Chapter 1: New Year

Chronicles of High School

[Chanyeol’s POV]

“I’ll get off here, Uncle Jaewook.”

Just like what I instructed, Uncle Jaewook stopped the car right in front of the candy store beside the small street leading up the hill.

“Are you sure you’ll be okay, young master?” I heard Uncle Jaewook asked.

“Yes, I will. Don’t worry.” I gave him a cheeky smile before getting out of the car.

Inhaling the sweet smell of new year, I started my journey through the shortcut towards my new school. According to my friends, this is the usual shortcut the students use to go to Mintfall High. And I guess they’re right. Because the small street was filled with students wearing my new school’s uniform.

“Alright, Park Chanyeol. Let’s do this!” I muttered to myself as I scanned the surroundings.

I was just taking a few steps when suddenly, a girl appeared right in front of me.

“Alright, Yoon Hana. LET’S DO THIS!!”

Startled, I took a step back when the girl shouted out of the blue.

Umm... she stole my line.

“Gogogo~” Without noticing me behind, she hopped on her violet bicycle and went away, singing LOUDLY.

Wow... that was rather unexpected.

When I was about to resume my walk, I accidentally stepped on something. Bending down, I picked up the green cutter which I assumed, the violet-bicycle girl had dropped.

But why would a girl carry this thing to school anyway?

“Maybe I should keep it for now.” Putting it inside my bag, I stepped forward and brushed off the unexpected meeting.

Well, I still have a new journey to continue.

Park Chanyeol, gogogo~


“Hello~ My name is Park Chanyeol. Nice to meet you!”

Flashing a friendly smile, I looked around the class and took in the faces of my new classmates. I remembered my friends’ advice before moving to this school, “Don’t smile TOO wide during your introduction.”

Tch. I know I look creepy when smiling like a Cheshire cat but seriously, what a way to say farewell to me. Those brats...

“Alright, Chanyeol, I’m Kim Heechul, your homeroom teacher for this year. So… since the name ‘Mr. Hee’ is already taken by my beloved flower in this class, you can either call me Mr. Kim or Mr. Heechul.” My new homeroom teacher smiled at me.

Whatever things he was saying about the taken name, I just nodded. “Okay, Mr.... Kim.”

“Right! Sound fantastic! Now, as for your seat, see that lonely damsel-in-distress over there?” Mr. Kim then pointed out towards the seat beside the window, occupied by a rather annoyed(?) girl.

Well, I’m pretty sure her annoyed expression is caused by Mr. Kim’s choice of words.

“You’ll be sitting beside her.” He then patted my shoulders and casted me a… sympathetic look?

Eh? What’s wrong?

“Bear with it just for this year, son. Don’t worry. If that mama gorilla ever did something to you, report to me as soon as possible, okay?”


“Mr. Hee!” I heard the girl’s voice whined in protest.

Ah ha~ alright. Now, I get it. So, my new seatmate is the one who ‘stole’ the name ‘Mr. Hee’.

“Just kidding. Aww~ is our Nana mad?” After Mr. Kim said that, the students in my new class, laughed.

I had to resist the urge to scrunch up my nose upon Mr. Kim’s sentences. Seriously? Are you sure he’s a teacher?

“Alright, ChanChan, take your seat. She won’t bite.” Mr. Kim winked playfully as he pushed me forward.

ChanChan? Is he the type to create nicknames for his students? Gosh... he’s a e.

As I made my way towards my seat, all eyes were following my every movement. Well, that’s common when you get a new student in your class.

It’s not like I hate it or anything though. I know I’m handsome and all. Stare at me all you want, peasants. Hoho~

As soon as I took a seat, I turned towards my new seatmate WHO DIDN’T EVEN SPARE A GLANCE AT ME (tsk tsk) and introduced once again. “Hi, I’m Park-”

“Chanyeol.” She FINALLY turned towards me and finished my sentence with a blank face. “Don’t repeat the same thing. I’m not deaf yet.”

Ouch. Cold water in ma face.

I blinked a few times and smiled sheepishly. “Umm... yeah. So... nice to know you, Nana.”

“It’s HANA. My name is Hana.” She replied before slamming her head on the table and... sleeps?

Alright, so ‘Nana’ is Mr. Kim’s nickname for her, eh? Hmm... I hope we can get along though.

But why does her name sounds familiar to me?


Hearing a high-pitched voice behind me, I turned around and saw a guy with high cheekbones. “My name is Jongdae. And don’t mind your seatmate. It’s a normal routine for a person like her who hears a speech sounding like a lullaby.”

Huh? Speech?? Lullaby???

Despite my confusion, I nodded slowly at Jongdae’s explanation. “O...kay.” I then turned towards the girl sitting beside Jongdae.

“I’m Bora.” She introduced simply and smiled at me. She seems like the calm type though.

I smiled back at her. “Nice to know you.”

“Anyways, let’s hangout during recess?” Jongdae offered then. Whoa! That escalated fast.


And my new day starts!


[Hana’s POV]

Screw you, Bora!


I let out a small huff and gripped onto my pen tighter, enduring the exploding volcano inside of me.

Yes, Hyorin may be the calm type but let me remind you that she’s ALSO my prank partner. We LOVE to annoy people sometimes, when our satanic side awake.

And now, she won’t stop kicking my chair from behind.

GOSH! CAN I TAKE OUT MY CUTTER NOW? There’s a asking for a HEADcut here.

Taking a glance at our History teacher in front, I looked behind and gave a quick glare to Bora. That just smiled at me. you.

No, seriously. Of all subjects, why does it have to be HISTORY class now?

For your information, other than principal’s speech, my favourite lullaby includes History. God bless all the History teachers in the whole world.

And if you may wonder, Bora is not kicking my chair to keep me awake. Instead, her real intention is, bugging me to talk to Chanyeol, the new guy.

Heck! I can’t even introduce myself properly, how do you even expect me to TALK to him?!!!

Not that I hate the new guy but, my fangirl self awakes at the wrong time.

seriously though…



“Alright, calm down, Yoon Hana. Recess is near. You can let out the beast soon as much as you want. Okay?” I muttered by myself as I breathed in and out to calm my racing heart.

Yes, Yoon Hana! GANBATTE!!!

“Did you say anything?”







I turned towards Chanyeol and shook my head quickly. I know I look weird doing that but who cares! I’m dead if he heard me!

He looked unconvinced at first but then, he shrugged it off and turned back in front.

Phew! My 100years-life is saved.



“AHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH! CATCH ME IF.YOU.CAN!” The ridiculous named Yoon Bora ran out of the class as soon as the recess bell rang and mocked me by dancing the chorus part of SNSD’s song.

How ridiculous...

When I was about to chase after Bora, suddenly, my hand was jerked behind by someone.

“Wait! Yoon Hana! WAIT.RIGHT.THERE.

Rather annoyed, I turned around and glared at the culprit. “What?”

She doesn’t seem to be bothered by my thousand-knives-piercing glare. Instead, the tall girl dragged me into their class and looked at me with widened eyes.

I think I know what’s happening here.

“Spill. Is there a new HOT guy in your class?” Hyunjae, my class-next-door friend started to interrogate me, gaining attention from her other classmates who are also my friends.

Huh. Guessed as much.

If you ask me a thing about this school that impress me, I will answer “The rumour that spreads faster than the wildfire of rage towards Hyorin in my heart.”


The news of the hot Park Chanyeol transferring to our school, become my classmate and sat beside me, are already widely known by now.

A round of applause please.

“Well, see for yourself.” I simply shrugged and nodded my head outside their class, towards the corridor.

Right on time, Chanyeol and... Jongdae (don’t tell me he’s trying to ruin the new guy and turned him into a dinosaur as well) passed by my friend’s class aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandddddd here comes the whale squeal.




“HE’S ING HOT!!!!!!!!!!!”


Done fangirling, Hyunjae then stared at me weirdly. “Wait!”

Hmm? What now?

“Why aren’t YOU excited? I thought you will scream even louder than all the school studio’s speakers combined.”

Wow… sarcasm at its best.


Ever so carefully, I glanced outside the class and when the coast is clear, I broke into a wide grin.


Right. There goes my fangirl self.

“Ah~ so you’re waiting for that Park Chanyeol guy to vanish from your sight completely and then, fangirl over him? Hmm... nice one girl, very nice.” Saerin, the pretty-eyes girl snickered at me.

Oops~ am I getting caught?

“Heheh...” I just smiled sheepishly at her.

“Man! You’re just damn lucky. I’m willing to trade my 7 generations fortunes for your sacred seat, honestly.” Ahra, the petite girl, blurted out. That reminds me of Mr. Hee’s words. ‘Sacred seat’.

I flashed her a playful smirk. “Even if you trade your soul for it, the answer will forever be NO. A BIG.FAT.NO.”

“Geez... you greedy little dork.” Hyunjae shook her head at me and returned to her seat.

I made my way towards her and grabbed her homemade sandwich on the table like I always do every recess time. She’s my source of food indeed.

She just hissed at me and shrugged it off. “Why won’t you ever bring your own lunch?” Hyunjae asked and ate the remaining sandwich in her lunchbox.

I took a seat in front of her and off the remaining crumbs. FYI, I’m a fast-eater.

“Four words. L.A.Z.Y.” I answered.

In an instant, she rolled her eyes. “Sounds like you though.”

“But no. Seriously!” My playful tone then turned into a serious one, gaining her attention.

“It’s just SO.ING.HARD to not squeal at Park Chanyeol’s every single action!! Mommy~ what to do?” I whined like a strangled puppy and pretended to cry in front of Hyunjae.

Yes. In the school, Hyunjae is my mommy. Never ask why. It just happened to be like that.

She just sighed. “You know what? Everyone would kill for your position now. I wonder what you’ve done in your past life to receive such a blessing.”

She then narrowed her eyes at me in a playful way. “So, what did you two talk about? Well, considering that you two are seatmate now, you must’ve talked to him, right? RIGHT???”


ha talked to him ha

“Err... well...” I tapped my fingers on the table nervously and pretended to look elsewhere but Hyunjae’s face. Shoot that golden question.

“Wait!” Hyunjae’s voice then raised an octave. “YOU HAVEN’T TALK TO HIM YET??!!!!!!!!!!”

I’ve seen this coming.

Once again, I smiled sheepishly, showing my not-so-pearly-white teeth. “Heheh... I guess...?”

The girl scoffed incredulously. “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU!”

“Me neither!” I exclaimed loudly. “I mean, gosh! I even messed up when introducing myself! HOW DO I SUPPOSED TO TALK TO HIM CASUALLY NOW???!!!!!”

Turning her eyes into slits, Hyunjae pointed out. “You and your nervous self in front of hot guys need to be cure for world’s peace. AS.SOON.AS.POSSIBLE!!

I gulped when hearing Hyunjae’s sentences.

Yes. That’s one of my weaknesses. That is; I tend to be cold towards hot guys I met for the first time and I always choose to NOT say a single word to them because if I do, I will spat out nonsense things. And in the end, I will be the one embarrassed.

But wait!

“I act normal around Luhan though?” I tilted my head to the right confusedly.

Right! Jongdae’s friend, Luhan, is also in my BOYS-HOTTER-THAN-THE-SUN list, but I’m not nervous around him?

“Because you’ve known him for three years, duh.”

Ah~ right.

“So, I need to make Chanyeol as my... friend to ease my nervous feelings around him? Is that what you want to convey?”

Hyunjae snapped her fingers with a delighted smile plastered on her face. “Bingo!”


“You kidding me...”


[Chanyeol’s POV]

It was already the last period of the day and the girl sitting beside me still haven’t talked to me even a word!

I even made friends today when Jongdae invited me to join him at the cafeteria during recess. But I don’t even get to talk properly to my seatmate.

Seriously, does she hates me or something? If yes, what’ve I done wrong?

Well, at least, she can just give me a smile or a nod when I ask her something. But instead, she didn’t even spare me a glance. I feel like I’m some sort of germs. Tch.

“Alright! So, your class ended here today.” Our Biology teacher announced as soon as the bell rings.

The quiet class then broke into a cheer and students rushed out of the classroom. Sure, everyone can’t wait to go back even though it’s just first day of school for the year.

“Psst! Chanyeol!”

Hearing someone calling for my name, I turned around and saw Jongdae smiling cheekily.


“Wanna go with me to the bowling alley?”

My eyes widened in surprise. “Now?”

He nodded eagerly. Unfortunately, as much as I wanted to, I still have things to do after school. “Sorry, buddy. I’m moving to my new house today so, I’ll be a bit busy.”

“Ah~ right! I forgot you told me about that earlier.” He snapped his fingers.

“Well, maybe next time? Tomorrow will be okay, I guess.”

He stood up after stuffing all his things inside his bag and flashed that signature smile of his. “Alright! It’s set then!”

We bade goodbye to each other and just like other students, I also made my way out of the “hellhole”, straight towards the school’s gate where Uncle Jaewook parked the car.

I stopped in my track when something caught my eyes. I narrowed my eyes to make sure I’m seeing it correctly.

Yes! That’s EXACTLY the violet bicycle from this morning.

Lucky me, the owner is also there.

With a small smile decorating my face, I turned towards the bicycle parking lot and tapped the girl’s shoulders softly.

“Excuse me, I think you dropped th-”

As soon as the girl turned her head, my eyes widened.


Mirroring my action, my seatmate widened her eyes in surprise when she saw the green cutter in my hands.

“Park Chanyeol…”

She then pointed towards her cutter which is now, in my possession. “Where did you get that?”

I don’t know why but I smiled naturally.

She FINALLY talked to me.

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okay, so I changed the character's name from Song Miha to Yoon Hana


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