

Y0tlOax.pngWt5EO46.pngPatient suffers from Munchausen Syndrome. Doctors who have patient under their care should treat with extreme caution. Patient has been known to fake and even manipulate symptoms in order to lengthen his stay. Patient must be watched at all times to avoid any type of self medication or manipulation of results. Doctors should also note that the patient does suffer from type one diabetes, and medication should be carefully administered. QJhZZIw.pngHenry was only five years old when his father was diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Since he was a single father, Henry had no choice but to watch his father slowly fade away. He stood by his side as his father lost the ability to walk, hold his hand, swallow and finally to breathe. When Henry's father died, he left his son behind. Alone, with no one to care for him. Henry was sent to a group home. His caretakers were abusive and neglectful. Henry never again got the attention he so craved. The kind he had gotten from his father, who would read him bedtime stories and rub his back when he felt sick. The kind that made him feel...special. That was, until he learned he had diabetes. When Henry was fourteen years old, he out in the middle of one of his exams and was hospitalized soon after. When Henry was in the hospital everyone was so...kind to him. They waited on him hand and foot and babied him just as his father once had. Henry loved it and on his expulsion day, he vowed to never again let that feeling go.


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