Running Man School?

A Day with Running Man

Kook drove to the Running Man School set, meanwhile the others had to look for the clue throughout the big building. Ae got out and looked around for clues. "Hmm...looks like we have to look for," she moved her thumb off some words, "swimsuits that are our colors and get on the bus. We have 15 minutes." Kook went look around as quick as he can. Before they separated they grabbed walkie-talkies. 5 minutes later, Ae Ji hears people talking, the others she shoves her mission card in her blue bag. She runs to the science room, "Ae find anything? I found Jae Suk's and Suzy's bag." She lowered the sound, "No, but I found the others." She looks around the science room, she sees a hint of dark blue. She runs to it softly and saw the bag of swimsuits for them. "I found it! Meet me at the bus in 4 minutes! I'm not far." She ran to the other door across her and saw the exit. But, the Monday Couple were in the way. She looked at another door to her right. She opened and made a run for it. 6 minutes left! She saw Kook but, before she got there she was getting pulled. "Jae Suk! Let go of me!!" She kicked her way and ran to the bus. She got on with Kook. "Have their bag?" He nodded and gave it to Ae. She threw it out the window, leaving Jae/Suzy team or red team mad. Mostly Jae Suk. "Oppa? Did you find it? We have more time to find it!" Ji Hyo said a little worried about waiting another 15 minutes.  Gary came with a Green bag, they got it. They walked to the bus and sat down waiting.

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