Twenty Three

They're My Protectors?!


“Hyung, there’s something wrong.”


“When in the world does Youngmin hyung actually smile?”

Kwangmin pointed at his fingers to count.


“NEVER! He never does! He always has that annoyed look or a y face!” Minwoo exclaimed.

“Hmm,” Kwangmin pulled thin air under his chin as if he had a long beard and continued, “Well, what about that one time he finally let go of that pee he’s been holding all day?”

“That doesn’t count. He didn’t smile, he sighed in bliss. THERE’S A BIG DIFFERENCE,” Minwoo shouted.

Sungyeol, who had been sitting next to the two in their homeroom class, grew irritated with their shouting.

“Yah! Can’t you see I’m trying to draw right now?!” he shouted pissed off.

He glared at the two before going back to his drawing of who knows what.

“Well sorry, we were just talking about—“

Kwangmin was interrupted.

“I know what you were talking about. For damn sake, I sit right NEXT to you guys! NOW SHUSH!”

Sungyeol put a finger to his lips. The two looked at him weirdly before continuing to talk again.

“I’m serious though, hyung. It’s creepy. He looks like he succeeded in murdering someone or something,” Minwoo studied Youngmin closely, who this whole time, was staring out the window happily.

Kwangmin narrowed his eyes.

“You know, when you think about it, what do you think he’s looking at?”

Kwangmin and Minwoo followed his gaze, looking out the window themselves. There was a building right next to theirs; it was a hall for a different subject. The two assumed he was just staring at the building. However, Minwoo took a closer look, and saw that he wasn’t looking at a building, but specifically something, or someone.

And I’m pretty sure you know who that person is.

 “Hyung,” Minwoo tapped Kwangmin’s arm.

Kwangmin turned to face the younger, “Wae?”

“I see what he’s looking at,” Minwoo said and pointed at the person.

Kwangmin took a look and saw that the person was none other than Kyungmi. Minwoo and Kwangmin turned to each other before smirking. The two looked just like Youngmin did at the moment, smiling like weirdoes.

“You know what this means, right Minwoo?”

“Oh yeah.”

Kwangmin and Minwoo stood up and walked over to their relative’s seat. Kwangmin on the left, and Minwoo to the right, they leaned in and at the same time, shouted.

“HYUNG!” They chorused.

Youngmin, who hadn’t seen it coming, jolted and fell from his seat, almost hitting his cousin in the process. He stood up and brushed off the imaginary dirt. Looking up, he glared at the two.

“What?! Can’t you see I’m busy here?” he complained.

Kwangmin and Minwoo looked at each other with a teasing smile on their faces.

“We know you’re busy, busy staring at Kyungmi!” They teased.

Youngmin flushed a light shade of red and glared at the two.

“I was not! I was just staring at the building!” he tried to lie.

The two however, were not going to fall for it.

“Sure, whatever you say hyung!” Minwoo sang.

Youngmin hit his dongsaeng’s arms.

“Yah! Don’t you guys have something better to do than to bother me? I’m busy! Not shoo!” He said as he pushed the two away from his desk.

Kwangmin and Minwoo looked at each other, and then shrugged before walking back to their seats, next to Sungyeol, who was now sleeping on his table. Drool could be seen coming out of his mouth and on his paper. Minwoo looked at him in disgust.

“What does Kyungmi see in this guy?” Kwangmin said skeptically.

Minwoo’s eyes twitched. But soon after, his eyes widened.

“Wait what do you mean, what does Kyungmi see in him?” he asked.

Kwangmin shook his head.

“Can’t you tell? Kyungmi likes Sungyeol!” he answered.

“Who the hell gave you that idea?” Minwoo questioned.

“Nobody, I was just observing Kyungmi, and she seems to like Sungyeol. Kwangmin instincts are NEVER wrong.” Kwangmin pointed to his head smirking.

Minwoo shook his head and sighed. A smile suddenly grew on his face.

“Hey hyung, I have another plan.”


Kyungmi sat in class bored as ever. Her friend, Aisook, sat next to her, babbling about her weekend and this guy she liked. Kyungmi didn’t pay a bit of attention to her though. The girl was resting her cheek on her palms while staring at the front of the class.

Aisook soon noticed that her friend hadn’t said anything the whole time.

“Yah!” She yelled as she snapped a finger in front of her face.

Kyungmi blinked and turned to her friend, who looked at her with an irritated face. Aisook rested her fists on her hips.

“Kyungmi, this whole time I’ve been talking and you weren’t even listening?” She shook her head disappointed.

Aisook stood up and walked to the front of Kyungmi’s desk. She squatted a little bit and rested her crossed arms on the desk. She stared at Kyungmi’s face, observing her emotions.

“Something’s up. What is it?”

Kyungmi was shocked that she could just know that fast just by looking at her face. She tried to make up a lie.

“Oh don’t give me that bull Kyungmi! I know that something is wrong, and I won’t leave you alone until you tell me! Now spill.”

Kyungmi sighed and looked at her friend, deciding whether or not to tell her the truth or to make up another lie. Eh, what could she lose? Aisook could just tell if she was lying anyway. Her eyes twitch when she lies.

She let out a breath. Aisook waited patiently for her friend to speak her mind. She had nothing else to do anyway. Kyungmi opened and her lips.

“Well, let’s just say. I like this guy—“

She couldn’t even finish her sentence because at that moment, Aisook stood up and slammed her palms on Kyungmi’s desk, earning a lot of attention from their classmates. She blushed from embarrassment and bowed. Kyungmi stared up at her friend, waiting for her to say something.

A huge smile grew on her face, like she had been waiting for this moment her whole life.

“I knew it. I knew there was a guy!” Aisook squealed.

“So who is he? Park Soohyun? Lee Sunghyun? Choi Jinhwan?”

Aisook started naming all these guys that Kyungmi couldn’t even keep track. Kyungmi stood up and cupped her hand over Aisook’s mouth.

“It’s none of those guys, Aisook!” she said.

Aisook took of Kyungmi’s hand and sat on a desk. She crossed her arms and stared at Kyungmi seriously. She seriously looked like a business woman right now who was deciding whether or not she should fire her worker or something.

“If it’s not them, then who is it?”


Kwangmin and Minwoo stared at the two girls carefully. Kwangmin was using his lip reading “skills” to try to understand what they were saying. Apparently, Minwoo’s plan was to spy on the girl for no reason really. The two were crouched down under the window, their bodies not showing, but their hands and eyes were visible, if you were to really pay attention at least.

Minwoo claimed that this way, they wouldn’t be caught. Their classmates, however, thought they looked weird and were making fun of them behind their backs, literally. Minwoo smacked Kwangmin’s arm.
“What are they saying now?” he asked.

Kwangmin looked carefully at Aisook’s and Kyungmi’s lips.

“They’re talking about how Kyungmi likes this pie.”

Minwoo stared at him weirdly.


“Umm… her friend is naming various pie flavors, such as strawberry, coconut, and cherry.”

Minwoo was starting to think that this was a bad idea. Who could even trust Kwangmin? He could barely go to the bathroom by himself without forgetting to take off his pants before he could let out his waterfall.

“Her friend said that if she didn’t like those pie flavors, then what flavor did she like.”

Minwoo really doubted his cousin now.

“And what did she say next?”

“She likes the flavor Sungyeol.”

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Chapter 44: Oh geez, how come I just read the epilogue now. I need to stop checking for story updates right before I leave for the gym.

LOL Kwangmin, my baby, a spy - flavour Sungyeol. Right XD

I actually really liked how it ended with Youngmin telling Kyungmi that they successfully protected her. Idk, it just makes sense, and really ties the whole thing together. Great job~~~! ;D
Leritzu #2
Chapter 44: Woah!! Amazing! This could be a reeaaaally good movie. And trust me, it would have been selling. Lots. It's sad that it's already over. Well.... ON TO THE NEXT FANFIC!!
Mikmaster #3
Chapter 44: That was amazing I really liked it. Your amazing at wrighting stories. Exalent job.
Chapter 44: OMG ITS ALL CHEESY AND SHIZ. LIKE. THE SAME THING HAPPENED AND IT GOT DESCENDED AND SHIZ. OMG. and also u made a mistake when u were talking about kwangmin. u wrote chanyeol instead of kwangmin. unless for some reason u wanted it to be that way..... anyways. theyre both pabos. everyones a pabo now. and im just happy kwangmin and minwoo didnt do or like have a kid somehow together. cuz if they did, that would be kinda awkz. not rlly. but still.
Yendi_Heart #5
Chapter 44: It ended so soon :( I wanted more Youngmin and Kyungmi moments ^^ anyway, it was a very nice story :D
Chapter 42: Whoa, intense stuff going xD But why's the story marked completed? It doesn't seem to be over yet :s
Chapter 42: OH SHIZ OMG. btw new reader even though i subbed a while ago~ i managed to catch up in 2 days! life is a isnt it.... youngmin shouldve been at sungyeols throat though. breaking her heart. ugh. but minhyuk did the same too. so yeah. and donghyun, hyunseong, and jeongmin shouldve joined their team too! it wouldve been awesome!!!!!!!! especially since im donghyun biased <3 but its alright.
Yendi_Heart #8
Chapter 42: Stupid Kyungmi this is all your fault ¬¬' Youngminnie wake up D: update soon authornim :3
Yendi_Heart #9
Chapter 41: O.O the action started. Please update soon