Markbum; My Only Sunshine


words; 286




You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy

When skies are grey

You'll never know dear, how much I love you



The rain was coming down mercilessly outside on their apartment window panes. 


It was a cold and bitter night, yet as they laid together snugged close in each other's relaxing warm embrace, they did not take notice the weather outside.


In those sheets he felt as if they were lying contently in a field of freshly cut grass at the peak of a perfect summer's day, taking in the rays of the sun greedily.



Please don't take my sunshine away.



The sky was a various mixture of grey; gloomy and dark. It casted over the city around them like a fog.


They did not take notice of the dim atmosphere around them. As the shorter one had to rise to the tips of his sneakers in order to meet the taller mans lips. Their small chuckles is what kept them warm.


The heavenly flashes of white that danced in their minds is all the light they needed as they kissed tenderly under the blown out street lamp.



Please don't take my sunshine away.



It was a bright and sunny day, birds chirping as the cities children played in the summer air. 


But... He did not take notice as he was sitting alone on the uncomfortable bench under the shadow of a big oak tree.


He only saw the grey ominous clouds in his mind and only felt the tiredness of depression the brisk winter brings. Along with the lad with black eyes and hair to match radiant smile that brought him peace every time he witnessed it.



They took that sunshine away. 



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Chapter 1: MarkBum... Oh my... *clutches heart* <3
Chapter 3: short and lovely <3
Chapter 1: This was lovely, i read this while listening to the ark - the light and it hurt so good. Good job :)
Addfgui #4
Chapter 2: ゜・*+:゜((((´*・д・*`))))゜・*+:。