The twist(2)

Experiencing love

Krystal POV
"Details now!" I almost shouted at Sulli once we reached our training room. The other members stared at us. 

Victoria then Said " woah woah what's with that voice?" 

"Sulli is in a relationship with Hoya, caught them kissing when I was looking for her" I replied. 

The other girls gasped and said "why didn't you tell us?" In unison.

Sulli looked down and said "it's kind of a long story." 

Victoria shrugged and said, "there's an our before our activities start, I'm pretty sure we've got all the time to listen. 

Sulli sighed and started explaining"You know the day where Krystal went out with Myungsoo, and I wasn't with you guys?" 

"I thought you said you were going to meet your mum in Busan?" We asked. 

"Well, I was going to meet my mum but I mistook the date and they were on a vacation on that day, and the bus wasn't coming in like 3 hours, so I went to walk around Busan. You all know I like to read books, so i went to the Busan library to borrow books, I borrowed a few books and then I went to the park to read them, but on the way to the park, someone knocked into me and I fell down and dropped my books, the person immediately apologized and helped me up. But I scraped my hand while falling so, the person was really nice and even sent me to the park even though I only got a scar. Turns out the person was Hoya. We spent the afternoon together since he had just came to Busan for a relaxing walk and well... Yeah I'm probably sure that you know what happened next." She said. 

Amber stared at her and said "you haven't answered our question, why didn't you tell us?"

"I was... Embarrassed" she finally replied.

"You don't have to be, we would have totally understood." I then said.

"Sorry..." She apologized. 

"Oh, Krystal, someone left you a gift." Victoria said, smiling.

I lifted up my eyebrow. Victoria pointed to a bouquet of flowers on the bench. I walked to it and smelled the flowers, they smelled great! I then read the card. Who's Minjun? 

The girls who read the card with me asked "who's Minjun?" 

I shrugged and said "No idea, I've never met someone with the name of Minjun before." 

All of us then started to ponder about who Minjun was. 

"Who are you Minjun?" I asked myself softly
Myungsoo POV
As soon as we reached our dorm, I managed to get us left alone since I said the excuse of us practicing the duet.

"Explain!Now!" I scream shouted at him.

"So, remember the day you went out with Krystal?"he asked.

I nodded and said "yeah, why?"

"Well, I went to Busan to take a walk and when I was strolling, i accidentally knocked into Sulli, and the poor girl fell onto the ground, I helped her up and decided to take her to the park since I was going there as well. So, I spent the rest of my day with her since It was kind boring being alone. She turned out to be great! We have so many similarities! And yeah, you probably, know what happened next, I don't want to tell you about my dates with her and you probably wouldn't want to know." He explained. 

"Ok..." I said, understanding the situation. 

"But seriously, why didn't you tell at least me about this?" I then continued.

"It is embarrassing." He replied, suddenly taking an interest in his shoes.

As we chatted about the situation as we thought we were alone, but we didn't know that the INFINTE members were eavesdropping through the door...

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mintiebear #1
Chapter 8: Aw hope you post a longer chapter in future ;)