

unexpected connections and candid shots. 
par·al·lax /ˈparəˌlaks/
1. difference in the fields of view of two lenses aimed parallel to each other,
2. the effect whereby the position or direction of an object appears to differ when viewed from different positions



You build up something only for it to be broken. 

Bae Eunjo is an aspiring professional photographer. She gave up her last two years in school to pursue the path she always wanted to take. She made sacrifices and accepted every consequence of every choice she made. Along the way, she encounters struggles, opportunities, new people and maybe even love.

Will certain circumstances stop her from following what her heart wants? 

Dreams will not always be reality.

Im Jaebum, too, made sacrifices of his own. Meeting her lead him back to his past. Is he ready to make more sacrifices? 



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