Harry Potter Was Awesome

A Place In Your Heart

"Oh man. That Harry Potter movie was epic!!!!!" Jonghyun said as he walked away from the theater. He smiled at me and the others were like, "AW, HE LIKES YOU, HYUN JI!!!!"  and I was like, "SHUT UP!" and they all just laughed. We all went for dinner at this American restaurant near the mall. All of them held each other's hands except for Jonghyun and I. They all started liking each other but I was like thinking of: I AIN'T READY FOR A RELATIONSHIP!!!! XD My friends were giggling while the boys tickle them. Taemin and Young-ji shared their first kiss and agreed to go out tomorrow for their second date. (-_-') I was thinking, "ohmygod. Young-ji, you just met him..." So, Jonghyun took me home and the others went to the park for something. He accompanied since my friends weren't there. We were watching TV until someone knocked on my door. I opened it and saw a mail man. He handed me a letter for Ji Hae. It was from her dad. I opened the letter (which I know is wrong.) He was asking her if she wants to go to England the next week. Jonghyun held to my waist and backed off instantly. He apologized and said it was a "force of habit"...

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