1 || Human World

In A Demon's Soul


Warning: This story contains words that may not be suitable for young audiences.


"I wanna hide the truth, I wanna shelter you. But with the beast inside, there's nowhere we could hide." - Demons (Imagine Dragons)




Colorful and Interesting.


These are the two words among many others that can be used to describe the place where humans live and spend the rest of their lives doing what they were destined to do. Nature itself gives them the most beautiful places life could offer, and at the same time provides the humans the resources to be able to survive on it.


There are millions of animals and humans co-existing on different territories at the same time, as well as countless developments and innovations, different inventions and discoveries, improving ways of living, and others. The curious nature of humans is the reason they can't seem to stop looking for things that are yet to be discovered or invented by their little minds.


The Human World.


Demons are attracted to it, not because of the beautiful places or the different species of animals or the latest technologies. The humans themselves and the life they possess are like magnets to demons, attracting them and tempting them to devour their souls without a second thought.


They can do it, but there are rules that they need to abide in order not to disrupt the balance. Demons may have been made of sins and hatred and evil, but there is a one rule that they abide in Hell, and that is to not disrupt the balance.




They like it when humans defy the balance, because when they do, the demons would be the first ones to feel the effects of it. They would be able to gain the power they needed. This is one of the many reasons why the demons never get bored of the humans. The demons know how easy it is for the humans to defy the balance and choose to do more evil than good.


Take it, for example, this one demon who is continuously whispering to the human's ear the different ways to embarrass his student in front of her classmates. He wanted to feel more power by angering the human. He wanted to unleash the evil inside him who was completely composed on the outside but was seething with anger in the inside. He wanted his wrath.


The human, who turns out to be a professor, was mad because the human girl, his student, refused to have dinner with him in his house yesterday after he had secretly asked her for it. It turns out that he has been secretly watching and fantasizing about his student for a while now.


And now, the human takes pleasure in embarrassing his student because he was enraged and insulted that she did not agree to have dinner with him and to spent the Park with him.


"Now, Ms. Park, can you translate what I've written on the board?" The human, whose name was Mr. Jang, asked his student with a raised eyebrow.


"Or would you like to just have a detention for not only listening to my lesson, but also for ting your friend-with-benefits during class?" He added while standing in front of the student, looking down at her intimidatingly while holding her confiscated mobile phone.


On the board is one stanza from a book, written in Italian language, to which he wrote shortly after he saw Dara checking her phone. Walking around the room, he watched as his students contemplate their answers on a question he ask about their lesson. That was when he caught Dara checking her phone for the message she received.


The whole classroom fell into a deepening silence after Mr. Jang said those words to their classmate. They are all watching and waiting. Some of them are wondering why Mr. Jang was acting weird all of a sudden. He is a tolerable professor most of the time, but they never actually witnessed him being that angry just because his student can't answer his question. After all, it was not the first time that the same situation happened.


"You don't know?" Mr. Jang asked, mocking his student and at the same time trying real hard not to glare at her. "That is a very simple Italian phrase, I can't believe you can't read it."


'Of course she won't know. She never took the Italian class, anyway.' A student murmured to her friends, enjoying the scene of the girl she hated being the center of attention, in a negative way.


"I should have known that those rumors of you being an intelligent student were all lies." Mr. Jang started to slowly walk back to his desk, giving each and every once of his students a disapproving look, which was fake.


He knew that Dara doesn't take Italian class since he secretly looked into her subjects when he was secretly stalking her schedule.


"Look at you." He gestured to to his student with both hands. "You don't even bother opening your textbook, and yet, you have the time to check on your mobile phone. Not a very good attitude, Ms. Park." Mr. Jang continued while shaking his head, faking disappointment.


"I think I already have an idea how you were getting such amazing grades without even studying." The whole class just stared at Mr. Jang and listened to what he was saying.


Although his words were harsh, his tone was soft, like he was talking to a ten-year-old kid who needs to be guided carefully. "I guess it's always an amazing Park for you, huh?" he asked, his voice finally filled with venom.


Collective gasps, oohs, and low whistles where heard inside the room, some of the mouths of the students hanging open and their eyes wide with surprise. They could not believe that a professor just boldly accuse his student of sleeping around with her other professors just to get straight A's in class.


'What's the hell?' a guy from the back murmured to his friend while shaking his head.

'He knows.'

'I bet it's true.'

'He wants her.'

'So that was true?'


Those were the opinions of those sitting inside the room, but the student, whose name is Dara Park, slowly stood up from her seat and raised her chin. Her face remained impassive despite those words thrown at her as she looked at the professor in the eyes with confidence.


Dara refuses to accept such embarrassment to befall on her, not after having enough of it in the past. All those y remarks she received all throughout the school year were now stored in her memory, ready to be fired when given the signal.


The whole class' voices died down as she blink and waited for them to hear what she was about to say.


"I felt for the tormented whirlwinds

Damned for their carnal sins

Committed when they let their passions rule their reason."


Dara answered without hesitation then gave her one hundred-megawatt evil smirk to her professor. Everyone was speechless.


"And I do believe it was a quote, Mr. Jang, not a phrase, since Dante Alighieri was the one who said it." Mr. Jang looked as shocked as his students about the fact that Dara could read what he wrote on the board. A minute or two had passed before someone finally had the courage to clear their throat.


Murmurs filled the entire classroom as Dara answered, and even corrected Mr. Jang. Some of them even had the guts to snort and laugh quietly at their professor after eating his own words, while some of them, mostly those who hated Dara, glared at her and looked expectantly to their professor to say that she was wrong.


"It was an honest mistake, yes?" Dara said, mocking her professor and getting even at him for the words he said earlier.


Mr. Jang cleared his throat and tried to compose himself to save his pride. "Ye-yeah, it is." He stuttered while gathering his things. He did not even lift his head when he told his class that they were dismissed. Dara's mobile phone was left on the teacher's desk as Mr. Jang scurried away like his pants was on fire.


The students erupted into fits of laughter and disbelief the moment Mr. Jang went out of the door.


'That was hilarious!'

'Atta girl!'




Dara did not wait another second longer inside as she also made her way out of the room. For sure, her classmates would ask her about where she learned reading and understanding Italian. She did not want to entertain any of their questions.


Students started filling the hallway as the bell rings, signaling the end of classes for the day. Chattering and noises, laughters and gossips filled the once silent hallway as the students stop by their locker to either leave their books or get something that they needed before they head home.


Some of them calls and bids Dara a goodbye, even congratulating her for successfully defending her honor. She just faked smile, and nods every time as her response. All she wanted was to go home and sleep.


"I heard you taught someone a lesson." A voice suddenly asked beside Dara who was busy stuffing her messenger bag her notebooks and books she'll be needing at home. Dara did not bother turning around for she would recognize that voice even with the crowd's noise filling the hallway.


"I just read what was written on the board." Dara simply answered, not giving a big deal about what she did earlier in their class.


"Hmm." The owner of the voice hummed, not really convinced with her friend's answer. She leaned on one of the lockers and watched as her friend checked her bag one last time before closing the locker. "That doesn't rhyme with what I've been hearing." She answered, raising her eyebrow.


Dara just sighed and turned around, leaving her friend behind, knowing full well that she would follow her. "Drop it, Bom. It's not that big of a deal." She said while walking quickly, wanting to leave the crowded place as soon as possible.


Soon enough, Dara and Bom saw the end of the hallway where more students were busy chatting. As they were about to walk past the group of school jocks, a hand suddenly grabbed Dara's arm, making her stop and flinch from surprise. She looked at the person who stopped her, and saw that it was Donghae, the school's quarterback.


"Hey baby, you heading home?" he asked, pulling Dara to him. Bom just rolled her eyes and looked at the other direction.


Donghae has taken the liberty to be Dara's boyfriend for exactly four days now, though Dara thinks otherwise. He had asked Dara to go out with him because of a bet he made with his friends, to which Dara agreed to just to fun. She knows about the bet, but still played along with Donghae who was not aware that she knows about it.


Dara slowly peeled her arm from Donghae's grasp and walked a step back to give a space between them. She gave a tight smile that did not reached her eyes and answered, "Yes." She gave Donghae a quick peck on the cheek, making the others whistle, and then started to walk away with her purposely swaying her hips in the process to attract their attention. "See you guys tomorrow." She waved to all of them, much to Donghae's disappointment.


"I'll call you tonight, okay?" Donghae called after her, but Dara just raised a hand and waved. Bom glanced back, and almost laughed as she saw how the guys ogle at their long legs and backside.


As the two me their way to Bom's car, Bom can't help but chuckle with amusement. "You know he's starting to have a thing for you, right?" she told Dara before opening the door to the driver's seat.


"Yeah, just like the rest of them." She murmured, loud enough for Bom to hear. They went inside the car and settled themselves. "They just want to see who gets the chance to do me first. Then all of them would want to do me after." Dara said, matter-of-factly as Bom drive out of the school perimeter and into the highway.


"True." Bom agreed. "But I must admit, Donghae is one hell of a testosterone. I'd do him, you know." She informed her friend and giggled after. "Or his friend, Minho. He's so hot." She added.


Dara just snorted and shook her head, knowing that Bom has been crushing on Minho for a month now.


"I'll take your word. I might need that when the time comes." She answered.


Bom faked a gasp, but then laughed and playfully smacked Dara's arm. "I can't believe you! You'll use our friendship to get rid of a guy. You're so evil, do you know that?!" Dara giggled and nodded, muttering 'I know, I know' to her.


"At least I secretly gave you my consent." Dara said, smirking. Her friend just shook her head, a smile on her lips.


This is one of the reasons why she became best friends with Dara. She's not that concerned with guys, despite them openly throwing their bodies at her. She also loves the way Dara fight back to the bullies in their school, not giving the satisfaction to make fun of her.


Bom the radio, and Imagine Dragons' song started to fill the car. The car ride only lasted for fifteen minutes, and the rest of the ride was filled with giggles and laughters from the two.


"I love this song. Definitely one of my favorites." Bom muttered out of the blue.


"I never knew that." I said and looked at her with raised eyebrow. "Care to tell me why?"


"Well, I love the message. You know, the way it tells us that we all have our own demons in ourselves that we need to fight, that we are all imperfect and have so much flaws and that it was in our nature as humans and that we should accept the truth about reality regardless of how painful or disappointing it may be." Bom answered her friend while shrugging her shoulders.


Dara fake a gasp and looked at her friend like it was the first time she had ever seen her. "Who are you and what have you done to Bom Park?" she playfully asked.


Bom glared at her bestfriend, but then laughed after, with Dara joining her. "Though I must admit that that was so deep." She heard Dara said.


Glancing outside, Dara noticed that they were almost at the supermarket where she needed to be.


"Oh, you can drop me off here.I need to buy something from the supermarket." Dara said. Bom did not even bother to ask what she needed. She just simply slowed down her car and drove to the side. "I'll see you tomorrow." Dara said and gave Bom a kiss on the cheek before getting out of the car.


"You'll be okay?" Bom asked her. "I'll wait for you if you want."


Dara bent down so that she can see her. "I'll be fine, your mother is waiting for you, remember?" she reminded her bestfriend.


"Be careful on your way home, okay?" Bom told her before her friend closed the door.


"I will. You too." Dara said, and then waved as Bom drove off.


Taking a deep breath, Dara turned around and went inside the supermarket to buy the things she need. On her way, she saw some of her schoolmates hanging in a café beside the supermarket, while the others were in the diner which was on the other side of the supermarket.


After getting what she needed, she started walking to where the cashier was stationed. With her thoughts being occupied by her schoolmates, she did not saw the man coming from her right. The two collided and the things they were both holding scattered on the floor.


"I'm sorry."




They both said at the same time and bent down to get the things they dropped. The man was the first one to stand up straight and waited for Dara to finish picking up instead of helping her. When she was done, she looked at the man and noticed in his hands the two box of condoms.


The man cleared his throat and Dara looked at him, blushing a little. "Sorry." He apologized.


Dara noticed that the man was only her age. He was actually good looking. Well, good looking is an understatement. He was hot. And not just hot hot. He was gorgeously y oh-so-handsome hot. Physically, Dara thought that he can be the God of Temptation with the way his eyes looked at her. He was tall, almost six feet, and his skin was sun kissed. His blond hair messy but still looked good on him. And, he was looking at her like he wants to devour her or something.


Fifty bucks and I'll say he's a flirt. She thought to herself.


"Oh, no. I should be the one apologizing. I wasn't looking to where I was going." Dara said and gave the man an apologetic smile.


"I can't let a beautiful lady apologize, even if it's her fault." The man said, his eyes twinkling with something Dara can't explain.


Bingo. Dara mentally patted her own shoulder.


The man extended his hand. "I'm TOP." He introduced himself and gave her his killer smile. Dara thought if she's one of those s they call her to be, she'd be pulling the man into a corner and let him use those condoms on her.


But no, she's not. So, she simply shook the man's hand, giving him a small smile. "Dara." She answered and immediately let go of TOP's hand. TOP nodded.


"You go to MSU?" he asked out of the blue, making Dara frown from confusion.


"How did you know?" She asked.


TOP smiled and pointed to the shirt she was wearing. Dara's mouth formed an 'o'. "I know someone there." He informed her.




The two of them stood there awkwardly, until Dara decided to leave. "Um, I better get going. I need to go home as soon as possible." She said, making up an excuse to leave without being held back by the stranger she just met. The way he was looking at her was making her uncomfortable.


"Oh. I'll see you around then." TOP said. Dara nodded and turned around to leave. "It's nice to meet you."


Dara looked at him. "You too." She answered and then went to the cashier.


After getting home, she dropped the things she bought on the kitchen counter before proceeding in her room where she dropped her messenger bag. Walking back to the kitchen with her phone in her hand, she started preparing dinner.


A few minutes later, her phone rang, shocking her a little. Her phone glowed and the screen displayed the name of her aunt.


"Aunt Hye Sun." Dara answered.


"Ien, I won't be home toPark. I'll be covering Ji Na's shift, she has a fever." Hye Sun informed her.


"Oh, okay." Dara answered, looking at the food she was about to prepare and thanking her aunt for calling earlier than she should have.


"I'll see you tomorrow. Lock the doors, okay?" Hye Sun reminded her before hanging up.


After eating dinner, Dara went to her room after making sure that everything was locked. She took a shower and started doing her homework. When she was done, she immediately went to bed.


In her dreams, she was walking in a dimly lighted hallway until she reached a dining room where only three candles light the place. There, she saw a man standing, facing a large window, with his back on her.







Heya! So, how's chapter one? :) I'm still thinking about whether or not I'll continue posting this here or not, since I want it to be known in its original version. Anyway, for now, here's the first chapter 1 with changed characters. If you want to read the following chapters, you can visit my wattpad account, @lovelicht.. Please do COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE and UPVOTE for this story.. THANK YOU!

- AA

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IADS ch.1 is up..


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MsGeeDee #1
Hi all, this is MsGeeDee :)

It's been a while since I opened this account. I know lots of you are upset with me putting everything behind.

First and foremost, I sincerely apologize for leaving this account, this family and not continuing the 2 stories that I was writing 4 years ago. It was not easy leaving this behind, because I love Dara and G-Dragon so much, that up to this day, I am still supporting them even though Jiyong is enlisted and Dara is active on her own projects. I also feel sad for leaving my subscribers and supporters, and not letting them know how my two stories will end. But most of all, as a writer, I felt disappointed with myself for not finishing the stories that were here. As a reader, I know how it feels like to be left hanging, so for that, I'm sorry.

The reason for my hiatus was simple, I suffered from depression due to personal matters. It became so overwhelming, that even my love for our dearest couple was not enough for me to ignore my mental state. So, I lost all the inspiration to write and continue AIL and IADS (I already got mild depression while writing this one, thus the theme). Aside from that, life also became too busy, since I was almost a graduating student during that time. After graduation, I immediately started working, all the while still suffering from mild depression.

I'm not sure if this story will ever reach its ending, since it's been 4 years, and the plot I had in mind before has been forgotten. However, I'm trying to get back to writing recently, and would like for you to support me like you did 4 years ago, and apparently, is still doing right now :) There's no telling, but once I feel like I'm back on track, this may be one of the stories that I'll be working on.

Peace out!
gitchiegoo #2
Chapter 2: Update plsss hehe
Chapter 2: Really interesting story,
Next button pleaseee ~
Drie30 #4
Chapter 2: Hi I hope you'll continue posting chapters here :))
Thanks for the update, please update soon :))
garfield #5
Chapter 2: Chapter 3 and 4 pls authornim i wasnt able to resist not looking on to wattpad but it was only 3 chapters ...update soon!
wenkie0414 #6
Chapter 2: plsss continue this one.. ive already read the original one in wattpad but i also love the daragon characters plss continuee.. your plot is sooo interesting..
garfield #7
Chapter 1: nice read!!!!
Drie30 #8
Chapter 1: Hi!!!! I just finished reading the prologue :)
I hope you'll continue updating this, I'm more comfortable if the names being used are dara and jiyong's names :)))
Thank You! :))
wenkie0414 #9
Chapter 1: wow is it the same story and same characters in wattpad?