Every Fire Needs a Spark
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Before this begins, I would like to say this is NOT a spoiler but another little drabble I came up with still surrounding my crush. But this writing style is more like a letter to him type of thing. Still, I hope you would all enjoy this piece and the synopsis would be provided in the Description and Foreword! Please enjoy this and upvote it if you think it's worth it! :)


  You’re sitting at the same spot again. You’re with your two best friends on a picnic mat under a sycamore tree while I am near you on a bench with a sandwich in my hand. You are laughing about something; they are too. I wish I could laugh along with you but I don’t. I took a bite out of my sandwich.

  The wind is blowing through, running it’s ‘fingers’ through your soft locks. You’re so beautiful; almost angelic as sunlight reflected a halo round your head. My friends beside are nudging me and giggled at the sight of me dazing. They know I’m only looking at you.

  But you don’t, do you? I took another bite.

  Dried leaves are falling through the air and one landed delicately in Sunhee’s hair. You removed it away gently and chuckled slightly as you did. But, I don’t feel jealous. No, I’ll be lying if I said I didn’t. I do a little but it is just a little. Jaerin smirks and throws a pile of leaves at you. I chuckled as I watched you shouted in excitement.

  You’re so adorable and I’m sure you don’t know that.

  I love you so much.

  No, I

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just posted a new little drabble. NOT A SEQUEL.


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baekhyuneexo #1
Chapter 3: Sequel please ???
Chapter 3: Awwww awww aww
yeolosh #3
Chapter 1: omg. i need sequel pls