The Clean Up Part 2

I Can't Make You Love Me


At Yan INC.

A: You know Jiro you don’t need to come with me

J: I know but like I said you didn’t show me your new office so yeah…

A: Well if you are going to stick with that cover story then okay…

J: Yup I will, all the way

Back at Aaron and Gui Gui’s House


WZ: What?! That is like 30th box of stuff and this is like only her stuffed animals on the WEST SIDE of their house…

H: Who knew that one person could have that much Stitch things…

CA: Well the maids are done with all of their pictures together and I am having them start with Gui Gui’s clothes

WZ: Where are we going to put that?

CA: I am going to have it sent out to their summer beach house

WZ: Why do I have a feeling that they had more then one, beach house?

CA: Because they do…

H: How many?

CA: 4

WZ/H: What?

CA: Yup

H: Why the heck would someone that many beach houses for?

CA: I don’t know but they don’t even use them, unless we go do a beach party

WZ: Hey that is a great idea

H: What’s a great idea?
WZ: Let’s have a beach party over the weekend so that Gui Gui and Aaron could get closer…

H: Hey that’s an awesome idea

CA: I’ll go tell Jiro and Chun about it

WZ: I’ll go text Mei Mei and Ya Tou also

H: Okay while you two do that I’ll keep packing

While Calvin and Wang Zi were calling and texting people Hebe kept on packing all of the stuff in Aaron and Gui Gui’s house there was a mount of Stitch dolls on a high self. While Hebe was reaching for them all of the dolls and the others higher then it came toppling on top of Hebe. The guys being to excited about the new plan didn’t notice. When they were done they were surprised to see that Hebe wasn’t there.

WZ: Hey were did Hebe go?

CA: I don’t know wasn’t she just there like a minutes ago?

WZ: That’s what I thought? (scratching head)

*faint sounds in the background*

CA: What the heck was that?

WZ: What?

CA: Here listen… (silence)

*faint sounds*

WZ: Where is that coming from?
*faint sounds*

CA: I think it is coming from over here

Calvin and Wang Zi walk towards the pile of Stitch dolls

*faint sounds*

CA: Yeah it is coming from here

WZ: What do you think it is?

Suddenly there was something that grabbed Calvin and Wang Zi’s leg

WZ/ CA: AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! (sort of manly)

Then Hebe popped out of the pile of dolls

H: Wow I can’t believe that I scared you guys

WZ/ CA: No you didn’t

H: Whatever I know that I did

WZ: Well what the heck did you do that for?

H: I did that because I was under there for like 5 minutes and you two didn’t even notice… So I think you guys got what you deserved (sticks tough out )

CA: Whatever let’s get working…

So everyone started to go back to work. After about another 6 hours of packing they were finally finished.

H: Finally we are finished… (slops down to the couch)

CA: That took faster then last time… (sounded glad)

WZ: What do you mean “faster then last time?”

CA: Ohh it was just that Aaron and Gui Gui had a fight this one time and well Gui Gui moved out and well it took her about a week of packing to officially move out.

H: So what did that have to do with you?

CA: Oh not only me… it was Jiro and Chun too we were packing for Gui Gui for a whole week, waking up really early and sleeping really late… then about another week of not seeing each other Aaron caved in, and all of our hard work went to a waste. (sighed)

H: Oh so sad… (pats him on the head) This is for Gui Gui and Aaron’s own good… (gives a sweet smile)

CA: Thanks… (smiles back at Hebe)

Wang Zi was watching this whole scene between Hebe and Calvin

WZ: (thinking) I wonder what is happening between these two?

WZ: Soo…(broke the silence) where is Gui Gui going to stay tonight?

CA: Oh crap we totally forgot to talk about that…

H: Oh you’re right…

WZ: Well I guess she can stay with me for tonight?

H: Well that sounds okay, and it’s only for one night any way…

CA: Okay, I’ll tell rest of the group

WZ: Okay then

At the photo shoots

G: Where here Andy Ge!!!

AG: Finally you three are here… let’s get you girls into hair and make-up (leads the girls backstage)

AG: Okay work your guys magic on them (talking to the workers)

MM: Hey are you saying that we don’t look good all the time? (killer eyes)

AG: Auh… that wasn’t what I meant it is just that…. uhhh…. (nervous smile)

YT: Don’t worry we get what you’re trying to say just let leave so we can start the photo shoots… (leads him to the door)

AG: Okay thanks Ya Tou

YT: Yup… (shuts the door)

G: Finally he is gone lets get started…

So after about an hour of getting their make-up, hair and getting changed the three girls were finally done and ready.

YT: Okay let’s go…

MM: Don’t worry we are right behind you… (pulling Gui Gui along)

G: WAIT!!! I think that these short are too short on me…

YT: Gui Gui you look fine… now come on we have to get going before Andy Ge gets mad at us (pulling her by her other arm)

G: No wait…. I…


G: Okay (under her breath)

AG: Okay now everyone looks even more beautiful… now we can get started…

So after about 2 hours of taking photos they were finally finished.

YT: Wow that one must have been on of out longest shoots ever

MM: I know right that one took forever

G: Well I’m going to get changed

MM: I’ll go with you

YT: You two go ahead I just want to check it I got anything on my cell phone

MM: Okay then

When Ya Tou had got all of Wang Zi’s texts and calls and got informed of the new plan. But there is one thing that she wasn’t expecting to get, a text from… 

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jonghyunie143 #1

nice :DD

i love it!! :DD
Nice story <3
the story's nice, but I would really love the real ending to author writing it :)<br />
<br />
@guilun: I know you're not the writer, but the story you posted are very nice to read, thank you :)
guilun #5
sorry. but I'm not the writer.. I just repost this.. :)