

Life is meant to be full of surprises and challanges and it never was supposed to be easy. For Jonghyun, his life has only been full of misery and hate. After years of abuse from parents and others around, he finds him self at his lowest with no one. Someone's lies get him locked up, losing the only person who meant something to him and his baby girl. All Jonghyun wishes is to be reunited with his boyfriend and daughter.


Hello lovelies ^^

I have just this minute finished writing this one :3

Don't panic, it is mainly fluffy towards the end  (only a tad bit of angst here XD)

Hope you all have a happy easter <3333 (do we really stan these people O.O)

Comment, Subscribe and enjoy lovlies <333 :D


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Chapter 1: waaah a sweet story with a happy ending.

poor jonghyun how much in misery he was.he only got hate from his parents then the evil girl who was forced to him and then they accuse and jailed him for much to bear for hurting boy and here come the angel kibum.he truly was an angel with how he helped jonghyun and he really was a pillar for jonghyun is his low he support him in his
every fall even taking care of little sunmi, the best boyfriend and loveliest boy jonghyun have.good that in the end they found thier happiness.sunmi got his daddy and awww bummie mummy and they are together now as a happy family.all the struggle s paid off.

thanks for sharing, enjoyed it and goodluck:)
Chapter 1: aw i enjoyed this week's story. :)
I usually like to read your stories before i go to sleep as a bedtime story. they're so cute and fluffy! X3 <3
Oh good luck this Wednesday with your new tattoo! i'm looking forward to it. :) fighting! :D
have a nice day! <3
Chapter 1: Oh my god! This was so cute and sad at the same time! I love Daddy Jonghyun and cute 'Mama' Key! Beautifully written!! <3
Chapter 1: I was worried there for a while that he wouldn't have a happy ending but his beautiful hearted Key came in to save his life and for that, I appreciate this couple :D