Forty Three

They're My Protectors?!

"YAH!!! Blondie wake up!!!" 

Youngmin could feel his body shaking. Someone was trying to wake him up. Youngmin slowly fluttered his eyes open. What came into his vision was a blurred figure. The blurred figure shook his more violently this time, instantly making him realize what was happening.

The person who was shaking him was Kyungmi. She let out a sigh of relief when Youngmin had finally regained consciousness. Youngmin scanned his surroundings, he was still at the same spot that he out, but he didn't see anymore giant creatures or destruction happening. It was more calm. 

Looking at the buildings, he realized they were all destroyed because of the creatures. He let out a sigh and sat up. 

"What happened while I was out?" he asked Kyungmi, who seemed to be pretty content, "and where have you been this entire time?"

Kyungmi let out a small laugh and sighed.

"Well, of course all of the evil creatures were destroying the town, including that crazy Madam Lee. Of course you probably already knew that. Well anyway let me tell you where I was first. Earlier Sungyeol had taken me to his house. It turned out that Madam Lee and BTOB were there too... I was locked in the dungeon downstairs right after I found out Sungyeol actually didn't like me at all," she looked down sadly.

Youngmin clenched his fist hearing this news. He was sure to beat the crap outta Sungyeol later.

"While I was down there, I wasn't sure what was happening, but I heard glass breaking. I assumed it was you, Kwangmin, and Minwoo, since you all have a thing when breaking windows. Other than that I didn't know what happened next because I was still stuck under there. It was mostly sound proof. During the time I was stuck, I was trying to figure out how to get through. Then I thought, 'Oh wait, I can burn my way through the metal bars." So I did. And that's how I got out. By the time I got out of the basement, the roof was gone and there was destruction everywhere."

Youngmin gave her a confused look. 

"Wait if that's what happened, then where is all the destruction?" 

"I wasn't done pabo. Anyway so I saw the gate letting out all the evil. A creature flew out and almost ran me over, but I dodged it in time. It flew away and basically destroyed the house. The gate stayed intact though. And next to the gate, was a golden key. It was connected to a lock and was turned to the side. I assumed that was the key that Madam Lee was looking for, so I did what I thought would close the gate. I turned the key and pulled it out of the lock, sealing the gate. After that all the creatures disappeared and Raphloria was at piece again."

Youngmin gaped at Kyungmi. He couldn't believe that all of this happened while he was out. He also couldn't believe that the whole time the key was just at the gate. 

"Wait... What about Madam Lee then? Where is she?!" he looked around frantically.

Kyungmi pushes his shoulders down and told him to relax.

"She's been taken away to a special prison. She won't be getting out for the rest of her life."

"And my twin and Minwoo?"

"Don't worry, they're helping the police force get people out of the buildings and such. Anymore questions?"

"Where's the key now?"

Kyungmi reached into her pocket and pulled out the glowing golden key.

"Right here. I'm going to make it stays somewhere where no one can find it."

That was the last thing Youngmin asked. He finally stood up but winced once he felt pain in his back. His spine must've been cracked now because of Madam Lee flinging him across the area. Kyungmi took his arm and wrapped it around her shoulder, pulling him in the air and flying him to the closest hospital.

"You know something Youngmin?"

Youngmin widened his eyes when he realized this was one of those few times she actually called him by his name. It was usually blondie, idiot, or blonde idiot. He hummed to show that he was listening.

"You're really a pabo you know that?" 

"You always call me that. I'm well aware you think of me that way."

"Yeah I know. But I'm calling you a pabo because I know that you've been following me on my dates with Sungyeol."

Youngmin flushed and looked away from the girl, who chuckled at his response.

"Psh well it's not my fault that you dated the evil guy here."

"Yeah I know. I was being a pabo too."

"Yeah yeah yeah. I was only following you so I could watch over the key, okay? Don't you start getting any weird thoughts."

"It's too late pabo. I got a thought in my mind right now."

"And what thought it that?"

Kyungmi flashed him a smile. 

"That I really love you too pabo."

At that moment, it was hard to tell who's heart fluttered more. But you could say that the redness on their cheeks show that they both were the pabos here. And you know what they say about pabos, they are made for each other.

Le Author's Noteu~

And that is basically the end of They're My Protectors?!

Woohoo finally C: 

JK JK I'll be writing an epilogue soon.

I really hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writiing it. :D





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Chapter 44: Oh geez, how come I just read the epilogue now. I need to stop checking for story updates right before I leave for the gym.

LOL Kwangmin, my baby, a spy - flavour Sungyeol. Right XD

I actually really liked how it ended with Youngmin telling Kyungmi that they successfully protected her. Idk, it just makes sense, and really ties the whole thing together. Great job~~~! ;D
Leritzu #2
Chapter 44: Woah!! Amazing! This could be a reeaaaally good movie. And trust me, it would have been selling. Lots. It's sad that it's already over. Well.... ON TO THE NEXT FANFIC!!
Mikmaster #3
Chapter 44: That was amazing I really liked it. Your amazing at wrighting stories. Exalent job.
Chapter 44: OMG ITS ALL CHEESY AND SHIZ. LIKE. THE SAME THING HAPPENED AND IT GOT DESCENDED AND SHIZ. OMG. and also u made a mistake when u were talking about kwangmin. u wrote chanyeol instead of kwangmin. unless for some reason u wanted it to be that way..... anyways. theyre both pabos. everyones a pabo now. and im just happy kwangmin and minwoo didnt do or like have a kid somehow together. cuz if they did, that would be kinda awkz. not rlly. but still.
Yendi_Heart #5
Chapter 44: It ended so soon :( I wanted more Youngmin and Kyungmi moments ^^ anyway, it was a very nice story :D
Chapter 42: Whoa, intense stuff going xD But why's the story marked completed? It doesn't seem to be over yet :s
Chapter 42: OH SHIZ OMG. btw new reader even though i subbed a while ago~ i managed to catch up in 2 days! life is a isnt it.... youngmin shouldve been at sungyeols throat though. breaking her heart. ugh. but minhyuk did the same too. so yeah. and donghyun, hyunseong, and jeongmin shouldve joined their team too! it wouldve been awesome!!!!!!!! especially since im donghyun biased <3 but its alright.
Yendi_Heart #8
Chapter 42: Stupid Kyungmi this is all your fault ¬¬' Youngminnie wake up D: update soon authornim :3
Yendi_Heart #9
Chapter 41: O.O the action started. Please update soon