Moments 1-10 (All about Hye Song)

Typical EXO Fanfic Moments

First order of business, I MEAN NO INSULT! It was just so I could waste my time doing something else, instead of watching fancams of EXO. (Not all of these moments happen in ALL EXO fanfics so yeah.)

Second order of business, the girl we will henceforth be talking about shall be named…Haneul Hye Song! (It’s not a typical name, but I really wanted to use the random name generator so…)

  1. Hye Song=Every ulzzang in the universe mashed into one being
  2. Is of completely Korean decent but manages to have HAZEL EYES, (what?)
  3. Hye Song is never satisfied with her willowy, slender figure.


Seriously? Glasses don’t affect eyes sizes *that* much, I mean a little, but not from the size of and almond to like a tire.

  1. Hye Song’s skin is always as fair as the winter snow, there is no such thing as tan skin in the Korean world. Heaven forbid that tanned skin ever become attractive.
  2. Hye Song’s eyes are always framed by long, sweeping eyelashes that brush her cheeks whenever she blinks.

I’m sorry, but are you sure this girl is Korean or Chinese? Let us be reminded that our eyelashes are almost non-existent. (I should know, although there are some exceptions…)

  1. Hye Song knows how to play the piano. There are no if, ands, or buts. Even if she is a law student, she knows how to play piano.
  2. Hye Song’s lips are always perfectly kissable, full, red, pouty, juicy, glossy, and in a perfect cupid’s bow. (Do those lips even exist? Mine are chapped as heck most of the time.)
  3. In fact, anything regarding lips is explained in full detail. Instead of, she her lips, it becomes, her pink, glistening tongue darted out of and swept over her full bottom lip, leaving a shining sheen of spit.
  4. Hye Song is practically skin and bones, everyone tells her so, “Hye Song! You’re so skinny!” or “Hye Song, you need to eat more!” but in her mind, “I AM SO FAT, OMG, I HATE MY BODY. Tomorrow I will eat only one slice of an apple.”

So I hope you liked the first chapter, again, no offence to anyone, and if you think these are stupid, I don’t blame you, I think these are pretty stupid as well. (LOL what kind of person does that make me?)

Hopefully, I will have something up by next week. I will be diligently reading more fanfics. (As if I don’t already.)

EXOtic_Starlight, signing out!

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Chapter 3: XiuDevil is amazing tho omf
Chapter 3: XiuDevil is amazing tho omf
Chapter 3: THE TRUTH.
Chapter 1: Well, I agree with most of these. But we have to keep in mind that the 'Hye Song' or the OCs you're referring to are mostly East Asian because...well, they all live in Korea! Or Japan...or China.
The things you mentioned do not match ALL Asians. I mean, I'm Asian. And I have hazel green eyes and fairly long eyelashes.
Oh boy. This'll be epic. I can feel it.