The Ex-boyfriend

Falling Hurts (When Someone Is On Your Mind)


“She’s gone?” Hyukjae’s face was in shock, sweat running on his forehead.

“I’m sorry man.” I shuffled my feet, uncomfortable near the break-dancing club. I had consulted with some classmates for the time and location. Beats echoed from the room, where laughter and squeaks reigned.

“Man, I…” Hyukjae shook his head. “It only seems like yesterday when I saw her laughing with me.”

“I know. I feel your pain.” I put my hands in my pockets. “Right before she died, she told me to tell you she still loved you, just as a brother.”

He grinned. “Oppa. When we were friends, I had her call me that if she needed me.”

I nodded with understanding. Oppa, older brother. “She also said that events just happened the way they happened, that it wasn’t your fault.”

I fell silent, waiting for a reaction from Hyukjae. He stared at the floor, then smiled. “Thanks for telling me, Jongwoon.” He clapped my back. “Well, I owe you now. Whenever you need help, just find me, okay? See ya later bro.” He headed back inside the practice room, waving to me.

Before this, I would have thought him insensitive, how easily he went back to reality. But now, I understood. Hyukjae hadn’t treaded the issue of Karen being dead lightly. Instead, he went for a distraction before he could break down. Death is a cruel condition.


Did I mention I love distracting myself? XD Ahh I’m so bad… Anyway, as you can tell I'm doing a massive uploading, since I finished writing the fanfic. Some of it I have been writing over Thanksgiving break, so I'll tell you when they come around so you can understand my author notes XD

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Chapter 57: *claps claps* This felt like watching a movie. For real. And I really loved the way you portrayed Yesung here. Good job!
As for the ending, you could have blend in the two last chapters. Trust me, they make more sense together than apart^^
Chapter 17: *giggles* 'Brother Satan' *giggles* I like this God of yours!
Chapter 3: WHAT?! NO! Why you awful person TT.TT
Chapter 1: LOL God's being hilarious in this chapter ^o^
Chapter 57: "Yesung is still alive..."
LOOL you make it sound like it was your goal to kill everyone! XD
Chapter 57: Yes! I like the second ending more c: it's very touching <3 :) as usual your stories are always touching though o.o
Chapter 33: Ommgee first kiss kyaa how cute *-* i think these type of guys only exist in fanfics T-T (exaggeration)
OHMYGOD I JUST REALIZED. FALLING HURTS AND FALLING IN LOVE HURTS XD OHMYGOD! BUT I SWEAR I DID NOT COPY IT XD LOLOLOL I REALLY JUST REALIZED PUHAHAHAHA but like seriouslyly ._. i didn't even realize until after i saw your comment and came on your story right now XD I have like 165 subscriptions so i didnt even know. i feel so awkward now ><
Chapter 3: I wanted to read more of your stories and I found some time to~!! :D anyway just like before SO FAR ITS FLIPPING AMAZING. But OHMYGOD you killed shindong and donghae. I swear my heart felt like it just stopped. I was so suddenly scared >___<
Ms3mil33 #10
loved this story!! it was sooo beautiful!