A Case Of Smallpox

A Case Of Smallpox

A/N: I'm sobbing at how hard this fails. I implore you to enjoy this as best you can. It's highly likely that I'll end up removing this from AFF anyway /is secretly doing you guys a favor

"Damn, those are some delectable-looking buns," Jonghyun crooned, a low whistle eliciting from his pink lips, now having taken form into a pert pout.

"Hyung!" Taemin exclaimed, a horrified expression strewn across the angelic features of his face. He stared at his one and only best friend with a look of absolute disgust.

"What? It's sticky buns Wednesday, and Key's got some nice buns there," Jonghyun said pointedly, holding up his palms defensively. All the while, he was ogling Kim Kibum, or rather, as Jonghyun insisted, the lone sticky bun slumping pathetically on Kibum's tray.

"Although it's doubtful that you're referring to the food on Kibum's lunch tray, I'll take your word for it," Taemin muttered begrudgingly, poking the grayish green broccoli in his tupperware tentatively with a plastic fork.

Although Jonghyun had never advocated his feelings—to Taemin, at least—it didn't take a rocket scientist to apprehend the obvious. Jonghyun definitely took an interest in Key, the poster boy for blatant homouals across the expanse of South Korea.

Taemin flickered his eyes towards Key. He was busying himself with his makeup kit, sifting through its contents until he fished out an object which resembled a black colored pencil, most likely eyeliner. With a superior glint of absolute arrogance in his eyes and a smirk playing on his lips, he began applying the liner to his upper eyelids, intently observing his reflection on a compact mirror with his other hand.

Taemin scoffed and stole a quick glance at Jonghyun, who was gazing—yes, gazing —fixedly at Key. The younger male felt his eyes roll back into his head in annoyance as he scraped his chair back, blindly grasping onto all disposable items on the table and crossing the distance between him and the garbage can to toss the articles of trash away.

By the time Taemin returned to his seat, Jonghyun had finally torn his eyes away from Kibum and had focused his attention onto his neglected meal. Taemin nudged Jonghyun playfully in the ribs with his elbow in an attempt to catch his attention.

"What," Jonghyun muttered with a mouthful of rice. Taemin winced as grains of sticky white rice flickered onto his simple green polo. 

"Are you still coming over today?" the younger male asked cooly while trying to keep his expression impassive. Much to Taemin's surprise, the older male shook his head in response. Taemin opened his mouth, ready to demand several explanations, but Jonghyun held a finger up to silence him. He chewed for a few moments and swallowed before speaking.

"Sorry, Tae. I have somewhere to be," Jonghyun apologized, his tone failing to seem as apologetic as he meant to sound. Taemin frowned but nodded in understanding. He suppressed a sigh of disappointment and instead asked the older male where he was heading off to.

"The library," Jonghyun answered curtly. Taemin snorted.

"Since when did you come within five feet of a book with the exception of using it as a makeshift pillow for all of your classes? Let alone a room chocked full of books," Taemin jeered. He took a strange pleasure in teasing his hyung, belittling him. Quite literally, in fact.

"Shut up," Jonghyun snapped, glaring down, or rather, up at the blonde male. Taemin snickered and recoiled before Jonghyun could swipe at his delicate cheeks with a playful slap.

"Honestly, hyung. Since when did you study?" Taemin asked with a bemused expression. Jonghyun grunted.

"I don't. I promised Key I'd tutor him," Jonghyun mumbled under his breath, refusing to meet Taemin's eyes. A sharp pang of emvy ran straight through Taemin's core.

"Wait, so you're calling off something we've already planned beforehand for that…that…that sassy black woman suited up in a male's body? Since when did you tutor, anyway? Usually it's the other way around," Taemin wailed.

"Ouch, Tae. Way to make me feel awesome," Jonghyun muttered sarcastically, punching Taemin lightly in the arm. "Besides, it's just a quick study session. I'll come over after a couple of hours, okay?"

More like a make-out session waiting to happen, Taemin desperately wanted to retort. But not wanting to make matters worse, he—with much difficulty—chose to hold his tongue.

"No, no. It's completely fine," Taemin half-mumbled, half-growled. Jonghyun rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Hey, man. I can call it off, if you want. I'm sure Key would understand."

"Are you kidding? He'd claw my eyes out with his five inch acrylic nails for interfering with his grand scheme of getting into your pants," Taemin bantered, somewhat reveling at the thought of Key somehow finding a way to blame Taemin for ruining his perfect manicure. Jonghyun rolled his eyes.

"Quit it already. I'll come over tomorrow, okay?" Jonghyun promised in hopes of bringing Taemin's spirits back to high heights. He scraped his chair back and began collecting his things. Taemin huffed and crossed his arms over his chest in irritation, not wanting to let up.

"Yeah, sure," he responded half-heartedly through clenched teeth. Jonghyun gave Taemin a brief wave before sauntering off with his bag slung lazily over his shoulder. As if on cue, the bell chimed clamorously overhead, signaling the end of lunch.

Taemin practically bore holes into Jonghyun's back with his burning stare as he eyed the trademark lazy saunter of Jonghyun's strides. Taemin had always taken a great interest in the way Jonghyun walked. In a way, it held its own charm.

The anger Taemin felt for Jonghyun just moments before was quickly melting away. The blonde male felt a small grin etch its way onto his lips, and he let it remain there. For the time being, at least.


Well into the evening, after Taemin had completed all of his homework assignments for the night, the said male was busying himself with receiving and eagerly responding to every one of Jonghyun's texts.

Although he was practically aching with curiosity to know what had happened earlier that day while Jonghyun was supposedly tutoring Key at the library, Taemin ultimately came to the decision not to ask. To be quite frank, he was afraid to find out something he would not find pleasant.

Only after Taemin pestered Jonghyun with various text messages bearing the same message only written in a vast amount of ways ("you are coming over tomorrow, right?"), along with Jonghyun's numerous confirmations and assurances, did Taemin finally have some peace of mind and drift off into a comfortable and nourishing slumber.


The following day sped by in a blur and before Taemin knew it, school had finally ended. He was on his way to the entrance of the school to meet Jonghyun, but not before treading through the hallways cramped with students desperate for freedom.

Caught in the midst of all the hustle and bustle, Taemin's body was forced against two other students, resulting in the disheveled trio ramming themselves into nearby lockers.

"Oh, geez, sorry about that," Taemin muttered, his cheeks tinged pink with embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it," assured a cheery, familiar voice. Taemin grinned when he discovered he had, quite literally, run into Onew, a friend of Jonghyun's. Beside Onew was Minho, an awkwardly tall male with alien-like features.

Taemin was well aware of how Minho was eyeing him like a hunk of meat. He cast Minho a weird look before sauntering off and muttering an awkward and rushed goodbye.

Moments later, Taemin caught sight of Jonghyun's brunette fringe. With his heart pounding rapidly in his chest at the sight of the older male, he quickly joined Jonghyun's side and together the two began the brief trek to Taemin's abode.


Upon arrival, Jonghyun scurried through the front door and vaulted his short frame onto the sofa, limbs splayed out lazily as if he lived here, which he practically did. Taemin crossed the living room in five easy strides and playfully seated himself on Jonghyun's lap.

In all honesty, this wasn't the first time Taemin had sat on Jonghyun's lap, just as this wasn't the first time Jonghyun had allowed Taemin to sit on his lap. Jonghyun grinned lazily and laced his muscular arms about the younger male's slender waist, pulling his back flush against his chest. 

Taemin felt the flesh of his cheeks burn a deep scarlet, but he was in no move to pry Jonghyun's arms off of his thin body. Not at all. There was something about being in Jonghyun's arms that brought a sense of comfort to Taemin. It wasn't the same comfort that food, specifically meat and banana milk (but not necessarily consumed at the same time), brought him or a warm blanket did. This comfort was entirely a unique feeling of bliss that only Jonghyun, and Jonghyun alone, could provide.

Taemin could always feel the thrum of Jonghyun's heartbeat drumming against his back, and Jonghyun knew he, Taemin, could feel it, too. The way both males' breath hitched at every slight touch and accidental brush of hands never went unnoticed by either of the two.

Taemin wonders how many times he felt himself caught in this exact moment. The feeling of being safe and secure in the comforting hold of Jonghyun's arms. The feeling that maybe, just maybe, Jonghyun did indeed reciprocate the same feelings Taemin held dearly for the older male. That this was not just a "caught-up-in-the-moment" scenario.

Taemin wonders how many times Jonghyun proved him wrong, had shattered his hope, but not yet completely obliterating it.

Those many nights where Jonghyun had promised to spend time with Taemin but ended up blowing him off because a girl he had been trying to get at for weeks called and there was no way he could say no and how could he pass up such an opportunity?

Along with the fact that it didn't include Jonghyun's ability to zap Taemin's heart into a mushy, jello-y mass, Taemin never did complain. He always insisted that it was alright, that he wasn't at all irked by the fact that Jonghyun had again and again broken the golden rule of "bros before hoes."

After all, when you truly care about, or as Taemin dares to say, love someone, shouldn't his or her needs and wants come before yours? When you love someone, their mistakes and wrongdoings never change your feelings or them because it's only the mind that gets angry, but the heart still aches for them, yearns for them.

Indeed, Taemin had placed his feelings for Jonghyun within the crevices of his heart, tucked away for the time being. Until he was certain that Jonghyun could return his feelings, there was no way Taemin would do anything brash or bold with his sensitive emotions.

After Taemin mused over the vast amount of thoughts that had swept through his mind, he finally felt himself succumb to reality. The two males lied there for a moment with nothing but the mangled sounds of their breathing to be heard. A shy giggle elicited from Taemin's lips as he buried the top of his head into the crook of Jonghyun's neck.

"What's so funny?" Jonghyun murmured into Taemin's blonde fringe. Another giggle.

"Nothing," Taemin cooed in a singsong-y voice.

"Of course it's nothing. Come on, tell me," Jonghyun coaxed, shaking Taemin a little in his grasp.

"Really, it's nothing," Taemin insisted. "Except…you're so gay sometimes, hyung," Taemin remarked teasingly. Jonghyun scoffed and shoved Taemin off of his lap.

"Is it not okay for two males to cuddle?" Jonghyun snapped, masking an offended expression and drawing a hand to his chest in mock exasperation. To this, Taemin burst out into a fit of hyena-like laughter.

"Seriously, though," Taemin managed to gasp out once his laughter had receded. "What happened the other day?"

"You mean at the library?"

"No, on your voyage to the moon. Of course I was referring to the library."

"I don't know. Studying stuff, I guess," Jonghyun responded, his voice barely above a whisper so Taemin had to strain his ears to hear the older male. 

"Just studying stuff?" Taemin pressed. Jonghyun didn't answer. He had suddenly taken great interest in the coffee table displayed in front of him. Jonghyun's shoulders rose then fell.

"Key seemed to understand the math just fine, so we didn't really do much. Just talked a bit. I guess I did well as a tutor."

"See? Being tutored by you wasn't his intention. It was just a tactic to be alone with you, and you totally fell for his demonic gay charm," Taemin grunted, kicking his long legs onto the coffee table and resting the back of his head on his hands.

"Why are you so against Key? He never did anything wrong," Jonghyun lashed out defensively.

"I'm not against Key. In fact, I don't care for him at all. Although, you definitely seem to have taken quite an interest in him lately," Taemin retaliated. And before Jonghyun could respond, Taemin added, "Why are you defending him?"

"Because Key's a nice guy, okay? There's no need for you to attack him when he hasn't done anything wrong," Jonghyun retorted. "Seriously, Tae, why are you like this?"

"You want to know why I'm feeling so worked up? I'm tired of your lack of tact and your insensitivity towards my feelings and how you're an ignorant, insensible, oblivious moron who only thinks with his !" Taemin asserted, yanking as many pillows his hands could grasp onto off of the couch. Then, he proceeded to haul the pillows at Jonghyun's face.

"Taemin—what—areyou—doing?" Jonghyun hollered in between headshots from various cushions. "God—damn—it—will—you—cut—it—out?"

Taemin paid no mind to Jonghyun's desperate pleas. Blinded by the bitter rage he felt towards Jonghyun at that moment, he continued to launch pillows at the shorter male. Thank goodness for an infinite amount of sofa cushions, especially for the infuriated.

Jonghyun cursed under his breath and treaded through the sea of pillows that had accumulated about Jonghyun's feet. Once he was within feet of Taemin, Jonghyun reached out and captured Taemin's thin wrists in his calloused hands, grasping onto them securely. Taemin struggled against Jonghyun's hold in an attempt to pry the older male off of him, but to no avail. Jonghyun's grasp only seemed to tighten the more Taemin struggled.

"Get off of me, you foul, heinous hobbit! You're gonna snap my wrists!" Taemin cried out. Jonghyun shook his head.

"Not until you tell me why the hell you've suddenly turned into an insane psychopath and a human catapult," Jonghyun admonished, refusing to ease his grasp even the slightest bit.

The corners of Taemin's eyes prickled with tears, tears which threatened to fall. Not wanting to cause himself further embarrassment, Taemin blinked them away. The younger male could only sniff in response.

"Taemin, please? How do you expect me to understand what's making you upset if you won't even tell me what's wrong?" Jonghyun pleaded, shaking Taemin lightly in an effort to coax him to speak.

Taemin exhaled deeply before speaking. Daring to look Jonghyun straight in the eyes, he stated firmly, "You're never there for me, Jjong." Taemin rolled his eyes at the puzzled expression on Jonghyun's face. "Why is it that I'm always there for you, but it's never the other way around?"

"I…I don't think I understand, Tae," Jonghyun mumbled. Taemin sighed dismally, his expression tired and strained.

"Then you never will," he muttered bitterly. "I think you should come over some other time, Jjong."

"Are you sure?" Jonghyun asked, his voice heavy with concern. Taemin nodded and forced a weak smile.

His smile doesn't reach his eyes, Jonghyun thought to himself, feeling alarmed, as he released his grip on Taemin's wrists. Jonghyun collected his belongings from the floor and sauntered towards the front door. As he approached the door, he thought he heard Taemin murmur "I need you to understand."

A lump welled up in Jonghyun's throat as he gripped onto the doorknob with his free hand. He swallowed hard as a surge of emotions overcame his senses all at once. He knows he shouldn't be leaving, knows he should be with Taemin, holding him in his arms, just as he had done so many times over the years

Jonghyun clenched his fists tightly and grit his teeth before turning to face Taemin and striding towards him. He tugged at Taemin's wrists, pulling him in for an embrace.

"Taemin, please," Jonghyun murmured against the flesh of Taemin's neck. The latter shuddered as the older male's warm breath caressed his sensitive skin.

"I need you to tell me that you care. I need to know that when I feel your arms around me, you're not thinking of me as your dongsaeng, but something beyond the boundaries of 'just friends'. I'm tired of restricting myself, of waiting in vain for you," Taemin sobbed into Jonghyun's shoulder.

Jonghyun pulled Taemin closer, and even closer still, and Taemin let him. He had always let him. After all, when it came to Jonghyun, how could Taemin refuse? He was head over heels for that moronic dinosaur.

Taemin continued to sob dryly into the fabric of Jonghyun's shirt as Jonghyun rubbed the small of Taemin's back in small circles in an attempt to soothe the younger male. And, like always, Taemin felt himself melt under Jonghyun's touch.

"Taemin," Jonghyun hummed into the younger male's ear. Taemin hiccuped.


"You talk too much."


Taemin was abruptly cut off by a pair of perfect lips pressing flush against his own rosebud ones. Taemin was too stunned to react. Jonghyun seemed to have taken Taemin's unresponsive self as a negative sign and began to retract his face away.

All at once, Taemin caught on to what was happening. This time he wouldn't let Jonghyun off so easily. He slung his arms about Jonghyun's neck and forced him closer, capturing the older male's lips with his own. Taemin felt Jonghyun's thigh nestle in between his legs, and the latter slowly began to rub himself into Taemin's groin.

Jonghyun ran his tongue against Taemin's bottom lip, dragging it across the soft flesh, and began prying his lips open. The soft moan which elicited from Taemin's lips was swallowed up by Jonghyun. A sigh of Jonghyun's name fell from Taemin's lips as he felt the older male begin to slowly push him down onto the sofa.

A sudden wave of nausea swept over Taemin, and his entire body felt tingly all over. Either, A) he was in love with an idiot named Kim Jonghyun, or B) he had caught a case of smallpox.

A/N: 끝! I wonder how many of you snorted as much as I did from reading this. But seriously though I actually lol'd a couple of times from all the fail.

I didn't mean for it to sound so dramatic and corny towards the ending. Also, I couldn't resist not putting in something ual because, let's face it, JongTae was made for \o/ This was supposed to be sappy fluff OTL /shoots self in the foot

I think I've lost all my abilities to write but it's not as if I had any to begin with. I should write more. Guh, my brain is pretty much fried from all the filthy, nasty, sleazy mushiness I put into this one-shot. I'm surprised there isn't some alleged serial killer out to butcher me.



Because it is totally necessary for me to share this with a group of people who dgaf about my personal life \o/

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Chapter 1: Hahahaa this Taemin is amazing, his agressiveness is lovely. I like and thanks for share. c:
soomineisreal #2
Daebak!!!!!!!!!!! Omg so amazing x3
So many JongTae feels happening right now. ;~;
*le bookmarks to reread later*
"Damn, those are some delectable-looking buns,"
Minho eyeing Taemin like a piece of meat. I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE, THROWING 2MIN INTO YOUR JONGTAE. ♥
They're cuddling. jsndfkasdf
Oh my god the end is so cute and precious and omg hot too and aljkhfalie,kjsfdcx I'M CRYING, MOOSE. ;__________; WHY AM I CRYING? ;_______;
ilysm ㅠ______ㅠ ♥
@kawaiikimbap: Ugh you .
I haven't read it yet, , how did I forget?! I will read at a time when I don't feel like murdering myself 'cause I'm so depressed... so, since I haven't read it, I can't vote, but I'm not one to turn down JongTae so...whatever floats your boat, oppa~
*-* what fail? I didn't read a fail. I saw epicness and I'm in love and you're so perfect *-*
*subscribed*<br />
*dances in rainbows and butterflies and squees happily*<br />
<i>"and then Trina and sticky buns happened."</i> OMFG ←THIS XDDD<br />
Moosie-yeobo, I'm terribly sorry I can't read this right away...because as much as I am dying to go ahead and this now, I am in dire need of finishing this contest entry before Val decides to jump up and say it's too late. >.<; But I will read ASAP! ♥<br />