
Chronicles of High School

[Hana’s POV]

“Mom, I’m going now!”

Hopping onto my bicycle, I waved a quick goodbye to my mother as I cycled out of the gate.

“Take care!” She replied.

With a big grin plastered onto my face, my feet swiftly stepped on the paddle and immediately turned towards the shortcut I always used to go to my school.

As much as I hated school, I can’t help but feeling ecstatically happy (and nervous at the same time) for my first day of senior year. Yes, it’s the start of a new year which indicates the long winter break is over and school is starting again. As for me, it would be my senior year or rather, last year, at my high school.

Screw the rules! I’m going to enjoy this year to my heart’s content. No one can stop me!

As I cycled further, I can see that most of the students are in sight. Be it the students from my school or not, I greeted all of them with a smile.

There were many kinds of expressions which I know too well.

The ‘I hope this year will be a good year to me’ expression.

The ‘I hope this semester ends faster than my life’ expression.

The ‘I can’t wait to meet my friends and told them about my vacation’ expression. Umm... I think this kind of expression belongs to rich kids. Yeah, pretty sure.

There are also the ‘I will change into a better person this year’ expression.

There are just too many of them I lost count of how many expressions do students have. But surely, there’s one expression which I’m too familiar with.

And I smiled at the thought.

As usual, every new year, I parked my bicycle at the candy store by the foot of the small hill behind the old park and jog my way up the hill.

When I reached my destination; a devastated grass field up the hill, I ran towards the big oak tree and instantly smiled at the new visible carves on the tree trunk.

Oh? Wait. There’s only one... and two.

Hmm... who else is not here yet? Let me see.

“Hey, potato!”

Hearing a shout from behind, I turned around and saw a girl around my age waving at me from afar. I shook my head seeing her running towards my direction.

“Guessed as much. You never change, huh?”

When she reached by my side, she huffed after that small ran and flashed me a mockery smile. “You’re just the same.”

I shrugged. “Well, I’m totally in a different case. My school is just 15 minutes cycling away from home. Your school is like 2 hours car journey, 5 stations, 18 bus stops and 4 flights away.”

She scoffed incredulously as she took the cutter placed under the tree and carved her name on the tree trunk, just like what our other two best friends had done. “You’re exaggerating. It’s just 30 minutes car journey away from my home.”

“That’s my point. Your school takes a longer time to be reached than my school.”

“It’s just first day. Chill~ I’m not committing a murder here. Maybe I’ll be late about... 20 minutes?

I let out a fake laugh. “Ha.Ha. I’m so proud of you, my daughter. You and your troublemaker self never fail to amaze me.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m done here, grandmama. Now it’s your turn.” She then handed me the cutter and smiled. “As always, you’re the last one to ‘write’ your name so, it’s your responsibility to take care of the cutter.”

I took it from her and smiled back. “Being the oldest one, I know my task. Now shoo shoo away, you’re going to be late again, Eunhae.” I emphasized the word ‘again’ purposely.

Eunhae rolled her eyes before walking away, waving goodbye to me. “See you this weekend, nanny~”

Before I managed to shoot back, she vanished away from my sight already. “That , seriously...”

I don’t know why but I get a feeling that she will attend her school’s opening ceremony with a detention. If it’s Eunhae we’re talking about, I’m not surprised if it really happens.

I bent down and carved my name on an empty spot of the tree trunk.

Every new school year, me and my other 3 best friends would do this right before the school's opening ceremony. The four of us will each carve our name on the tree trunk to mark our ‘attendance’. And the last person to carve her name will be the one to take the cutter home.

You may call it as an annual tradition between the four of us.

Even though we’re attending different schools but there’s still an unspoken bond exists between us.

“And... done!”



Jung Yoori

Lee Jihyun

Park Eunhae

Yoon Hana


I stood up and after making sure everyone’s names was already carved, I made my way out of our little ‘secret place’ and rushed towards my bicycle.

Next destination; my school.


“Okay peasants, with much pleasure, I announced you that once again, this BREATHTAKINGLY HANDSOME teacher is your homeroom teacher. Fancy meeting the same monkeys this year! A thunderous applause for my superb introduction please.”

My jaws dropped after hearing Mr. Hee’s announcement. The moment he stepped into our class, I already knew this would happen. Our last year’s homeroom teacher is the same one for this year. Gladly, I’m still in the same class as last year.

My classmates were half cheering and another half were cringing at Mr. Hee’s morning speech.

Not that I mind about him being our homeroom teacher though. Because I know he will bring colours into our life for this year too.

“Unlike last year, this time, you’re not allowed to choose your own seats in the class.”

Hearing that, everyone whined and complained unsatisfiedly. And that includes me as well.

Mr. Hee ignored our protest and continued. “Since this is your senior year, there will be no mercy for you guys. I’ll pair up your seats to girl and boy so, I’m expecting more love line to bloom this year.” He winked at the last sentence.

“Ugh!” I immediately contorted up my face at the disgusting view. Seriously, he should be jailed for that.

“Alright! So, I’ll call up your name one by one now.” He looked at the paper in his hands and started arranging the seats. “Okay, let’s start with Ahn Youngjae...”

I leaned my back towards the wall sleepily and watched as my classmates scattered themselves at the back of the classroom just like what Mr. Hee ordered us to.

It was kind of noisy since they’re totally in their own world. Some boys joking with each other, some were disturbing the girls. While the girls, -as always- gossiping with each other.

In fact, our class is known to be the noisiest elite class in my school.

Yes. There are three groups of classes in our school; elite, average, underdog.

Elite classes are for those who are in top 50 ranking.

Average classes are for those who are below the ranking 50 and above the ranking 100.

Underdog classes are for those who are below ranking 100.

As cruel as it sounds, that’s how the system in my school works. But to me, there’s no difference between us. We’re just the same students who want nothing but freedom.

I tried to fight the urge to fall into a slumber as I listened to my friends’ gossips about new couples in our school.

It’s my first day and I can’t possibly fall asleep during the very first period.

Can’t blame me though. The principal’s speech for the opening ceremony this morning sounds more like a lullaby to me.

“Lastly, Yoon Hana.”

Upon hearing my name being called, my head perked up right before it reached the ground. Damn! I almost fall asleep.

My classmates who saw that, laughed at me. I just scratched my head with a sheepish smile.

“Here.” I raised up my hand and waited patiently for my seat partner to be announced.

“Your seat will be the sacred seat.” Mr. Hee said with a serious face.

I chuckled absurdly and went towards that ‘sacred seat’ which is beside the window and the last two rows. The last row behind me was occupied by the noisy Dae-nosaur and the calm, fangirl partner, Bora. I doubt her calm self will last throughout this year.

“And that’s your partner for this whole year.” Mr. Hee ended the arrangement and clapped his hands. The class was soon filled with cheers and groans, mixing as one.

Some were contented with their partner, while some were unsatisfied to the max with their annoying partner. For example, the Bora girl behind me. Heh. Told you so.

No, wait!

“Mr. Hee!”

As I called out his name, the said teacher looked at me. “Yes, Yoon Hana? Is there any problem with your seat? Once again, I would like to repeat myself that I’ll be strict this year. So any compromise will not be tolerated.”

“Err... well, I have no problem with my seat. But, I have no partner.” I stated the obvious.

He nodded and pointed out. “Exactly.”


“You mean... I really have no partner?”


“Unfortunately, yes. Your classmate last year, Kim Taehyung already transferred to another school so, that means we’re missing one guy in our class. Unless you want me to sit beside yo-”

“No thanks. It’s not even highly appreciated.” I rejected in the speed of lightning. My classmates laughed at the crestfallen expression on Mr. Hee’s face.

“That hurts, Yoon Hana.” Mr. Hee faked a tear. Tch.

Ignoring him, I turned my head and stared outside the window dreamily. Hmm... transfer, eh?

Dear God, I hope an attractive boy transfer to our school and sit beside me.

Chuckling at myself, I shook my head at the same wish I made every single year. But it never comes true though.

Pssh... ridiculous Yoon Hana.

“Right! How come I forgot about that? I can’t believe myself!”

Hearing Mr. Hee’s sudden outburst, all of our attentions shifted towards him now.

“Yoon Hana!”

Surprised, I jolted in my seat and raised both my eyebrows when Mr. Hee pointed towards me. What? What now?

“Worry no more, girl. You’re not going to be alone this year.”

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at him in return. Is he still... insisting on sitting beside me?

“This class will be receiving a new student this year.”

My body leaned forward in interest at the mention of ‘new student’. IS THIS A MIRACLE? HAS GOD FINALLY HEARD MY PRAY???

“He should be here by now though...”

Immediately, my eyes widened.


All of the girls in my class started to squeal and making assumptions about the so-called new student.

Soon, footsteps were heard and the hyenas, including me, were all looking towards the door, anticipating the new student.

“Well, here he goes. Come in!”

I know this sound ridiculous but my heart beats so fast right now to the point that I think it might jump out. I gulped hardly when I saw a pair of long legs entering our class.

When my eyes travelled upwards, my jaws dropped.

If I’m in a cartoon right now, my mouth will reach the floor of the classroom, seriously.


“Hello~ My name is Park Chanyeol. Nice to meet you!”


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okay, so I changed the character's name from Song Miha to Yoon Hana


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