Lee Jangmi

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"Mom, I'm going!!" I said and head off to school. I am Lee Jangmi, a scholar in Bangtan Highschool. Eversince I started schooling there, I worked very hard to maintain my grades. My mom can't provide enough money for me to continue studying in Bangtan Highschool so I have to do part time jobs to help her.

I am a junior now, just one more year and I'll be able to go to college. There will also be new competitors, because now our rankings will be determined with the boys. This hardwork will benefit me someday, I just know it. 


"Those who wants to be a candidate for the School Student Council, please take your application form here." A lot of my classmates stood up to get a form. As far from what I have observed, a lot of students from my class will occupy the rankings. I can see there determination and potential.

I don't really have anyone whom I am close with. Someone you share secrets with and eat together. You may call me a loner but I just have my books opened with me even when I eat. It became a habit of mine. I just got used to studying that is why. 



I was walking along the quiet hallway to drop by the library. The way to the library barely have any people. Either they are already in the library or because the library is isolated from any noise.

Behind you someone is following you run away run! He will kill you. Run! 

I stopped dead in my tracks. Not this again. I took in a breath in kept on walking, my heart is beating so fast that I did not notice my sweaty palms.

Before this get worse I ran to the rest rooms. I pushed past the door and jumped in shock when I saw my dad reflected in the mirror. My breathing became unstable, I stare into my father's tired eyes. Those eyes that were once filled with love and admiration. I was paralyze

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