Lost Manager?

Our Manager


Sunggyu and Woohyun went to the super market with a list of groceries. Woohyun pushed the trolley while Sunggyu put the needed items inside.


“So we’re going to need party stuff” Sunggyu studied the list

“What about the food?” Woohyun looked relaxed, but bored with his fore arms on the handle bar and casually looking at the food on the shelves then putting them back.

“Ack! Screw the list, I can’t read Sungyeol’s messy writing” Sunggyu threw the list into the trolley and Woohyun picked it up and laughed “If I didn’t know, I would’ve thought this was a 5 year old’s hand writing”

A couple of girls gasped and carefully made their way down the aisle “Omo, it’s Infinite”

Woohyun heard and looked up at them, he gave them a killing smile winked.

“Let’s go” The girls squealed and ran off.

Sunggyu turned around “What was that”


“Okay, so let’s just buy whatever looks good in food. Mm”


The two boys nodded and threw in whatever they thought would look good in food. They went into the party aisle and bought party hats, noise makers, balloons, party streamer, other decorations and toy instruments. They threw in bags of snacks and drinks until they realised they needed a second trolley. The two boys stood, while staring at the trolley with all the things they put in, toppling over each other.


“Do you think we need another trolley?” Woohyun looked at the pile

“I don’t know, do you think this is enough?” Sunggyu blinked

“I don’t know”


The two stared then Woohyun slowly moved away and came back. Sunggyu turned his head to him finding that Woohyun had a handful of food. “Go get another trolley” “Okay” Woohyun put all the things into Sunggyu’s arms and went to find a trolley. Back at the house the boys were busy preparing a birthday party for you.


“AHHH! YEPPOO!!!” Sungyeol jumped out wearing a maids outfit

Hoya looked at him like he had seen a ghost “SUNGYEOL! THAT IS YET THE MOST DISTURBING THING I’VE EVER SEEN!”



“But I feel so easy breezy~” He twirled around

“GO WEAR NORMAL CLOTHES! OR AT LEAST WEAR TIGHTS! LIKE SUNGJONG!” Hoya looked away covering his eyes with his hand.

“Ta-da~” Sungjong skipped out wearing a pink maids outfit, and he wore white tights with them.

Dongwoo turned to look at them and laughed his head off “You guys look ridiculous! Except Sungjong, maknae you’re really pretty. So it’s just Sungyeol!”


Sungyeol walked out wearing tights this time, the two looked at each other and grinned. They jumped up and down and double high-fived each other with both hands. “Oh, me and Sungjong aren’t the only one’s who are wearing these, all of you’s are”


“WOO! We get to look pretty!” Ricky and Niel hi-fived each other

“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS!” L showed a shocked expression

“I really can’t. with you guys. just.” Hoya pinched between his eyes with them closed and shook his head with a sigh.

“I don’t see why not. I look pretty in girl’s clothes” Dongwoo shrugged

“I want to wear a yellow one~” Chunji called

“CHUNJI! YOU TOO?” Changjo yelled

“What? I look pretty in girl’s clothes as well” He smiled

“I don’t want to be the odd one out so, whatever.” Changjo sighed

Everyone looked in the kitchen at CAP and L. “No” They said in a flat tone in sync.

“Do it for ----!” Sungyeol tried to encourage them.

“C’mon CAP, you wear that petite little apron when you make ---- her lunch and breakfast” Niel raised his brows.

The boys all looked at each other then looked at L and CAP. “GO!”


They tackled them and dragged the two into the rooms. L wearing baby blue and CAP wearing black, walked out with shame “I can’t believe you guys did this”. One by one, the boys walked out from the laundry room like it was a fashion show. Sungyeol did his Americano dance, Sungjong skipped around and twirled, Ricky and Niel dance their way out, Hoya walked like a male model would, Dongwoo did the female cat walk and puckered his lips and Chunji and Changjo did the choreo of the chorus to their Crazy comeback. The music suddenly stopped and an awkward silence crawled upon them. “Let’s get back to work” The boys agreed then parted different ways.


After the aquarium, L.Joe took you to the shopping mall. You were both just strolling around looking through windows.


“---- why don’t we just go into a shop and look at things than looking at them from outside?”

“You could’ve just told me that you wanted to go inside and we would’ve gone”

L.joe looked at you like OnO. Before you left he looked around for other shops to go into.

“I’m going to be just in here if you wanna go somewhere else” You pointed to a branded clothing store and walked inside.


L.Joe didn’t hear you loud enough, he turned around and you disappeared. He gasped “Where did she go?! ----!” He walked off to look for you. He searched high and low, going up and down escalators and elevators. He went into shops and looked through the racks “Aw what the hell why am I looking here?” He went into the food court and looked all around for you, he searched under the tables and around vending machines “OMO! I’ve lost her!” When he was looking for you, you were in the clothing store trying out clothes.


L.joe’s hands shook as he took out his phone “U-ummm, okay. -----, -----” He found your name and called you. Your phone was in your bag, but it was silent and off vibrate. You walked into the change rooms again to try something else. “Ahh, why isn’t she picking up??” He looked at his phone and called you again. Walking up and down, losing his patience, he waited for you to pick up. He gave up calling and sat down on the closest bench with his arms and legs crossed biting onto his fingernail. He looked up and ahead of him was the information desk. He exhaled and ran up to the lady. “Can I use your speakerphone?” She looked up at him and pushed her glasses back.


“What’s the occasion?” She said in an uninterested tone of voice

“Please, I need to find a lost girl”

“How did you lose her?”

“W-well, I turned around and she wasn’t there”

“Very well”


She put the speakerphone on the desk for him. L.Joe looked at it and pressed the button “Hello?! ----- ----- WHERE ARE YOU!? COME TO THE INFORMATION DESK BY THE FOOD COURT! IT’S L.JOE!” His voice spread across the whole mall as he repeated for you. Fans of Teenfinite couldn’t help but to hear that the man in the speakers was L.joe. Girls from different sections of the mall squealed and rushed to the information desk. You walked out of the changing rooms and looked up, seeing girls rush out and past the store. “----- COME FIND ME AT THE INFORMATION DESK NEAR THE FOOD COURT!” You sighed and shook your head. You went to the counter and quickly bought the clothes you tried on and made your way to L.joe.


When you arrived, the food court was swarming with girls jumping up and down to see L.joe. You crossed your arms and shook your head. He was trying to look around for you while signing his autograph and weakly smiling to his fans. You got out your phone and called for security. You stood up and a table and waved your arms around.


At that moment, after shopping for food and party things, Sunggyu and Woohyun called for a van to carry all the things they bought. Then they went to the mall, thinking that they deserved a good break. Back at home L had his arms crossed and CAP sat on the kitchen stool. L sighed “Where are those guys? They should be here by now or else there’s going to be no food” Ricky and Niel were behind them creating a aster piece of a cake. Hoya turned around to look at them and his jaw dropped. “LOOK AT THE MESS YOU TWO MADE! AND YOU’RE ONLY MAKING A SIMPLE CAKE!” “Pssht! We were bored of simple so we made something like a wedding cake” Ricky was working on the smaller layer while Niel was working with the base.


Back at the mall, Sunggyu and Woohyun happened to see the crowd of girls squealing. “What’s all that about?” He looked over to see “Maybe they’re our fans. HEY-” Sunggyu cupped his hand over Woohyun’s mouth and the two ducked down behind a wall of plants “That’s ----- on the table, and I think she’s with L.joe. We can’t let her see us otherwise she’ll get suspicious, let’s go now.” They crouched down and put their hoods over their heads then quickly made their way out of the building. You looked over and saw two men with hoods over their heads. You tilted your head and stared “Something tells me I know those two. But what the hell I can’t see their faces”


The security finally came and you went along with them, they made way for L.joe and he caught his breath. “Let’s go, never do anything as stupid as that again, pabo” You knuckled his head and both made your way out with the security. You called for a taxi and soon the two of you were out of sight.


“Why the hell would you do something like that!?” You looked at him.

“I thought I lost you!”

“I clearly said that I was going somewhere”

“Well I didn’t hear you” He mumbled and sunk in his seat

“Should we go home now?”

L.joe sat up and looked at you “Uhh, NO! no, we should go do something fun!”

“Come on, we’ve done plenty today” You gave the driver your address and he stepped on it.

“N-no! I-I want to go… I want to go..Umm” He rubbed his neck and you raised a brow at him.

-Dammit I have nothing..­- “Happy Birthday -----! Let’s go buy you a present!”

“What?! How did you know it was my birthday?”

“Your dad called me when you were gone to Infinite’s concert”

“Mmmm, I knew he would do something like that. Look, I don’t like to celebrate my birthday, so forget it and let’s go home” You sat back and crossed your arms.

“You don’t like to celebrate your birthday? Why?”

“B-because, I just don’t, today is going to be just like a normal day”

“But everyone likes to celebrate their birthday”

“Well I don’t! Okay, ever since my mother moved in with her boyfriend I have not once had a good birthday”

“Her boyfriend isn’t here, so today is going to be the day you’ll never forget, trust me, here’s more than today than you think there is” He put his hand on your shoulder and smiled


The taxi stopped at in front of your house and L.joe looked up “Let’s go buy your present” You looked up at him and he gave you a smile. The two of you drove off in the taxi to find you a gift. Sunggyu and Woohyun had just arrived home in the van. They carried the number of bags into the house and dropped them in the kitchen. “Woah, this place is clean… Except for the kitchen” Woohyun looked around “What happened?” “Ricky and Niel happened” L crossed his arms and the boys giggled. “We’re done anyway” “You’re also going to clean the kitchen. I’m done with cleaning” Sungjong flopped his body onto the couch “Be careful, you’re wearing a dress” said Sungyeol.


“Speaking of that. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS WEARING!?” Sunggyu looked at them all. Everyone looked at Sungyeol. “I don’t want to go through this again. So we all know what to do” Sunggyu and Woohyun were tormented the way CAP and L were, to get them into the mid outfits. Sunggyu looked into the mirror and gasped with his hands cupped around his cheeks. Woohyun walked up to him and put one hand on his hip and tuned his bum to the mirror. “Huh, this fits me well. I like it” He smiled and walked off strutting his new look.

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Chapter 32: Please update~
exotichaanee #2
Chapter 32: Please update~ Please!!! I love it!
T-araCrazyFans #3
Chapter 32: plz update..... jaeballl I can't wait to read it... ><
Trix19999 #4
Chapter 32: Please Update Soon!!! your story is jjang :)))
luv_jiyeon66 #5
Chapter 32: update soon :)
luv_jiyeon66 #6
Chapter 31: continue to update :)
Haruhi-Chan #7
Chapter 29: lolol, L misunderstood. xD poor L.
luv_jiyeon66 #9
Chapter 29: continue to update :)
luv_jiyeon66 #10
Chapter 26: continue to update ^_^