sanghyuk has a clever idea

leaning on your shoulders

Staring out of the window, Sanghyuk watched as the hills rolled by. He watched the sheep grazing on vast fields of grass, he watched the cows lazing about and occasionally a lone horse would gallop his way across the meadows.

He started thinking about the day’s events and thought about how he would have no way to contact Sara once their journey was over. He tried thinking of multiple ways he could keep in contact with her. He groaned in frustration earning Taekwoon’s attention. “Sanghyuk-ah, shut the fck up I’m trying to sleep” he sighed. “I’m not as young as you are, I still need my sleep” Sanghyuk thought about how annoying this old man could be. He remembered Taekwoon’s furious scribbling and inspiration struck.

“Taekwoon-sshi” Sanghyuk mused “Can I borrow a pen and paper?” There was silence on Taekwoon’s end and then the sound of rustling. Sanghyuk grinned as he heard a paper being ripped from Taekwoon’s notebook and a wrinkly hand appeared from behind him passing him exactly what he wanted. Sanghyuk took it off him careful not to move Sara in the process. “Thank you, Taekwoon-sshi!” Taekwoon grumbled in response.

Sanghyuk excitedly wrote his name and number onto the paper, folding it ever so carefully and slipped it into the pocket of Sara’s cardigan. He was really proud of himself for coming up with something like that. However, he was rather insecure about whether or not she would actually call him or not. He mulled over all the potential things he would say to her. All the questions he wanted to ask, all the things he wanted to say to her.

He stopped in his tracks.

You’re going too far Hyukkie…

He was rather upset with himself for falling so hard in such a short amount of time, but she was so adorable he couldn’t resist! When the coach finally came to a stop he gave Sara the slightest nudge to wake her up.

“Sorry to wake you, we’re at a pit stop, thought you might be hungry” Sanghyuk explained. Truth be told, Sanghyuk was the one who was really hungry but he couldn’t just wake her up for no reason. It had only been less than a day but Sanghyuk already missed his Grandmothers cooking.

He remembered the countless times he had sat on the kitchen counter waiting impatiently for his grandmother to finish cooking, then getting scolded at for taking some food when he thought she wasn’t looking, burning his tongue in the process. His grandmothers’ cooking was the ailment to every single one of his injuries, emotional or physical. He swore it had superpowers but knew that it was the amount of care and love that his Grandmother had for him that made her cooking all the more special.

“Thanks, yeah I am I guess…” Sara said, she remembered this boy saying something to her in her dream, but it couldn’t be! She brushed her odd thoughts off.

They exited the coach and Sanghyuk stretched, yawning in the process. “Are you tired? It’s probably my fault” Sara said worried about Sanghyuk. Sanghyuk laughed and shook his head. “I’m tired, but it’s not your fault” She looked at him blankly.

“I can never sleep whilst travelling, I just get too excited by the journey” he explained to her.

“Well thanks anyway, for putting up with me leaning on your shoulder

“It’s okay, it felt nice! Let’s go get some food” Sanghyuk grabbed her shoulders and led her to the surprisingly busy building.

Sara was taken back by the size of the building but even more so by Sanghyuk’s hands on her shoulders. He was so much taller than her, but it was nice, like having her own personal giant bodyguard.

Sara had good feelings about this boy.

They entered the huge building and found their way to a food court. Sanghyuk led her to an empty table and sat her down keeping his hands on her shoulders for as long as he possibly could. “I’ll get us some food” he said and left her at the table.

When Sanghyuk was gone, Sara put her hands in her pockets and noticed something unusual. She fished out a perfectly folded piece of paper. Opening it up, she read its contents and a small smile appeared on her face.

“For when you need a shoulder


Sanghyuk x”

She quickly hid the paper back into her pocket when Sanghyuk returned with food. “I didn’t know what you liked so I just brought a bit of everything” he said holding trays piled with food. Sara thought Sanghyuk was crazy for doing that, but she appreciated the gesture.

“I like everything” she piped up. They both sat down to eat a delicious meal.

When she was finished Sara excused herself to go to the bathroom. Sanghyuk mumbled an acknowledgment with his mouth full of food then mentally punched himself for not showing enough manners when she went. He waited for her return eagerly. It wasn’t right how happy she made him feel.

She had been gone for quite some time now and Sanghyuk was worried. He decided to go and look for her. Even if it meant that he had to bribe someone to go check in the ladies room and risk getting beaten up for her. He finished the last few bites of his food and turned around quickly bumping into someone for the second time that day.

This time however, hot liquid spilt down his checked shirt.

“I’M SO SORRY!” It was Sara holding two, now empty cups of coffee.

“IT FCKING BURNS!” yelled Sanghyuk flailing his arms about.


“I WAS COMING TO LOOK FOR YOU!” People were beginning to stare.

Sara put down the empty cups and reached for napkins on the table. “I was just getting us some coffee, I thought you might like it” she said trying to wipe the hot liquid off him.

He stopped her, his hand lingering on hers for far too long. Her touch was electrifying and Sanghyuk wondered if she could feel it too. He looked into her eyes, they were so warm. This was so cliché and he loved every single second of it.

“I have some spare clothes in my rucksack, you don’t have to do this” he said finally letting go of her hand. He grabbed his rucksack and started making his way to the men’s room before turning back.

“Thanks for the coffee, even if it did end up all over me!” He coolly turned around, and the hugest smile appeared on his face.

Sara felt bad for what she had done, she only wanted to make up for him letting her use his shoulder as a pillow. A very comfy pillow too. She decided to clean up all the mess she had made waiting for Sanghyuk’s return. When she was finally finished, she pulled out the piece of paper again and couldn’t stop smiling. She pulled out her phone and entered his number. She stood there deciding what emoji to use when Sanghyuk returned with more coffee.

She quickly hid the paper back in her pocket. Sanghyuk noticed her smiling at her phone and doubt clouded his mind. Did she already have a boyfriend? Was he going to pick her up when they arrived? In the space of ten seconds he had already created a scenario in his head of Sara’s and her boyfriend’s reunion. And it was disgusting; every single second of it.

He didn’t need to torture himself this way! So he handed a cup of coffee to Sara and took a sip himself.

(He totally didn’t accidentally burn himself again).


i know this is stupid but like, please don't call that number i literally just keyboard-mashed and then tried to make it look like a number ok thank u goodbye ily x

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Dangerousluv1 #1
Chapter 6: I wonder what happened to Sara
Dangerousluv1 #2
Chapter 5: So there's a Taekwoon and a Leo, I'm glad you chose Hyde Era Leo (it's one of my favorites)
I really like this story! and I like where it's going so far :D
taekmetothemoon #4
Chapter 1: It's interesting so far author-nim!! I like it alot~ Can't wait to read more~ :)))