Chapter 2

A Crush or More? [HIATUS]

Author Note: Oops, I forgot I checked it as hidden xd Chapter 2 is up! :D Thank you for subscribing and commenting ^^ and I'll hope you will enjoy this chapter too :)

NOTE: music note ♫  contain links, so you can listen where I'm referring from :)


“-and that was it. Enjoy your year, work hard and do your best! Also, don't forget to pick up your books in the cantine area.” Henry said and finished his lecture.


Students began to stand up and walk out the classroom, some staying behind to talk to Henry as they were lovestruck by his charm and looks.


“Will you be okay carrying all those books? You didn't bring your bike with you. We can go together if you want.” Dia offered as they stood up.

“I'll be fine. Besides, your house is the other way. I don't want you making a detour with heavy books.” she answered back. Her friends were so thoughtful that it made her smile.


On their way to the cantine area they spotted their friend, Bora, coming from the class next to them.

“Morning girls.” Bora said as she started to walk besides them. Everyone said hello back and as they entered the cantine area they searched for the fifth year books.

“How was your summer vacation?” Youngji asked as they found it and stood in queue. A smile from ear to ear formed on Bora's lips as they asked her.

“Something happened.” Dia stated.

“Something good.” Youngji added.

“Something REALLY good!” Hee-Jin squeeled and started to jump, excited to hear the motive of her smile. Forming a circle, heads close to each other Bora started to speak up.

“I... Got a boyfriend!” she confessed and the girls started to squeel and congratulate her. Annoyed by the noise some girls started to walk in their direction.

“So who i-” they started to ask Bora but stopped mid-sentence as they were interrupted when some girls bumped into them. Turning around they saw the girl flipping back her hair and putting a hand on her hip.


“Gosh isn't it loud here? Why would they bother all these other students when we just want to get our books? That's so rude.” she said. It was Suzy, the girl who was considered the prettiest in their year with her followers, Yewon and Rian.

“If we were too loud, you should've just said so.” Bora argued.

“As if you would listen then.” Yewon snapped back, chewing on her gum and looking at her nails.

“Just ignore them.” Dia said and they turned around again.

Hee-Jin opened , wanting to say something, only to be interrupted again. This time it was Rian.

“When there is noise, there is always Hee-Jin. How surprising.” Rian said and glared at her. Trying not to cower away and hide behind Youngji who stood next to her she replied.

“Why do you always target me?”

“Simple, it's because – ”

“Oh! Mark is waving at you Rian, I think he wants you to come to him.” Dia said and pointed at him, who just retrieved his bag with books. There was no way he could wave like that... Mark turned his head their way as he heard his name and saw Rian immediately rushing to him. She grabbed his arm and engaged a full conversation with him about her vacation and whatsoever.


Looking at the scene, the four friends laughed as Yewon and Suzy looked annoyed that Rian just walked away and so they left.

“It's so obvious Rian likes Mark.” Hee-Jin noted as the others nodded.


Feeling eyes on him, Mark turned their way and made a funny face as he tried to imitate Rian talking, only to laugh himself. Trying to hold their laugh, they quickly looked away and tried concentrating on their queue.


Retrieving their books, they walked out of the school building. Putting the books on the ground they sat at a bench for a bit of rest.


“Are you really going to carry them all the way to your house?” Dia asked with belief as she was a bit out of breath by the load. She wanted to offer her help again when Hee-Jin already responded.

“I can do it! ...Probably.”

“Just go with Mark, I'm sure he'll help you.” Bora suggested and she looked around to see if he was still there.

“Wouldn't he be long gone? It took a while to get our books.” Hee-Jin reasoned and took a water bottle out of her bag to take a sip.

“I'm sure he's still here. Rian must have slowed him down.” Dia said and they laughed.


“Very funny you four.” Mark said as he came approaching them with Youngjae. When they both said a brief hello, Mark started his investigation. Or rather, his conclusion already.

“As punishment I won't help you with your books.” Mark said to Hee-Jin and took the bottle out of her hands to drink himself.

“It wasn't me... and don't drink it all up.” Hee-Jin responded sounding offended. Done with drinking, he turned the cap back on the bottle and returned it to her.

“It was me.” Dia admitted.

“I should've known it was you, Hee-Jin isn't that smart.” he commented and the two of them started laughing.

“Hey! That's mean!” Hee-Jin said and pouted, getting a pat on both her shoulders from Bora and Youngji.

“Don't worry Hee-Jin, I'll help you out.” Youngjae said and attempted to show his arm muscles. Giggling as he pushed some flesh up with his other hand to make a muscle, she gave him a playful slap and said, “Thanks Youngjae.”


“Forget it Youngjae.” Mark said in a monotone voice.

“Yah! I can carry some books too.” he said while laughing awkwardly. He knew he wasn't the strongest, but he could still help.

“Don't be so mean to him.” Bora commented.

“You got piano lessons right? You should go home now.”

Realizing what Mark said to him, his mouth opened from shock. He totally forgot he had a lesson today and before running away he bid them goodbye.


Hearing footsteps coming from behind Mark sighed and turned around.

“Did you forget something again Youngj–” Mark started, but stopped mid-sentence as he saw that it wasn't Youngjae who came back, but Jaebum coming towards them. Rolling his eyes and looking annoyed, he knew what was about to come so he quickly covered his ears.

“Jaebum oppa!” Hee-Jin yelled and quickly stood up to run up to him. Giving him a hug, Jaebum smiled while hugging her back and patting her head. Not forgetting the others, he waved.


Jaebum was like the big brother she never had, always looking out for her as much as he could and doting on her. He also helped her find a part-time job so they were currently both working at a restaurant called GotTASTE, owned by his parents.


“Hee-Jinnie, how are you doing?”

“Okay! How about you oppa?”

“I'm doing fine. I just wanted to know when you wanted the food to arrive at your house today.” he asked.

Hearing that he came for work reasons she began to pout. Seeing this he began to hold her tighter as to say to not look so sad. Smiling again Hee-Jin thought about what he said, wondering in her head about the food. Did they order something? Realizing the reason of the food order her eyes widened and let Jaebum go.


“Oh my gosh, I forgot to say happy birthday to Hae-in this morning!” Hee-Jin said in panic and retrieved her phone out of her pocket. She quickly typed 'Happy B-day Lil Sis!~ :D' and tapped her fringer on the send button.

“That's true! Say happy birthday for me.” Youngji said.

“For me too.” Bora said which made Dia say, “Me three.”

“I will, if I don't forget that is.” Hee-Jin said with a nervous laugh and began to grab her bag and the books. Seeing all the books Jaebum started to walk to her wanting to help her carry the books, but Mark was faster.

“Which reminds me, I need to pick up the cakes my mom ordered. Oh! You can come around 4PM. Is that okay for you oppa?” she asked, ignoring Mark who was now carrying her books.

“Of course.” Jaebum replied and looked amused at Mark as he pouted.

“I'll see you at four then.” he said and waved goodbye.

Everyone started to bid farewell and went their own way, Hee-Jin and Mark walking to his bike.


“Thanks for carrying them for me. Where are your books?”

“Basket.” he replied shortly. She knew that when he replied with short answers he was grumpy for whatever reason.

Putting Hee-Jin's book on the carrier, making sure it wouldn't fall off easily he put the binder around it. Getting the bike out of the bicycle rack, they started walking with Mark holding the bycicle while Hee-Jin walked behind holding the books on the carrier steady in case they would fall. Mark never talked when he was grumpy so instead of asking him what was going on, she thought of something to make Mark less grumpy. She started rapping.


It’s not working
So stop fronting
I know you're grumpy
Let’s start talking~♪ ”


No response.


Wassup? Wassup? Tell me tell me wassup?♪”


“...HAHAHA! Stop it! Oh gosh, you're so silly.” she heard him saying in between laughs and she smiled. Her almost nonexistent rap skills always worked!


Regaining his composure, he started talking again.

“So you're gonna get the cake first?”

“I'll leave the books at home and then I'll go to café Exoluxion to get the cakes.”

“What about decorating? Your mom is working right?”

“Yeah, she'll come later. I'll decorate the living room when I get home. Jackson, Bambam and Yugyeom promised to help me so I should be done before Hae-in gets home. Hyorin and Jungyoon took her out shopping.” Hee-Jin said.


At that moment she heard her phone saying 'ding dong, ding dong ding dong' notifying that there were unread messages. Getting her phone out of her bag, she looked at her screen seeing there were two unread messages.


From: Hae-in

To: Hee-Jin

Thx Unnie!~ ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ r u gonna buy cake 4 me this afternoon?? X3 &.iPut those trashy skl books on the stairs (I'll put them in my room when iGet home 。◕‿◕。) Anyway, I'm gonna go shopping now!! ≖‿≖ // (。・ω・)ノ゙ Bye bye!~


From: Jackson

To: Hee-Jin

NOONA!!! Bambam and I forgot to buy a present HAHAHAHA You'll be alright decorating with Yugyeom right? SORRY NOONA!!! m(_ _)m WE LOVE YOU!!! <3


As Hee-Jin read the messages she sighed and smiled a bit. She messaged Hae-in saying to enjoy herself and also texted Jackson that it was alright and that she hoped they would find a present. Although Jackson and Bambam were really loud all the time, they still were her little precious dongsaengs she cared for.


They arrived in front of Hee-Jin's house and both carried a part of her books.

“Who was it?” Mark asked as Hee-Jin opened the door.

Going up the stairs she replied, “Hae-in and Jackson. Hae-in is off shopping and Jackson and Bambam are still looking for a present so only Yugyeom will come later... Could you help me with decorating too now that they're coming later?”

As they put the books in her room they plopped on the bed.

“I'll come by later when you got the cake alright?” he answered.


“Thanks who?” Mark said and turned his body to her to look at her, cheshire smile on.

“I'm not going to say it again! It was a one time thingy.” Hee-Jin said and giggled, slapping him away which made him lie on his back again.


It became silent between them as they got comfortable and relaxed.


“I should get the cake before I fall asleep...”

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Chapter 11: omg yay, they're going on a trip :D
I'm just like: who will be her tutor. Why doesn't Henry tell her a name THE SUSPENSE!
Omg Hae-In xD
poor Hae-in extra PE
What's with all the teachers keeping secrets at this school lol xD
And Mark is so cute <3
OMG Xiumin so cute <3

although he was probably true. - he was probably right / it was probably true
Chapter 10: OMG, I was hoping for a chapter like this, showing Dia and Mark's past <3
This sounds like me way too much xD
Mark is soo cute <3
Mark and Dia are so cute together omg, I can't, you're killing me!
And Hee-jin is such a good friend too, omg!
omg and Dia and Myungsoo are cute too
what is this cuteness in this chapter!
actually this whole chapter sounds like me a lot xD Except for the cute guys, but that can still happen xD

are from my sources - according to my sources
about the said boy. - about said boy
bow in the right way. - bow the right
they both laughing. - they both laughed
But seriously the ending was so funny. It made me feel kinda bad for the children, though. Come on, they exerted so much effort :'¥
Wheezes lmao this is the most IC I've seen of Jungyoon omg /becauseicanrelatealotlol BROWNIES OMDFG /rolls on the ground
is it daehyun? or xiumin? I'm not familiar with the canon ages in this fic but I will laugh so hard if it was Namjoon or... ,or SEHO AHJUSSI--
And Hee-Jin and Dia talking,, their convo is so cute omg <3
I do hope Dia realizes that besides admiration (crushes and whatnot) myungsoo could be a ...staLKER!!! Zshsns but I'm pretty sure that even if he was, she'll just call him a secret admirer lol MYUNGSOO I HOPE YOU HAVE PURE INTENTIONS I will facefault so hard if he was just admiring her archery skills and no more --that would be so anti-climatic D:
pipoos omg lmao idk it sounds funny to me
and fancy sauce brands or something, it makes my head hurt JUST CALL IT PASTA SAUCE TT TT
and and, I just really want to reiterate that you have done a really good job with jungyoon omg so in character-- *^*
this chapter was very fun to read for me btw HUEHUEHUE have I reached character limit yet
Chapter 9: Hee-Jin is not boring! How could you think that Daehyun!!
omg because of you I know now who Bambam and Jackson are xD
Jackson missing feels so right xD Sorry Jackson xD
Woohoo, at least they are not complaining about me :D
I want a brother who brings me brownies too ;_;
Pipoos xD omg yay
what saus is tagliatelle sauce?? :O tagliatelle is just pasta, right??
OMGOMG, is it Xiumin?? That would be so adorable though :D
Baymax <3 <3
Myungsoo <3 /is totally become a stalker here xD I don't mind since it's Myungsoo though xD
Lolol, if Baro was my teacher I'd hate him if he did this. Like seriously? No mark? So mean!
OMG that last sentence <3

It was one of her worst habits probably. - It was probably one
Why don’t you never come - why don't you ever
“Since I know you all longer, - Since I've known you for a while (?)
a side of one another yet. S - Another side of (?)
Hae-in #5
Chapter 8: "What type of guy do you fall for? Mark? - Eww no..." - HAHAHA XD 'Ew no', not even 'no'. No, she had 2 say EEEEEWWWW ╭ (oㅇ‿ o#)ᕗ
"Hee-Jin’s type is a mature guy for sure" - lol, no way. No, just... no.
"Today Hee-Jin had more confidence to confront Daehyun." - Confront, really?? XD
(థฺˇ౪ˇథ) Kekeke || “I’ll pay - No! I don’t want to be in your debt.” - not even 'iDon't want Xiumin 2 see that some other kind of guy is paying for my meal!'
"Getting their order, they looked around for a seat and that’s when Hee-Jin spotted her little sister sitting with a guy at a table." Ok wow... I would just communicate w/ Jimin w/ putting self-destructing notes in his locker 2 (A) not talk w/ him and (B) prevent him 2 keep those (。◝‿◜。)
“Yeah let’s do that.” >> "No, let's not..." (≖ ‿ ≖)
Jimin is stupid =.= if some1 would ask me 'So you like me?' @ tht timing, I'd jux ignore them (because no answer would b suited 4 tht Qs) (´◉◞౪◟◉`)
Chapter 8: Hahahahhahahah!!! I ship Hae-in and Jimin!!! Lolllll!!! Can i say something crazy.. I saw that one coming, the marriage line i mean XD
My comment isn't long but it conveys my feelings (*´Д`)ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
Chapter 8: So Hee-jin wanted to be his type before???
Youngjae freaking adorable <3
gfff, Mark too <3 I can see why I dated him :P
Omg, I lolled at Jaebum's face xD
Daehyun and Hee-jin are freaking cute together, though :3
Daehyun is a total Bonbon xD Uhm.., No, I just know the japanese term xD
Totally bonding over cheesecake xD Cheesecake pairing <3
It feels like they are on a date xD And like they are talking about a second date right in front of Xiumin? He should get jealous xD
Frozen reference had me lol xD
Hae-in and Jimin <3<3<3
Write moooore <3 It's so awesome :D

I’m not so on formalities.” - not so big on
dancing like a ball! - like at a
you’re parents - your parents
rich world. - world of the rich?
be in debt.” - in your debt
To not make it awkward if not more awkward, - ??
Chapter 7: Lollll Hae-in's comments are still the best. Magnetism? No, personal space!!! Hahhahahaha my favorite part.

I thi j i will just ship hee-jin with anyone but xiumin. Huahahahahhah... Your fault for adding so many guys XD
Chapter 7: ok I just got home and saw the swing
omg it looks like a circle hammock I didn't notice that the seat was made of entangled ropes
seems fun to sit in e w e