The One With Moments

Brothers Despite Everything


Sorry for the lack of updates since April. I needed motivation and it only comes from watching Lay interactions with members, which is extremely rare these days sadly. However, I managed to find an idea that I like so I hope you like this.

This update focuses on each member interaction with Yixing/Lay after he returns from long travel. I made the order from oldest to youngest member and each moment is about 1000 words

Ps. any beta reader out there? Pm me if you're willing.




Xiu scrunched his eyebrows as he stared at the stubborn stain in the carpet. He sighed as he wondered if he should give up or keep trying in a few minutes. He grabbed the chemical solution bottle and read the directions again, hoping that he missed some miraculous step that guaranteed solution. His reading was interrupted when he heard clearing of throat in the doorway.

“Hyung – “Lay started to say and was about to step inside the room when Xiu yelled at him

“Stop! Wear the shoes” Xiu gestured to the shoe slips that he always made the members wear when they stepped inside.

“Oh sorry” Lay immediately grabbed the slips and began to put them over his feet.

“I see you don’t really miss me” Lay as Xiu walked towards him

“Of course I do” they hugged momentarily and Lay giggled when he felt Xiu’s finger tickling his neck. They stepped away and Lay could see Xiu’s scowling face.

“I just need to get this stain out and I’ll feel better” Xiu told him in a frustrated voice,

“Oh I see” Lay kept switching his weight from one foot to the other as he couldn’t decide if he should stay and talk or walk away. So he stood there staring at the elder scrubbing away the aggravation.

“Anyway tell me how your filming went” Xiu restarted the conversation after a few minutes of silence

“Oh it was good. They’re really nice to me – almost like brothers” Lay smiled, reminiscing the good times he had in Shanghai.

“But we’re first right?” Xiu as he looked up briefly before staring back at that irritating stain.

“Of course! Oh and I got you some snacks from Shanghai also” Lay remembered his gifts for the members, each selected to the member’s taste and preference.

“Awesome – and it’s in fridge?” Xiu asked him, as if testing Lay’s memory of where foods must go, since he hated having fresh food left on the kitchen table.

“Yes hyung” Lay chuckled at him

“Good” he gave Lay a thumbs up

“So – Chen ssi told me you’ve been feeling annoyed because of Baekhyun” Lay started to say and waited for Xiu’s reaction. Xiu shrugged at his words while still rubbing at the stain.

“Is he bothering you that much?”


“Should I talk to him?”

“It’s okay” he replied, still not looking at Lay, who sighed at Xiu’s obvious hindrance

“Hyung – stop looking at the stain and talk to me” Lay told him in an annoyed tone.

“Sorry I just – “Xiu looked up and saw Lay’s scowl, guilt overwhelmed his chest

“Sit on the bed with me hyung” Lay patted the spot next to him and his manner indicated no arguing so Xiu sighed and sat beside him.

“Tell me” Lay grabbed his hand and looked straight to his eyes. Xiu chuckled nervously before trying to pull away.

“This is weird – “Xiu tried to take his hand back

“Well then tell me how you feel or it will get weirder” Lay wiggled his eyebrows and laughed at Xiu’s repulsed reaction.

“Okay fine…yes he annoys me and yes I want to kick his ” Xiu rolled his eyes while stating the truth. “Can I?” Xiu asked hopefully

“Sure as long as there are no scratches” Lay shrugged

“That’s impossible” Xiu scowled at Lay and huffed

“You can always revenge in other ways” Lay hinted without showing the cards.

“Can I have your plan?” Xiu wondered since Lay could create the best revenge if he was completely angry, but Lay laughed at his words and grabbed him into a side hug as his arm was thrown over Xiu’s shoulder.

“Sorry Da ge, but that would be unethical as co-leader” Lay grinned at him

“But he used your clothes while you were gone! And didn’t bother washing it!”  Xiu exclaimed

“It’s okay. I still have clean ones”

“He played with your sheep! And spilled coffee to its back! Couldn’t even get the stain out” Xiu glared at him, waiting for that fire spark to come out

Lay stared at him for a moment before an idea popped into his head.

“I’ll dry clean it. It’s a doll anyway” Lay shrugged

“But Lay~” Xiu whined and his voice could be heard easily by Chen, who immediately peeked his head into the room

“What is this? Cuddling without me” Chen pouted and glared at the arm hanging off Xiu’s shoulder

“Yep… Lay decided I’m his favorite” Xiu teased at Chen’s obvious jealousy, leaning closer to Lay’s warmth

“So this is my repayment for being a good roommate, betrayal and dishonesty!” Chen threw his arms up in the air in exaggeration and walked away from the room.

“It’s too bad Baek is not as easy as him huh?” Lay whispered to Xiu, trying not to giggle so Chen would stay sullen.

“Yeah too bad I can’t use you to make him jealous” Xiu stuck his tongue out, but a moment of clarity suddenly hit him. “Actually I need your help” Xiu grinned at him and Lay raised his eyebrow before nodding.

“I hope you both starve cos I’m not sharing my dinner with you!” Chen exclaimed from the doorway as he held his full plate close to his chest.

“That’s okay. Lay ssi will cook for me” Xiu nudged Lay, who smiled back at Xiu.

“Sure. I’ll make your favorite” Lay stood up and walked towards to the door, where a brooding Chen remained standing.

“Fine” Chen muttered walking away, trying to not care at the fact his roommates betrayed him for each other.

“Lay ssi tell me when it’s done!” Xiu shouted from his room as he slowly closed the door a little so he could clean again in peace. He promised to himself that the stain will be gone by today.

“Chen ssi do you want some warm green tea? I brought your favorite from Shanghai!" Xiu could hear Lay’s voice echoing from the kitchen. He counted numbers in his head as he waited for Chen’s reply, knowing the younger couldn’t resist Lay’s charms. Silence was met and he could hear Lay’s footsteps towards the shared room.

“Chen ssi” Xiu could hear the pout and whine in Lay’s tone and he could sense the eye roll from Chen before he heard Chen’s yes I want some tea

Xiu chuckled to himself as cheery footsteps echoed and Chen’s loud voice filled the dorm.

Ah it’s good to have him back




The stench kept breezing, refusing to confine itself to one area. He scratched his head, wondering if he could convince Xiumin to clean the K dorm again, but he remembered that deep scowls and angry eyes as he watched him scrub every surface. So he sighed and hoped Kyungsoo would be less reluctant, maybe bribing him with the weekend off in M dorm will convince him.

I should have listened to him when he told me to clean hours ago

It was the last thought in his head before he felt warm arms surrounding his waist and engulfing his body. He flinched for a moment before he recognized the smell, spring breeze with a hint of musk and the nuzzling to his neck, a tale tell sign that a certain member came back to Korea. A small smile formed in his lips as he tilted his head a little to the back, trying to face familiarity.

“You’re back” he said the obvious while feeling the hug tightening around his waist

“Suho hyung – You’re still awake” he could feel Lay’s warm breath against his neck before the cold surrounded his body again once Lay stepped away.

“Yeah as you can see, I neglected to clean again” Suho chuckled while fidgeting with his hands

“Yep. Da ge will kill you” Lay before he picked up a discarded Starbucks cup and threw it into the garbage bin.

“How was your flight? Are you injured again? Wait - do I see a scar in your forehead?” Suho slanted his eyes towards Lay’s forehead, trying to determine that blotchy black mark. He was great at being a nagging to s, but cleaning was never his skill sadly.

“I’m fine hyung – “Lay laughed at Suho’s worried state “I managed to come back without a scratch, just like promised” Lay fist pumped into the air while his face remained happy as always.

“Good. I don’t think I can stand Chen’s maternal behavior towards you anymore” Suho chuckled to himself while Lay kept smiling at him.

“He means well. Who else would take care of me? You don’t remind me to take vitamins anymore” Lay pouted

“I don’t even have time to coddle Sehun, be grateful I still remember to hug you” Suho glared at him even though his tone hinted towards sarcasm.

“I see. I’m demoted to casual acquaintance. I thought being co-leader means equal status” he replied while still pouting

“No it just means less work for me. But! – “Suho placed his hand on Lay’s shoulder “You’ve been gone for so long that I’m the one doing your duties so it’s really fair for me to demote you”

“Okay then. I’ll be regular Lay, the original” he responded while nodding and Suho laughed at his words. However Lay’s face remained serious and he searched through his pockets for his keys.

“Then you should take the key to – “Lay gestured for Suho to grab the key

“Whoa! I was kidding” Suho pushed Lay’s hand back

“But you said I’m never around”

“It’s okay. Chen and Xiumin barely need me to hover over them”

“But I don’t do anything but listen to them – “

“Which is good! Just keep being their listener” Suho told him nervously as he refused to take on more members under his wings. Lay shrugged as he muttered okay

“Anyway do you think you can help me?” Suho asked him while trying to look as embarrassed as he could

“You want me to clean this up even though I just returned?” Lay said in amusement

“Well help me clean it up. Come on Lay – you’re one of the nicest”

“So that’s your label of me – being your cleaner and members’ listener” Lay crossed his arms while smirking

“Yes! Please~” he begged of him since he imagined cleaning all of this mess will take at least 2 hours.

“Alright – only because I’m the nicest” Lay chuckled before grabbing a dirty plate and putting it into the jam-packed sink. He scratched his head as he wondered if he should start washing them or keep putting dirty dishes into the sink.

“Um should I wash these or –“

“Yes! You wash, I’ll tidy up” Suho grinned as his plan was unfolding nicely.

They began to multitask as Suho kept dropping more dirty plates into the sink, and wiping dirty surfaces while Lay washed the dishes and placed them into the rack. A mixture of clang and thumping echoed through the dining area and they didn’t notice the sudden arrival of another member.

“Are you kidding me?”

Suho looked up and saw Kyungsoo standing there, a script in his hand and a sullen face stared at him.

“Kyungsoo – “Suho started to say

“Lay hyung stop” Kyungsoo immediately grabbed Lay’s arm, causing Lay to look up.

“Hi Kyungsoo!” Lay greeted cheerily as he tried to hug the younger, but the younger dodged.

“Hyung stop washing – come on” Kyungsoo grabbed his wet hand, but Lay refused to move

“But I’m almost done – “

“No hyung – come!” Kyungsoo nudged him to the other side of the room

“But he’s almost done. Like 10 more dishes” Suho gestured to the sink, but Kyungsoo glared at him.

“I can’t believe you made the gullible one do your chores hyung” he slanted his eyes towards Suho

“I’m gullible? But I thought I’m the nicest – “Lay replied in a sad voice

“You are hyung, extremely nice, but you should not do Suho hyung’s chores”

“But he needed me – “

His explanation was interrupted when Chen saw them and gasped.

“What is wrong with you two?! He’s tired!” Chen immediately grabbed Lay’s arm and grabbed Lay’s arm to drag him away from the two manipulators.

“But it was – “Kyungsoo tried to explain, looking dumbfounded.

“He just arrived today and you made him clean K dorm” Chen glared at them, resisting the urge to use his motherly tone

“Suho hyung – “Kyungsoo tried again, but Chen couldn’t care less.

“Xiumin hyung will talk to you both in the morning. Come on” Chen dragged Lay away, who looked speechless and could only wave goodbye to them. They disappeared from their view and Kyungsoo sighed.

“Great – now Xiumin hyung will make us scrub everything tomorrow” Kyungsoo glared at Suho

“I’ll talk to him. He can be reasonable” Suho tried to laugh it off, but Kyungsoo just glared at him unconvincingly.

He rolled his eyes and walked to his room, leaving Suho to the rest of the mess.

Great, now I’m stuck doing this alone again




He felt a nudge in his arm and he swatted it off with his hand. Then hands grabbed his arm as the person tried to wake him up, but he refused to open his eyes. Finally he heard the familiar voice and the hint of complains, and his eyes opened abruptly, smile forming into his lips.

“Hyung” Baek greeted him cheerily and looked up to Lay’s gentle eyes

“Yay you’re awake!” Lay’s joyful tone echoed in Baek’s ears as Baek slowly sat up. He grabbed Lay’s shirt and pulled him down into a hug, causing both to tumble down to the floor. Snickering could be heard from the other side as Baek noticed Kyungsoo laughing at them.

“You’re both idiots you know” Kyungsoo stated and Baek stuck his tongue out, despite the fact he was still tangled in between Lay’s limbs.

“Kyungsoo the driver is waiting!” Suho’s voice echoed through the dorm and Kyungsoo immediately ran to the door, leaving the two idiots to themselves.

“Come on. You’re teaching me vocals today!” Lay nudged Baek, who looked surprised at his words

“Me? What about Chen ssi?” Baek asked since Lay always seemed to ask Chen for everything.

“He’s stuck in Chinese lessons for the rest of the week and teacher hyung told me to get my high note right before next rehearsal. Please” Lay pouted at Baek after explaining in somewhat broken Korean. Baek laughed and nodded at his request. Lay grinned and pulled him into quick hug before shoving him away.

“But first, you must shower” Lay gestured to the bathroom and Baek giggled while trying to catch him again. Lay was able to dodge and run away into a safe distance.

“But hyung, this is a manly smell!”

“Tell that your noona girlfriend!” Lay exclaimed while grinning at him. Baek pouted in reply and walked to the bathroom sulking at the lack of love.

The day passed quickly and they were no close to starting rehearsal. At first it was breakfast, where Lay made him a simple porridge and Baek ate heartily. Then it was a quick break of watching Baekhyun’s newest obsession, We Got Married. Baekhyun was supporting his favorite couple and managed to get Lay to watch 2 previous episodes, making sure Lay will become hooked to it. By the time lunch came, they were joking around and creating experimental omelets, giggling like school kids.

When Kyungsoo returned, they managed to make a small fort in the living room with Baek’s bed sheets and a white underwear hang around the broom’s pole, indicating their flag.

“Welcome to BaekLaynia!” Baekhyun shouted to a wincing Kyungsoo and Lay giggled at his words. They both waved like the queens and used their stoic faces.

“Are you two drunk?” Kyungsoo asked with wide eyes

“If you’d like to migrate to our beautiful land, you must dance gangnam style!” Baek fisted his hand into the air and Lay followed his action

“While singing to mirotic!” Lay reminded Baek and he nodded in agreement

“Seriously what kind of drugs did you two take?” Kyungsoo slit his eyes; however the reply would have to wait as Sehun returned with Chanyeol and his eyes immediately lit up when he saw the fort.

“Oh my god. You guys made a fort!” Sehun ran towards them, giddy in excitement and Lay stopped Sehun in the entrance.

“You have to dance to gangnam style first” Lay explained to a disappointed Sehun.

“While singing to mirotic” Baek added. Sehun stared at them before realizing he would have to do this silly requirement.

“I got you~ under my skin” Sehun tried his best without giggling while attempting a y gangnam move. Chanyeol toppled over in laughter while Kyungsoo facepalmed.

“I’m calling Chen hyung and he can yell at you two” he shook his head and left, leaving the four idiots alone.

“And~ you’re in!” Baek shouted while making a swishing action with his arm

“Yehet!” Sehun high fived them with his hands. The boys grinned at each other.

They suddenly see Xiumin running towards them as he breathed heavily through his mouth

“I heard mirotic. Are we doing karaoke?” Xiu asked with wild eyes while the others laughed at his question.

“I swear you have supersonic hearing whenever we mention or sing TVXQ” Baek , but Xiu ignored his comment.

“They have to sing mirotic to enter our fort” Lay explained

“Oh” Xiu nodded while looking disappointed, walking away from this bizarre situation.

“See hyung, they’re all idiots” Kyungsoo gestured to them when he returned with Chen, who gasped at seeing the fort. Kyungsoo thought he finally won until he saw Chen’s pout.

“Ge you made a fort with Baekhyun, you didn’t even invite me” Chen told Lay in a sad tone

“It was his birthday present” Lay explained while still grinning, unnoticing Chen’s sad tone.

“Hyung don’t get distracted. They didn’t even rehearse for the high note” Kyungsoo tugged on Chen’s sleeve

“You didn’t rehearse?” Chen glared at Lay, realizing the situation

“I couldn’t concentrate without your smile to encourage me” Lay pouted to him innocently. Baek followed his action and used puppy eyes.

Kyungsoo groaned loudly when he saw their actions, knowing Chen couldn’t even stay mad at Lay for more than one hour. He gave up and walked away, a thundering cloud hovered on his head. Chen rolled his eyes in the meantime and crossed his arms.

“Alright you have to come and make dinner for us” Chen gestured with his hand and Lay took it, thinking it was an invitation to hold hands. Chen looked up in surprise to Lay’s smiling face. Baek suddenly wanted to hold hands too as he grabbed Lay’s other hand.

“Let’s go” Lay signaled Chen to lead and he did lead them to the M dorm.

“You two are kids – I swear you’re both 5 years olds” Chen muttered under his breath as both kids were dragged behind him, hand in hand.

“But we’re your kids” Baekhyun explained and Lay nodded in agreement. Baekhyun couldn’t help but feel this next thought as he grinned.

I love today




They huddled in front of the large television, members squished between each other and a lingering smell of sweat wavered in the air. It was okay for him because he was huddled between his two favorite people, his best friend and his roommate. He couldn’t really concentrate at the movie, not when warm bodies are pressed against him and the urge to strip down for some heat relief increased every second. Though he didn’t mind it when Lay wrapped his arms around his waist, head nuzzled into his neck and familiar scent overwhelmed his nostril.

“You’re so cuddly Chen” Lay muttered to him as his hug tightened and a trickling of sweat rolled down Chen’s back.

Xiu glanced over to the over affectionate couple and rolled his eyes.

“Get a room will you” he whispered over Chen’s body, close enough to Lay’s ear and Chen could easily hear it.

“Come cuddle with us” Lay replied back and a grin formed on his lips when Xiu stared back at him in amusement

“I refuse to be third wheel” Xiu said before leaning against the sofa and trying to focus on the dramatic scene before them.

Chen’s hand traveled to Lay’s hair, tangled in the twists and he massaged the scalp slowly as he heard Lay’s breath beginning to even out. Sleepiness seemed to overcome Lay quickly, but the elder refused to fall into slumber.

“Sleep hyung” Chen whispered

“But the movie is so interesting – “

“Your eyes are barely open” he slightly giggled in reply

“I’m listening to the words and your beating heart. They’re soothing sounds”

“So cheesy” Chen gently tugged on the hair on his nape

Lay hummed in reply, and Chen could feel his lips pressing against his neck, a smile etched in his face. Heaviness seemed to wear off his heart as feelings overpowered it and he couldn’t help but smile also at the current situation. It was great to not worry for once about his hyung and just have him beside him like old times.

“I missed you –“words seemed to blurt out faster than he could think “I missed having you around me”

“But I’m always a call away” his warm breath breezed through his neck

“It’s not the same especially when I can do this to you – “Chen lightly trailed fingers in his neck, causing Lay to squirm so easily “and this also” his hand traveled down Lay’s back, forcing the other to inadvertently shiver, and rubbed the lower back, as if massaging the years of injury away.

“You’re always so good to me Chen ssi – “Lay lightly giggled and nuzzled his nose “I hope you forever remain Chenderella” his teasing tone is back and Chen internally groaned

He whined slightly before giving a little pinch to Lay’s waist, causing the elder to pout

“You’re lucky you’re cute” Chen muttered before facing away from Lay’s irresistible pout, feeling slightly embarrassed by that humiliating nickname

“Chen ssi – “Lay looked up to his face, trying to regain his attention, however Chen remained unfazed.

“Chen ssi I missed you too“ Lay whispered to his ear, a hint of sadness in his tone, before he laid his head down into Chen’s shoulder.

Chen huffed in reply and avoided Lay’s intense stare at the side of his face. Lay’s sleepiness returned and his eyes felt heavy by the second as he couldn’t focus anymore on that speck brown mole on Chen’s collarbone.

Chen felt the heaviness of his head and the steady warm breaths as he realized the elder had fallen asleep. He resisted the urge to move despite the fact he really wanted to scratch that itch near his knee.

“Wait! Pause” Chanyeol’s loud voice boomed through the room and he suddenly ran, almost toppling over Sehun, towards the bathroom. Kyungsoo reluctantly paused the movie and yawned, followed by the members besides him. Xiu wiggled himself from Chen’s side and walked towards the switch, letting the lights flicker from above. He stretched his limbs before crawling on the floor, looking for any fallen food or stains that he must clean immediately.

“So cute” Baekhyun teased at Chen, who blushed and started to look anywhere, but the gazes of the members

“Hush you. Let him sleep” Suho replied in a stern voice, but it didn’t help the fact the others caught on to the embarrassment.

“No wonder they always room together” Baekhyun whispered to Kyungsoo, who couldn’t care less of what other members do in their free time.

Chen threw a pillow at him in retort and Baek stuck his tongue out.

“Stop it – it’s not like Chen hogs him outside of M dorm. I’m sure he’s willing to share” Xiu smirked at him, looking up before concentrating again on picking up a few fallen popcorns. Chen huffed in reply and rolled his eyes.

“Hyung let’s trade spot then so you can rest too” Sehun stood up and stand in front of him, waiting for confirmation.

“But he’s sleeping!” Chen replied, accidently a little louder than he should have, causing stirrings in Lay’s position.

The others snickered and Baek made kissy faces, earning him another throw of pillow

“What’s going on?” Lay mumbled in his sleep, one eye opened and the other is being rubbed by his hand.

“Hyung can I be your pillow?” Sehun asked in whimpering tone, the only kind of tone he would use to gain favors from s.

“It’s okay Sehun – next time” Lay yawned and closed his eyes again, sleep engulfing him quicker than before. Sehun momentarily pouted before sitting down next to Kai, who quickly cuddled to his side.

“So sweet – can’t keep their hands off each other~” Baek sang the last words and Sehun snickered in reply.

Chen could only glare even though his chest felt warm. It was a fuzzy feeling that he often felt whenever Lay would choose him over the others. The kind that would make him smile so easily and brightened his day.

It’s not my fault he prefers me

He convinced himself with this thought before the lights went off and Chanyeol had returned. He smiled at the feeling of Lay’s tightened hug and his breaths became even again.



He strummed the guitar and hummed the familiar melody, unnoticing of the audience near him. He stopped when he struck the wrong chord, eyebrows raised up and he squinted his eyes as he tried to remember which chord should be next.

“It’s A” a voice behind him shocked him as Chanyeol grabbed his chest and looked behind. His wide smile returned as he recognized the familiar face, especially that unforgettable dimple.

“Hyung~” Chanyeol greeted him with a little bow with his head

“Hey” A hand was placed in his shoulder and a little squeeze was felt before Lay sat in front of him

“Only you would memorize the melody so well. I keep forgetting after the bridge” Chanyeol chuckled to himself while brushing his hair with his fingers.

“Well I made the song. Of course I should know” Lay teased as he grinned back at his fellow member.

“Hyung we should make another one. We should collaborate like when we did in Showtime” Chanyeol suggested excitedly

“Sure – that would sound awesome. I’ve been working on a few pieces too, just the melody so far” Lay explained to him with a shy smile

“Show me!” Chanyeol immediately gestured his guitar to him and Lay laughed at his eagerness

“Alright – the first one is R&B”

Lay strummed the familiar chords with his fingers; familiarity overwhelmed him as his fingers quickly adjusted to strings and to the flow of the beat. He started humming to himself as what the lyrics could be.

“That sounds so good” Chanyeol grinned and did a small childish clap while Lay laughed at his expression

“It is really good hyung” another voice popped up as Kyungsoo stood near the doorway and they forced to look at him.

“Thanks” Lay replied timidly before giving a wave gesture as if the compliments were extremely unnecessary.

“Better than what this oaf usually make” Kyungsoo continued to say as he entered the room and looked for his script.

“See hyung - he always bully me. You should scold him” Chanyeol pouted

“But that’s Suho’s task. I deal with the M members” Lay grinned at them

“Then you should add Kyungsoo to your list. We don’t need you! Go be M’s sub vocal!” Chanyeol gestured wildly at him with his hands and Kyungsoo glared at him in return. He stepped closer to Chanyeol as if he would hit him and Chanyeol flinched, stumbling to hide beside Lay.

“We’re not done” Kyungsoo slanted his eyes towards Chanyeol before leaving the room.

“See hyung – I’m always bullied in this dorm” Chanyeol sniffed and wrapped his arms around Lay’s arm.

“You’ll be okay” Lay patted his head in affection

“Can I sleep in M dorm tonight?” he asked in a hopeful tone and Lay burst out in laughter

“So you can hide there? He will find you anyway since we have schedules”

“Yes but if I leave with M members and be with them, then Kyungsoo will barely see me”

“You should ask Xiumin hyung and Chen ssi first then” Lay looked at him apologetically

“So – it’s a yes from you?”

“Yes” Lay shrugged as if the decision never mattered to him

“Yes! We’re roommates” Chanyeol hugged Lay’s arm tighter and Lay could only giggle at his behavior.

“I’m sleeping with Chen – you’re in the sofa” Lay explained and Chanyeol remained grinning anyway

“Doesn’t matter – as long as I’m safe from the devil” Chanyeol whispered to his ear before standing up to drag a bag from under his bed. He immediately began to pack and Lay could only watch in amusement.

“Chanyeol ssi” Another voice from the doorway appeared and Suho stood there, looking confused at Chanyeol’s actions.

“I’m sleeping over at M dorm” Chanyeol explained while grinning

“Oh” Suho glanced at Lay, who just shrugged at Suho’s questioning face

“We have K meeting tonight though” Suho reminded him

“I’ll skype in”

Suho crossed his arms in annoyance

“I’ll make sure he comes to the meeting” Lay told Suho as he stood up and prepared to leave

“Wait hyung – I’ll go down with you” Chanyeol shouted as he quickly stuffed more personal care into his bag, the almost forgotten toothbrush and his lucky hat.

“Let’s go” Chanyeol grabbed Lay’s hand as if he needed to be guided like a child. They quickly walk out with Suho behind them, following their footsteps.

“Don’t forget” Suho reminded him again as they headed downstairs, Chanyeol waving goodbye, and almost tripping at the stairs

By the time they entered the dorm, Xiumin was watching the tv while Chen was preparing for dinner. Xiu raised his eyebrows at the sight of their new guest, who immediately flopped down beside him, trying to take over control of the remote.

“Hiding from Kyungsoo” Lay explained before he joined Chen to prepare for dinner.

“Two rules, the remote is mine and if you create a stain, you’re sleeping outside” Xiu told him in a glare, which Chanyeol simply nodded as he kept smiling.

As soon as Xiu took back the remote and changed it back to his channel, Chanyeol immediately hugged his side and Xiu almost groaned at the affection.

I think I like it here. They let me hug them

“You’re lucky I’m in a good mood” Xiu muttered to Chanyeol as he patted his head and Chanyeol remained happy as ever.




He watched the show in amazement, biting his lower lips, feeling extremely anxious as he tried to understand the show. He groaned in frustration as the scene froze, flickering its pixels and he messed up his hair in irritation.

Why! Why must it freeze when it gets to the good part?

He realized he must now wait for either a better link or to watch without any subtitle, which seemed to be worse option. He sighed and almost gave up in defeat when suddenly a call from Suho hyung could be heard.

“Guys Lay is back. Come and greet him before you go to your schedules!”

His ears suddenly perked up as he shot from his bed and ran towards the kitchen, where he saw Baekhyun hugging Lay as tightly as ever.

“Hyung let’s go for lunch in that ramen place later” Baek suggested cheerily before a manager beckoned him to hurry up. Baek pouted momentarily before saying goodbye. Before Sehun or Kai could hug Lay next, Kyungsoo shoved them both aside and grabbed his hand.

“Hyung watch this show with me” Kyungsoo tugged on his hand, leading him away from the other boys

“Um – “was Lay reply before Sehun interjected him

“It’s my turn with Lay hyung” Sehun glared at him and Kai also crossed his arms.

“I’ll make you both the cookies you love. Let me have him for tonight okay?” Kyungsoo almost stated breathlessly and Kai shrugged in response, while Sehun briefly thought about it before nodding.

Kyungsoo immediately dragged him away and they reached his room under a few minutes, a new record since he would never rush.

“Kyungsoo – what are we watching again?” Lay asked as he entered the room, a little wary for any sharp objects on the floor. He heard of stories of how Kyungsoo kept a personal collection of punishment objects, mostly used on Chanyeol.

“This new Chinese drama – the one Chen ssi watch also” Kyungsoo gestured to his laptop, as he tried to find a streaming link without subtitles

“Oh! That’s Chen ssi favorite – and surprisingly Lu ge too” Lay chuckled to himself as he sat in Kyungsoo bed after the younger patted the spot next to him.

“Luhan hyung watch this also?” Kyungsoo raised his eyebrow and Lay nodded.

“He secretly loves these kinds of shows” Lay winked at him before focusing on the laptop

“Will you help translate? If you don’t mind of course” Kyungsoo shyly asked as he felt a blush creeping up

“Of course” Lay wrapped an arm around Kyungsoo and gestured him to start the show

“Do I need to pause every few minutes or how do you – “Kyungsoo asked him and Lay shrugged.

“I usually whisper it to Chen’s ear but you can choose whichever” Lay explained and couldn’t help but smile at Kyungsoo, who blushed at the idea of Lay whispering at him, despite the fact it would be innocent act.

“I’ll pause then” Kyungsoo managed to say without stuttering and they leaned back against the pillows.

The hour passed by quickly as Lay explained a few important scenes to him and Kyungsoo watched in intense glare. The episode was amazing, but it also caused him to be a little wrecked inside as his favorite leading girl was backstabbed by her friend.

“I can’t believe she did that – ugh women are awful” Kyungsoo stated as he closed his laptop and Lay laughed besides him

“I never realized you cared so much” Lay

“I don’t! But she’s an amazing actress and that scene was so good. Even the chemistry between her and the main guy was intense”

Lay could only nod at his words as he tried to understand Kyungsoo’s fast words

“I wish I could act that well with a girl. Being able to have a good chemistry with her” Kyungsoo stated in a sad tone as he looked down at his lap. Lay grabbed his hand and squeezed it lightly, smiling at him

“Don’t worry – you’ll be amazing at it in the future”

“Do you ever worry about that? That you’re not good enough yet whenever you watch others perform?” Kyungsoo asked him in curiosity and Lay pondered for a moment

“Of course – that’s why I always practice and try harder. But I wouldn’t worry if I were you – you’re already really good at acting” Lay smiled encouragingly at him

“Hyung you’re just saying that so I won’t feel worse” Kyungsoo chuckled nervously

Instead of replying, Lay hugged him tightly on the side and his head resting on Kyungsoo’s shoulder. Kyungsoo blushed at the sudden affection and looked down at his lap.

“Thanks hyung” he whispered in gratitude and Lay hummed in reply.

“I miss your squishy body” Lay poked the side of Kyungsoo’s stomach and Kyungsoo slapped his hand away with a glare.

“You can leave now” Kyungsoo stated even though he makes no movement to remove Lay away from his body. Lay nuzzled his forehead into Kyungsoo’s neck and relaxed into the embrace.

“Let’s watch your guest appearance in running man” Kyungsoo tried to distract themselves from the warm embrace. He opened the laptop again and began searching for the episode

“Oh you didn’t watch it with the others?”

“I didn’t have time”

“Then let me guide you for this episode” Lay told him excitedly and his head was lifted from Kyungsoo’s shoulder. His expression was similar to an energetic puppy as he almost swatted Kyungsoo’s hand away when he touched the laptop.

Kyungsoo watched in amusement and couldn’t help stare at hyung’s face instead of the screen/

Hyung~ why are you so cute




He held his hands, staring at those ridges in the fingertips, and feeling the calluses. He stared in amazement at how these slim long fingers could cause so much melody whether it is piano or guitar. He grinned as he pressed his palm against Lay’s palm, measuring which hand is larger, fortunately the answer is his.

“Hyung I love them” Kai told him as they pressed their palms against each other, fingertips barely touching.

“Really? Why?”

“They look so pretty and they feel really smooth” Kai grinned at him, taking Lay’s other hand and inspecting both at the same time

“I think you’re the first to love my hands” he told him while giggling, his dimple protruding and Kai had to resist himself from poking it for the fifth time

“Hyung I really envy them. I wish I had your fingers – or Baekhyun hyung. Both of you have pretty ones”

Lay could only laugh at him, but he smiled widely as if the compliments really affected his day

“I want these – “Kai rubbed on the calluses “My fingertips are not as rough as yours. It’s disappointing” he pouted and laid his head in his shoulder.

“But you have rough hands too” Lay told him in an obvious tone as he traced Kai’s palm, feeling the rough outlines in his palm

“They’re not the same. See – your fingertips are almost hardened while mine are so soft. I have girly hands” Kai pouted even more and hid his face into Lay’s neck, causing the elder to squirm a little.

“That’s because I play guitar a lot. Your hands are not girly – they’re very manly. Much manlier than mine” Lay made his point across by comparing their hands together, where his looked almost tiny compared to Kai’s

“Mine’s ugly” Kai muttered, not listening to his hyung’s word and refusing to look up after hiding his face into Lay’s neck. Lay quietly chuckled as silence fell between them.

They sat in peace for a while as Kai leaned against him for support and Lay let him as always. Being one of the oldest made him protective of his younger brothers, especially the two youngest who would always go to him they wanted to feel better.

“Hyung don’t go back to China” Kai whispered to him during the silence

“You don’t want me to do activities?” Lay asked him in confusion since he was sure everyone was okay with it a few months ago

“I mean – don’t go back so soon. Stay here” Kai let go of his hand so he could wrap an arm over Lay’s stomach. The brief action caused Lay to writhe due to sensitivity, but mostly a warm feeling risen his stomach.

“Ah” Lay replied as he nodded and returned Kai’s hug

“Okay?” Kai looked up to his eyes in sincerity and Lay couldn’t help but melt under his gaze

“Okay” he said softly and smiled at him

“Good” he snuggled closer to Lay’s warmth and forced himself to etch Lay’s scent into his memory so he would never struggle to remember it.

“And you can’t show off those abs – it’s not nice to tease hyung” he told him in a scowling tone and Lay laughed at his words.

“So what can I do then since I’m not allowed a lot of things?” Lay asked in amusement

“You can only heal us – with your music! But also give us your hugs because we need it” he replied with a happy tone

“Ah so I’m like your mom then”

“No you’re our baby” and Kai made a point to coo at him and ruffle his hair while grinning

“So cheesy” Lay stuck his tongue out, but Kai didn’t care

“I learned from the best – he’s my favorite aegyo teacher” Kai explained

“You’re so cute” Lay told him as he ruffled his hair in return, causing Kai to pout at the compliment

“Why do you have to say that hyung?” Kai whined and pretended to sniff as he gently tackled Lay’s side, causing Lay to almost lose his balance. They would have collided into each other, where Kai would be on top of him. “I’m not cute – cute is for Sehun”

“Ah~ alright you’re adorable then!” Lay

Kai huffed and shoved him away, pretending to look hurt. The door suddenly opened and Sehun walked in, with cold drinks in set in a tray.

“I brought bubble tea!” Sehun told them excitedly with a grin

“But I wanted juice – “Lay stared at him in confusion while Kai rolled his eyes at Sehun’s obvious deceit

“But they don’t sell juice” Sehun stated the obvious fact while gesturing for them to choose which drink they wanted.

“I’ll take the honeydew” Lay reached out for it and Sehun handed him his cup. Just as Lay was about to extract his hand back, Kai grabbed his hand, put down his bubble tea and forced his hand to be under Sehun’s vision

“Don’t you think his fingers are pretty?” Kai stated “It looks nicer than most members’ right?” he asked Sehun, who looked surprised at the sudden question. Lay nervously chuckled at the attention he was getting.

“Um – I guess?” Sehun replied with a shrug and sat next to Lay

“Useless brat” Kai huffed angrily, which earned a ‘Hey!’ from Sehun.

Lay hushed both of them into silence and started the bubbles in his tea. Unhappy with his defeat, Kai leaned back against Lay’s warmth, finding comfort from the elder as usual.

“I guess they are pretty” Lay whispered to Kai, who smiled at his words contently

“Gay” Sehun coughed and Lay playfully smacked his stomach.

Ha ha suffer!

Kai smirked at a crestfallen Sehun and grinned to himself as the day was starting to become great.




He stared at his phones, couldn’t decide between the 3 choices presented to him. He hummed to himself as he tried to think which would be the best choice based on the facts presented to him. The first choice was obviously a great one, but he thought the third choice would definitely satisfy his kinks. So he scratched his head and hoped some type of miracle will come so he wouldn’t really have to choose.

“Sehun we’re waiting for you” a voice called out to him as the person stood in front of him. His eyes traveled upwards to a familiar face, one that he loved to gaze at during difficult moments such as now.

“Hyung~ you’re back!” Sehun grinned at him and proceeded to stand and hug him

“Of course. I was back hours ago” Lay laughed at his silly greeting “You didn’t even notice” his tone indicated sadness, but he still smiled.

“I was distracted hyung. I’m sorry” Sehun pouted and used his favorite cute voice on him

“What has gotten you distracted hmm? You don’t even have responsibilities” He

“I need to pick between these 3 choices for my date tonight” he showed the pictures on his phones, the possible candidates

“Oh – you like all 3 of them?” Lay scratched his head in confusion since liking one girl is common, 2 girls were rare, but 3 seemed farfetched.

“Yea – they’re all very pretty especially this one” Sehun pointed to the first choice “But she’s too much like Xiumin hyung, studious and such. I want a daredevil like me”

Lay laughed at Sehun’s description, but also understood his emotions since Sehun was never the serious dater of the group.

“And what about the other 2?” Lay sat in the chair next to Sehun and Sehun sat down again

“The second one is in the middle. I think she’s enough, but she’s not as pretty as the first. And the third, they say she’s very wild in bed, but she’s okay looking. I don’t like her hairstyle”

“The second one seems better then?”

“But hyung~ she’s so bland compared the first”

“Then choose third”

“But she’s uglier than the other two”

Lay could only laugh as he didn’t even know what to do

“Maybe you should ask Baekhyun ssi or even Chen ssi” Lay started to stand up, but Sehun pulled him back down

“No – they would laugh at me. Plus Chen hyung already disagree on my views on dating”

“Oh – but I am really bad at this. I would probably choose the wrong girl for you”

“Just pick one for me” Sehun insisted despite Lay’s sighs

“Okay – I would say first because you need someone more mature than you”

“What – I am mature” Sehun gaped at him in response

“You are, but it’s better if the girl is wiser than you” Lay patted his thigh before trying to leave again, however Sehun grabbed his arm again.

“Wait – so do you think she’s kinkier in bed because she’s wiser?”

Lay stared at him with wide eyes, not sure if he should respond or yell for help.

“Hyung?” Sehun was waiting for him

“Um – “

“Lay ge!” Chen’s voice echoed through the walls and his footsteps were approaching their location

“Chen ssi! Come here!” Lay immediately shouted while still trying to get out of Sehun's grip

“Hyung - Oh there you are Sehun. Come on we’re leaving” Chen gestured with a wave of his hand, but he noticed that the tension between the two.

“Sehun you should ask Chen ssi. I don’t know anything – in fact I haven’t dated in months so really – “ Lay started to ramble on where most words became broken sentences.

“Ask me what?” Chen interrupted Lay’s rant

“Ugh fine – hyung do you think an older girl means she’s kinkier in bed?” Sehun now faced Chen, who stared wide eyed back at Sehun

“What – why are you asking these things? You’re too young – “

“I’m 21!” Sehun retorted

“Wait until you’re my age and I’ll tell you”

“You said that the last time we talked about this” Sehun slanted his eyes towards him

“Then ask Baekhyun ssi. Now let’s go – “Chen gestured to the both of them again

“Wait – which girl do I pick then?” Sehun whined as he finally stood up, but kept his grip in Lay’s arm. Chen looked back at him in confusion.

“He has 3 girls he likes, but can’t pick” Lay explained

“Oh – let me see them” Chen finally smiled and reached out to take Sehun’s phone. As he scrolled through the choices, Lay leaned in and told him that he would pick the first.

“Hmm – the first one is really pretty, but really you should pick from the heart, not because we told you to” Chen handed his phone back and Sehun rolled his eyes

“Hyung that is so lame – it’s not like I would date her”

That was when Lay stopped struggling and Chen glared at Sehun’s absurdity.

“Wait – so all of this time you were asking which would be a better ?” Lay asked him in a calming tone, but his interior felt quite different.

“Well duh” Sehun rolled his eyes again, which caused Lay to twitch his eye and he managed to free himself from Sehun’s hand. He walked away, before he felt the need to scold the maknae despite knowing his reckless behaviors.

“Idiot” Chen muttered before following Lay’s footsteps

Why are they so y? Must be the lack of lately

Sehun shrugged as he followed his hyungs. He decided to text the first girl and hoped she would be free tonight.

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nightingalesatnight #1
Chapter 5: This was really sweet and funny
hiletsmile #2
Chapter 5: Thanks for your update. For me, regardless just brothers or in couples, I love it when Yixing being loved as much as possible by everyone. I subscribed and will follow all your stories :)
parvitasari #3
Chapter 7: I'm always here for you?? Lay you just give sehun way to ruin your plan with jongdae tonight.. it will be cute if sehun ruin their make up moment.. and i thought sehun will sulking a whole week, but i'm wrong.. anyway i'm sooooooo happy for this cute chenlay moments.. i need moreeeeee.. update soon..
twoomnag #4
Chapter 7: hey!!chenlay came out to suho and sehun..
i thought sehun was gonna be jealous and flip out but he's not..that's good..haha..
wonder what plans yixing has in store for jongdae tonight~keke
Chapter 7: awww, glad that the others are taking the news well.
i expect sehun to throw tantrum or something XD

yixing is on the way to korea now >< man, i miss xingdae sfm
nightingalesatnight #6
Chapter 7: So very cute I'm puking rainbows
kakashilover #7
Chapter 7: Awwwwww that was soooo sweet chapter

Mmmm,I think I would love to see some drama ,,,sooo
Surprise me ,;p
Chapter 5: FML THIS IS THE CUTEST THING AND HOTTEST THING RN. I dont know why i procrastinated and not read this before. But thank you for this. I nd this kinda story rn. Its like my medicine hahaha, keep up the good work and oh gosh, i love this <3
kakashilover #9
Chapter 6: Mmmmm,,,,,where is the update ?!!!
parvitasari #10
Chapter 5: Is it just me or you switch chapter 5 with chapter 6? Because i'd already read chapter 6, but i never read chapter 5..
and i already read The Pleasure of Teasing You.. it enlighten me..
but your update is so hot and amazing.. i see now that chenlay gonna be intense, hot, adorable, and sweet.. i want chenlay cute moments mooooooooreeee.. anyway thanks for your hardwork..