
Kookie's Video Cam


The first day that BTS films their new reality show in Japan is apparently a very very hot day.

“Well then, Jungkook,” The manager hands over the camera to Jungkook once he gets into the van. “The personal camera is yours for the day.”

“Really?” Jungkook beams, rotating the video camera around in his hand in pure fascination. “Thanks, manager hyung!” He squeals out in excitement.

One by one enter into the van and soon, the vehicle is crowded with seven boys, their manager and the driver. Jungkook glances out of the window in his seat and scoots closer to it to give the elder some space as Taehyung gets in and plops onto the seat right beside his.

“Can’t we… get a bigger van, please?” Yoongi mutters in disapproval from the very back, getting squeezed in between Namjoon and Seokjin uncomfortably. Jungkook glances at his position and he does have to agree. It’s sizzling hot inside and Taehyung’s shoulders pressing tightly against his and their thighs painfully squeezed together isn’t helping at all.

“Manager hyung!” Jimin shouts as soon as he catches the sight of the video camera in the younger’s hands. “Why did you give it to Jungkook? He’s going to fill up every bit of the memory space in it with videos of flowers and clouds!” He says in total refusal of the manager’s choice of the camera-man.

“No, I’m not!” Jungkook glares at the latter dangerously. “I’m going to only film important things!” He sticks his tongue out before going back to checking every inch of the device.

“You better film us all, Jungkook.” Jimin blurts out as he relaxes in his seat, still uncertain if that’ll happen.


About ten minutes have passed, and the van has already grown silent. Jimin and Hoseok are fast asleep, Jimin’s head on the window and Hoseok’s head hanging low on Jimin’s shoulder. Yoongi has managed to fall asleep somehow as well, still sandwiched in between a drooling Namjoon and snoring Seokjin.

Jungkook is busy filming the fields and muttering random things into the camera as he finally decides to put it down.

“I’ve filmed for ten minutes straight.” He sighs, leaning back on the head rest. “At this rate, I really am going to fill up every space in the camera.” He glances around, seeing the members drowned in slumber. Then he glances at Taehyung who’s playing with his phone, earphones attached without even noticing the younger.

“Even this hyung is completely ignoring me.” The maknae murmurs clicking his tongue, but still looks at Taehyung once again to take a good look at his side profile.

It’s the first time that Jungkook has noticed that Taehyung up close from a side is really handsome. With the sunlight shining onto his face making it glow, his sharp jawline and his expression full of concentration makes Jungkook blink in awe.

He thinks he has another beautiful thing to get on film.

Jungkook forgets that he has memory space to save as turns the camera on again, this time directing it towards Taehyung’s face.

“This is Taehyungie hyung.” Jungkook chirps into the camera. “He is very handsome, right?” Taehyung glances his way and smiles at the lens brightly. “Hello.” He waves, eye smile even more charming up close.

“What are you doing while everyone’s sleeping, hyung?” Jungkook questions.

“I’m chilling. With Jungkookie.” Taehyung answers casually, to which the younger scoffs.

“Chilling with who? You were completely ignoring me a while ago.” He blurts out, making the elder laugh.

“You should show yourself to the fans. You’re very handsome too.” Taehyung tries to turn the camera lens towards Jungkook, but the latter protests.

“No, hyung. I’m only supposed to film!” He says as Taehyung goes back to playing with his phone once again.




After a long ride of about an hour they finally stop at an ice cream cart located near a river, the members rushing outside one by one, impatient for a taste of an ice cream to quench their thirst.

Jungkook receives his chocolate chip ice cream and shows it off to the camera.

“We’ve now stopped to have some ice cream. Ah, it’s really hot.” He says. “They have so many flavors but Jungkookie’s is the best one! Chocochip ice cream jjangg!!” He giggles, showing himself on film for the first time while a stripe deliciously on his scoop. He glances away to find Taehyung leisurely sitting on a low-built wall, savoring his ice cream while staring ahead into the river.

Jungkook smiles unconsciously; he definitely should take a shot of this moment.

“Taehyungie hyung!” Jungkook runs over to the elder, stopping in front of him. “What flavor are you having?”

Taehyung grins and shows his half-eaten ice cream to the camera. “It’s hazelnut flavor.” He says. “It’s the best, really.”

“Ah…” Jungkook says, sighing. “I thought mine was the best but yours looks even better, hyung.” The latter laughs at Jungkook’s cute remark and holds his own ice cream at the maknae.

“Have a taste, then.” Taehyung says and Jungkook squeals in delight. “Really? Thanks, hyung!” He makes sure to film both of them as Taehyung feeds a bit of his hazelnut ice cream to him, happy smiles decorating both of their faces.

“Waaaah, it really is better than chocolate chip. Ah, I’m envious now…” Jungkook says in a regretful tone, only for a joke but after he is able to capture Taehyung’s laugh on video, he thinks that he’s doing a very good job.




BTS’ next stop is a beach glowing in a breathtaking gold under the bright sunshine. Jungkook can’t help but squeal because it’s such a blessing that he could film a masterpiece out of this place.

The maknae starts running to the shore, capturing the wonderful view of the calm waves lashing against the soft sand, completely mesmerized by the sight.

“Waaaah, this is such a beautiful beach!” He exclaims in awe, stomping his feet on the ground excitedly. Meanwhile, Hoseok and Jimin throw their shirts over their heads and zoom over to the sea, screaming elatedly like two excited girls. They start messing around as if they’re in paradise, impatient to make the best use of the limited time they’ve got. Jungkook rolls his eyes as he moves his camera towards the two idiots that go by the name “hyungs” for some time before redirecting the camera at Namjoon and Seokjin who are busy building a sand castle. Jungkook expects a wave to come and wash it away eventually, which does happen because they’ve been working on it too close to the shore.

 Although he thinks that it’s so stupid of two grown men to do childish things like that, he still wonders how cute they look when absorbed into their work, while he murmurs words of humor towards them as he films.

After about fifteen minutes, Jungkook wipes away the slick sweat off his forehead, internally cursing at how damn hot it is. He feels like he’s going to get roasted if he stays out in the sunshine for another second so he runs over to the beach umbrella where Yoongi and Taehyung are lying peacefully. Glancing over at Yoongi who’s sleeping soundly, Jungkook walks over to Taehyung who’s enjoying the view just in his shorts and sits on the ground, finally relieved that he’s getting some shade.

“I felt like I was going to die!” Jungkook groans as he gets rid of his shirt soaked in sweat.

“I don’t think it’s that bad.” Taehyung says in return and Jungkook turns his head to shoot a look at Taehyung, only to get stuck in the magic known as “A shirtless Kim Taehyung that looks hot as hell”. Jungkook tries his best not to squeal at the perfection, but now he knows why Taehyung doesn’t think the weather’s too warm.

Hot isn’t a problem for people who actually are hot all the time.

By the time Jungkook comes back to his senses, he’s recording the walking perfection on his camera. However, he could only film Taehyung’s close up view for about half a minute before Jimin calls over to the elder to go and play with them and in a fraction of a second, he is too far away with the other two, playing ball like a seven year old.

Jungkook shakes his head, but still keeps on filming, zooming in and capturing the happy grins on either of their faces, but he can’t help but film Taehyung a little bit more because damn, it’s impossible to miss out his well-defined body out in the sun, mesmerizing and perfect.

The younger is shaken from his trance when he sees Taehyung signaling him to go over.

 “Jungkookie!” Taehyung shouts. “It’s so much fun here! Come on out!”

A huge grin spreads across Jungkook’s face. “I’m coming, hyung!” He shouts back as he gets up and gleefully rushes out to the shore, camera still recording Taehyung’s handsome face toothily grinning back at him.




It’s already evening and the boys are all inside a souvenir shop close to the beach, checking out different pretty objects to take back to Seoul. Jungkook is once again hanging around Taehyung who is wandering around the shop, trying anything and everything on display, also showing himself off to the camera as Jungkook films everything. The younger thinks Taehyung looks even more attractive now, skin slightly tanned from the long exposure to the sun and dark hair all messed up and wet, enhancing his appeal.

“Hyung, try this.” Jungkook picks up a black necklace with a shark’s tooth as a pendant. “I think it’ll look nice on you.” He hands it to the elder who checks it carefully for a moment before slipping it down his head and around his neck.

“How do I look?” Taehyung looks at himself from a nearby mirror and then turns towards Jungkook to get his opinion. The maknae doesn’t know why all of a sudden his heart skips a beat after seeing his hyung. Everything about Taehyung right now seems so right at the moment and Jungkook wonders if it’s weird of him to think of his hyung like this.

Jungkook gasps, smiling even though he’s having a huge internal struggle of feelings right now. “You look perfect, hyung.” He breathes out and only Jungkook knows how much he means it as Taehyung just chuckles humorously.





The most satisfying and the most memorable moment of the day for Jungkook is when they’re all watching the sunset together, watching the breathtaking landscape and mumbling words of admiration towards the scenery. It’s the final moment of the filming for their first episode as well, so they all try to bring the best out of it as they try to create interest, talking about their experience of the day. Jungkook is also trying to bring out the best of the moment, though from just holding the personal camera and filming, he tries to film the blissful moment on video perfectly so that the moment could last visually for days and probably years to come.

“Namjoonie hyung, what do you want to say to the fans before we finish filming?” Jungkook questions Namjoon who waves into the camera.

“Right now we’re watching the beautiful sunset from Japan. It would be much happier if our fans were here with us to enjoy the moment together, but you all are watching the sunset too right?” He says cheerfully and Jungkook smiles, nodding unconsciously.

“We are very thankful for all the hard work you all are doing for us, and we promise we’ll never let you down either. BTS and ARMY fighting!”

Jungkook shifts the camera to the other hyungs, each of them expressing their feelings into the video with bright smiles, and finally Taehyung appears on film, Jungkook falling all over again for his charms.

The maknae doesn’t even get time to ask him anything when the elder starts talking.

“We’re watching sunset in Japan! It’s honestly daebak!” Taehyung eye-smiles into the camera and Jungkook’s hand shakes a little.

“What do you think of today, hyung?” Jungkook asks, and Taehyung grabs the camera from the younger before slipping his arm around Jungkook’s shoulder. He holds the camera so that the both of them are on film as Taehyung grins at a bewildered Jungkook.

“Today, I had a lot of fun with Jungkookie.” He says happily. “Taetae and Jungkookie jjang! BTS jjang!” He shows a thumbs up, and only when he glances back a Jungkook, the younger realizes that he’s staring at the latter while they’re both on film. Shoving the nervousness away, the maknae also joins Taehyung and gives a thumbs up.

“Hyung’s right. Today was awesome!”




And during their long ride back to their hotel, Jungkook is the only one awake. He isn’t exactly sure why he doesn’t feel sleepy at all, but he thinks it has something to do with the way Taehyung and him are squeezed together even more than they have been in the morning, and maybe even the fact that Taehyung’s head is resting on the younger’s shoulder as he sleeps peacefully. Jungkook looks at his face and admires how flawless his hyung is, how perfect he looks in every angle and there is a nervous feeling bubbling in his stomach out of nowhere.

Jungkook could film that too, but he rather chooses to take in the view from his own eyes and not from a camera.




All of the members enter the hotel, some stretching their bodies and some mumbling softly about how exhausted they are after a long, long day. Jungkook also swings his arms around to relax the muscles before pushing the key into the keyhole and turning it. He barges in and doesn’t bother to take out the key as he drops his backpack onto the bedside table. The sound of the door shutting is heard, but Jungkook doesn’t see his roommate anywhere so he cranes his neck only to find Taehyung sprawled across the floor, face down.

Shaking his head, Jungkook walks over to the elder and bends down.

“Yah, hyung.” He shakes Taehyung’s shoulder with a hand. “What are you doing on the floor? At least move onto the bed, please.”

“Can’t.” Taehyung mutters onto the floor. “Too tired.”

Jungkook sighs. “If you’re not getting up, I’ll have to lift you up and carry you.”

“That’d be appreciated.” Taehyung murmurs and Jungkook lets out another helpless sigh before he winds both Taehyung’s arms around his neck, giving the elder a piggy back to the bed and laying him down as gently as he could.

“I’ll go take a shower first. I’ll wake you up after I’m done.” Jungkook says, about to walk away but there’s a weak grab on his wrist. Before he could react, Taehyung pulls onto his arm and the younger falls on his on the bed with a startled yelp.

“Stay here for a while.” Taehyung says, face buried in the matress. Jungkook frowns.
“But we’re soaked in sweat!” He complains, but Taehyung just snuggles closer and rests his head on Jungkook’s lap, making the younger a little embarrassed.

“I don’t care. Just stay.” He murmurs with closed eyes and Jungkook heaves a breath as he gives in, watching Taehyung’s face under the light of the lamp, much clearer and more appealing than ever. A little smile creeps up Jungkook’s face as his hand flies over to the camera on the table unconsciously.

Jungkook promises himself that this is really the last video he will ever take that day, but he is sure he would film Taehyung until he is satisfied.

“We’re all back in our hotel. And look at Taehyungie hyung sleeping right after he came back.” Jungkook whispers, focusing on the outline of Taehyung’s eyes, nose and lips. “He didn’t take a shower, didn’t let me take a shower and he even insisted me to become a pillow for him.” Jungkook giggles cutely while reaching to brush the strands of hair stuck onto the elder’s forehead.

“But hyung did a very good job today. He’s always hard working. Isn’t he handsome while he’s sleeping?” Jungkook thinks the fans owe him big time because if it hasn’t been for him, they wouldn’t be able to see Taehyung’s perfect face up so close in the perfect view so easily.

Jungkook leans in towards Taehyung, softly planting a kiss on his forehead, making sure he catches that one on film as well.

“I love you, hyung.” He whispers into Taehyung’s hair.



“What the hell is this?!” Jimin’s yelling echoes inside the van as he slams the video camera onto his empty seat. “Why the hell is it only pretty places and Taehyung you have filmed, Jeon Jungkook?! Didn’t I tell you to film us all?!” He shouts and Jungkook frowns as he lifts his head from Taehyung’s shoulder, wanting to give Jimin a piece of his mind for disturbing him while he is in a peaceful world of music with his hyung.

“I did film you too. At the beach.” Jungkook mutters when Jimin stomps a feet, flaring up.

“Yah you only filmed us for one minute! All the rest is Taehyung!” He yells and then turns to the manager. “Manager hyung, I told you not to give it to Jungkook to film!”

Taehyung chuckles, cracking an eye open. “It’s because I’m handsome.” He says confidently, touching Jungkook’s head. “Right?” The younger nods playfully with a grin.

“These two are always so… Ugh!” Jimin groans. “Like two little love birds!”

Jungkook thinks, maybe they do act like two little love birds at times. Though, that’s not something he really minds.

Nope, not at all.




A/N: Please continue giving lots of support! :D
Love you! <3


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peggyw #1
Chapter 1: Seems like a real scenario
Chapter 1: omg plz, so cute!!
plz, a sequel in which jungkook confess his feelings for taehyung would be good!!!!!!!!!!
btw, great work.
Chapter 1: Jimin you have to understand that you aren't pretty enough in Jungkook's eyes to be filmed, unlike Taehyunggie :P
in a good way dont worry im healthy

but mannn these are the types of stories my heart longs for <33333
u did a really good job love it!!! ;D
Frinda #5
Chapter 1: Awwwww!!!xD As i was reading, i remembered the times Jungkook was filming Taehyung so everything you've wrote became so clear in my head that i'm dying!!! cute cute cuteeeeeee ♥♥♥ *melting*
TaekookieLuver #6
Chapter 1: Authornim!! Can u mke another sequels? Bcause my heart cant calm even a little as long as they werent dating..huhu.. you need make another sequels like tae confess to kookie and have a happy ending after all! Plsssssssss... im begging!! Huhu..
Btw,this so much cuteness and i cant handle it!! Hope you'll write more taekook coz worlds need taekook more.. annoying btw.. haha. ;))
Chapter 1: so much cuteness im so inlove with ur writing i hope u write more taekook <3
kookvkim #8
Chapter 1: So adorable and reallyx2000 cute~~≧﹏≦ Ohh...I cant handle the cuteness﹋o﹋
Authornim,u r the best,Jjang!! /thumbs up/
Chapter 1: Aww! This is so adorable!