Chapter 5

Never an Us

To say that she was completely ed would be an understatement. Minhee could feel her knees tremble, her jaw lock and her cheeks heat up. 

Oh god oh god oh god. Someone please save me. Minhee knew she was seconds from bursting into tears. Big fat ugly messy tears. Anyone? Anybody?

The tension was so deafening that she hardly noticed the soft pad of footsteps coming closer until it was right in front of her, lacing its dainty fingers with Luhan's. She swore she could clearly hear her heart breaking at that moment.

"Min? Are you okay?" Luhan asked her, obviously uncomfortable with the situation. "Are you not feeling well?"

Looking back at that instance, Minhee swore she almost punched that worried look off his face. How could he? Like seriously?

Indignation, embarassment and heartbreak was rolling off her in palpable waves, boring a hole at the sight of two intertwined hands a couple of feet in front of her. 

"Uh what?" 

She knew she looked stupid but she was trying her best to grab onto the tatered remains of her heart and pride. 

"I just asked if you're okay?"

"Oh yeah. I'm great. I was just- I just brought Sehun home."

Minhee was frantically looking around for anyone to diffuse this excruciating scene. It was as if her friends were watching them and waiting for a messy fallout or a trainwreck to happen. She was waiting and praying for Sehun to crack a joke or Suho to start serving food randomly. Anything to stop this horrifying scene.

But the minutes ticked by and she was still standing shell-shocked and unable to grasp the situation. 

"This is Xiaotong," Luhan introduced the girl standing beside him. 

My girlfriend. The unspoken meaning behind their clasped hand twisted the knife deeper. Minhee practically had to force herself to move forward and shake the other girl's hand.

"Lovely to meet you."

Lovely. She was truly lovely to look at. All smooth curls and angel face. 

Minhee smiled, trying her best to establish eye contact and reassure her friends that she was okay. She was fine. There's no need to worry. She's a strong independent woman. She won't cry. Maybe later in the comfort of her bed but not in front of them. Not in front of him.

"Well, I have to go l. I just dropped by to say hi to the guys."

As if snapping out of their trance, the boys moved into action separating the two parties, passing food out, urging her to stay.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Baekhyun asked, sidling closer to her as Minhee tried her best to smile. "I'll walk you home, wait here."

"No-no it's okay. You guys were hanging out," she tried to reassure him. "Uh-uhm I'm actually meeting someone. I'm fine on my own."

As if on cue, her phone started ringing, saving her from a round of awkward goodbyes. Rushing out of the building, it was a couple of blocks until she realized she was gulping back her tears. Unable to walk further she plopped down on a nearby curb, huge sobs wracking her breaths.

"Min? Minhee? Where are you? I'm in front of your apartment"

No words was coming out of her. Only whimpering breaths and shaky sighs.

"Minhee are you crying? Where are you?"

"Chen," she cried. "It hurts so much"

She heard him curse on the other line before telling her to stay put, he'd come find her. 

"It's okay Minhee. It's okay. I'm coming for you."


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I started writing this back when I was a freshman in college. School was crazy, thus I stopped writing, stopped being active in the fandom. But now, I have more free time so I hope I could finally update and finish this story.


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duggars #1
Chapter 3: update soon author nim i love all the chapter so far
Chapter 3: Will Luhan ever call?
Such an interesting story!
Chapter 2: I love how this is so bittersweet, that there is till a bit of humor in our heroine against the underlying sadness, can totally relate with minhee even if one has nvr experienced the heartbreak of a friendzone. Thirsty for more:)