Moments 11-20 (More about our lovely Hye Song)

Typical EXO Fanfic Moments

Hello my friends!

This is the second installment of my ‘whatever you wanna call it’. We will get to know more about our Hye Song in this chapter. (For those who are confused, Hye Song is the embodiment of every girl in a typical EXO Fanfic, and also every single ulzzang.)

  1. Hye Song is petite, tiny in stature. (She is a couple inches shy of being a midget.) We must always remember that there is no such thing as a medium in fanfic world.

*gasps* I didn’t just say the m word!


  1. Hye Song has the most magical hair in existence, it is glossy, shiny, and hangs in graceful curls down her back. It is always perfect, even through a hurricane, an earthquake, and even a car crash. Like, “As Hye Song’s unmoving figure lay on the ground, with the wreckage of cars surrounding her, her deathly pale face was framed by her dark chestnut curls, fanning out on the ground.”  

I’m sorry, but that is too picture perfect, I imagine in real life, her body would be in two. (But its Hye Song, so I guess even real life has to make way for her.)


  1. Hye Song’s face is as follows:
    1. Huge eyes
    2. Cute button nose
    3. Full pink lips
    4. Rosy pink cheeks
    5. I’m pretty sure she is a fairy, WHO’S WITH ME?
  2. Hye Song’s hair will always be long, never chin length, or shoulder length, it MUST and ALWAYS WILL BE hanging down mid back in a shimmering curtain.
  3. Since we are on the topic of hair, Hye Song does her hair rivalling a stylist. She always takes the time to comb through it, and sweep it up neatly into a ponytail, bun, or up-do, with not a hair out of place.

Me? I slap my hair into something that doesn’t resemble a chicken nest.

  1. Hye Song has her go to café. It is the place she loves so dearly, she spends her lifesavings on their to die for caramel macchiato.  (Sorry, I don’t drink coffee; I have no idea what I’m talking about.)
  2. Hye Song’s hands are small and beautiful. They are pale with slender fingers, which are perfect for encasing in other’s hands. (Her hands belong in a manga, my hands are most definitely not like that.) 
  3. Hye Song never works out. NEVER. And she manages to have a ‘toned’ body. (I’m pretty sure you have to work out to gain abs, they don’t just manifest by themselves you know.)
  4. Does she ever pee? (After drinking all that caramel macchiato.)
  5. Hye Song is never the ‘imma sleep now’ drunk, it’s always the crazy drunk, or the loud drunk, or the honest drunk. (Hye Song has a terrible alcohol tolerance. One beer=DRUNK AS A DUCK)

Well, there you have it. Moments 11-20. Goodnight y'all. 

EXOtic_Starlight, signing out.

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Chapter 3: XiuDevil is amazing tho omf
Chapter 3: XiuDevil is amazing tho omf
Chapter 3: THE TRUTH.
Chapter 1: Well, I agree with most of these. But we have to keep in mind that the 'Hye Song' or the OCs you're referring to are mostly East Asian because...well, they all live in Korea! Or Japan...or China.
The things you mentioned do not match ALL Asians. I mean, I'm Asian. And I have hazel green eyes and fairly long eyelashes.
Oh boy. This'll be epic. I can feel it.