a tricky little thing

Path Code
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Baekhyun smiles as the sun shines brightly outside, casting its warm rays inside his open apartment and making sure to chase all the darkness away. He feels warm inside, content with how he’s been living the past few months. It took so much for him to be able to live comfortably in Lyon, France, but he thinks the outcome is slowly getting better.   He turns around from the window to head to the couch, smile brightening as he sees Lu Han and Yifan sitting there, talking to each other. They both look so nice, cleaned up and not wearing the dreaded white clothes they were made to wear when they were held captive before. Lu Han’s wearing a colorful jacket, contrasting to Yifan’s black and white ensemble, but they still complement each other perfectly. They look so happy.   Baekhyun remembers a lot of things from the times they were all captured, being tested over and over again trying to see what each of their limits were. He remembers seeing Kyungsoo being the smallest yet strongest out of all of them physically. He remembers hearing Yixing being the softest, gentlest amongst them scream his lungs out at the pain coursing through his veins. He remembers feeling the soft feathers of Yifan’s strange wings that would appear half the time he was tested on, disbelieving that a man so large could look so angelic despite his sharp facial features.   “Lu Han? Yifan?” he questions when he stops next to them on the couch, watching as they stop talking to look up at him curiously. He feels water well up in his eyes at the innocence they both exude in their gazes. And then they each give him a soft smile. It finally registers they weren’t even saying anything at all. They can’t speak. It’s like watching a moving picture. “I wish you were still here.”   The images of Lu Han and Yifan slowly disperse into the air, his mind continuing to put illusions of his friends anywhere and everywhere without him knowing. He forgets.   Light can be a tricky little thing.       Baekhyun takes a deep breath as he starts to walk up the steps to a historic building, stopping halfway to turn around and make sure nobody else was following him. He always liked to take walks right before sunrise to clear his head, but sometimes others don’t approve. He hums when he doesn’t see anybody and quickly goes to turning on his music, listening to the melodic beat as he continues his way up and into the large building.   He hasn’t visited this place in a while, but he likes it. There’s an odd familiar feeling of all the passageways he can take, bringing him to a new section of the city if he wasn’t paying attention to where he was going. He lightly sways back and forth as he continues to walk, looking up at the light fixtures hanging off the walls as he passes by. It’s bright enough to still make him feel comfortable.   And he thinks back to the afternoon before, seeing Lu Han and Yifan again as if they were still alive and breathing.
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( pathcode ) so i've had the next chapter typed up for a couple of weeks now. i guess it's time to post it for exo's comeback :O


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Chapter 3: Crying omfg pls update U love this
orange_milkshake #2
Chapter 3: oh my, the feels is really... i want to cry... can't wait to read the next chapter..
futagoza25 #3
Chapter 3: This brought me to tears, twice! Each times Baek's light creates an illusions of Kris & Luhan...
I like how you wrote each stories & can't wait for the next update~
acchan #5
SCREECHES AT YOU OMG ILY SOBS wait hows your hand ????? are you getting better? dont force yourself to write/type before your hand heals ><