

It was a nice cool evening in the city of Seoul and everyone was enjoying their time, except inHyunarella’s household. Kimmi suddenly began to cry in pain.

“Umma, Hyunarella bit me!” Kimmi shouted, as she stared at the wound her arm.

Meirin and Ana walked into the living room and saw Kimmi was crying over her wound, while Hyunarella sat on the couch, listening to music and reading book as if nothing actually happened. Meirin walked towards Kimmi and looked at her wound, and Ana followed suit.

“Oh my, you poor thing…” she asked Kimmi.

“Dongsaeng does it hurt?” Ana asked her.

Kimmi nodded and then Meirin turned to Hyunarella.

“What are you some kind of mutt that goes around biting people?!”

Hyunarella glanced up at her, and then got up and began to walk towards her room, ignoring her question.

“Yah! Umma is talking to you!”

Hyunarella stopped and answered, “You know, she’s not really my sister, and besides a little snack after breakfast doesn’t hurt.”

“Snack?!” Kimmi said.

“Kimmi maybe she actually wanted to kill you!”

Hyunarella sighed, “I was just joking about the snack, and I never thought about killing her.”

“Maybe now you do…”

“No, I don’t.”

“That’s what you say now! Umma lock her up, I’m sure she’s craving more blood!”

“Or better yet, put a hex on her!” Kimmi added.

“No, for now let’s starve her instead, or let’s see if she’ll apologize first.” Meirin said.

 “I do not see any reason to apologize.” Hyunarella said.

“Well then…I’ll starve you until you do.”

“I don’t see the reason in doing something so extreme. It wouldn’t affect me much anyways.” She said as she picked up a bottle of O negative ‘Caedis’,from the coffee table took a sip from it.

Meirin stared at the bottle, and then she went to grab it, but Hyunarella shifted it away from her. Meirin scowled at her, and then ordered her to give her the bottle.

“I’m not going to give it to you. I’m going out now, good night.” she announced as she walked out the doorwith her cat, Kitty, following her out.

“Umma, She didn’t apologizeto me!” Kimmi said.

“Don’t worry, we’re going to throw out every single bottle of blood lying around and locking her out of the house. She’s not going to get away with this punishment, but for now, let me help you with your wound.” Meirin said, as she went to get bandages.


Hyunarella walked down the streets of Seoul looking for her friendsand then suddenly a fairy popped up behind her.

“Yah, Hyunarella!”

Hyunarella turned around and jumped backa little. “Mandy, you need to stop doing that!”

“But, it’s fun though!” she said then giggled, and then picked up Hyunarella’s cat. “Look, who followed you out again!”

“Well, it’s not fun when the person gets a near heartattack.Oh Kitty! I wonder why she followed me.” she took a quick sip from her ‘Caedis’,and then took the cat from Mandy, and petted it. She looked around. “Where’s Monica, sleeping?”

“It’s only 8PM. She shouldn’t be sleeping, I’ll go check.” Mandy said and thendisappeared,and soon moments later, reappeared with Monica.

“Ah jeez I was studying you know!Humans are different from all other races. We actually have to study!” Monica said.

“Can’t you come out for awhile, like for a break?” Hyunarella said.

Monica pondered on the question for a moment. “Well…I guess I could use a break.”

“Wonderful now let’s go do…uh…something.” Hyunarella laughed, and she set Kitty on the ground.

The three girls agreed and then they head off together.


In a mansion, somewhere in Seoul, two young angels were sitting the living room, relaxing.  “I do not understand why we’re having a masquerade ball this year.” A young blonde angel said, as he was sitting on the sofa, reading the to-do list on the clipboard.

“Well....it’s so you’ll FINALLY meet a girl that you’ll like, Young Saeng hyung, and I get to have fun.” Another young angel said.

“But Kyu Jong I don’t see the point, I’ve seen the whole district of girls but they don’t catch my eye.”

“The whole district, are you sure?”

Young Saeng pondered upon his question. “Alright, maybe not the whole district, but really…I’ve seen all the female angels in the district.”

“Invite the whole district to the ball, then you’ll meet someone. You’re known as the prince of the district, they’ll all come.”

“Just because they say I’m handsome. It’s all based on looks; they don’t care about my personality.”

“So are you going to interview EVERY girl?”

“Molla, but I don’t see the point in doing that. I’ll figure it out when the night of the ball comes.”

“Arraso. I’ll let you do what you want.” Kyu Jong said then a bright light shined down on the balcony, and a small alien, with a little crown, appeared. He walked into the house and greeted the two angels.

“Annyeong you two. I’m staying here for the…uh…year. Mars is too lonely!”

“Well Hyun Joong you’re the one that decided to move there.” Young Saeng told him.

“Because earth is boring.”

“Not until races began to move here.” Kyu Jong said.

“Oh cool! My plan worked! Now it’s not all boring earthlings!”

“You did that?”

Hyun Joong nodded. “I messed around with planets, and moved the people around!”

“That explains why the earth suddenly changed.” Young Saeng said.

“Okay, you may be ‘God of the Universe’, but was that really necessary?” Kyu Jong asked.

“Yes and now it’s more interesting!”

“But you left us the work to make the place peaceful again!”

“Oh…mian….wanna see my puppy?” Hyun Joong asked as he picked up a small brown dachshund behind him, and showed it to them.

“When did you get that?”

“Um….I think a couple weeks ago, isn’t it cute? I named him, U:zoosin. I wanted to name him brownie…but it’s just too generic.” He replied as he cuddled the puppy.

Kyu Jong and Young Saeng stared at him, as he praised and cuddled the puppy.

“Yes it’s cute, now while you’re here why don’t you help us with finding a venue for the masquerade ball that’s happening tomorrow.” Young Saeng suggested.

“Let’s use my UFO! I practically live in there when I go visit other planets.”

“Good, now we have a venue. Make the invitations, get music, and…everything else too while you’re at it.” Young Saeng told him as he, passed him the clipboard and walked towards the door.

Hyun Joong jerked his head up and then said, “Mwo? Why are you making me do everything!?”

“Well it’s your UFO…and it’s to make up for the mess you caused three years ago.”

Hyun Joong sighed. “Arraso, fair enough. I’ll get it done soon. Where are you going?”

“Good and I’m going out for awhile; I wonder where those two bickering dark angels are…” Young Saeng asked himself.


“Yah Hyung Jun, stop pushing me!” A young dark angel yelled.

“What I’m not pushing! It’s crowded here and it was your idea to come here Jung Min!” Hyung Jun said, as they walked through the busy mall.

“I only wanted to get one thing! I didn’t know it would be this crowded….”

“You know ever since all races appeared here.”

“Yeah yeah I know. Let’s just get home now.” Jung Min said as he weaved his way through the crowd, and then suddenly bumped into someone, he looked up and saw Young Saeng standing in front of him.

“Oh wonderful I was just wondering where you two went.” Young Saeng said.

“We were just getting home, what are you doing here?” Hyung Jun asked him.

“Oh, I thought I might come out for a walk.” Young Saeng as he shrugged.

“Arraso, we’ll see you at home.” Jung Min said.

“By the way, Hyun Joong is here and he says he’s staying with us for the year.”

“Jinjja, wae?!”

“Why not? You guys don’t have to help with the ball now.”

“What ball?”

“I seriously thought Kyu Jong texted you about it.”

“I turned off my phone.”

Young Saeng shook his head. “Just check your phone. I’m going now, so I’ll see you later.”


Meanwhile Hyunarella and her two friends were walking through the streets and then they decided to go to the mall. Hyunarella didn’t really want to go shopping, but she just wanted to go to the library there. So the girls split up, so Monica and Mandy went shopping while Hyunarella and Kitty went to the library.


Hyunarella has spent half an hour in the library and she was looking for the slot to put away the book, when she felt a light bump beside her. She looked up and saw a handsome blonde angel, she hesitated for a moment, as she was captivated by his eyes and then she quickly apologized.

“Oh, mianhaeyo.”

The young angel was also captivated by the young vampire’s eyes, and then he quickly snapped back into reality answered. “Ah…em… gwenchanayo.” He bowed.

Hyunarella gave a quick bow, the angel stepped aside, and she walked away. She glanced back, and she felt her heart pounding rapidly, and she smiled to herself as she happily walked out of the library.


The young blonde angel, whom was Young Saeng, watched the girl as she left the library. He smiled, as his heart was beating fast, and then he thought to himself, ‘Am I falling in love?’ he shook his head, trying to shake the thought out of his mind, and tried to think more logically. ‘I only just looked her for a minute. I can’t be falling in love so quickly….unless….it’s love at first sight…’ Once again he shook the thought out of his mind.

“No it can’t be, there’s no such thing.” he whispered to himself as he began reading the book he chose.


“Ah what time is it?” Monica asked Mandy.

“I think it’s eleven.”

“Ah where’s Hyunarella?!”

At that moment Hyunarella, was holding Kitty and was walking towards them.

“Omona where were you?! I have to get home now!” Monica told her frantically.

“Relax we’re not that far from your place. We’ll take the subway, it’s quick.” Hyunarella said, and then all three girls quickly dashed towards the subway station.


Soon they arrived in front of Monica’s apartment, and since Mandy lives next door from her she decided to go home with her. Mandy and Monica and left fairy dust behind with Hyunarella alone on the street. She wondered what she could do for two more hours, so she decided to visit her friend who was visiting Korea. Before she did she looked around for her cat, and figured out that she went home by herself as it was late, for her.


She arrived at a park where, there was a ghoul sitting on a bench, putting away his bass. Hyunarella went to greet him.

“Hello Emil!”

The ghoul looked up and saw her waving beside him; he waved back and greeted her.

“Hey where were you last night?”

“I didn’t know where you were because you move around too much!”

“Sorry I had to play at another venue, but I’m free the rest of the month. The band needs a break, until we go to USA.”

“At least I wasn’t absolutely bored last night. Now I am, let’s go do something!”

“Like what?”

“I have no idea. I didn’t think about it, but I need to kill two hours of time.”

“How about videogames; we could play in the apartment that I rented with the band.”

“Sure, let’s do that!” Then they both went to Emil’s apartment, and then they played games for a couple of hours until Hyunarella had to leave.


As she arrived home, she went to open the door, but it was locked. Hyunarella rolled her eyes as she said,

“Obviously, it’s locked.”

She looked up at the window and remembered that she left her window open. She transformed into a bat, and flew up to her attic window. Luckily it was still cracked open a little, so she opened it and flew inside, and sat onto her bed. She transformed back, into a vampire and then she closed the window and covered it with the curtain. Her cat woke up and then jumped up onto her lap. She petted her and she glanced around the room. She yawned, and soon fell asleep.


The next morning, it was bright and sunny outside. Hyunarella was sleeping peacefully in bed, while Meirin and her three daughters were eating breakfast. Yujin was happily feeding Herman, as she already finished her breakfast. She glanced at the clock, and then she announced,

“I’m going to go wake Hyunarella up, for school.”

“She’s not home.” Meirin said.


“She didn’t come home last night. I don’t know why.” Meirin lied.

“Oh...she must be staying at a frie-”

“Joeun achim, yeoreobun.” Hyunarella greeted, as she went to the fridge.

Meirin, Kimmi and Ana were shocked. They couldn’t believe how she got back into the house.

“When did you get back here?” Ana asked her.

“Last night, you were sleeping so you probably didn’t even hear the door open. I can’t find any bottles of blood in here.”

“Oh I threw them out.” Meirin said.


“It was taking up room. No big deal right?” Ana asked her, with an innocent look on her face.

Hyunarella slamed the fridge door and shot a quick glance at Ana, and with a smile she answered in an annoyed tone, “Yeah, no big deal.” Then she left the house with Kitty tagging along. Yujin quickly grabbed Herman and followed her out of the house.


As she rushed out the door she looked around and saw Hyunarella walking to the convenience store. She quickly caught up to her, and then asked,

“Hey, Hyunarella what happened last night?”

“Nothing, just the normal thing that happens every night except… I bit Kimmi.” Hyunarella answered as she bought a pack of ‘Caedis’ and took out a bottle as she left the store.

“You bit her? Wae? No, Herman ystay still!”

“Honestly, I didn’t mean to, she was just annoying me too much.” She said as she took a sip from the bottle.

“Oh she was? ...That isn’t much of a reason is it?”

“Actually it kinda is, she wouldn’t stop bothering me.”

“I guess….where did you go last night?”

“I went out, with my friends, and came back through my attic window, umma locked the door.”

“Oh that’s what actually happened, well that’s last night’s news, and did you study for the test?”

“Ani, it’s a history test right? I’ll be able to get through that.”

“If you say so…” Yujin said with an unsure tone, and soon enough they arrived at school and dispersed into their separate classes.


Everyone left quickly as school has ended. Hyunarella went home to sleep and Yujin went to hang out with her friends. As Hyunarellagot out of school, Kitty was waiting for her outside. She petted her, and then they both walked home together. As they were walking home, Hyunarella bumped into someone. She looked up and saw an angel with dark hair. He glanced at her, and she quickly bowed.

“Mianhaeyo, I should have watched where I was going.” She apologized.

“Oh gwenchana; I shouldn’t be standing in the middle of the sidewalk.” The dark hair angel said, then he felt something rubbing against his leg. He looked down and saw a cat nuzzling against his leg. “Is this cat yours?”

Hyunarella nodded.

“What’s her name? Oh I’m Kyu Jong by the way.” The angel asked, as he picked her up and petted her.

“It’s Kitty, and my name is Hyunarella.”

“Nice to meet you and yes I know it’s a kitty but what’s her name?”

“Her name is Kitty, I’m just not very good with names.”

“Oh….well your very cute Kitty.” He commented, as he petted her for a little longer. “I guess I should let you go now.” He set Kitty on the ground and stepped aside, letting Hyunarella pass.

“Kamsamnida. Come on Kitty.” Hyunarella said as she motioned her cat to follow and they continued walking home.


As Hyunarella got home, she wondered how she could hide the bottles of blood from her mother. She decided to climb up to the roof, go into the attic through the window and then she hid it under her bed. She climbed out the window and went back inside through the front door. As she began to walk upstairs, she heard her mother talking to Kimmi and Ana about a masquerade ball planned by the angel prince, Heo Young Saeng. Even though she was really tired, she decided to listen in on the conversation, so she stood outside of the living room, unseen. Kitty meowed and Hyunarella quickly shushed her.

“So in this invitation it says that, ‘The Prince, Young Saeng is holding a masquerade ball and everyone in the district is invited. The event will be held tomorrow on Friday night, at the downtown park, in the UFO.’ Girls you must go, and I must tell Yujin when she gets home too, maybe the prince will see you and fall in love with one of you girls!”

“Umma we must get dresses and masks immediately!” Kimmi said.

“Wait, what about Hyunarella when she hears about this?” Ana asked.

“I bet she doesn’t even want to go, so we don’t have to worry about her. After Yujin comes home, we’ll go buy the dresses and masks.” Meirin said.

Hyunarella didn’t really know who Young Saeng really is, except that he’s an angel and that he’s handsome apparently. Hyunarella was curious so she decided that she’ll attend the ball, even if she may not enjoy it, she was just curious of how he looks like. With that decision she picked up Kitty, went upstairs and went to sleep for the day.


As dusk arrived, Hyunarella woke up and picked up a bottle of blood that she hid, and gulped it down. She opened the curtain and glanced out the window. She heard Kimmi, Ana and Yujin happy voices. She faintly heard their cheers about their dresses and masks.

“Oh umma kamsamnida for buying us the dresses!” she heard Kimmi say.

“Ne, umma they’re so pretty!” Ana added.

“I can’t wait to meet the angel prince.” Yujin said.

“I’m glad you like them, now you’ll be the most beautiful girls at the ball!” she heard Meirin say happily.

Hyunarella sighed and then she climbed out the window and then called Mandy with her phone. Moments later Mandy appeared beside her.

“Wow your early!” she said in a surprised tone.

“Yeah….get Monica, I need to go to the mall to buy something, if I can afford it…and I need both of your help.”

Mandy nodded, and went to get Monica, the way she usually does, by disappearing into her room and reappearing on the street with her.

“Ah I’m studying again!” Monica said.

“Well now it’s break time!” Hyunarella said, as she dragged Monica and Mandy with her to the mall.


They arrived at the mall in front of a dress store and Monica and Mandy were confused. They know that Hyunarella wouldn’t usually wear dresses. So then Monica asked,

“Why are we here?”

“Didn’t you get the invitation?” Hyunarella asked.

“What invitation?”

“The invitation to the ball.”

“Oh the masquerade ball!”

“I forgot about that…” Mandy said.

“Well I was thinking of buying a dress and mask…”

“You’re going?”

“Ne, I am going.”

“Oh are we going to buy dresses?”

Hyunarella nodded. “Yes you guys are going to go buy dresses, I’m going to look.”

“You’re not buying one?” Monica asked with an confused expression on her face.

Hyunarella shook her head.

“Why not?” Mandy asked.

“I don’t have money to afford a dress, I think Yujin knows how to make one, so I’m going to ask her to make one for me, as soon as I am able to get an idea of what it’s supposed to look like.” Hyunarella told them. It was actually a little bit of an excuse. She doesn’t get much money, because Meirin only gives her enough to keep herself fed.

“Arraso, let’s go look at those dresses!” Mandy said, and then the three girls went into the store to look at dresses.

They spent a half hour so far looking at dresses. Mandy chose a green dress, and it came with a mask and gloves as a set. The dress was laced with a simple, floral design at the bottom of the dress going up and around, and satin fabric draped from front and around the waist. Above the waist the design was a corset style, with a black lace tying it altogether. The mask was sparkly green, with gold glitter around the rims and black feathers at the peeks. Monica chose a blue dress set. Her peacock blue dress had blue straps and has a white flower on a white ribbon, around her waist and the flowed down to her feet, with a white laced design under the white ribbon. Her mask was sparkly blue, with a silver ribbon on the rim and white lace around the eye holes. They both went to try it on and both came out and asked Hyunarella, at the same time,

“Well how do I look?”

Hyunarella looked back and forth between them, and then answered, “You both look lovely. The color and style you chose suits you well.”

“Kamsamnida.” They both answered, and then went to change back into their casual clothing, as Hyunarella looked through the dresses, and then she sees a little alien, holding papers walk in and then he glanced over at her.

“Annyeonghaseyo.” It greeted and waved as it was walking towards her.

“Annyeonghaseyo.” She greeted at she looked down at it. She thought how cute it looks.

It handed her of what seems to be a flyer.

“Please come to the Masquerade Ball happening tomorrow night, the location is on the flyer, and there will be food and drinks served to fit all creatures diet. Please come and have fun, annyeong.” It told her and then left the store.

Hyunarella looked at the flyer, and then she put it into her pocket. She went to look at masks since it was the only thing she could possibly afford, and she found a sparkly red mask, with a black laced rim and black feathers. She looked at the price, and thought it was pretty cheap. Then her friends came out of the fitting rooms, and then the three of them went to pay for their items.


They left the store and they all went home. It was 9PM when Hyunarella got home. She quickly went upstairs into Yujin’s room, and asked her if she could make a dress for her. Yujin nodded and told her that once she knows what type of dress she wants, she could make one instantly. Hyunarella drew a small simple sketch of she would want it to look like and then with a wave of her hand Yujin made one appear right on her bed instantly. Hyunarella was surprised, as it looked exactly like the one from her sketch, and she gave Yujin a hug as a thank you. She quickly took the dress up to her room, and put it with her mask into her closet. She sat on her bed for awhile and took out a bottle of ‘Caedis’ from under her bed and then she climbed out the window, and decided that she spend the rest of her night in the library.


Young Saeng was at home enjoying the peace and quiet, and then suddenly, Hyun Joong walked in and then sat on the couch beside Young Saeng.

“Did you get everything done?” Young Saeng asked him, as he was surfing the net.

“Yup. I got the UFO decorated, I ordered the food, I have the music, sent invitations to all households in the district and…handed out the flyers.”

“Good then. Now let’s just get our outfits and then we’ll see what happens on Saturday.” Young Saeng looked around. “Where did Kyu Jong go?”

“I think he went to buy some food.” Hyun Joong answered and then suddenly a yell broke through the silence. Hyun Joong and Young Saeng ran over to one of the rooms and found Hyung Jun sitting in the corner and Jung Min lying in bed.

“What happened here?” Young Saeng asked.

“Jung Min hit me…”

“That’s what happens when you try to wake him up.”

“We were supposed to go and pick up our outfits for tomorrow night, but this lazy won’t get up!”

“Oh let me try!” Hyun Joong offered, and then he jumped onto the bed and began to kick and hit Jung Min, with his staff.

Then after a few minutes, instead of fighting back, Jung Min was slowly getting out of bed and cried out, “Yah yah, yah, yah, yah!”

Hyun Joong stopped.

“Hyun Joong what the hell do you think you’re doing?!”

Hyun Joong jumped off the bed, and answered, “Waking you up and your awake now it worked!” He said cheerfully and then walked out of the room.

Jung Min sat on the bed, and glanced around the room, and saw Young Saeng standing in the doorway with a smile on his face and Hyung Jun sitting in the corner. “What are you guys doing in here?”

“I was just leaving; I was just having too much fun watching Hyun Joong beating you.” Young Saeng said, and then walked out of the room.

“I, however, was trying to wake you up! We’re supposed to pick up our outfits for tomorrow! Hyun Joong, Young Saeng and Kyu Jong hyung already picked them up today and you had to go take a nap!”

“Well...I was tired.”

“Get ready now, we’re going.”

“Arraso...” Jung Min said as he got out of bed, and went to get ready.


It was the day of the masquerade ball. School was canceled; the dress shops and malls were crowded, as everyone was trying to get ready for the ball that evening. Meanwhile, Yujin was trying to get Herman to sit still, as she was trying to get her outfit ready for the ball. Ana was trying to find a necklace that could fit her perfectly. She looked through all her jewelry, but didn’t find anything that would go well with her outfit, so she decided to ask Meirin for her advice on a fitting necklace. Kimmi was in her room, looking for her jewelry. When she couldn’t find it, she assumed Hyunarella stole it, so she went up into her room to look for it.


Hyunarella was still sleeping soundly as Kimmi poked her head through the door. She quietly searched the room, and found bottles of blood lying on the ground. ‘No wonder she hasn’t starved yet…’ She thought as she continued to look through her room. She didn’t find anything on her desk or in the drawers so she went to the closet. As soon as she opened it, she saw a simple red and black dress, with black gloves and a mask. She glanced over at Hyunarella, who was still sleeping peacefully, and she took out the dress, and examined it. ‘So she wants to go…hmm…I bet it’s not easily torn, unless….’ She put the dress back, and then snapped her fingers. She smirked and then went back downstairs to her room.


It was now the night of the ball. The three witches just got their outfits on, and were just about to leave. Hyunarella just got dressed, and then Meirin called her downstairs. She grabbed her mask carefully walked downstairs in her black strapped heels, and just as Meirin, Kimmi, Ana and Yujin saw her they were surprised. Yujin thought she did a nice job with the dress, and the other three were just surprised at how Hyunarella looked so elegant in her outfit.

“Well… look who decided to go umma.” Kimmi said, in an annoyed tone.

“Ne…I see that…” Meirin said, as she examined Hyunarella from top to bottom. “Hmm…her dress looks so cheap…I bet it tears easily right girls…” Meirin asked Kimmi and Ana with a smirk.

Hyunarella glanced at her suspiciously.

“Oh ne! I mean look at this ruffle…” Kimmi said as she walked over and took the ruffle and pulled it off. “Oh oops…” she said in a scarcastic tone.

“Oh Kimmi what about this fold?” Ana asked, as she went over and pulled the fold apart. “Oh mianhae…” she apologized with sarcasm in her voice.

The girls continued to pull off bits and pieces off of her dress, as Yujin, was going to stop it, Meirin stopped her.

“Alright girls, that’s enough, we’re leaving now.” Meirin told them, as she open the door, and left.

The two girls stopped and followed their mother out. Yujin gave a hug to Hyunarella.

“Mianhae…do you want me to make you another one?” Yujin asked.

Hyunarella shook her head. “No I don’t want to waste any more of your time, you go have fun.”

“But I-“

“Yujin!” she heard Meirin call out.

Yujin sighed, waved good bye left Hyunarella all alone.


Hyunarella felt annoyed, and was just about to go upstairs to change, when two fairies appeared with one of them falling on top of another.

“Ow, Hyun Bi get off me!” One said.

“I’m trying just wait a second Cheong Su!” Hyun Bi said as she was slowly getting up and dust herself off.

Cheong Su got up and quickly straightened herself out. She sighed in relief, then the two faries smiled happily at Hyunarella.

“Annyeonghaseyo Hyunarella!”

Hyunarella glanced around and then asked, “Uh…who are you guys and how do you know me?”

“We’re your fairy godmothers of course we know you! I’m Cheong Su and she’s Hyun Bi.” Cheong Su answered happily.

 “We’re here to help you.” Hyun Bi added.

Hyunarella just stared at them blankly.

“You want to go to the ball don’t you?”

“Well….I guess….but…”

“But nothing! You’re going to the ball and enjoy yourself!”

“How are you going to do that?”

“Oh we have magic see!” Cheong Su said as she held up her wand, along with Hyun Bi.

Hyunarella just continued to stare blankly at them.

Cheong Su sighed, and said, “Here let us show you…” she waved her wand and Hyunarella’s dress transformed into something even better than her simple drawing. The bottom of the dress had a black floral lace sewn in, with a layer of black satin on the bottom, and the upper part was designed with a black ribbon and a shawl like red, cloth around her shoulder.

“Oh there now you look beautiful!” Hyun Bi said, then as she took another look she thought something was missing. “I think…you should have a hairclip.” She waved her wand and a red rose, with diamond glass beads around the petals and a black ribbon hanging down from under the rose appeared in Hyunarella’s hair. “There, perfect!”

A mirror appeared infront of Hyunarella and she twisted back and forth looking at the reflection. She touched the hairclip and smiled.

“Now Hyunarella you need pay attention…”Cheong Su said.

Hyunarella glanced at her, and was ready to listen intentively.

“Since…were not fully trained fairy godmothers, our spells only last until midnight.”

“So you must be back here by midnight arraso?” Hyun Bi asked.

Hyunarella nodded, and answered “Arraso.”

“Glad you understand.” Cheong Su said, and then she looked down as she felt something touch her leg. It was Kitty, Hyunarella’s cat. Cheong Su picked up the cat. “Oh look how cute you are! Hmm…I’m sure Hyunarella could use a friend to the ball…so…” she put Kitty down on the ground, waved her want and Kitty transformed into a hybrid human. She still had cat ears and a tail, but she wore a beautiful simple black and white dress, with a mask and gloves to match.

“Wow! This is so cool!” Kitty said, as she twirled around in her dress.

“Okay! We’ll be coming with you, so you’ll get there faster.” Cheong Su said as she waved her wand and a sleek black car appeared, outside. “Come on or you’ll be late!” she called out, and then they all got into the car, and drove off to the ball.


At the ball, everyone was enjoying themselves. Young Saeng walked into the UFO, dressed in a white suit with a sparrow tail coat, and a white mask. He sighed to himself, as he glanced around the room. Suddenly a girl walked up to him and shyly asked him if he wanted to dance with her. Young Saeng politely accepted and guided her to the dance floor.


After awhile of dancing with various different girls, Young Saeng began to feel bored. Across the room Kimmi, Meirin, Ana and Yujin were sitting at a table together.

“Omona there he is! Kimmi dongsaeng you should ask him to dance with you!” Ana pointed out as she saw Young Saeng leaning on the wall.

“Oh I feel shy though….” Kimmi said as she glanced over at Young Saeng.

“Oh just come on!” Ana got up and pushed her towards Young Saeng. “Excuse me; my sister would like to have a dance with you.”

Young Saeng looked down, and saw Kimmi and Ana standing beside each other. He then he politely said with a smile, “Alright.” He extended his hand and guided her to the center of the dance floor. Young Saeng didn’t feel any connections with all the girls he danced with, he actually felt a little empty. Just then he looked up and he saw a girl walking in, and the first thing that caught his eye was her unique hairclip, and her sparkly red mask. Young Saeng stopped dancing with the Kimmi and walked towards the girl at the entrance. Kimmi looked over, and thought that the girl at the entrance looks familiar, but couldn’t really point out who it was.


As Kitty and Hyunarella stood at the entrance glancing around the UFO, they noticed how many people were staring at them. Hyunarella whispered to Kitty why they were staring at them, but then Kitty corrected her by telling that it was her that they were staring at, because she looks so pretty. Hyunarella denied that, and as she glanced around the room, a familiar looking blonde angel, with a white mask was walking towards her and bowed.

“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Young Saeng, would you like to dance?” he asked as he extended his hand to her.

‘Oh he’s Young Saeng?’ she thought, and then she answered happily, “Certainly.” she took his hand, and she let him guide her to the center of the dance floor. Coincidentally, at that moment a slow song began to play, and as they danced, both their hearts raced. Young Saeng lifted Hyunarella’s chin up, and gazed into her eyes, and he felt that he has felt her presence before.


 After a few dances and a couple of drinks, Young Saeng took her out of the UFO, and took her for a walk around the park. As they walked through the park, they conversed about their interests and then Young Saeng decided to ask her some questions.

“You look…kinda familiar. Have we met before?”

Hyunarella looked up at him and answered, “Only briefly.”

“Geurae?” Young Saeng thought for a moment and then asked, “Where?”

She gave a quick glance at him, and smirked. “I’m not saying.”

“Hmmm….Well…will you tell me your name?”

She shook her head.

“Well then….” Young Saeng grabbed her and pulled her close to him. He then took off his mask, and gave her a smile. “If you won’t tell me I guess I will find out myself.” He began to reach for mask, and then suddenly there was a loud chime.

Hyunarella looked around and saw the clock on one of the buildings. It was midnight, so she quickly pulled away from him and then she apologized.

“Mianhaeyo, I must be going now.” She gave a quick bow and then ran off.

“Wait!” Young Saeng called out, and then he looked at the ground and saw the rose hairclip that she dropped. He picked it up and chased after her, but when he got to the entrance, she was not there. He went inside the UFO, but he could not find her through the crowd. He glanced down at the hairclip in his hand.

“I will find her and give it back to her. I’ll find her aura, one way or another.” Young Saeng promised himself.


Hyunarella sat in her room, already changed back into her sleeping clothes, and petting the cat in her lap. She sighed as she figured out that she lost the hairclip that Hyun Bi gave her. She then suddenly heard the front door open and Meirin’s voice that broke the silence.

“How could you let another girl take what’s supposed to be yours?”

“Mollaseo umma! She just came in and then he ignored me…”

“Well that’s no excuse; I knew I should’ve put a spell on him.” Meirin sighed. “Well now let’s not think about that, it has pasted. Let’s all go to bed everyone.”


The next day Young Saeng decided that he would go to every household, hoping to find the girl he met last night. Young Saeng had visited half the households in the district for the day, and he began to feel tired. He yawned, and his friend Kyu Jong, who was tagging along suggested that he takes a rest and continue searching in the evening. As the people remaining are night creatures. Young Saeng agreed and then they went home and rested for the afternoon.


Night had arrived, and Hyunarella had just woke up. She went to search for her bottles of blood, but she couldn’t find any. She thought it was strange, as she remembered that she left some under her bed. She went downstairs, and saw that everyone, except Yujin was sitting in the living room. Meirin glanced up and said,

“Oh you’re awake now; if you looking for your bottles that you tried to hide, I threw those out.”

“You went into my room?”

“Ani I did, I thought you took my jewelry…guess I was wrong.” Kimmi said.

Hyunarella was absolutely furious at that moment. She made her way upstairs and back into her room. At that moment, the doorbell rang, and then Ana went and answered the door. When she opened the door, she gasped in surprise, as she saw that it was Young Saeng standing right in front of her.

“Annyeonghaseyo, may I come in?” He asked politely.

“O-of course.” Ana answered as she stepped to the side allowing him enter. Then she guided him to the living room.

‘I feel her presence here…’ He thought as he was guided to the living room.

“Umma look who came.”

“Oh, Annyeonghaseyo, what brings you here?” Meirin asked.

“I am looking for the girl who owns a hairclip she dropped as she left. When I know who it is, she will become my girlfriend, and I will take her to live with me.”

“Oh, I remember I dropped one, it’s probably mine.” Kimmi said.

“Oh, can you describe it then?”

“Hmm…I think…it was a pink… and black bow, with some black feathers, sticking out of it.”

“Are you sure?”

“Well…maybe it was one with pearl green pearls on it…”

“Wrong.” Young Saeng sighed and then asked, “May I use your bathroom?”

“Ne…you may. It’s upstairs.” Kimmi told him as she felt disappointed.

Young Saeng bowed and went upstairs.

As he walked upstairs he felt a familiar aura. Instead of going towards the bathroom, he walked up the stairs towards the attic. He came to a door, and he knocked.

“Come in.”

He heard a voice call out on the other side. He opened the door and saw a girl sitting near the window and staring at the moon. The girl glanced over at him and turned around.

“Young Saeng-ssi, what are you doing here?”

“Ne…it’s me…I’m sorry for coming in here without notice but, I came to return a hairclip…to someone I have met last night. If you wouldn’t mind me asking, have you lost a hairclip?”

“Ne…I did.”

“Do you remember what it looks like?”

“It was a red rose, with glass diamond beads on the edge of the petals, and a black ribbon hanging from under the flower.”

Young Saeng took out the hairclip and revealed it to her. “Does it look like this?”

She looked up at him and nodded. “Ne, it does!”

Young Saeng walked into her room, and sat down next to her, and put the hairclip into her hair. He smiled, as he gazed into her eyes. He then asked her, “So…what is your name?”

“Hyunarella.” She answered happily.

“Well Hyunarella, will you be my girlfriend? I promise to take good care of you if you do.”

Hyunarella nodded and replied, “Ne, I will.”

He gave her a kiss. He was so happy he decided to quickly take her home with him.


As they went down the stairs, they saw Meirin who stood at the bottom of the stairs, with a furious expression.

“Where do you think you two going?” she asked.

“I am going to taking Hyunarella home with me.”

Meirin gave them a sly smile. “Well you’re not going anywhere. Annyeong.” She chanted a spell and then she disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Young Saeng tried to open the door, but he found that it was locked, and then moments later the door was in flames. He stepped back and then he found that the whole house was soon on fire. Hyunarella and Young Saeng immediately held tightly onto each other.

“Why can’t we escape and why is the house suddenly on fire?” He asked.

“Step umma put a hex on the house, and the spell she chanted…possibly caused the fire.”

Young Saeng thought for a moment. He knew it can’t be impossible; there must be a way that they can escape. Then suddenly two fairies appeared in front of them.

“Who are you and where did you guys come from?” Young Saeng asked.

“We’re Hyunarella’s fairy godmothers and does it really matter at this point? Anyways, since Meirin is the head witch, we can’t really break the spell. We came in, because Yujin was worried about you guys.” Cheong Su said.

 “We’re here to help you two, we can probably break the spells just long enough for you both to get out. You don’t need to worry about us; we’ll just poof out of here.” Hyun Bi said, and then both of the fairies waved their wands and the fire disappeared and the door magically opened, and Young Saeng carried Hyunarella out of the house.


He set her down on the ground, and then the two fairies reappeared beside them along with Kitty in their arms. Kitty meowed, and Yujin came walking towards them.

“Hyunarella, Young Saeng gwenchanayo?” she asked with Herman in her arms.

They both nodded.

“Ne, we’re fine now.” Young Saeng said as he gave a kiss on Hyunarella’s cheek.

She smiled, and then asked, “Where’s step umma?”

“She left, with Kimmi and Ana, and I didn’t want to go with them.” Yujin said.


“I’ll miss you!” Yujin said and then gave Hyunarella a hug.

“Well okay…house is burned down, where are you guys gonna live?” Cheong Su asked.

“They’re gonna live at my place. I have lots of room. See problem solved!” Young Saeng said happily.

“Cheong Su! We’re full time fairy godmothers now!” Hyun Bi cut in.

“Geuraeyo!?” Omona yay! Now our spells don’t last till midnight!” Cheong Su cheered, and then she felt Kitty’s paw on her leg again. She looked down and then waved her wand, and Kitty was a hybrid human again.

“Yay! Let’s go now! I want to go see Kyu Jong oppa again!” Kitty said happily.

“Arraso. Kaja, I’ll carry you, Hyunarella.” Young Saeng said as he picked Hyunarella up from the ground, and went to his house.


After that day the six of them lived happily together. Kitty enjoyed her time with by being with Kyu Jong. Hyun Bi and Cheong Su constantly tried to find times to share Hyun Joong. Yujin was happily taking care of her chicken, Herman as Hyung Jun helped her. Meirin, Ana and Kimmi, were spending their time moving around the globe happily as there was no one to bother them. As promised Young Saeng took great care of Hyunarella, and they both gave each other lots of love and Jung Min is still looking for someone.


Even though some things didn’t go well everyone still lived happily ever after.

The End!

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Chapter 1: AWESOME STORY !!!!
hydeist3 #2
(Part 2) Gahh~~ The dance part between Saengie and Hyunarella was like <3 Heart was really beating for some reason. xD And when he took off his mask and was about to take off her's...~ *dreamy sigh* So romantic! I love how you changed the "left a shoe" thing to the rose hairclip... Very unique! ^^<br />
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It's kinda funny how Saengie asked to use their bathroom. LOL.<br />
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Gah! How could Meirin set the freaking house on fire??! ><<br />
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“Cheong Su! We’re full time fairy godmothers now!” Hyun Bi cut in.<br />
“Geuraeyo!?” Omona yay! Now our spells don’t last till midnight!” Cheong Su cheered...<br />
^ That part is so cute! Ahh! Omg! Fairy godmothers FTW! xD<br />
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Whee~~ Kitty and Kyu Jong are together!!~~ ^__^*<br />
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"Jung Min is still looking for someone."<br />
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All in all, the fic was well done! It was so adorable. I loved how you altered the "original" Cinderella story to a Yee creation. The foreward was nice, too. It summed up a lot ^^ At first I was like, "What, this is it? Dx" But then went to the next page. XD The interaction between the SS501 members was also cute. Jung Min being violent was so funny~ :D The only thing I have to mention is that there are some grammar mistakes. But no big deal, right?
hydeist3 #3
(Part 1) Just to warn you, this is a really random "review"... I just wrote comments while I was reading it. Mian.<br />
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Hyunarella XDD Love the name!!<br />
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It's awesome how you have Leader as the God of the Universe... And MinJun as the dark angels. LOL<br />
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KYAA~ A love relationship between an angel and a vampire~ ^___^ The reaction between the two is so cute! Love at first sight~ :D<br />
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Argh! I want to punch the stepmother and stepsisters in their faces! LOL. (Sorry, umma, Kimmie, and Ana XD And yes, you did do a good job with making them horrible) It's so sad how they threw out Hyunarella's blood... And locked her out... Hmph! :<<br />
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(BTW, did you ever read Ella Enchanted? There's a fairy in it called Mandy! :D I know it's just a coincidence. But it's still cool. xD)<br />
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I love how Kitty waited for Hyunarella outside of her school xD KYAA~~ You just made my day! ^_^ Picked up and petted by Kyu! :D <3 TQ!! It's also hilarious how Hyunarella's cat's name is Kitty. HAHAHA~<br />
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"The event will be held tomorrow on Friday night, at the downtown park, in the UFO." XDDD Really funny for some reason... XD The mini alien handing out flyers was cute too~!!<br />
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The world you created is cool!! It was a bit confusing at first, but then it became clear that it was a mystical creature world. :D How they all mingle is cool~ =w=<br />
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“I was just leaving; I was just having too much fun watching Hyun Joong beating you.” LOL. XD<br />
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Eish! == The dress that they destroyed! ><;;<br />
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Hyun Bi and Cheong Su! OMG! XDD Their entrances were so funny... xD Somehow I can imagine Bells and Thuy jiejie to be like that. And oh hey, Kitty got turned into a hybrid human! ^_^
Malexx28 #4
Ahahahaahahahahahaha!!!! I so enjoyed your story!!! But why am i that evil??? I didn't like how it ended in my case.... you should at least couple me with the black angel Jung Min... U evil Hyundarella!!! Love the lil alien thing! ahahahahaha!! “I messed around with planets, and moved the people around!” ahahaahahahahaaaa!!! I couldn't stop laughing!!! you're a pro!!! hahahahaaha!! But next time... i don't care if i'm good or evil.. can u please let me have a happy ending with Jung Min? :D