
I Can't Make You Love Me


Aaron’s POV

When I snapped back into reality I found where I was, was different. Instead of just being with Wang Zi, everyone was there. I didn’t understand why Wang Zi was asking me all of those questions before, but I just know that I need to be with Gui Gui right now. I ignored all of the questions from my friends and just ran back to the house. When I got there to my surprise there was not Wang Zi nor any Gui Gui just a letter addressed to me.


I don’t know if this is going to work but you have to trust me. Remember that you said you would trust me.

-Wang Zi

I didn’t know what to make of it, does this mean that Wang Zi took Gui Gui away from me? Or is it that she went with him because she truly loves him and there is no way of remembering me? I couldn’t think my head was throbbing with pain, the room started to spin and everything just out.

Gui Gui’s POV

When I woke up I was on an air plain. I looked around me and saw that Wang Zi was sleeping I the chart next to mine. I didn’t understand why I was there or where I was going to I called over one of the flight attendants.

“Excuse me where is this flight landing?”

“We weill be landing in New York in just a few moments Ma’am.” Replied the flight attendant “Would that be all Mrs. Yan?”

“Mrs. Yan?” I mumbled to myself


“Oh yes, that will be all thank you” I said with a confused looking on my face.

“Mrs. Yan? Why did she call me that?” I said to myself

Suddenly I go a massive head rush. Images of Aaron and me came to me like a bullet train was hitting me. It just flooded into my brain out of nowhere.

Hebe’s POV

We were sitting in Aaron’s hospital room waiting for him to wake up. It has been three days and Aaron still wouldn’t wake up. I was watching him sleep his face looked so sad. Oh how wish I never broke up with him in the first place. Maybe if I weren’t so stupid to break up with him he wouldn’t be in situation. Maybe with Gui Gui gone this would be my chance to get Aaron back into my arms. (A/N: see how Hebe and Wang Zi think alike ^^ okay back to the story) I touched his face and he twitched a little bit.

“Gui Gui” he mumbled

I guess even in his dreams he still thinks about Gui Gui. But not matter what I will make Aaron mine, this time I’m not going to give him up.

Gui Gui’s POV

This has been a week since we came to New York and Wang Zi has been pestering me with all of these questions about Aaron. I don’t understand why he keeps asking about him but he said he would explain it to me later on today after we go to the doctors.

“Gui Gui are you ready?” asked Wang Zi

“Yeah I am.”

“Okay let’s go then.”


We went down to the lobby and went out side to get a cab. When we finally go one we got in and Wang Zi told the cab driver to go to hospital.

“Why are we going to the hospital Wang Zi?” I asked him

“I need to tell you something but I don’t think you would believe me unless you see it for yourself.”

The rest of the ride to the hospital was silent. When we finally got to the hospital we were lead into a room right away. But it wasn’t one of the regular rooms you are put into. This one as different it was really strange, but since Wang Zi was there next to me I wasn’t scared.

“Hi there Mrs. Yan I’m Doctor Lee.” Said the doctor as she came into the room looking at my file.

“Mrs. Yan? Why is everyone calling me that?” I thought

“Hi there Doctor Lee.” I said

“Okay we are just going to do a routine checkup for you.”

I just nodded my head.
The doctor put some type of gel thing on my belly and used this thing at looked like it was a scanner that you see at the market on my belly.

“Okay Mrs. Yan here is your baby.” She said as she turned the screen to face me and Wang Zi

I was totally speech less, I had a baby growing inside of me. I looked up at Wang Zi and he just smiled at me. I looked back at the screen and saw it in there with it’s little feet and hands. From that one look I just loved it with all my heart, I didn’t even know it was there but I loved it and nothing was going to change that.

“Wait that is weird.” Said Doctor Lee

“What? What is it?” said Wang Zi

“I head two different heart beats.” She put that scanner looking thing back on my belly and moved it around, like she was looking for something.

“There you are.” She said

“What? What’s there?” I asked

“It seems like you are carrying twins with you Mrs. Yan.”

I was over whelmed. First I find out I have one baby and now I have two. This is just too good; I have to baby’s coming and a wonderful by my side. What would I do without my Wang Zi? But I still didn’t understand why ever one was call me Mrs. Yan.

“Thank you doctor. Could you possibly give us a few minutes?” asked Wang Zi

“Of course, I’ll just go ahead and print these pictures of you.” Said Dr. Lee and then she left.

“Wang Zi I can’t believe it we are going to have twins.” I said with joy after Dr. Lee left

“Gui you don’t get it do you?”

“What do you mean?”

“The babies you are carrying they aren’t mine.”

“I’m not following.”

“The reason why everyone is call you Mrs. Yan is because you are Mrs. Yan. You and Aaron are married.”


“It’s true, you might not believe me but it’s true. You see you and Aaron got into a car accident and both of you lost you memories. That is why you think you are still going out with me, but we aren’t.”

“So why did you take me here to New York?”

“I figured that since you think you are going out with me you would trust me more if we weren’t around the others, also that maybe I could help you remember Aaron faster before your kids are born so that Aaron would be able to be with you again.”

“So you are saying that I’m married to Aaron and we are not going out?”

“Yes that I what I’m saying.”

“Also so that the babies that are growing inside of me are his?”


“Well okay then, that makes more sense since I have been getting these head rushes and they are all about him.”

“Really? You are getting your memory back Gui.”

“Well I always get a head rush when something relates to Aaron. Like the time when we were on the air plain and the flight attendant called me Mrs. Yan.”

“Its just a matter of time until you get your memory back Gui.”

Fast-forward 2 months

Aaron’s POV

It’s been two months and there still has been no word about Gui Gui. What is the point of having a search team looking for your wife then they can’t find her?

“Oh Gui Gui where are you? How are you doing? Are you safe? Should I still trust Wang Zi?” I said to myself

Gui Gui’s POV

“Wang Zi can you please get me another pillow?”

“Sure. Gui are you sure you don’t want to go to the doctor? You have been in a lot of pain now a days.”

“No I’m sure it just comes with carrying twins I guess.”
“So what have you remembered anything more about Aaron?”

“No I got as far as remembering our first date but then it just stoped.”

“What do you mean it stoped?”

“I don’t know they just stopped coming to me.”

“Well I guess I have to work harder so that you can remember him.”

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jonghyunie143 #1

nice :DD

i love it!! :DD
Nice story <3
the story's nice, but I would really love the real ending to author writing it :)<br />
<br />
@guilun: I know you're not the writer, but the story you posted are very nice to read, thank you :)
guilun #5
sorry. but I'm not the writer.. I just repost this.. :)