The One With The Milipede

Brothers Despite Everything

A cold kiss laid on his cheek as the cold breeze rushes through his window. He shivered as he quickly closed the window. He stood observing the room for that last crucial item that he can’t recall. He knew he should have finished his packing days ago, but even his best plans came to a fall.

“Is it my shoes…no…what about my…no can’t be…” as he ponders and stared at his wall. He crooked his head sideways as he noticed a stain and wondered if it has been there a long time.

“It looks so funny…it’s like a small kitten playing with yarn” he thought as he imagined the possible shapes that the stain could make. His dimple came out of its hiding place as he chuckled to himself.

“Lay ge! You forgot your…” Chen stopped at his tracks and burst into laughter. “You got distracted by the same stain again!”

A warm feeling rushed through his body as he felt the comforting back hug that Chen suddenly gave. He smiled shyly for his mistake and wished his memory was as keen as the other members.

“I guess I did” Lay admitted as he looked down to the floor in embarrassment.

Chen put his toothbrush into his bag and tugged his arm towards him. Lay looked up at Chen’s face and notice he made the same aegyo face whenever he wanted a favor.

“You promised to watch the final episode with me! You can’t leave until you watched it with me!” Chen exclaimed

“Then I’m your prisoner!” Lay extended his hands together towards Chen as a gesture that his hands will be tied. Lay pouted while his eyes twinkled in mischief.

“Stop being silly” Chen laughed and grabbed his hand tightly and pulled him outside of his room. They headed downstairs where chaos has ensued.


“Catch it!!! Why are you playing with that!! Hyung stop laughing” Tao whined while standing on the dining chair. Contrary to him, Xiumin found the millipede to be interesting and wanted to play with it.

 At the same time, Candy found the small creature to be mesmerizing and would follow it whenever it moves. She seemed to think it’s her new toy while her owner was worried for her safety.

“Candy! Come here! No! Stop following that evil thing” he cries as he tried to reach for her, but his efforts became futile.

“Tao it’s not gonna hurt you… see it can’t even crawl fast enough to you” as Xiumin used his paper as a wall as if to guide the millipede to safety.

“Look what it does to Candy! It’s hypnotizing her with the creepy legs. It has mind control!” Tao argued as he carefully stepped down from the chair while trembling. Making sure he was 3 feet away, he walked around the millipede and was able to grab Candy off the floor. Candy struggled against her owner, but her escape attempts failed. She whimpered and used her big eyes to persuade some leniency, but he was too distracted by the crawling monster.

Xiumin burst out in laughter at Tao’s ridiculous statement while Tao was taken aback by his reaction. He pouted and wished Suho was here instead.

“He would understand my feelings…and not laugh at me!” Tao thought to himself as he frowned

“eh eh EHH Tao stop screaming!” Chen replied in annoyance as he appeared hand in hand with Lay. Although Chen may be annoyed, Lay was smiling to himself after hearing the antics of his brothers on the way down. Chen reluctantly let go of Lay’s hand and walked closer to the millipede. He took the paper from Xiumin’s hand and began to try to get the millipede into the paper.

 “But it’s cold outside…don’t let it suffer” Xiumin pouted to Chen and batted his eyes. It was a common act between him and Chen to pout whenever the other wanted to win an argument, even though Chen would always give in.

Chen laughed and playfully smacked him.

“Stop that! We’ll get no peace if we don’t take it out”

“But I’m your favorite hyung!” Xiumin tried one more time so he wouldn’t have to use his favorite weapon to win an argument against Chen.

“Don’t listen to him…I know what’s best okay. If it weren’t for me, we would have bugs all over this house!” Tao waved his hand as he tried to make his argument sound more logical. While he talked, Chen was finally able to put the millipede into the paper.

“Here…take it outside then” Chen told Tao and shoved the paper in front of him. Chen smirked as Tao immediately jumped back and ran behind Lay, who couldn’t stop laughing at this scene.

“Make him stop…do something!” Tao whined to Lay and sniffled. He finally let go of Candy and hugged Lay from behind. Whether or not he did it for protection, he knew Lay would understand his feelings more.

Candy, who was now free from her prison, wanted to play with her new toy. So she would try to climb Chen’s body with her paws, but failed every time….so she jumped, but she still failed. Her determination didn’t end as she kept trying while whimpering for attention.

“Okay okay…let’s put him in a jar for now” Lay stated and nodded his head towards Chen.

Chen nodded and grabbed a small jar and carefully dropped the insect.

 “But but…you can’t keep it!” Tao tried to reason with Lay, while still hugging him

“It’s just for tonight okay…we’ll put him outside tomorrow when it’s warm and sunny” as Lay beckoned towards the window. The yellow orange sky signaled the approach of sunset and the return of nightfall.

“I’ll put it in my room” Chen stated as he walked towards his room while Candy followed on his trail.

Candy watched as Chen set the millipede down in his table and went back downstairs. Candy walked back and forth trying to figure out a way to get onto the table. She started running a few feet from the table so she could jump up, but it was too high for her. Whimpering in defeat, she laid down and stared at the millipede, hoping the jar would fall due to some miracle.


“Let’s eat Tao…I’ll make you your favorite okay” Xiumin tried to console him and patted his back so he would let go of Lay. Tao sniffled but eventually let go of Lay as he sat down in the chair. He looked down at the table as Xiumin suggested a few food he could make under the short period of time before the other members arrived.

“I want this!” Tao pointed to the food that was in takeout menu.

“But we’re making food…we’re not buying out…” Xiumin started to feel restless and glared at him

“But we always order out when members are coming” Tao argued and crossed his arms while pouting

“But they have eaten…” Xiumin started to argue but realized he would not win against Tao’s complaints. He grudgingly took the take out menu and jotted down other foods they could order.


Lay was starting to feel warm due to the constant hugging from Tao. He took off his hoodie and left his black tank top on. He sat down on the couch, legs apart, and arms on the couch’s head as he leaned his head back. He closed his eyes and felt some part of his tiredness fade way.

In truth, he couldn’t wait to start shooting his movie, but he was also sad to leave s behind due to upcoming comeback. He worried over them whenever he was gone especially since they’d be alone in dorm at nights.

He felt a sudden shift of balance as Chen sat beside him.

“You’re taking up all the space” as Chen nudged his side and took the remote from Lay’s side. Lay felt guilty as he put his arms down to his sides. Chen the VCR and started to play the show.


A few minutes passed by and ruckus came from outside. Someone was knocking in a rhythm; another was slapping the door with his hands many times, while the rest was incoherent shouting made by 3-4 members. These noises consisted of:

“Warning warning warning…” was the sound of Baekhyun as he slapped the door while chanting it

“You should do ‘my heartttt’ high note after I make my drum roll” Chanyeol suggested to Baek as he nudged Baek, and started to do a drum roll

Kai’s dogs began to bark incoherently due to the noise while Kai laughed at this obscenity scene.

DO was pressing his hands to his ear while wishing he had individual schedule tonight…or maybe if he was in the same group as Ryewook.

“Then again Super Junior has Heechul, Baekhyun 2.0. Or maybe Shinee? But they have Key…” were the thoughts that ran through his head every time s annoyed him, which was daily.

Sehun chanted ‘E X O’ while he’s being carried by Suho in his back. He managed to convince Suho to carry him out of the car after constant whining.

 But out of those entire ruckuses, one voice stood out as he yelled

“Open the damn door already!” as Suho failed to keep his calm

The other members laughed at his sudden outburst and Baek mocked his outburst before laughing again.

 Xiumin finally opened the door while laughing. However before the members could rush in, Sehun pushed himself off Suho, shoved a few members out of his way and ran inside to see his hyung, all while having a derp face. He looked around before noticing Lay sitting next to Chen.

He jumped into the couch and took the other side, just to snuggle next to Lay, who was surprised by immediate contact.

“Layyy you’re gonna miss when they release my teaser!” as he tugged Lay’s arm. He laid his head on Lay’s shoulder. Lay laughed as he nodded to Sehun’s remark. Chen glared at Sehun for disturbing the peace before watching the show again.

The others, who have gotten used to Sehun’s behaviors, shrugged it off and walked inside. However Suho was annoyed and was ready to give him a lecture, but lost his thoughts when Kai’s dogs rushed in and ran to find Candy.


“I brought my dogs!” Kai exclaimed as he told Tao who walked up to greet K members.

Tao squealed as he heard this news and grabbed Kai’s arm.

“Let’s make them have doggy dates!” Tao said excitedly and drag Kai upstairs with him.

“Sure…wait what?” as he made a funny face and almost cringed as he realized what Tao meant.


The door bell rang and Chanyeol rushed to the door where he found a delivery man with many foods.

“Ahh hold on…SUHOO PAY FOR THIS” a well known sentence that the members have shouted many times whenever there’s a delivery guy at the door.

Suho, who was busy cleaning the kitchen with Xiumin, suddenly noticed the delivery man and walked towards Chanyeol. He gave him the card and went back to cleaning. Chanyeol swiped the card and received the foods from the delivery man.

“Ohhh it smells so good” Chanyeol stated as he brought the food to the table. Sehun, who noticed the smell ever since the door was opened, jumped out of the couch and went to the table. He took two boxes of food and was about to leave when Suho called him out.

“Sehun! Don’t take their food without permission” he scolded

“It’s okay I ordered enough for all” Xiumin replied as he sat down and started to eat. Chanyeol and DO followed his actions.

“Okay but why are you taking 2?” he continued to ask the maknae

“Lay needs it!” Sehun explained and Suho nodded to him. He went back to his seat with both foods.


“I bought this dress for her last week! And I bought this for your dog!” Tao grinned at Kai, who looked completely turned off at the idea of dressing his dogs

“No…he’s not wearing that”

“But he’d look so handsome with it! And look! The buttons is Gucci quality!” Tao showed him the buttons that really do seem high quality and bought from high scale store. Kai stared in amazement that even dog clothes are this nice.

“Okay fine they look nice, but he’s still not wearing that” he replied stubbornly

“But he has to! Candy’s first date has to look idol quality. She never deserves anything less! Right baby?” Tao gloated and picked up Candy from the floor. He tried to get a from her, but Candy was too distracted by the fact her friends were in the other room.

“Yea…I think you need a girlfriend” Kai stated seriously, as if Tao had become those delusion fans who love nothing but their bias.

“Yea but she can’t walk the walk like baby can” he stated as he tried to get a kiss from her, but Candy refused to comply.

Kai laughed at Tao’s statement and almost wanted to die from laughing. Luckily Tao didn’t notice that he suddenly became Kai’s personal entertainer.


Sehun opened the box of foods and divided the chopsticks. He ate a bite and proceeded to prepare the next one. He nudged Lay with his arm.

“Lay look here” he stated as he waited for Lay to notice him, but failed. He nudged again and spoke louder.

“LAYYY look over here” he whined and finally Lay looked at him. Just as he was about to reply, Sehun shoved a chopstick full of food inside his mouth. Luckily Lay didn’t choke, but he did coughed, which grabbed Chen’s attention.

“Oiii what are you doing? Don’t feed him to death” Chen scolded

“I’m not! He’s just a slow eater” as Sehun took another bite for him and prepared another for Lay

“It’s okay Chen….it just surprised me” Lay explained and opened his mouth for another. Sehun carefully put it into his mouth this time.

Baekhyun, who saw it all happened, also wanted to be spoon fed.

“I want some too! Sehun feed me!” he whined and walked closer to in front of them using his knees

“No! Get away!” Sehun playfully pushed Baek away with his foot. Baek used his hand to shove the stinky foot elsewhere while still opening his mouth for a bite.

Lay opened the second box of food and fed Baek a bite. Baek chewed it fast and opened his mouth again, while panting like a little puppy.

“Hyung what are you doing??!! You’re supposed to feed me!” Sehun pouted and stomped his feet to the ground a few times. Lay laughed at the cuteness of his brothers

“I’lll feed you both…don’t worry” he laughed as he prepared another scoop

“Me first! Me first!” Sehun opened his mouth and Lay fed him. Then he fed Baek.

“Whyyyy?! I’m watching this with Lay ge and you guys are ruining it” Chen exclaimed and looked sad.

“Want a bite?” was the only reply Lay said. Chen stared at him before grinning and opening his mouth.

As Chen received a bite, a loud scream was heard from upstairs. While some shrugged and went back to eating, Suho and Xiumin decided to see what’s going on.


"KILL ITTT” was the first thing they heard when they reached Xiumin’s room.

Xiumin almost fainted when he saw Tao on his bed rubbing his bare feet against his bed cover. And he almost doubled over when he saw the overturned chair and the fallen stack of paper in his floor.

“TAO GET OFF MY BED” Xiumin shouted in panic as his clean, organized and perfect room became the play area for the dogs and overgrown maknaes.

Despite his yells, Tao was still panicking on Xiu’s bed due to the fact he had the shock of his life. He wanted to get Candy back, but encountered that evil monster again. He had no idea how it got out from the jar, but all he knew was his foot almost touched it and that he almost fell trying to get away from it. Regardless of this, Kai was no help at all…he basically laughed his off during the whole time.

Xiumin had to physically drag him down from the bed and pushed him outside. A trembling Tao ran to Suho as if he was a toddler who injured himself.

“It tried to kill me!” he exclaimed as he pulled Suho into a hug. Suho patted his back and brought him downstairs to console him. Kai followed behind them as he noticed the familiar smell of food.

Xiumin took deep breaths before he started to clean his room. First he had to grab that millipede and put it back into the jar.

As he walked inside Chen’s room, he noticed the broken glass of jar and instantly hated the night’s events. He let out a big sigh before accepting his fate. He put the insect under a used glass, and started cleaning the broken glasses.


1 hour later

“Guys we need to have a small meeting before we leave” Suho said out loud while he stood near the dining table.

 The members began to sit or stand around the table except Chen who was upset that his show was interrupted.

“But I didn’t finish my show yet!! You guys !” Chen complained while he walked to the table

“We’ll finish tonight don’t worry” Lay patted his back and hung his arm around Chen’s waist.

Sehun, who saw this act, became annoyed so he pulled Lay towards him for a back hug. In the meantime, Lay didn’t want to let go of Chen so he pulled Chen into his arms. Chen smiled as the trio became a train of back hugs.

Baekhyun pouted to Chen and wanted a backhug too so he stood in front of Chen. However, Chen gave no sympathy and pushed Baek away as if he was expired food.

Tao saw the turn of events and approached Baek to give him a back hug. At first Baek rejected him, but eventually gave in.

“Are you guys done being gay?” Suho asked half jokingly and half annoyed.

“Yes!” Baek shouted and mocked Suho’s crying face, a trend amongst the members whenever they want to annoy him. A few members laughed at his expression while Suho glared at him

“As you know our member Lay will be gone for a few days due to his schedule and we’ll be doing a few performances without him…” he started to say.

“I want to go to Beijing too!” Sehun shouted followed by the beagle line agreeing

“We talked about this…you can’t and stop enabling him!” Suho glared at the beagle line, which pretended to look innocent and pointed to the members in front of them as the culprit.

As Suho continued to talk, Lay felt a sense of sadness that he would miss this once he’s gone for the next 2 weeks. He hugged Chen tighter and laid his head on his shoulder as he listened to Suho’s unending talk.


Lay knocked at his door and quietly went in. He saw Chen sitting up in his bed checking out his phone. Chen looked up and smiled at him.

“Lay ge what are you doing here? Where’s Sehun?” Chen asked since Sehun insisted on sleeping over. He went straight to Lay’s bed and used him as his cuddle pillow before he fell asleep.

“He fell asleep and it took a while to get out his arms” he chuckled. “Let’s finish that show!” Lay stated as he climbed Chen’s bed with his laptop besides his arm.

“But it’s so late…” Chen started to say worriedly.

“It’s okay…my plane is still later” and he snuggled next to Chen and placed the laptop on their laps.

“Okay! Let’s rewind to the part where they almost kiss! You have to translate what he said so I can say the exact same thing to a girl in the future!” Chen said excitedly and rewind to the part he wanted.

Although it took a while, they ended up finishing the show in less than 2 hours. The laptop was kicked to the end of the bed as they fell asleep together. His arms are around his waist and his soft breaths breezed through Lay’s hair, but all that mattered was he finally watched the show with his favorite hyung.

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nightingalesatnight #1
Chapter 5: This was really sweet and funny
hiletsmile #2
Chapter 5: Thanks for your update. For me, regardless just brothers or in couples, I love it when Yixing being loved as much as possible by everyone. I subscribed and will follow all your stories :)
parvitasari #3
Chapter 7: I'm always here for you?? Lay you just give sehun way to ruin your plan with jongdae tonight.. it will be cute if sehun ruin their make up moment.. and i thought sehun will sulking a whole week, but i'm wrong.. anyway i'm sooooooo happy for this cute chenlay moments.. i need moreeeeee.. update soon..
twoomnag #4
Chapter 7: hey!!chenlay came out to suho and sehun..
i thought sehun was gonna be jealous and flip out but he's not..that's good..haha..
wonder what plans yixing has in store for jongdae tonight~keke
Chapter 7: awww, glad that the others are taking the news well.
i expect sehun to throw tantrum or something XD

yixing is on the way to korea now >< man, i miss xingdae sfm
nightingalesatnight #6
Chapter 7: So very cute I'm puking rainbows
kakashilover #7
Chapter 7: Awwwwww that was soooo sweet chapter

Mmmm,I think I would love to see some drama ,,,sooo
Surprise me ,;p
Chapter 5: FML THIS IS THE CUTEST THING AND HOTTEST THING RN. I dont know why i procrastinated and not read this before. But thank you for this. I nd this kinda story rn. Its like my medicine hahaha, keep up the good work and oh gosh, i love this <3
kakashilover #9
Chapter 6: Mmmmm,,,,,where is the update ?!!!
parvitasari #10
Chapter 5: Is it just me or you switch chapter 5 with chapter 6? Because i'd already read chapter 6, but i never read chapter 5..
and i already read The Pleasure of Teasing You.. it enlighten me..
but your update is so hot and amazing.. i see now that chenlay gonna be intense, hot, adorable, and sweet.. i want chenlay cute moments mooooooooreeee.. anyway thanks for your hardwork..