♔ Cheat Sheet

cheat sheet
APRIL 25, 2015

01. FACE CLAIMS - You can only have idols or ulzzangs as your face claim & back-up face claim. Ulzzang Park Seul is taken. Please provide a gallery (preferably on AFF) with a lot of HD pictures - not just individual images.

02. HEIGHT & WEIGHT - Please be logical! 

02.2. AGE - Your character's age must be between 17-23 (1998-1992). She can be 16, turning 17.

03. PERSONALITY - I didn't require specific traits for each position to make it more creative and to give more options for appliers. Remember that nobody is perfect and that everybody has flaws. The personality section must be at least 2 paragraphs. Changing the color or underlining key words would also be really helpful!

04. BACKGROUND - The background section must be at least 2 paragraphs. Include things that happened to her since she was younger until she got accepted into JYP. Also include how she got into the music industry.

05. FAMILY & OTHER RELATIONS - Make it realistic. Idol siblings, relatives, and friends are allowed. Other/friends relations are optional because the members are going to make lots of friends later on. In the "interactions" part, tell me about how close they are and about their relationship. If they're friends, include how they first met. Include rivals if she has any.

06. LIKES, DISLIKES, HOBBIES, FEARS, HABITS, & TRIVIA - Likes and dislikes must have at least 5. Hobbies, fears, and habits must have at least 3. Trvia must have at least 7. Include social media accounts if she has any in trivia. I'd reccommend to go all out in the trivia section!

07. SINGING, DANCING, & RAPPING TWIN - They must match your position. Only include a rapping twin if you're a rapper. Please include a link for each.

08. FASHION - Must include at least 2 pictures for each. You can include more, but the minimum is 2. 

09. LOVE INTEREST - Love interests can be an actor, an idol, or an OC. Jinwoo from WINNER is taken. No dating for now. 

10. TRAINEE YEARS - Include the number of years that she was a trainee for JYP and if she was in a different agency before, then include the number of years for that too. Trainee years must be at least 2.

11. TRAINEE LIFE - Explain if it was easy or hard.

12. EXTRA - Please be neat and do not change the format. Again, leader, maknae, and visual will be chosen by me. Comment below or message me if you have any questions or concerns! I don't bite! :) Password is a suggestion for DIVINE's fanclub name. 

12.2. FACE OF THE GROUP - The most popular and widely known member (even before debut).

12.3. HARMONIZER - Harmonizes with the other members by blending in and balancing the vocals.




04-25 - Application is out

04-26 - 12.2, 12.3

05-03 - Allkpop 1

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Chapter 6: omg i can't wait e u e
you're lucky D:
I just finished my mid terms and I have my finals in a few months T.T
Chapter 6: I love the feeling of freedom when finals are over xD JYPE is on point with all his successful groups, DIVINE will be just the same!
Chapter 6: Since your finals are over, relax and have fun. I am sure you did fine....nah you probably aced it! Even though my finals are over I still have to take alot of test that I think I failed but oh well~ Hehehe I like no LOVE divine's introduction!