Oh, so that's your boyfriend...I have a girlfriend?

Falling Hurts (When Someone Is On Your Mind)


Ding, ding, ding. Paper flew as everyone went for freedom for dismissal.

“Bonne weekend!” Madame Dion called over the chaos.

I passed by the art department hallways like I had done for years when I heard piano playing in one of the practice rooms. I had expected classical, but instead I listened to something that sounded like it came from the radio. Except it wasn’t too fast and had a pretty good melody. Unlike the other songs I have heard, it wasn’t static or repetitive. I heard some singing, but I couldn’t make out any words. I started humming along under my breath.

Enraptured, I didn’t notice the music stopping until the door opened and Karen popped out. We both stepped back, startled.

“Sorry, I didn’t see you there,” Karen said with a laugh.

“Nah, it’s my fault. I was standing right here.”

“So what were you doing? Listening?”

I nodded. “It sounds good. What song is it?”

“Oh, it’s one of my own.”

“Wait, you mean, you composed all of that?”

She nodded. “My way of dealing with inspirations I get in life. The lyrics need touching up though.”

“Wait, that’s the not the finished product? Wow.”

“Yup. Do you want me to play it for you when it’s done?”

“That would be awesome. So do you have marching band practice today?”

Karen laughed. “No, I don’t have it every day. I do have an ARML session today though.”


“Math competition. You know, like Math Olympiad.”

“Ahh. You meet every week?”

“Yup. Where are you going?”

I shrugged. “Probably just hanging around the school.”

“I see.”

“Karen? Are you done?” I heard muffled, then the guy with blonde hair and pale skin stepped in from a door behind Karen. I noticed his outfit of a dark, buttoned up shirt, a chain, and loose jeans. He was the one I saw from the media center, I realized.

“Yup. Eunhyuk, this is Jerome. I’m tutoring him. Jerome, this is Eunhyuk, my boyfriend.”

I nodded, smiled politely, and held out my right hand. Inside, I grew cold. I had heard about this guy. He stole all the girls’ hearts with his break dancing, and broke them as he played with them, but never citing commitment. What a player. He took my hand, but dropped immediately after one shake.

“Aren’t you the guy who almost died in the car accident off of Maple Street?” He asked.

“Yup.” My left arm still hung its sling, but most of my cuts and bruises had healed. I was no longer wincing when I sat down in my seat.

“I see. Nice. Come on, Karen, we have to go.”

“Okay. See you later Jerome.” They hustled off, with Eunhyuk literally dragging her.

I shook my head and continued walking.

I passed by some girls in cheerleading outfits. One of them looked up, smiled, and waved. “Jerome!”

I waved back. “Hi.”

“Kristy is coming back in two days!” She announced. “Aren’t you excited?”
Kristy. My heart beat faster. I had forgotten all about her. She had gone off to a vacation for the Caribbean with her family.

“Yup. I can’t wait to see her, not to mention the look on her face when I give her gift to her,” I said, the smile frozen on my face

“Yup. See you later Jerome!” I walked off, not without hearing, “Wow, isn’t Jerome such a nice boyfriend?”

When I got home, I pulled out a small box and opened it, revealing a bracelet. I pulled it out, finger the letters on it. IMTF… Yet it wasn’t true anymore. I had forgotten about Kristy easily. She just seemed to disappear from my mind the moment the deer decided to cause havoc.

I placed it back in the box, which I shoved into my drawer and slammed it, leaving my room. I tried to concentrate on the racket I made and the sweet feeling of letting go fury, trying to block out what was really on my mind. Worse, she had come in without me knowing.


So it’s here things are getting tricky, eh? You have two obstacles instead of one.

“I’m not so stupid that I can’t realize that.”

True. What I want to know is, what are you going to do about it? A guy and a girl…

“Well, frankly I don’t want to deal with Nathan. He’s Karen’s boy friend and not related to me directly in any way. And I could try to do my mission without having them to break up.”


“And for my girlfriend…I don’t know.”

Why is she even your girlfriend?

“Well, she’s really pretty, and she liked me, so I went along with it. It was pretty serious for the first few days, but then I just went with her to whatever she wanted to do. I guess I didn’t know what I was doing.”

Obviously you didn’t.

“Yeah, don’t preach me about the whole future thing, okay? I think I finally realized what that means.”

You know what that means right?

“Don’t even think about it.”

Still in denial, huh.

“Shut up. I just need time to think.”

As you wish.

“Wait, what?”
Hehe sorry. I can’t grant wishes, if that’s what you’re thinking.

“Good. You got me scared there for a second.”

Anyhow, how is you arm?

“Good, except-wait.” I looked down and saw my arm in a cast. “WHAT?!?!?!”

Hey, don’t blame me. That’s your brain. It finally realizes your arm is broken.


It’ll take awhile. Maybe two weeks or so, since that’s how long you arm is in the cast.

“And I thought everything would be fine after physical therapy.”

Hey, you met me.

“Somehow I have no answer to that.”

That’s okay. I have that effect on people.


Haha sorry, I just think that a slightly arrogant spiritual guy would be amusing now and then.

Anyway, I can already hear some of you guys going, “HEY! Why did you make Eunhyuk the bad guy???”

You’ll see. And it wasn’t really intentional. It’s just that I need some guy who had a quality about him that made all the girls interested in him. Well, at my school a quality that serves like that is break-dancing, and Eunhyuk just popped out of nowhere. I just though, why not?

Oh, and why Yesung would like a girl like Kristy? I don’t know. He doesn’t know either. We just make some stupid, not thought out, decisions in life sometime. I know I do. Even on serious stuff like this. (Like seriously, I have made REALLY bad decisions. Thank god the ppl who were affected are really nice and forgave me easily.)

And what does IMTF stand for? I think some ppl should know…but it’ll come up later. (I hope. Someone remind me please?)

Happy Reading!

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Chapter 57: *claps claps* This felt like watching a movie. For real. And I really loved the way you portrayed Yesung here. Good job!
As for the ending, you could have blend in the two last chapters. Trust me, they make more sense together than apart^^
Chapter 17: *giggles* 'Brother Satan' *giggles* I like this God of yours!
Chapter 3: WHAT?! NO! Why you awful person TT.TT
Chapter 1: LOL God's being hilarious in this chapter ^o^
Chapter 57: "Yesung is still alive..."
LOOL you make it sound like it was your goal to kill everyone! XD
Chapter 57: Yes! I like the second ending more c: it's very touching <3 :) as usual your stories are always touching though o.o
Chapter 33: Ommgee first kiss kyaa how cute *-* i think these type of guys only exist in fanfics T-T (exaggeration)
OHMYGOD I JUST REALIZED. FALLING HURTS AND FALLING IN LOVE HURTS XD OHMYGOD! BUT I SWEAR I DID NOT COPY IT XD LOLOLOL I REALLY JUST REALIZED PUHAHAHAHA but like seriouslyly ._. i didn't even realize until after i saw your comment and came on your story right now XD I have like 165 subscriptions so i didnt even know. i feel so awkward now ><
Chapter 3: I wanted to read more of your stories and I found some time to~!! :D anyway just like before SO FAR ITS FLIPPING AMAZING. But OHMYGOD you killed shindong and donghae. I swear my heart felt like it just stopped. I was so suddenly scared >___<
Ms3mil33 #10
loved this story!! it was sooo beautiful!