everything today or never. She wouldn’t accept his kindness when he destroyed everything of hers.

Flexing her fingers she hurried after him and shouted from behind as she reached the door of the classroom. “Oh Sehun!” He stopped in his steps and when he turned she threw the bag at him. It struck him in the chest before falling onto the floor. “You, do you know what you are to me?”

The students in the classroom turned to watch. Sehun stared back at her, even Kai turned their way.

“A sinner, a coward, and a liar.” Namjoo breathed the words out. “I can’t stand the sight of you. I hate everything that is you. So I pissed you off? You want to get back at me? Then lets fight here and now. Are you holding back because of this?” Namjoo swept her hair back to make her bruise more visible. “Why? You feel sorry for me? Not me. Bow down to my grandma instead. She may forgive you, but I never will. A bruise doesn’t hurt me, not as much as what you took from her.”

Remaining silent, Sehun picked up the medicine bag and slowly stepped toward her. He didn’t look so much as angry as he did that morning. Namjoo glared harder as he neared, grabbed her hand, and placed it within her grasp.

“Your face looks like it’s going to tear apart. Why don’t you take care of yourself first before coming after me?” Sehun glanced down to assure himself she was holding onto the medicine before lifting his eyes up to look at her.

Namjoo bit down on her teeth and was prepared to give him a piece of her mind, but was interrupted by one of the girls. “Hey, do you two like each other or something?”

Eyes widening she turned to stare at the girl who held record of perfect attendance. Her stare was firstly confident, but quickly turned nervous when Namjoo shot her an interrogating glare.

“No…it’s…it’s just…I heard you two went to the same school. Never mind…”

“I heard it too,” one of the boys perked up, “didn’t you hear about it? There’s a rumor that you two like each other.”

***Sorry for the late update. I'm trying to get back into writing mode, but it's difficult for me right now. Decided to spinoff with drama to keeping the interest going. Hope you enjoyed!

***Anyway, who wants KaiJoo and who wants HunJoo? I haven't decided on a pairing. 


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Will update tomorrow!


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theluckyone #1
Chapter 6: Thank you for writing.
theluckyone #2
Is this discontinued? TT
mastarr_jenn #3
Honestly, I think this story deserves way more attention! I love it! Please update whenever you can!
Chapter 6: hunjoo please heheehhe yehet <3
Blehin #5
Chapter 5: Kaijoo kaijoo kaijoo! Hahaha! They seem so cute and fun together~ but hunjoo is fine too. ;D
Chanjoo #6
Chapter 5: Hunjoo!!! They're my favorite but kaijoo is ok too haha
dingdongdeng #7
Chapter 5: I hope you are always in writing mode, authornim..kekeke :p
Aagggh i can't choose between KaiJoo or HunJoo ><
Actually i want KaiJoo but in this story i love HunJoo *Sehun is so sweet here* but if you decided KaiJoo it will be also interesting because naybe he is never thinking namjoo as woman so it will be more funny ♥~♥
But in this last chapter, i want yes for the answer from their clasmate and it will come from Oh Sehun mouth *then i'll be imagining namjoo reaction, she'll be shock and angry as hell, the furious namjoo will be funny*kekeke
Thanks for updating authornim, i'll be waiting for the next update, fighting \(^^)/
Chapter 5: I want KaiJoo because it feels like their r/s will be more fun since Kai thought nobody would date someone like Namjoo. But Hunjoo is fine too, whatever you think is right, author-nim!
Update soon!! <333