I'm sorry

And Don't You Forget It

His eyes narrowed as he stared, stared through the mirror at him. He stared at the person who had been avoiding him since the incident that had taken place merely a week ago. Of course, none of the other members had caught on to the tension between the two. Dongwoo had made sure of that. That kid could just debut as an actor if he wanted to. Howon was so preoccupied with glaring at Dongwoo through the mirror that he didn't even notice he had placed his foot a little too far to the left during a particular dance step.

"Damn it Howon!"

Myungsoo hissed as pain flashed throughout his foot. This had to have been at least the fifth time it had been stepped on by the man beside him.  His fists clenched as he turned to face Howon, who was looking at him with an apology on the tip of his tongue. Myungsoo sighed. He knew it wasn't entirely his fault. That much had been obvious if that scowl aimed at a certain rapper was anything to go by. Dongwoo might be a natural actor, but Howon was terrible at hiding how he felt. He beckoned for the other to come closer. Rolling his eyes as the other shuffled barely a few inches towards him, Myungsoo grabbed his shoulder and mumbled into Howon's ear.

"Look, I don't know what's going on between you two, but I swear that if you step on my foot one more god damn time,  then I don't care if you're the strongest dancer out of all of us. I'll make sure that leg of yours will be out for at least a week." 

Howon's eyes widened, but not because he was scared. He knew that what Myungsoo had said was nothing but an empty threat. He just hadn't realized that someone else had noticed. Sure, the possibility of the others finding out had crossed his mind countless times, but up to that point, there had been no sign of another person knowing. After all, Dongwoo's acting skills were pretty extraordinary.

"Does anyone else know?"

Myungsoo tilted his head to the side, eyebrows furrowed. There was a long pause before he spoke.

"I don't think so, but considering how much you seem to be glaring at the poor man, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm not the only one. Sunggyu tends to pick up on things rather quickly after all."


The two jumped apart to see the very man they had been talking about. Sunggyu smiled, making Myungsoo and Howon cringe. Jeez, who knew a smile could be laced with so much venom?

"What's this about me? I believe I heard my name."

“Nothing hyung! We were just talking about how wide your range is! Daebak!”

Myungsoo whipped up a smile as he said this. Unfortunately, Sunggyu didn’t look entirely convinced. Howon sighed. He didn’t really feel like putting up with this.

“Just leave it alone hyung. Stop being so nosy."

He stormed out, leaving behind a confused Sunggyu and a slightly surprised Myungsoo.

"I'm not lost. I'm not lost. I'm not lost." Howon chanted. If he just took a right at that cafe there, then-

Ok, he was lost. Sighing, he sat down on the curb and took out his cell phone.


Great. He'd been lost for two hours, AND he was about to miss dinner. As much as he didn't want to, Howon quickly scrolled through his contacts, pausing at one particular name. Dongwoo

Should he? His thumb hovered over the call button. No. Who knew what would happen if he called him.

Clicking on a different name, Howon pressed his phone to his ear, and waited, no prayed, for the other to pick up.


Thank God.

"Hey. Can-" He didn't even get the chance to fit in another word as he was quickly cut off.


Howon winced. 

"Calm down Myungsoo. I'm sorry ok? I'm-" Howon stopped as he heard a loud thud, almost as if the phone had been dropped on the floor.

"Myungsoo?" No reply. All that Howon could hear were two voices in the background, one of them being Myungsoo's.

"Let me talk to him!" Whose voice was that? Sunggyu? Woohyun?

"No! You made me drop my phone hyung!" Hyung...Then it couldn't be Sungjong. Sungjong was younger than Myungsoo.

"I'm sorry, but it's not like it broke! Let me talk to him!"

"I said NO! Look! There's a scratch on it!" Ok, this was getting annoying...

"KIM MYUNGSOO! LET ME TALK TO HOYA!" Hoya?! No one called him that except for- No it couldn't be. It had to be one of the others. There were a few shuffling noises, indicating that the phone had been passed to the other person.

"YAH! LEE HOWON! ARE YOU STILL THERE?!" Howon froze. There was no doubt about it now. It was him.

"....Yes Dongwoo hyung." There was a slight pause followed by a sigh.

"Where are you? I'll come pick you up." Howon's eyes widened.

"No it's ok. You don't have to! Myungsoo can!"

"Yah. I'm the only one with a lisence."

"...Fine. Paradise Cafe. I'm not sure what street it is though."

"That's fine. I know where it is." Before Howon could utter another word, Dongwoo had already hung up. Great...what am I going to do now?

Fifteen minutes had already passed, and Howon started to wonder whether or not Dongwoo was actually coming to pick him up. It was starting to get colder, and he hadn't thought to bring a jacket with him. Hurry up you chipmunk.

After what seemed like an eternity, a black van finally rolled to a stop in front of him. The driver's door opened, revealing an angry looking Dongwoo. Out of instinct, Howon slowly started to back away.

"HOYA!" He felt an arm grab his shoulder and spin him around. Dongwoo was angry. There was no way he was getting out of this one. He squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for Dongwoo to yell at him, hit him, something. It was because of this that he didn't notice Dongwoo's eyes soften as he let out a sigh. When nothing happened, Howon cautiously opened snuck a peak at him.


His mouth dropped open in shock and he let out a yelp. Dongwoo had pulled him into a tight, but not uncomfortable hug.

"Pabo! Pabo pabo pabo!" Dongwoo mumbled against Howon's hair.

"Don't you ever just walk off like that again ok? Do you know how scared I was when we couldn't find you? Aish, pabo."

Dongwoo had been scared. He at least cared for him enough to worry. And that alone was enough to let him know that Dongwoo didn't hate him like he thought.

"I'm sorry hyung. I'm so so sorry."

And Howon could only pray that Dongwoo understood what exactly he was apologizing for.

Oh my gosh guys I am so sorry!!!! I know I haven't updated in the longest time and I apologize for that. I've been busy with school lately, and I could just never find the time! I know that that's no excuse, but at least I managed to crank this chapter out. :) And comments are always appreciated! ^^ But I love all of you, regardless of whether you comment or not. <3

Oh and did you guys notice that amazing poster? Hehe, Justineann at Starlight Reality's Designs made it for me, and I just love it! <3 Check them out if you want a poster. They make backgrounds and other things too! Plus, they're pretty fast.

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New chappie will be out hopefully next week. ^^ I only have a few more days left and then i'm on vacation! :)


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KimSungHee #1
Chapter 11: Wait, Is this a YaDong fanfic or a Myungdong one? I'm confused... :/
Chapter 11: new reader here :)
awwwwww!!! myungieeee T.T
I like this story
hope u will continue this story :')
hi there! im a new subber! this story is really really good! i really really like it and wahoo the yadong couple confessed?! AMAZING! its unbelievable haha!!!

i feel bad 4 myung but hay he always looks better with yeollie! yeoliie is his true soulmate keke :3

hehe look at me rambling on!! well i hope u update again soon! i'll be waiting ok author nim?!! ^-^
Versta #4
Its awesome! I've been smiling so badly! I hope you come back soon!
That's ok^^
Good luck with exams!(:
Don't worry! We will be waiting ~ ^^
I'm sure many of us (like myself) have exams coming up too so we have to study. xD
fighting !
yeay!! howon confessed!! and dongwoo accepted it!! -jumps-
but myunggie hurted. he was late to confess his true feeling -cries-
yeollie!! come here!! go comfort him!! do anything as long as he won't crying anymore!!