Lily's Heart and Mind

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Lily s POV


When iKon s van showed up in, I hopped in.

"Hey Lily how d you like your vocal training. " Chanwoo asked me.

“It was good but its a little different having someone tell you that you sound like a dying goat. ” I say with a smile on my face.


I took a quick glance at Bobby. I notice he seemed a little distant and that he was listening to his iPod. I wonder what kind of music he listen to. I bet its hip hop and rap. that ’s usually the typical rapper, even though I on the other hand listen to everything. Many of my friends thought I was strange because I rap but I listen to many different types of music.


"Ha ha, yeah we haven t had that before."  Jin-Hwan says.



" I don t know why that could possibly be. " I say sarcastically. "Maybe it has something to do with you guys sounding like angels. "


They laughed. A genuine laugh that they hadn't done in a while. I'm glad that they are getting used to me. It was taking sometime myself to  get used to them. And I know that it is unusual to work with me. Many people say that I scare them or that I seem to good to be real, but for me it was different to work ones who could match my dance moves. Especially Bobby. He has had the best movements out of them all. And it is hard to focus when I'm working with him. I keep finding myself looking at him or that I think is he watching me and i

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MariKaeppsongB2uty #1
Chapter 9: You can't fool papa YG
Tru3star #2
Lol the story is about Bobby but u used hanbin pic
Lightning_Loves_EXO #3
Chapter 3: Cool ! :) please update soon :) thank you! ♥♥♥
joycecute25 #4
Chapter 1: it's good =D pls. update soon and more =D