For you, who am i?

Not long time ago

One bright orange mix with red of the outer most layer of the sky gives the wonderful scenery above the ground. It's already late afternoon, some class ended but some dont. It will be dark soon. Yukwon is having an unpleasant feeling that Minhyuk is following him through their secret hideout.  He always kept look around and behind him but there is no track Minhyuk following him. All the way to a clear green field that surrounded by trees, a small wooden cabin is on the center of the trees. He saw Kyung and Jihoon, they are sitting an indian sit, both of them talking something because Jihoon is hiding on his palm. Yukwon smile when he reach them.

"Hyung please dont tell anyone!" Jihoon beg, two hands held together. He is blushing all over his cheeks through his ears. Yukwon thought that Kyung said something cheesy again but with a little teass. Kyung laugh hardly and then he notice Yukwon's presene. "Oh hyung, finally! I have important to say to yo-" Kyung got push by using a big hands by Jihoon. Jihoon's hands move to Kyung's mouth so he can shut himself. "Hyung i told you not to tell" The maknae cried, little tears form on his eyelids. Yukwon got confused so he ask, "What is the matter, Jihoon?" Jihoon surprise, bit his lips. He dont want to tell a lie to his favorite hyung. He let go his hands on Kyung's mouth while Kyung is gaininh oxygen because Jihoon's hands make him suffocated.
Jihoon sit formal (knees on the ground and his upper body was straight but his head is facing down), Jihoon sigh. "Hyung, i have something to share with you-"
"Just say it!" Kyung in while he finally can breathe normal. Jihoon glare at him. "I have a crush" Jihoon blush, tapping both of his index finger together. Yukwon smiles giving a big pat on maknae's head. "Do not worry! You making hyung so proud because you are growing up." Yukwon encourage him, giving a warm smile that Jihoon always wanted to see to his hyung. Jihoon continue, "He is small, cute, super duper cute- no- super adorable cute person that i want to bite him all over." Yukwon stop when he heared Jihoon said 'He' but he didnt ask about it. He let his dongsaeng continue. "It's just love at first sight but he is our music professor." Jihoon pout, scratching his back of his neck. "When class ended which is almost lunch time. He called me. I feel i wabt to scream so loud because my heart suddenly beat." Yukwon start to laugh but he control it or else he will have an ultimate smack by his dongsaeng. Kyung notice Yukwon then he started, "Jihoon ah, Yukwonggie laugh at you." Instead of Yukwon will get the smack, Kyung got it. "Ow!" he scream in pain. Kyung glare at Jihoon, "Hey i didnt do anything-" then Jihoon stop him by saying, "You disturb the conversation." Kyung got scare so he shut himself again. Yukwon wants to laugh loudly right now of how Kyung's face looks like.
"By the way hyung, where did Jaehyo hyung went?" Kyung break the conversation again. Yukwon give him a respond "He went to buy something to eat before the dark approach." Then they hear someone calling them. Its Jaehyo, waving his hand side by side carrying a 4 packs of ramen.
The four friends happily eat their early dinner for today. They dont want to go home yet because it will feel lonely once again and wait till tomorrow when they see each other. Yukwon got up and fix himself. "Hyung are you leaving now? Its kinda early." Jihoon said, sad expression show in his face. Yukwon pat him and giving him a thumbs up. "Dont worry. You know my apartment is far from school. Of course, i need to take a train 20 minutes then walk by 10-15 minutes if i dont take a move i will miss the train." Yukwon explain once again. He dont want to leave this early but he needed it. The theee pout. "When i got my car, you dont need to commute. You three, i will accompany you together to school." Jaehyo said, smiling at ease with his friends. But Kyung in again, "Yeah right as if he can drive" He tease, giving Jaehyo a wonderful smack on his head. "Ow!!" Kyung scream in pain, rubbing his head.
Yukwon laugh, "Well then, bye and goodnight!" As he wave, the three say fairwell to him. Happily, he didnt feel Minhyuk's presence this time. He can finally get home peacefully.
It's almost 6:30 when he reach his train. "" Yukwon run to the ally, he dont want to miss the train this time or he will wait another 2 hours. Gladly, he made it. Panting hardly, gaining lots of oxygen after running that fast. He search where he can sit and one man who is wearing a black coat have open space since the train is not that crowded, he went near to the man. He seem sleeping but Yukwon feel a bit not ease when he got near the man but he feel suspicious that he knows the man. He just ignore the fact and went back inside his world.
'Attention everyone, the next destination is Suwon station.' Yukwon blink several times, rubbing his both eyes. He fell asleep during the trip. He look around the train, he was shock because the people are staring at him. He realize that his right side got heavier when he notice it the man was leaning on him, still sleeping. Yukwon doesn't like to stare by these people so he poke the man, then the man groan softly. "Old man, can you please get up."
"Who are you calling an old man huh kitty?" He knew this voice, cant it be- Yukwon got mental breakdown when he saw the man he dont want see forever. His whole life got even worse, what's worse that it happen this day. Pain suddenly vibrate inside his chest, that day he dont want to remember. Why is it now?
Tears form down his cheek. "Wh-why are you here?" Yukwon ask, choking his words. The man look at him deeply. "You still remember me? I thought you will forget about me after you've leave my sister." Yukwon wants to cry, he remember her. Those painful days that he blame himself after that. The man smirk mischeviously and move his face towards Yukwon's ear. 
"How about pay your debt of my sister's death by sleeping with me again. You know how much i love you." Bang! Yukwon stare the empty area of the other sit. He notice that the man is no longer infront of him. He saw the man is on the ground, touching his right cheek. Someone punch him maybe. A familiar guy walk towards the man and all the passenger move away to not get involve. The man scream, "What the hell are you doing? Do you have business with me?" Then the guy punch the man's face. Yukwon eyes stares to the guy, he knows this kind of figure but he is busy gaining his conscious of what is happening.
When the train is stop, the guy grab Yukwon's arm and leave the train. The two of them run fast as they reach the bathroom. The guy pushes Yukwon to the toilet and began undressing himself. Finally, Yukwon realize the situation but his current situation right now is dangerous. He is about to with someone.
"Hey- what the hell- let me ah!" Yukwon try to push the guy but the guy grab Yukwon's crotch that made him unconsciously moan. "Hey hey- dont touch me there- hnng.." The guy rub Yukwon's crotch. "Hey stop stop- STOP!" Yukwon push the guy forcefully that made the guy hit the door. Both of them panting, Yukwon realize that he is almost half , also the guy too.
"Why..." Yukwon hear his voice. This must be- "Minhyuk?" he ask, panting more. "Why did he do to you to make you cry?" He ask back, tears fell on his face. Yukwon was shock of what he saw. Minhyuk is crying, frustrating and upset. "Why the hell are you here?" Yukwon got confused so he angrily shout at Minhyuk. But Minhyuk didnt care about Yukwon's frustration, he is eager to have him. Yukwon have him.
"Tell me..." Minhyuk started, taking off his remaining cloth. Yukwon got scared. "Hey hey-" Minhyuk grab Yukwon's both arms above the air. "I am eager to have you." Minhyuk demand that made Yukwon stop struggling. His heart is going crazy, he dont want to do this but his body wants it after so long. "I am serious." Thumb. What a bad day for Yukwon-
"Go cry and you will forget that man"
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