
the boyfriend tag



Yoongi looks at his own reflection on the camera lens, and fixes himself up. He doesn’t want his viewers to see his imperfection even though he rarely gives a damn about it. It is all depends on his mood, and today wasn’t it. As he styled his hair, he smiles happily. He leans forward, and then




A red light appears.

He is on.


“Guess what?”


He claps his hand together, grinning in excitement.

“I’m going to release a single soon!”


He throws his fist to the air and wiggles in glee.

“I have been working on this… last year?” He nods and points, “Yes. Last year!” He cackles, looking at the computer screen beside him, “Do you want a preview?” Yoongi grabs his mouse, searching for his files.

“I’ve written this myself, produce this myself, hell—everything I did was on my own.” He said smugly, feeling proud about himself. “Although, Jungkook did help me with the soundtrack by criticizing and all,” He laughs, shaking his head, “Damn, he was so serious about it though. He’s like the new Yang Hyunseuk to be honest.”

He beams at the camera and smiles, “But I appreciate Jungkook’s help. He was there to support me so, Jungkook, if you’re watching this. Thank you.”


He presses the spacebar key and listens nervously. Even if he’s not giving his viewers a full preview of the song but letting them hear for a little bit is somehow more nerve wrecking. The thought of what if's plants on his head.  What if it doesn’t appeal to them at all? What if they find it boring?


He pause, “How was that?” He said, resting his chin on his palm. “I could change bits and pieces of the song since it’s a little rusty but Jungkook likes itOh god, I’ve been talking about Jungkook twice now,” He hides behind his hands, “You guys with your OTPs…” He chuckles.

“Not like there’s nothing wrong with that but, come on, we’re roommates! Wouldn’t that be awkward…?” He stares skeptically to the camera, “Of course you guys wouldn’t mind. Everyone dreams for their OTP to be a canon or live together so they can interact a lot.” He raises his eyebrows, “Aren’t I speaking the truth? Where is the lie?


He snorts, “Keep your dreams high, it might be possible.” He winks.

He stares at the camera silently for nine seconds, holding his winking face, then resume with his usual posture, “Are you okay? Are you guys breathing? Please be alive.”


Yoongi motion them to breathe in and out with his hands, “You okay now? Good, because that is all I have for today. I just wanted to update to you guys about what I have been working on so, there.” He smiles.


“You guys are going to make some assumption about Sugakookie aren’t you?”

He snickers, ending the video.


He adores teasing his viewers. It is hilarious to see their reaction. He could imagine all the gifs and videos of proofs or hints about his relationship with the other... He had made a mistake hasn’t he? He goes to his twitter and type, ‘Uploading a new video soon! Prepare yourself’ He also added a teasing wink emoticon beside it ‘;)’ just for fun.

He has a lot of editing to do after, which he will finish it later. He needs to hydrate himself. Having a YouTube career is beyond tiring. He didn’t sleep at all. He walks out from his room, and got greeted by Jungkook running across him.


“Watch it.” He glares.


Jungkook turns around and stuck his tongue out.


“You are oddly chirpy.”

“Guess what?” He jumps.

“Guess what what?”

“I have a million subscribers!”


Yoongi follows his excitement genuinely. He is really proud of him.


“You’ve finally reached.”


Jungkook nodded, “Course! Thanks to my subscribers! But I don’t know what to do to thank them? Should I just sing like how I regularly do and thank them in the end or shall I do something else?”


Yoongi mind is blank. He doesn’t have any ideas to help him out, “Sorry. I have no clue.”


“How about we do a collab?”

Yoongi’s ears perks, “A collab of what?”


“How about a Q and A?” Jungkook suggests.

“Imagine what question there would be if you ask that.”

“They are not like that, don’t worry.”

“Have you heard about the boyfriend tag?” Yoongi cross his arm.

“We could do it! For the fans.” Jungkook smiles with his teeth shown.

“We could…but—“


There’s a secret. And to do this collaboration with him is… embarrassing…


“Fine.” Yoongi agrees.

“Good! Think about how much people would love to see Sugakookie coming alive.” Jungkook smirks.


No. I don’t.


“People are going to be thrilled or maybe, lose their minds.” Jungkook grins.

“Yeah... I need some juice.” Yoongi walk pass by him to the kitchen, ignoring the younger’s stare.


He opens the refrigerator and takes out a carton of orange juice. He needs vitamin C to energize himself since he didn’t sleep at all last night. His tracks have to be perfect. It needs to meet up people’s expectation because if not, he’s giving up…

He sighs.

He needs to work harder, that’s what. He shouldn’t be complaining. Everything always has its flaws. Always learn by your mistakes because that’s the only way to go. Failure isn’t an option. It is a lesson.


He pours the orange juice on an empty glass and drinks in one go. How long was he thirsty for? He doesn’t know. Probably he was too stressed out and feels dry to his throat after informing his fans about his “big news”. He wonders how they would react. For sure, they are going to be happy. Yeah, they are going to be happy. And also, excited. That’s great to think about.


“Hey.” A voice speaks. 

“What?” He chokes out, feeling a tad bit surprised hearing his voice because goddamn, he was in his thoughts for how long?

“I’ve already tweeted what questions they should ask for our boyfriend tag, and I’m planning to do it tomorrow just to let you know.”

“Oh, that’s good.”

“I’m going to upload two videos!” Jungkook said in glee, “Not going to tell them though because a shock from them would be amazing.”  


Yoongi laughs, “Imagine how many complaints you going to receive.”

Jungkook nod, laughing with him, “Exactly! That’s the fun part!”

He nods, agreeing.


“How’s your song going?” Jungkook asks.

“I don’t know, I think it’s fine…” Yoongi shrugs.

“Even if it’s not great to your ears, they are going to like it. I am sure of that.”


His advice makes him feel a little bit better? Yes. Of course, isn’t it obvious?


“Thanks, you’re great.”

“Well… They do call me the golden Jungkook.”


Yoongi slaps his forehead, “Oh no, I’m living with an egoistic maniac.”


“Self-worth is important.”

“A philosopher.”

“Someone should quote that and put my name.”

“Everybody knows self-worth is important.”

“But putting my name would make the whole nation be affected.”

“Keep dreaming.”

“I am a dreamer.”


Yoongi ignores him and goes back to his room.


“Well, I need to upload that video as soon as possible.”


It took him thirty minutes to edit and a few hours to upload his new video. He nearly forgot what he had done but when a glimpse of his memory appears on his mind, his agitating feeling has return. Crap.


He decides to sleep.

It’s better to shut off his mind and rest.



Yoongi wakes up hearing a loud noise beside his room. Jungkook. He groans. He’s probably recording a video… Disturbing him to shut up wouldn’t be the best choice. Guess to ignore him like what he had done a lot is the only way. For your information, he is not being rude. Its just… avoidance seems helpful.

His thoughts lull him back to sleep.



@minsugaofficial I can’t wait to hear the song!’

@minsugaofficial Oh my god, when are you going to release it?’

@minsugaofficial Is Jungkook going to be features in it?’

@minsugaofficial The date, please?’


He scrolls through his phones and smiles at the positive messages.


“Someone is happy.”

“Reading their comments about my new video. It’s nice.”


He scrolls down again.


“Look at the absurd questions they sent.” Jungkook kneels beside him.

“Oh my god.” Yoongi reads, “Did you guys do it? Are they actually serious?


“Do they know any privacy?”

“Internet. Have they ever.”


Who’s bigger? If you know what I mean—good grief.” Jungkook shakes his head.

“I immediately regret this decision for accepting this.”

“Too late to back out now.”

“Wish I could reverse back time.” Yoongi chuckles, “I need to go work on the song now.”

“Oh. Good luck.” Jungkook cheers.


“You’re welcome.”



The next day, Jungkook ask him to come over to his room by texting him through kakaotalk. What a wonderful generation. Jungkook wants to get his video ready with his “boyfriend”.

“Ready?” Jungkook said, holding his phone while twirling it around.



Jungkook walks toward the camera and sit back down when the red light is shown. He claps his together for a starter.


“Oh fuu—!“ Yoongi gasps.

He laughs, “Sorry, didn’t know that scares you.”

“You did that out of order!”

“That's how I start the video.”


Yoongi stare at the camera in disapproval, “Jungkook everyone.”


Jungkook claps his hands again and he jolts in surprise.



“Hello cookies.”

“Cookies?” Yoongi cringe. 


“Why are you calling them cookie?”

“That’s what they call themselves! How could you not know that?”

“Oh.” Yoongi frowns, “I don’t watch your videos.”

“Well that’s a nice way to start our boyfriend tag!”

“I’m just joking. That was actually the first time I heard about this.” Yoongi nod, trying to get Jungkook to believe him.



“Okay, Yoongi, how about you explain to the world about the boyfriend tag.” Jungkook slaps his shoulder, telling him to talk.

“It is when we answer your questions as boyfriend.”

“That’s a simple way to put it.”

“It makes it easier.” Yoongi shrugs.

“Alright, I’m scared. What kind of questions you guys want us to answer?” Jungkook wiggles his eyebrows, feeling interested.


“Suga swag said, what’s your first impression of each other?

Yoongi snickers, “Suga swag.”


“Uhm… I remember feeling kind of intimidated.” Jungkook carefully said, glancing at him.

“What? Really?” Yoongi turns.

“You have this face,” Jungkook imitates his expression from the first day meeting him, “I feel so awkward around you.”


“My…” Yoongi thinks, “My first impression of you was that you are so quiet.”


Jungkook nod in approval, “That’s true though. I wouldn’t know what to do with strangers. I am an awkward turtle.” Yoongi laughs, “So when you first meet me were you scared as hell?” 


“Of course I was!” Jungkook yells, “Until you break the silence.”


“Then you suddenly thought I was nice.”


“Off to next question.” Yoongi points to the camera enthusiastically.

“Sugar cookies said, who confess first and what did he say?”

“Oh no, we had to roleplay through this…” Yoongi sighs.

“First of all, I like your username! Second of all, Yoongi confessed first.”



Yoongi could feel the heat rushing to his face, “I w-was…” He looks around nervously. Pouring his feeling unconditionally is going to turn bad. His secret. No. This is not how he wants it to happen. Not right now. “I accidentally said it?” He figured that would be the best answer...


Jungkook chortles at the sight of Yoongi in a breakdown, “I caught him.” He plays along.


“What did you say, I don’t remember…” Jungkook tease.

“I was ranting a-alone about liking Jungkook and he suddenly came in with such appearance. I was shocked…as well.” Oh god, this is embarassing...

“He’s cute.” Jungkook wraps his arm around his shoulder, causing Yoongi to stop breathing for a second.

“Weirdly enough, I thought you going to push me away.” Jungkook giggles, “You like my hugs.”

“Aren’t we pretending to be boyfriend?”

“You didn’t hear that!” He screams to the camera, “This is real!”


Keep dreaming.


“I love you.” Jungkook grins, locking his eyes with him.


Yoongi pause. This is going to far.


“This is going to far, I didn’t expect that confession. Oh my god.” He covers his flustered emotion behind his hands, not wanting to be obvious to the younger. “Roleplaying is embarrassing.” He mumbles.


“Have you guys watch Yoongi’s latest video?”


Yoongi tilt his head, wondering what was this about. His face is still covered.


“Remember what he said in the end of his video?”


He thinks.


“He said keep your dreams high, it might be possible. Well, he’s maybe right after I said this.




“I sang a song dedicated to him last night.” Oh?

“Was I loud?” Jungkook adds.

Yes? But I didn’t bother to wake up and tell you off so I went back to sleep.”

“That’s fortunate.”

“What about it?”

“It is a love song…” Jungkook tries to hint.


Yoongi immediately understand what he’s talking about. Oh no. Is that a confession? Especially in public?! To the camera!


“That ‘I love you’ was sincere.” Jungkook stares lovingly at him.

“I need a moment to process this.”


Jungkook sneakily pecks his cheek quickly, making Yoongi’s pale skin paints in crimson color.


“I guess this boyfriend tag becomes reality.” Jungkook laughs, “Should we end it here?”

Yoongi ignores him, full in thoughts.


“He is not breathing. I need to end this quickly and fix him alive,” He looks at the older, “I had broken him”

“Well, bye!” Jungkook waves to the camera and switch it off.


Yoongi doesn’t know what to do when the camera is off. He feels too uncomfortable next to him after Jungkook’s confession. To move, to run or to stay, he doesn’t know… He’s confused.

Since when deciding on a choice has been so difficult for him?


However, Jungkook had made a decision. He comforts him with a kiss, his first kiss.


Which in reflex, he responds.



Jungkook upload his two videos as promised and Yoongi watched the song he sang. He didn’t know Jungkook would be that romantic.


And oh, they also had broken the Internet.


@minsugaofficial @cookiejar oh my god! YOU GUYS ARE OFFICIAL. #sugakookieisreal’’

@minsugaofficial @cookiejar is this the real life? Or is this just fantasy? Sugakookie shippers will never sing that song anymore. #sugakookieisreal’’’

@cookiejar @minsugaofficial im cryin. please love each other forever #sugakookieisreal’’’

@minsugaofficial are you a physic? #sugakookieisreal’’

@minsugaofficial @cookiejar keep dreaming and I HAVE. YE S. #sugakookieisreal


And so on...


cup-of-tae said;

hey, it's almost 6 am. damn. this is the only time i feel motivated so that's why i am up.

im so tired



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