Chapter 7 - Black Swan


Chapter 7 - Black Swan


“Yahhh Umma you can’t tell me who I can or can’t hang out with. I was busy with something important to do earlier today.” Seomin crossed her arms as her hair was being pulled into a messy bun and black feathers were being put into her hair. Her head hurt so much because her mother’s friend was pulling on her hair too hard to punish her. Her mother always punished her. 


“Kim Seomin how dare you audition for an entertainment company without telling me and do you think I would not find out about this!  I do not want my step-daughter to be an idol and be exposed to the world. You were born to dance ballet and that it. No hip-hop or other type of dance and when we get how I am throwing out all your KPOP albums. If I knew that you were going to audition today I would have locked you in your room and not feed you till we had to come here.” Now Seomin knows why Hyunmin calls her Cinderella.


“Isn’t that child abuse; besides appa said I could try out when I asked him a month ago?  I do not need your permission to do something when appa gave me permission to audition? You are just my step-mother and that is it. I do not have to listen to you if I don’t want to. You are just using my father for his money. I see through your little games.” Seomin said as she got slapped across the face and grabbed by the hair.


“Do not talk to me in that tone again or you’re done.  Seomin your father is out of the country for business right now so what I say goes. You have to dance soon so go out there and impress those scouts or you’re out of the house.” She said as he pushed me towards the stage area.




Junho was able to get into this dance competition somehow. He leaned against the wall in the back and waited for the show to start.


He was not sure if this girl was going to be here, but he was going to take his chances with this dance competition. He watched a few of the performance and looked at the program scanning the names of the people in the competition.  Junho noticed two peoples name and one just popped out to him. She was going to be the second to last performance.




“Hey Noona it’s going to be ok.” Her dance partner Junyoung said to her patting her on the back.  He gated seeing her upset like this.  He could not let her go through with this. He knew she was not happy and all he wanted to see was his amazing noona happy.


“It’s not go, but I will go through this for you. I want you to be noticed by the scouts.” Seomin said smiling weakly at her friend and dance partner for 10 years.


“Don’t worry noona I already took care of it.” He handed her bag and his sweatshirt. “You don’t need to perform anymore. Now go and follow your dream” He gave her a slight push. “Go before your evil stepmother finds out what we did.”


Seomin nodded and hurried off and headed into the girls bathroom in the main lobby to change her clothing. When she exited the bathroom with her hair hidden under a baseball hat; she heard them make the announcement.


There is going to be in a change in the program. The dance between Kim Seomin and Jang Junyoung has become a solo performance. Kim Seomin is unable to perform today.


Seomin hurried out of the lobby of the convention center knowing if she was found she would be locked in her room for a week.




When Junho heard that he headed out in the lobby and noticed someone leaving the conventions center quickly. 


He noticed a few people run out into the lobby of the convention center.  He looked over that the women “Find my rebellious step-daughter. I should have known something like this would happen. That silly girl really thinks she can make it as an idol. Find her and bring her home. I do not care if her father approves of this I don’t.”


Junho had a feeling he knew who they were talking about. He hurried out of the convention center hoping that he could find Seomin before everyone else did.




“Let’s make a bet!” Wooyoung smirked as he looked at the member’s of 2PM, 2AM, miss A, Seoyoung and Jooyeon. The Wonder Girls were busy working on a new project. 


“I said no more bets” Seoyoung said in a cold tone and went back to talking to chatting with Jooyeon and miss A. They seemed to have gotten really close in a short amount of time.


“But NOOOONAAA this is a better bet and it was Chansung’s idea and I will make sure Junsu hyung does not take part in the bet. Noona please stop being angry with him.” Wooyoung smirked and winked at her. He leaned in to her ear and whispered, “I know you are just doing this to torture him. Good Job Noona!”


“Yahhh Wooyoung what did you say to her.” Seoyoung looked over at Wooyoung as Jo Kwon came over and pulled him away from her. “Wooyounggie do not encourage betting; it is not right to make bets like that.”


“Oh come on Kwonnie. You have taken part of some of our bets.” Just as Wooyoung said that Jo Kwon choked on the water he was drinking.


“Kwonnie what is he talking about” Seoyoung asked as she noticed Seulong come into the practice room with a girl following behind him.


“Hey Hyung who is the girl behind you?” Nichkhun asked and looked over at Wooyoung and Chansung whispering to each other.


“Jin Young Hyung told me to pick up his friends daughter. She is going to be a part of MidNIGHT so treat her well. Hyung saw some videos of her doing acrobatic stunts and told her mother that she would be perfect for the group.” Seulong explained, “Her name is Kim Chanrin. If you guys don’t treat her well you have to deal with me.”


Jinwoon smiled and came over to where Chanrin was standing, “Hi Chanrin sii” He winked at her. “It is nice to meet you. So you know Jun Young Hyung.”


“I met him a few times because my mother made clothes for you guys before. I am always at her office.” Chanrin said shyly and she looked at Wooyoung and Chansung when they suddenly spoke loudly.  


“Are you thinking what I am thinking Wooyoung Hyung.” Chansung smirked.


“Yep I think you are thinking what I am thinking that Junho will be out forever to search for that girl all night.” Wooyoung smirked.


“I think he will not come back till morning.” Taecyeon said.  Junsu was about to say something, but Seoyoung gave him a look.


“I don’t understand what you guys get out of betting.” Min said, “You know Junho is going to kill you once he finds out about this bet.”


“Why would you do such a thing to sweet Junho” Suzy added.


“He will never find out about it and it’s all out of fun!” Taecyeon smirked.


Jooyeon looked at her phone and her eyes went wide, “Ummmm I have to go pick a friend of mine at the airport.” She stood up and Taecyeon also stood. “Taeccie what are you doing following me or wondering if the friend is a guy.”


“No I just don’t want you to go alone at this hour.” He looked at her.


“Well you’re not coming. As soon as you step into that airpost you will be attacked by fan girls. Also, it might create a scandal like the rumors that are going around that you are dating Girls Generation Jessica.” Jooyeon crossed her arms “Seoyoung unnie has a car and already said she would drive. Hey Chanrin want to come with us. We can go to the dorm after we pick up my friend. We were supposed to come to Korea around the same time, but she was not able to get a flight from Thailand fast enough.”


“Wait you have a friend from Thailand?” Nichkhun asked.

“Yes she was my college roommate, and we were asked by JYP to join his company and be members of MidNIGHT. I should have mentioned it earlier but I forgot when I saw Taeccie.” The three girls left the practice room.



“Aigo what am I going to do.” Seomin said to herself as she sat on a bench in the park near the convention center. She had a feeling that they would never check there because her family’s guards were not that smart.  He father worked for the government; she sometimes hated that he worked for the government. It was a stressful job and she was really worried about his health, but what she loved about her father was that he always supported of her and told her to do whatever made her happy.


She sighed and stood up and started to walk, she was wondering if she should call him up and tell him what was going on.  Seomin came across a little girl crying; she walked over to where she was and kneeled down in front of her, “Hey sweetie what’s wrong.”


The little girl pointed up at the tree and there was a cat up there. The little girl continued to cry. Seomin looked at the girl and patted her on the head, “Don’t worry I will get you cat.” Seomin placed her bag onto the ground and grabbed onto the branch and flipped herself up; her hat fell off of her head while she did that flip. She really did not care; Seomin just stood up on the branch and she reached up for the cat.


Seomin jumped down once she had the cat in her arms. “Here you go!” Seomin smiled when the little girl’s eyes smiled at her.


“Thank you unnie.”  The little girl waved and skipped off.


“I know what you guys are going to say. You should listen to your step-mother and perform.” Seomin stood up. “I am not performing because the person who it is for is not around anymore.” Seomin turned around and her eyes went wide when she saw who was behind her.

Authors Note: Sorry it has been a week or so since I updated this. I had to figure out some parts before posting this. This will be my last edit of chapters. The next few chapters are going to be new. So I hope you like it.


Oh yeah I have a new vote out.

Who should appear in MidNIGHT's Debut MV

(Click on the link to vote) 



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It might take longer to update this because my co-author is in Singapore studying abroad. We will do our best to update. I love you Rianne ah


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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 21: Hi Nice story you have
hellopanda23 #2
Chapter 36: Sorry it took me so long to finally read this.. I'm the ends everything turned out for the better but it definitely felt a little lackluster near the end. But anyways thank you
CholeWang #3
Lol sungyyu xD
hellopanda23 #4
Chapter 29: ha ha ha stealing the show..ha ha ha lols....when i really liked 2pm i liked junho...ha ha ha.... : )
hellopanda23 #5
Chapter 27: I like soohyun...random ha ha i know...gahhhh... all the members are doing solo stuff...or healing : (
hellopanda23 #6
Chapter 26: ahhhhhh yeosob so cute... hee he ha ha i still like rdg about 2pm
hellopanda23 #7
lOLS Your infinite bias is coming out in the story...not that i mind... ha ha ha
hellopanda23 #8
i like your last two updates...why? because you mentioned people from Infinite, U Kiss and MBLAQ ha ha ha... i like those three groups a lot : )

litgirl123 #9
yay,i love this story please try to update soon if your not to busy
AliceB #10
Thanks for the update and the great story! Fighting! ^^