
In A Demon's Soul


Warning: This story contains words that may not be suitable for young audiences.



"HELL - And to a place I come where nothing shines." Dante

Dark and cold.


These are the very two things that describe the place where every sinner and the damned end up with. Not a needle's point of sunlight could be seen, nor the slightest presence of heat or warmth could be felt. The blood red moon above the dark sky barely gives a shadow to everything that lies beneath it. Endless dry lands and black forests, and on the ground were darker than black ashes of those who perished forever. The most unpleasant smell of rotting souls and demons fills the very air that surrounds the place. And then, there were the darkest and ugliest of creatures roaming around aimlessly, looking for something to devour out of hunger, pure boredom or entertainment.




Humans think that Hell was made of fire. Of an endless fire that never ceased to devour souls who were denied entry into heaven. But they were wrong. Hell was dark. Cold. Sinful. Evil. Yes, there was fire, but that was in the Core, the middle parts of Hell, where hundreds of thousands of souls cry and burn, begging for mercy and redemption. And only demons that were powerful enough and made of pure evil could see the place.


Demons who never doubted the pure ecstasy of evilness and sinfulness. Demons who enjoy playing with humans like they were toys. Demons who are making humans do things that they would regret forever. Demons who love to kill humans in a heartbeat.


Demons like Jiyong.


Jiyong. The Prince of Hell and son of Satan. He is the most powerful demon next to his father who rules the rotten place. He is him, who is currently enjoying watching the souls cry and burn in the pits of hell with amusement visible on his midnight black eyes, and an evil smirk planted on his thin lips. His black hair with a few specks of grey was tossed in different directions, but still managed to look sinfully smooth and inviting. His prominent nose, high cheekbones and strong jaws were so perfect that even the most handsome men would feel envious when they see him.


"Please save me!" he heard one cry from the hundreds of thousands of souls burning. From where he stood, it would sound like the cries were just noises of people randomly shouting something. But he could clearly hear each one of them. One voice drowning the other in milliseconds. Different voices pleading for mercy and redemption.


Jiyong's eyebrows rose in amusement, thinking that even though they were already in hell and was denied entry in heaven, they would still ask for redemption from the One up there. Even though he had thought about it a thousand times during his thousand visits in the Core, he still found it amusing.


He chuckled, his voice deep and husky, and shook his head, thinking that it was pitiful and useless.


"Really, you never ceased to amaze me." Jiyong heard someone say behind him. He did not bother turning around to see who it was. He already knew. The demon walked and stopped beside him, pure white eyes focused below them, towards the unending fire eating up the place.


"I got bored watching the exact same thing after a century or two, and that was a very long time ago." The demon stated. "Even humans get bored if they watch some crappy movie for the second or third time, but you..." he trailed, finally looking at Jiyong.


"Leave if you're bored, Seunghyun." Jiyong simply answered with his low, y voice.


Seunghyun, the Demon of Lust, is one of the seven powerful demons in hell that serves Satan, though Jiyong were still way more powerful than them. Their power originates from the seven deadly sins known to men.


Seunghyun strengthens his power by seducing women, either demons or humans, and feeding himself from their strong desire to do the deed with him. He even becomes more powerful during the deed, where the feeling of lust from his victim flows freely from her to him.


Like Jiyong, Seunghyun was sinfully beautiful. His blond hair was style neatly on the side back, giving him a bad boy image. His long lashes complimented his pure white eyes so well, and his slightly crooked nose added to his charisma. He was a few inches smaller than Jiyong, and together, they looked like brothers related by blood, minus the hair and eye color.


"Nah, I'll stay, since I won't see you around for a while." He answered.


Time seemed to stop as the two demons kept his gaze below them. They did not utter a single word and enjoyed the feeling of satisfaction seeing the souls below burn in the fire that seemed to engulf the whole place. It was after an hour or so that Seunghyun started to open his mouth again.


"What's so good about watching this? I really don't get it." Seunghyun asked more to himself than to Jiyong, tilting his head to the side while looking at the souls with creased eyebrows.


"It's more entertaining to watch the humans in the human world, you know. There are lots of interesting things happening there, unlike here. All they do is burn endlessly."


Jiyong did not say anything for a while, but nevertheless, he answered Seunghyun. "It's because your power is concentrated on lust that you found this boring." Jiyong informed him. "Without lust, you'll only feel boredom on everything, just like now."


To that, Seunghyun agreed. That was the only valid explanation as to why him, or mostly all the demons here find it boring watching the souls burn and beg for mercy after watching them for quite some time.


"By the way, Sulli wants to follow you to the human world." He informed.


The news caused Jiyong to roll his eyes. "Sulli rarely leaves the human world, so 'following' me isn't exactly the right word." He corrected the demon, causing the demon to chuckle.


"Right." He agreed. "But you know how she hates it when every time you pick up a human toy." He reminded him. "And a girl at that." He added.


Jiyong scowled at that. Seunghyun was right. With Sulli around, he would surely not enjoy his visit on the human world. She would surely ruin everything that he planned for the past decade. Though Jiyong admit that he enjoyed Sulli's company in bed, he definitely hates her once she started opening .


Sometimes, Jiyong even wished that she would stop talking forever. Even Seunghyun agrees with him.


"Remember when you tried to tempt a human girl to have with you inside the club's restroom?" Seunghyun asked, his mind travelling to the time when Jiyong went to the human world on his 87th visit.


This girl caught Jiyong's attention when she danced in the center of the club. She was not wearing those skimpy outfits or those high heels; her face was void of any make-up, while her lips have the lightest gloss a girl wears.


She's simply dressed in a white shirt and pants, but still managed to be the most beautiful girl inside the club. He tried to get into her pants, but she refused. Not because Sulli came to interrupt them, but because she simply went there to have fun, not to get laid.


"Man, she's so angry that time, even Sean could feel her despite being here in Hell." Seunghyun said, shaking his head.


"She better mind her own business." Jiyong told him, a threat clear in his voice.


"Or else you'll shut her filthy mouth forever?" Seunghyun playfully added. "Go on, nobody's stopping you." He grinned, opening both his arms wide as if giving Jiyong the GO-signal.


Jiyong's face remained impassive at the demon's antics, but glints of amusement can be seen dancing in his midnight black eyes. "I've been waiting for that to happen for a long time now." Seunghyun added.


"Then do it." Jiyong answered.


"I'd love to, but you know me." Seunghyun said, like what he's about to say has been said for thousand times. "I can't resist such strong lustful desire from a powerful demon like her. We'd probably end up even before I move a finger to shut . And besides, I like it when she's under me, and possesses magic. You know that." Seunghyun chuckled, his mind replaying the intimate scenes of him and Sulli in his head.


Jiyong just shook his head, knowing that Seunghyun's lustful thoughts were at it again. After a few minutes, Seunghyun's face turned serious. "This will be your 100th visit. How do you feel?" He asked and looked at the demon prince standing beside him.


For some reason unknown to them, Satan had been looking forward to Jiyong's 100th visit in the human world ever since they were created. Satan won't tell them why, and even Jiyong don't know the reason behind his father's excitement.


Jiyong had tried to ask him once about what was so important about his 100th visit in the human world. To his surprise, his father looked at him with such ferocity and told him that he should be patient and find out the answer himself when the time comes.


Then he was subjected to punishment just by simply asking the reason behind it, receiving a hundred painful whippings, his body scarred for life. After that, he never again asked about it and just dreaded for it to come.


"Nothing." Jiyong simply answered. And it was true. He thought that maybe he would be able to gain more power during his 100th visit in the human world, but it seems that he was wrong since he does not feel any changes in his body. He even thought that maybe his father would order him to marry one of the Seven Powerful Demon women, but again, he was wrong.


"I wonder what would happen." Seunghyun asked, more to himself than to Jiyong. And that was the exact question that's been running inside Jiyong's head for the past weeks.


"Oh, right, I remember." Seunghyun suddenly blurted out. "Aren't you going to ask me why I'm here?" he asked.


And that did it. For the first time since Seunghyun arrived, Jiyong looked at him with raised eyebrows, but still, his face remained impassive. Even though Seunghyun doesn't want to look straight into Jiyong's eyes, he refused to back down from looking back at Jiyong.


To him, there's just something very creepy about Jiyong's eyes. Even a powerful demon like him could feel goose bumps just by staring at it.


Jiyong's eyes were weird; both his scleras were black, unlike the humans which were white, while his irises were red and very thin. He has the same eyes as his father, and only the two of them possess those eyes. When he's using his powers, his irises turn black, making his whole eyes black, like the eyes of a crow.


The seven powerful demons, however, possess pure white eyes, and they don't have pupils.


As minutes passed, they just stared at each other, with Seunghyun waiting for Jiyong to ask him, and Jiyong not giving Seunghyun the satisfaction to hear him ask about it.


Finally, Jiyong said, "Do I look like I want to know?" with such disinterest and coldness that Seunghyun's mouth hanged open. Right, he shouldn't have expected him to actually ask him. Jiyong is the only demon he knew that possesses so much disinterest on so many things.


Seunghyun huffed and crossed his tattooed arms on his chest after recovering, like a child having tantrums. "I can't believe it!" He exclaimed. "I traveled all the way from the human world, even left my beautiful and y human prey , dripping wet and hanging just to see you, and you don't even care about why I came here!" He's acting like a girl.


Jiyong rolled his eyes, now getting irritated. "You should stop hanging out with women. You're starting to act like them." he said and turned his back on him, the end of his long black cloak being dragged behind him. He started to leave the Core with Seunghyun trailing behind him, still muttering profanities directed to Jiyong at how ungrateful he is.


One moment they were inside Core, the next thing they were walking inside the black mansion where Jiyong lives.


"Fine, I won't tell you." Seunghyun said with an evil smirk plastered on his lips as a lowly demon servant with eight arms approached them and took their cloaks away. Another one of the same kind of demon walked behind Jiyong and asked if he needs anything, but Jiyong told her she needs nothing. The demon servant immediately scampered out of sight after being dismissed by his master.


Seunghyun made himself comfortable on one of the couches and watched the demon prince lazily as he stood in front of the fireplace. He always knew that Jiyong was curious about it, he just know how to hide his feelings really well. Even Seunghyun was curious too, but he knew that it was nothing compared to the level of curiosity that Jiyong was feeling. After all, it was Jiyong who will experience it, not him.


After what seemed like eternity, Seunghyun got bored from watching the demon prince just standing there like a statue. He started listing the possible things that may happen when Jiyong visits the human world.


"Maybe you'll meet you long lost sibling? Or that you'll end up burning a whole country?" He started. "What if you'll actually gain a new power? Or that you'll find an angel who was supposed to be your soul mate? You know, like the stories I've read?" He chuckled, shaking his head.


Meanwhile, Jiyong did not even bother understanding what Seunghyun was telling him. He himself was thinking of the possible things that could happen.


"Oh! Oh! I know!" Seunghyun exclaimed. "Maybe you'll end up impregnating a human?" He playfully asked. "Yeah, that's probably it." This caused Jiyong to look at him, his face showing nothing.


"Shut up." Jiyong finally said to him, tired of him opening his so-called mouth and telling him those unnecessary ideas of his. "Why are you still here?" Jiyong asked, quite rude.


"I'm just trying to help you." Seunghyun answered, but when Jiyong glared at him, he raised both his hands in surrender before standing up.


"Fine, I'll leave." He finally said and started walking towards the front door of the house. He took his cloak from the demon servant and opened the door. But before he left, he shouted to Jiyong,


"Jiyongy Weasley." He playfully called Jiyong using the nickname he gave him. Jiyong glared at him but he did not mind. "Don't come crying on my shoulder when that actually happens. I will laugh at you and say in your face 'Told you, !' ". Seunghyun said, the last words he said while imitating a girl's high pitch voice.


Jiyong just rolled his eyes from the demon's craziness, and retreated in his room, too tired to even think about what Seunghyun had said. That night, he slept, even though demons don't actually sleep. In his unconscious state, his saw the back of a girl with long brown hair.







Author's Note:

Hi my dearest applers! First of all, thank you for checking out this story. I hope the description and prologue was interesting enough to catch your attention and make you continue reading the story. For the grammatical errors, I sincerely apologize. The English language is not really my mother tongue, so yeah, I'm sure you will find lots of grammatical errors in the future chapters. If you like this story, please vote for it or subscribe to it. And your comments will be highly appreciated. Thank you!

♥ msgeedee

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IADS ch.1 is up..


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MsGeeDee #1
Hi all, this is MsGeeDee :)

It's been a while since I opened this account. I know lots of you are upset with me putting everything behind.

First and foremost, I sincerely apologize for leaving this account, this family and not continuing the 2 stories that I was writing 4 years ago. It was not easy leaving this behind, because I love Dara and G-Dragon so much, that up to this day, I am still supporting them even though Jiyong is enlisted and Dara is active on her own projects. I also feel sad for leaving my subscribers and supporters, and not letting them know how my two stories will end. But most of all, as a writer, I felt disappointed with myself for not finishing the stories that were here. As a reader, I know how it feels like to be left hanging, so for that, I'm sorry.

The reason for my hiatus was simple, I suffered from depression due to personal matters. It became so overwhelming, that even my love for our dearest couple was not enough for me to ignore my mental state. So, I lost all the inspiration to write and continue AIL and IADS (I already got mild depression while writing this one, thus the theme). Aside from that, life also became too busy, since I was almost a graduating student during that time. After graduation, I immediately started working, all the while still suffering from mild depression.

I'm not sure if this story will ever reach its ending, since it's been 4 years, and the plot I had in mind before has been forgotten. However, I'm trying to get back to writing recently, and would like for you to support me like you did 4 years ago, and apparently, is still doing right now :) There's no telling, but once I feel like I'm back on track, this may be one of the stories that I'll be working on.

Peace out!
gitchiegoo #2
Chapter 2: Update plsss hehe
Chapter 2: Really interesting story,
Next button pleaseee ~
Drie30 #4
Chapter 2: Hi I hope you'll continue posting chapters here :))
Thanks for the update, please update soon :))
garfield #5
Chapter 2: Chapter 3 and 4 pls authornim i wasnt able to resist not looking on to wattpad but it was only 3 chapters ...update soon!
wenkie0414 #6
Chapter 2: plsss continue this one.. ive already read the original one in wattpad but i also love the daragon characters plss continuee.. your plot is sooo interesting..
garfield #7
Chapter 1: nice read!!!!
Drie30 #8
Chapter 1: Hi!!!! I just finished reading the prologue :)
I hope you'll continue updating this, I'm more comfortable if the names being used are dara and jiyong's names :)))
Thank You! :))
wenkie0414 #9
Chapter 1: wow is it the same story and same characters in wattpad?