Chapter 4

A Crush or More? [HIATUS]

As they heard the familiar voice, they stood up with Hee-Jin rushing to the front door.

“Hae-in! Happy birthday! Also from Dia, Bora and Youngji. Oh! Hi Hyorin, Jungyoon.” Hee-Jin yelled excitedly and welcomed Hae-in's friends. They said hello back and took their shoes off.

“Thanks unnie.” Hae-in said and when she looked up she saw Mark and Yugyeom standing ready to greet her.

“Happy birthday Hae-in.” Mark said and smiled, giving her a hand.

“Happy birthday!” Yugyeom said, wanting to give her a hug but being pushed away.

“Thanks you two. And Yugyeom, I still don't like hugs.” Hae-in said, getting a pout from him.


Looking at the stairs, it seemed a little empty. Realizing her books weren't there she turned to her sister.

“Where are my books?”

“I put them in your room.” Yugyeom said a bit nervous, hoping she didn't mind. Hae-in however only sighed from relief.

“Great! I don't have to drag them to my room anymore.” Hae-in said happily and everyone walked into the living room.


Scanning the living room in awe because of the decoration, Hae-in looked at Hee-Jin with disbelief.

“Did you do all this?” Hae-in asked.

“Not all.” Hee-Jin answered.

“Ah good. That would be unbelievable.” she stated and nodded her head.

“Yah! That's mean!” Hee-Jin whined at the comment.

“It looks good. Thank you.” Hae-in said truthfully and she got a smile back from Hee-Jin.


Hee-Jin went to the kitchen to prepare some drinks as the others sat on the couch.

“Aren't Bambam and Jackson here yet?” Jungyoon asked.

“That means they didn't find a present then.” Mark commented.

“They'll probably come with candy.” Hae-in said.

“And they were putting so much effort in finding a present for you.” Hyorin said, feeling somewhat sad at the thought of them not finding anything.

“I bet they'll find something.” Yugyeom said assuring.


Coming back with the drinks, Hee-Jin also sat on a chair. Her time to rest was not long however as a knock was heard. As the others continued talking, Hee-Jin walked to the front door and opened it, revealing Jaebum with a box full of food.


“Oppa!” she said happily and let him in.

“Where do you want the food?” he asked and followed Hee-Jin to the living room. Greeting them, he put the box on a chair and began putting the food on the table Hee-Jin pointed out.


“I didn't invite him.” Hae-in commented. Somehow Hae-in had a feeling of dislike towards him. She didn't know why too though, he's always been nice to her. It was just a feeling.

“Yah! Don't be so rude to him!” Hee-Jin said and glared at her little sister. It had no effect however as Hae-in just gave a look of ‘like I care’ back at her.

“I know I know, I'm going already.” Jaebum said laughing as he finished setting the food. Taking the box in his hands he said happy birthday to Hae-in and goodbye to everyone before he went to the door.

“Thank you Jaebum oppa.” Hee-Jin said as she opened the door for him.

“No problem. Ah, your mother already paid so it's all covered.” Jaebum said as he saw Hee-Jin wanting to grab her wallet.

“Oh, okay. I'll see you later then.” Hee-Jin said and gave him a hug before he left.


As Hee-Jin noticed some figures walking towards her house, she stopped in her action just as she wanted to close the door. There she saw her cousins, Hyun Mi and Dong Woo, along with their parents and Woohyun.


“You came!” Hee-Jin yelled as she hugged Hyun Mi.

“Of course we came. And I’m right in front of you, you don’t have to yell.” Hyun Mi said and let go as it was now Dong Woo’s turn for a hug.

“My cute cousin!” he commented and laughed which made Hee-Jin laugh along. His laugh was contagious.

“Ah! Woohyun oppa.” Hee-Jin noticed him and gave him a hug too.


Giving her uncle and aunt also a hug, she let them through and closed the door behind her. Noticing her family Hae-in quickly stood up to say hello and give Hyun Mi a hug. She didn’t hug guys, even if they were family she wouldn’t. Noticing there was another presence next to Hyun Mi, she glared at him as she recognized him. It was Hyun Mi’s awfully disgusting greasy boyfriend, Nam Woohyun.


“Why is he here? I said I didn’t want him to come.” Hae-in commented while holding her glare. Woohyun shifted under her fierce gaze.

“It’s okay right? We were together just now and he doesn’t have anything to do so I thought he could come too.” Hyun Mi reasoned as she didn’t want to separate with her boyfriend.

“No, it’s not okay...” Hae-in muttered.

“I got you a present?” Woohyun tried and showed a bag. Frowning for a while, she sighed.

“Fine. Your present better be good then.” she said and they took a seat.


As family and friends slowly came floating in, they sang the happy birthday song and Hae-in blew the candles with a wish that she kept secret from everyone. If you tell, it won’t come true right?


After everyone settled down and had a piece of cake, it was finally time for the presents! As Hae-in already knew what she got from Hyorin and Junyoon, she showed the rest what she got and proceeded with the other gifts.


“We’re going first!” Jackson and Bambam yelled as they took out their rectangle package. Yugyeom eyed them suspiciously as it had the same shape as... his present! With wide eyes he looked at them, only to see a smirk on their faces.


“You guys, you didn’t!” Yugyeom said with full suspicion and pointed a finger towards the two.

“What are you talking about Yugyeom?” Bambam said innocently.

“Yeah, what’s wrong Yugyeommie~” Jackson said with a grin.

“I don’t know what you are all talking about, but I’m opening my present.” Hae-in declared and carefully opened the present without tearing the wrapping paper.


“Evil, you two are evil.” Yugyeom muttered sadly and Mark patted his back although he didn’t know what was going on.


Upon opening, it didn’t seem like Pusheen bed sheets. It were some chocolate bars and a DS game, Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy to be exact.


“Yah, you guys tricked me!” Yugyeom said whiny while Jackson and Bambam cackled.

“Thanks for the present guys.” Hae-in said when the cackling died down, for as far as it could with those two that is.

“Do you like it?” Jackson said with full expectation. They were searching for quite a long time and also got to the party late because of it.

“You know chocolate can’t go wrong with me. But the game...”

“You like solving puzzles right? And you said you liked Layton.” Bambam reasoned, feeling a little nervous now because of the ‘but’.

“I don’t have a 3DS...” Hae-in stated and it grew silent.

“Yah! Why did you come with such a bad idea?! Of course we shouldn’t have bought this stupid Layton game.” Jackson screamed at Bambam and smacked his arm.

“Yah! It was your idea to buy that game!” Bambam argued and smacked him back.

“You didn’t want to steal that Baymax!”

“Guys, guys! Stop it!” Hee-Jin yelled, trying to stop the argument with no avail.

“Hey!” Jungyoon yelled loudly and the two stopped.

“That’s better, continue Hae-innie” she said.

“Like I said, I don’t have a 3DS. But unnie does.” Hae-in explained.

“Yup, she can always use mine so don’t argue anymore alright?” Hee-Jin said.

“... It was my idea to buy the game.” Jackson commented and the others laughed as Bambam scoffed.

“Ah, that’s right. You got this from Xiu Min.” Hee-Jin said and handed her the card he placed in the bag.

“You can get some Caramel Frappucino with it. Be sure to thank him.” She explained as Hae-in took it.

“I will.”

“I want to give my present now!” Hee-Jin said excited, unable to wait for the reaction of her sister. Rushing to her room and back, she handed her gift to Hae-in.


As Hae-in felt the package, she noticed that it was very soft. Carefully tearing up the paper, she noticed it was a soft clothing. It was a Stitch one piece.

“Wow it feels so soft and nice! I can wear this on pyjama days!” Hae-in said excited. “When did you buy this? I didn’t even notice.”

Smiling proudly as the plan worked Hee-Jin began to explain.

“I let it send to Mark’s address. If it would arrive at our house, you would be suspicious and even more suspicious if I needed to pick up a package at the post office without telling you I bought something...”

“Well that makes sense. Speaking of Mark, where is your present? I said you needed to buy me a fortune.” Hae-in said grinning with excitement.

“Here.” Mark said as he handed over his present. “You better like it, because it seriously cost me a fortune.”

“Thank you oppa.” Hae-in said. She usually didn’t use oppa, but she felt good today.

“Maybe you should find some work so your fortune wouldn’t run out so fast.” Woohyun suggested.

“Nah, I’m too lazy to work.” He reasoned back.

“Omo!” Hae-in yelled as she opened the package.

It was a box with all the Pocky editions, it had all flavours from the famous chocolate one to the Valentine specials. There were even two packages for each flavour.

“Thank you soooooooooo much!” Hae-in said and eventually gave Mark a small and quick hug as she was truly happy.

“You’re welcome.” Mark said and smiled, glad to know that his money didn’t go in vain now.


“Now I’m a bit scared to give my present...” Yugyeom muttered as Mark’s present was clearly number one.

“Don’t be like that.” Hae-in said and he gave her his present.

Opening it, she noticed it was a Pusheen bed sheet she still didn’t have.

“Thanks Yugyeom! Now I have the whole Pusheen bed sheet collection!” Hae-in said and decided to give him a quick hug too to cheer him up.

“I’m happy you like it Hae-innie.” he said and smiled brightly.


Opening the other presents and cards from her family and friends Hae-in was truly happy, not only for the presents but also the presence from everyone. Except Woohyun that was. He didn’t give a valid enough present, a birthday card with a picture of him, to get a piece of cake and therefore leaving less for herself. Overall she was happy, and she went to bed with her new Stitch pyjama and new Pusheen bed sheets.



A/N: I want to thank all readers and the new subscribers :D I wasn't sure if anyone would read this story actually xD and I'm happy that there are positive reactions ^^ As Hae-in got many presents, what would you like for your birthday?? :p Comments are love <3

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Chapter 11: omg yay, they're going on a trip :D
I'm just like: who will be her tutor. Why doesn't Henry tell her a name THE SUSPENSE!
Omg Hae-In xD
poor Hae-in extra PE
What's with all the teachers keeping secrets at this school lol xD
And Mark is so cute <3
OMG Xiumin so cute <3

although he was probably true. - he was probably right / it was probably true
Chapter 10: OMG, I was hoping for a chapter like this, showing Dia and Mark's past <3
This sounds like me way too much xD
Mark is soo cute <3
Mark and Dia are so cute together omg, I can't, you're killing me!
And Hee-jin is such a good friend too, omg!
omg and Dia and Myungsoo are cute too
what is this cuteness in this chapter!
actually this whole chapter sounds like me a lot xD Except for the cute guys, but that can still happen xD

are from my sources - according to my sources
about the said boy. - about said boy
bow in the right way. - bow the right
they both laughing. - they both laughed
But seriously the ending was so funny. It made me feel kinda bad for the children, though. Come on, they exerted so much effort :'¥
Wheezes lmao this is the most IC I've seen of Jungyoon omg /becauseicanrelatealotlol BROWNIES OMDFG /rolls on the ground
is it daehyun? or xiumin? I'm not familiar with the canon ages in this fic but I will laugh so hard if it was Namjoon or... ,or SEHO AHJUSSI--
And Hee-Jin and Dia talking,, their convo is so cute omg <3
I do hope Dia realizes that besides admiration (crushes and whatnot) myungsoo could be a ...staLKER!!! Zshsns but I'm pretty sure that even if he was, she'll just call him a secret admirer lol MYUNGSOO I HOPE YOU HAVE PURE INTENTIONS I will facefault so hard if he was just admiring her archery skills and no more --that would be so anti-climatic D:
pipoos omg lmao idk it sounds funny to me
and fancy sauce brands or something, it makes my head hurt JUST CALL IT PASTA SAUCE TT TT
and and, I just really want to reiterate that you have done a really good job with jungyoon omg so in character-- *^*
this chapter was very fun to read for me btw HUEHUEHUE have I reached character limit yet
Chapter 9: Hee-Jin is not boring! How could you think that Daehyun!!
omg because of you I know now who Bambam and Jackson are xD
Jackson missing feels so right xD Sorry Jackson xD
Woohoo, at least they are not complaining about me :D
I want a brother who brings me brownies too ;_;
Pipoos xD omg yay
what saus is tagliatelle sauce?? :O tagliatelle is just pasta, right??
OMGOMG, is it Xiumin?? That would be so adorable though :D
Baymax <3 <3
Myungsoo <3 /is totally become a stalker here xD I don't mind since it's Myungsoo though xD
Lolol, if Baro was my teacher I'd hate him if he did this. Like seriously? No mark? So mean!
OMG that last sentence <3

It was one of her worst habits probably. - It was probably one
Why don’t you never come - why don't you ever
“Since I know you all longer, - Since I've known you for a while (?)
a side of one another yet. S - Another side of (?)
Hae-in #5
Chapter 8: "What type of guy do you fall for? Mark? - Eww no..." - HAHAHA XD 'Ew no', not even 'no'. No, she had 2 say EEEEEWWWW ╭ (oㅇ‿ o#)ᕗ
"Hee-Jin’s type is a mature guy for sure" - lol, no way. No, just... no.
"Today Hee-Jin had more confidence to confront Daehyun." - Confront, really?? XD
(థฺˇ౪ˇథ) Kekeke || “I’ll pay - No! I don’t want to be in your debt.” - not even 'iDon't want Xiumin 2 see that some other kind of guy is paying for my meal!'
"Getting their order, they looked around for a seat and that’s when Hee-Jin spotted her little sister sitting with a guy at a table." Ok wow... I would just communicate w/ Jimin w/ putting self-destructing notes in his locker 2 (A) not talk w/ him and (B) prevent him 2 keep those (。◝‿◜。)
“Yeah let’s do that.” >> "No, let's not..." (≖ ‿ ≖)
Jimin is stupid =.= if some1 would ask me 'So you like me?' @ tht timing, I'd jux ignore them (because no answer would b suited 4 tht Qs) (´◉◞౪◟◉`)
Chapter 8: Hahahahhahahah!!! I ship Hae-in and Jimin!!! Lolllll!!! Can i say something crazy.. I saw that one coming, the marriage line i mean XD
My comment isn't long but it conveys my feelings (*´Д`)ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
Chapter 8: So Hee-jin wanted to be his type before???
Youngjae freaking adorable <3
gfff, Mark too <3 I can see why I dated him :P
Omg, I lolled at Jaebum's face xD
Daehyun and Hee-jin are freaking cute together, though :3
Daehyun is a total Bonbon xD Uhm.., No, I just know the japanese term xD
Totally bonding over cheesecake xD Cheesecake pairing <3
It feels like they are on a date xD And like they are talking about a second date right in front of Xiumin? He should get jealous xD
Frozen reference had me lol xD
Hae-in and Jimin <3<3<3
Write moooore <3 It's so awesome :D

I’m not so on formalities.” - not so big on
dancing like a ball! - like at a
you’re parents - your parents
rich world. - world of the rich?
be in debt.” - in your debt
To not make it awkward if not more awkward, - ??
Chapter 7: Lollll Hae-in's comments are still the best. Magnetism? No, personal space!!! Hahhahahaha my favorite part.

I thi j i will just ship hee-jin with anyone but xiumin. Huahahahahhah... Your fault for adding so many guys XD
Chapter 7: ok I just got home and saw the swing
omg it looks like a circle hammock I didn't notice that the seat was made of entangled ropes
seems fun to sit in e w e